Lover of Venus: Part III by Elements of Desire Tokyo, 1999... "So Minako-chan, what's on your mind?" She looked up startled to see a pair of silver-blue eyes, curious and innocent. "Usagi-chan!" She gasped, "Don't sneak up on me like that!" "But-" the other blond begun. "Gomen! Gomen! I didn't mean to be late!" A dark-haired girl raced in, her smile was bright and apologetic. "Rei-chan! You've been taking lessons from Usagi I see." She smirked. "Hey!" The dark-haired girl looked defensively, just as Minako fell forward. "I am not always late!" The odango-blond said with a huff, and walked off. "I've got to go home now, I forgot that today is when guests are coming over to my house." "Just don't be late." The blond muttered sarcastically as she rose wobbly from the table. "Violent Smacker." "I heard that!" The odango-blond called over her shoulder just before she disappeared outside. "Minako-chan?" She started again for the second time that day, and looked to her dark-haired friend. "Hai?" "What's wrong? We've all noticed that you've been...preoccupied by something these days." Worried violet eyes looked into her sky-blue ones, demanding softly for the truth. "I - I don't know what you're talking about." She said unsteadily. "You know exactly what I'm talking about Minako." The other stated firmly. Silence fell upon the table, "Rei-chan...have you know." "No I don't know." The dark-haired girl looked impatiently at her. "Lonely." She finished, her eyes downcast, unwilling to face the pity that she did not wish to see in her friend. The silence was too harsh, she was too curious, timidly, she looked to find sad and confused eyes. "Minako-chan." The other whispered and hugged her close. "I-" she begun. "Iie, don't say anything." The other commanded as the dark- haired girl's arms tightened around her. "I understand." The two stayed that way awhile before Rei pulled away at last. "So Minako- chan, you've got anyone in mind?" They laughed, the tension, the sadness was still there but had it ebbed a little, she was in control again, because she knew; somebody understood. Crystal Tokyo... The crashing sounds would not have wakened her had it not been for the screams, blood curtailing screams. Where am I? She wondered, startled and disoriented. Then she realized that she had been dozing under a tree after losing Rei in the maze of the city again for the millionth time in the last few centuries. She hadn't been sleeping enough these days, plagued by the memories of long ago, of him, of happiness, of the murders, she was becoming like Rei and the day at the campus trying to fend of the guys even in the 'conservative' clothing she and her dark-haired friend wore, the guys were still a little hard to handle. Especially since they didn't want to hurt anyone and Rei with her quiet temper that sometimes flared and need someone like her to take control - when she's in control of her own anger that is. She jumped up, after reasserting her location in her head and the direction of the scream. In a few seconds she was there, and she grimaced as she saw the blood splattered walls. Damn! Another one. Feeling a presence she spun around and watched a hooded figure standing close to her. "You better transform." Was all that it said, its voice smooth and gruff at the same time. A cackle broke her concentration and she looked to another hooded figure, its face masked in porcelain, delicate and white and smooth, even appearing to be like that of the face of a doll, not a murder. But the empty black sockets that glowed a soft blue sent eerie shivers down her spine and the hairs at the back of her neck prickled, she didn't like this situation at all. Grimacing, she frowned and in a moment of hesitation the shadow of the figure disappeared, in last than a second it was above her. She dodged, a reaction-instinct that she had gained and she was grateful for later on. Still out of shape she thought, and after years of battle, instead of turning and running like a scared coward and giving her enemy the advantage she took this moment to mutter her transformation. "Venus." She whispered and her civilian cloths changed to her Senshi uniform. In a way, she had never been so grateful for being so old and so powerful, had this happened years ago it would have taken more than a few seconds for her to change and her eyes would've been unable to stay directly concentrated on the enemy. "Touch鮢 The mask mocked, the lips smile impishly but did not open to form the words that the shadow behind the hood whisper. It's next blow was faster than she had anticipated, but than again, her Senshi form was much more agile, and her suit protected her, the power up of her energy also helped erase all traces of tiredness from her mind. "Shimatta!" She cursed under her breath only to have the groaning laughter of the masked figure bite at her nerves. She lashed out, sending a bombardment of golden-light upon the mask, she did not need to utter any words to call upon her powers now, she need not warn her enemies of her tactical moves. "Very good Venus." The cloaked figure chuckled. The crack on its mask was the only hint of onslaught, but the magik that surrounded it must have been strong to stand her attacks without so little a damage. A streak of red seeped through the crack, and teardrops of crimson fell, staining the perfect white cheeks and running streaks of red streams down the side. "Kill him while you can Sailor Senshi Venus." The hooded figure that had been there before appeared again. This time it was sitting on the rail watching her, regarding her with an air of intensity as well as a lackadaisical easy that frustrated her. The three must have looked ridiculous! Two figures were cloaked in mystery; one in a Senshi uniform, while the walls that surrounded them was covered in blood. "Kill me while you can!" The masked figure mocked again. "Heal." She whispered and the two figure stayed immobile as a blinding gold light appeared form the horizon, a golden light of hearts surrounded them and exploded. She gasped, the figure fell onto the bloody ground, the mask laid in pieces within the blood and dissolved to nothingness, soaked in red. The other hooded figure leapt from the rail and regarded her after looking to the mask and the figure. "Very good Venus." The figure said, she could swear that it was smiling even if its face was hidden in shadows. "A new power I see." And with that the figure promptly disappeared. "Hey! Who are you?" There would be no answer this time, for he was already gone. Sighing she looked again at the figure before her and cautiously walked over, lifting the man from the crimson pool she allowed her wings to grow and open from her back, sending a storm of white feathers into the air. "Gather." She said coolly, and the feathers, the blood, all the evidence disappeared. With it all, she too was gone. A single feather floated in the air, a gloved hand grasped it before it could land onto the sidewalk. It was the only memory of the battle that had occurred early and the only prophecy for ones that was to come. "Minako. So you Senshi caught another straying mouse." The hooded figure grinned within the shadows that he hid. "Happy hunting." His form disappeared and the people once again littered the streets, ignorant to what had trespassed before. "Minako-chan!" A worried voice called to her and she turned around wearily. The adrenaline of fighting was still with her and her muscles tensed in anticipation. "You've been fighting." She relaxed when she realized that it was one of the Senshi for only they knew her this well. "Mako-chan, I've got the murderer." She stated. "Where's the bastard? I'm going to rip his throat out for hurting my Nephrite!" The auburn-haired woman cracked her knuckles menacingly. "Mako-chan! You can't!" "What do you mean I can't?" "Because Mako-chan - " "What's going on guys?" A soft voice inquired. "Ami-chan! I'm so glad you're here! Please tend to his wounds and call Hotoru-chan here, I need her to heal a wound that I'm sure this man here would like not to turn into a scare." She took a glance at the startled look on Makoto's face and the dawning of understanding began to creep in. "Oh and Ami-chan," the other looked startled at her as the blue-haired woman was about to leave. "Take Mako-chan with you and keep her away from him!" "Hey!" The auburn-haired woman cried in outraged. "Oh?" The blue-haired genius looked surprised, but complied. The blue-haired woman dragged the auburn-haired woman away as the latter shouted out a string of curses that made the former blush to her toes and her to cock her brow in amusement. Makoto would never change! But she still needs a little time to cool down, for I can't have her killing him! The blond sighed and carried the body to the medical office, and gently laid the body onto one of the bunks. "Minako-chan!" She glanced up into worried purple-eyes. "Rei-chan! I'm so glad you're here!" She moved aside to show the unconscious form on the side. "The murderer." The dark-haired woman widened her eyes in surprise. "He - He''s Kun-san!" A frown replaced the shock. "Iie. He's not it." The blond looked in surprise at her friend. "What do you mean he's not it?" "He's not it." The other repeated, shaking her head. "Not what?" "The murderer." Minako's jaw dropped. "But I saw him! The blood! The mask! Everything." "What you saw was probably possession, common form I guess." The dark-haired woman sighed. "This is more serious than I thought." "Okay, let me get this straight. One moment he's mister pain-in- the-neck for me, telling me that white is not my color and the next he's out slaughtering masses of people because he was possessed." Sarcasm was laced through her voice in such a way that the dark-haired woman grinned, railing her up more. "In laments terms, yes." A frustrated scream rang down the halls, "Rei-chan!" Crystal Tokyo Palace, Minako's room... "Minako-chan, you're too stressed these days. Have you been sleeping lately?" The blond looked up with a half glare at woman before her. "Rei sent you didn't she Ami-chan?" The blue-haired woman nodded with an understanding smile. "I can't believe this! I used to be the one who did these types of things!" "Ah, but Rei used to be the one who blew up when frustrated and now it's-" "Me, I guess we switched roles for once." She chuckled, but it was an empty chuckle. "Minako-chan? Daijobu?" "Iie. I guess I'm not." "I'll give you a sleeping pill, maybe it'll help you sleep better tonight." "Arigato, Ami-chan." "Ami-chan?" "Hai?" The blue-haired woman turned as she begun to leave the room. Sea-blue eyes looked curiously at her in question. "How is he?" "Seiou Kun? I can say he's seen better days, but he's condition is stable and he is sleeping at this moment down in the medical room" Smiling she nodded to the blue-haired woman who smiled back rather mysteriously. "Sweet dreams Minako-chan, I'll see you tomorrow." "Hai!" She turned and left and as she rounded toward her room she paused and decided that she should check on this man that had seemed a threat hours before, in or out of the costume. "So this is the infamous Seiou Kun." She took out her portable computer and attached it to the headphone, putting it on she tapped in a few keys and then gently placed the screen-glass before her eyes. "Hm. Age: twenty-six. Sex: male. Employment: Head of Seiou Corporations. How convenient." She said sarcastically and tapped on with her gloved hand, intricate with tiny silver wires that laced the place mass of material that covered her tanned skin to respond with her thoughts and actions. "Earnings: 1-3 million a year. No wonder about the arrogance, mister-rich-snob here. Ah, here's the good stuff!" She clicked and the information popped up to her eyes. "Seiou Kun, born in America was the only son of parents Seiou Subaru and Kao Akira, both having Japanese descendants and both very well off in economic matters. That explains the name and the arrogance, spoiled since childhood, how expected. Seiou Subaru was struck by tragedies when his wife Kao Akira was killed in a boat accident and her death pronounced by drowning. In actuality she was later discovered to be having an affair with Seiou Subaru's best friend and colleague Akou Kabao, who killed her when she threatened to tell Subaru the truth. He confessed to these crimes in a letter before he shot himself in the head and committed suicide for his crimes. Seiou Subaru drowned his grief in drinks and became violent, even to his son who had to be moved in with realitives because of his father's beatings and common depressions..." she gasped softly, never mind this isn't a happy story. "Nasty isn't it." Gasping again she jumped up, still half blind by the screen information before her and unsure who spoke. When she frustrated pushed it aside she met amused cool-blue eyes, with glints of silver. And for the first time she recognized them, those eyes without the shades to hid their color and intensity. She knew those eyes they were... "Kunzite!" She gasped out. "Iie! You can't be him! He's not like you!" He smiled in confusion. "Gomen nasai, I don't believe I know what you're talking about Aino-san. Have you been running into things again? Or dropped on your head when you jumped off the torii gate when I wasn't there to catch you?" She fumed at the comment. "How dare you-" she begun. "I dare." He replied defiantly and the two tried to stare each other down. "Pompous jerk!" "Vain snob!" "Am not!" "Are to!" She laughed suddenly when she realized what they were arguing about. Her, at least two thousand years old, arguing and name calling like she was but five, he's melodious voice joined hers and she realized abruptly that in a way Kunzite had always been aloof but she had been to determined to get him to notice. She laid a hand on his mouth for a second and that silence him, her eyes confused as she felt the same shock that she felt when she first kissed him when he was about to disappear, the same sadness of their last kiss when he killed her and she, him. "Aino-san." "You know me better than that Kunzite," she replied softly and his eyes widened, something of a shadow passed in his eyes. "The Venusian Princess." He whispered in awe as she felt a presence in herself that she had not felt in a long time and before her she saw the first of the four Kings of Earth that had stolen her heart and her love by his first cool gaze. "Kunzite?" She was uncertain again, feeling for the first time in a very long time, shyness. "Minako." No one can call her like that but him, a simple longing and yet confusion of this feeling that one of them had never felt and the other had been searching for because it was in her nature and her name. "It takes that long for you to call me that again?" She asked with a smirk. "Minako, shut up!" She gaped and he pulled her down and kissed her for the first time in over four thousand years. "Minako!" She woke groggily to see her dark-haired friend smiling at her brightly. "Now I remember what you're situation reminded me of!" "Na ni Rei-chan? It's six in the morning!" "This is for all the time you guys keep bursting in my room!" The other retorted. "As I was saying, remember Usagi and Mamoru's courting? Remember how the two couldn't stand each other for the longest time?" "You're telling me that I remind you of Usagi when she was fifteen." "Hai!" The other replied brightly. "Rei-chan! I'm what? Three-thousand years old?" "Hey, never stopped you from acting childish before." The other retorted. "Rei-chan!" "Would you guys be quiet? People are trying to sleep here!" "Kunzite?" The dark-haired woman looked startled. "You knew he was Kunzite?" "If you had eyes in your head you would've realized!" "What are you implying?" "Shut up! Shut up!" "Gomen nasai!" "Minako?" "Hai?" "Why are you sleeping with Kunzite already?" The blond jumped, the silver-haired man fell off the bed and the dark-haired woman smiled amusedly as the blond ran around the room. "Why does she always do that?" Kunzite asked exasperated. "You're asking me?" the dark-haired woman asked in disbelief. "How the hell should I know? It's Minako we're talking about here." Just then Minako tripped and fell over the sheet that she dragged around with her. "Minako!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay okay, it's not my best work, but make do with it! I'm working on a much more interesting series called On the Enemy's Side ;) That's taking all of my seriousness and imagination. So nah ;p At least it's done and you can breath easily...urr...that is until my next and last part of Memories, the conclusion...actually two more stories now that i think about it. One on Setsuna ;) and the tie up for Rei and Jadeite! Yeah! Finally right? well write to me and tell me how loose and crappy this one was...excuse the language ;) email me at: and don't forget my new pseudonym is Blue ;) check it out! PLEASE!!!! ;) And write to me ;) Ja! Blue