Emma63@juno.com Don't worry, I won't keep you guys in suspense much longer. ITM, WYBT is almost finished, with only a couple more parts to go. Thanks for taking the time to read my fanfic, and as always, comments and constructive critisicm is welcome. :) In the Morning, Will You Be There? Part 4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ So lonely am I My soul is a floating weed Severed at the roots ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Finally! Nothing more to worry about. "Operation Serena" was scheduled for 5:00pm that afternoon. Still, Raye had other things on her mind. Heaven help her, but she was feeling confused. Even her fire signs wouldn't help her out. All those visions, of someone named Chiru...that gave her the hope that maybe there was someone other than Darien that she could love, someone who was meant to be with her. Yet- this Chiru from the Moon Kingdom seemed so very familiar, that she was beginning to doubt if he had ever been more than a best friend. It was strange. Generally, when a recollection of the past came to her, the memories came flooding in, all at once. Raye could not remember a thing about her love life, presuming she did have one at some point. There was another thing that puzzled her. Raye was always able to see Chiru in her dreams, but once her slumber was broken, the image of his face disappeared like wisps of clouds blown away by the four winds. So, hypothetically speaking, even if they bumped into each other she would not be able to recognize him. "Whw," she blew at her bangs in frustration. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Whatever happened to shopping at the 99-cent store, Lita?" Ami deliberately asked. "So I can't stand the sight of Serena being disappointed. But I had to bake some of those cream puffs, anyway, so what's the big deal?" She broke into a smile. "So, whatdya all get her for tonight?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Hello?" Darien asked into the receiver. "Hi, Darien? It's me, Raye." *She sounds nervous, I hope the plans for the party haven't been upset in any way.* "What's wrong? Did the caterer call and say they couldn't make it? It's not the DJ, is it? And Serena's friends _are_ coming, aren't they?" "Of course! No, Darien, it's nothing like that. I just- well, I have to talk to you. In person. Could we get together at the park? You know, same place as the other times?" "Sure, Raye, anything ya say. Is everything alright?" "Just meet me there in ten minutes." Her tone was brusque, she knew, but if Raye had not hung up the phone, she would have backed out of her resolution. She was _not_ trying to sever Serena and Darien's relationship, no, that was not it. It was just that she had to let him know her true feelings. He wouldn't be mean about it, she knew, but she almost hoped that he would do something similar, to help her get over it. He'd probably be nice about, though. Well, then, maybe he somehow remedy the awkward situation. Darien always did make perfect sense- at least he did to her. Raye's confidence increased a tad as she thought of how Darien would have an answer. Funny, how giddy Serena felt as she walked over to Darien's apartment. Just as it was coming into view, she saw her boyfriend rush out of the building in a hurry. "Darien, wait!" She was too far away, and the slight breeze in the air scrambled her words into jargon. She ran after him, recognizing the route to one of their favorite spots. Then Serena saw Raye, sitting on one of the benches, hands clasped tightly in her lap. Not jumping to any conclusions yet, Serena started to call out to both Darien and Raye until she noticed the way Raye jumped up the moment Darien came into view. As they talked, Serena stood there, dumb. "So, what's up?" "Look, Darien, this isn't easy for me, so can you just hear me and not look at me for about thirty seconds after?" Raye pleaded. In her anxiety, she completely missed sighting Serena. "Whoa, this sounds serious," he lightly kidded. "I just want you to know that I respect your relationship with Serena more than anything, but I just have to tell you that I'm in love with you. I always have been from the moment I met you, and I- and I've been trying not to, but my mind and heart are conflicting. I didn't do this to make you feel sorry for me, or give you a guilt trip, I just had to let you know..." Raye trailed off, uncertain of the reaction she would get. "It's okay. I do like you, Raye." Darien pulled her into a tight embrace, a comforting one that brushed off the embarrassing moment between them a few seconds ago. It was all Serena needed to hear. Raye, outright double- crossing her, and Darien holding her! She couldn't believe her eyes, but at the same time, she held her sobs and vowed to never let anyone hurt her in that way again. *I will not let anyone in my life have that much power over me. No more!!* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The girls laughed and chatted on their way to Serena's. Even Raye was able to smile again. Her talk with Darien had proven to be the right thing to do. He had assured her that he cared very much about her and the rest of the Scouts, even loved her in his own way, but that he would be able to offer her the kind of love she wanted from him, for that was reserved only for Serena. He had returned to her a sense of calm and self-control which she hadn't possessed in days. *Oh, I still love him, but I wonder- the ache is gone. Perhaps my soul's longing has gone out to Serena, who can fulfill that love, with more intensity than I could ever hope to provide.* "C'mon, Raye, or we won't be able to make it to the party with the birthday girl!" The girls shouted, taking the lead while Raye had been lost in her thoughts. "Coming!" Serena heard the doorbell ring, and glanced out the window to find out if the bell was announcing her friends. Sure enough, she saw Ami, Lita, and Mina, all in great outfits! And- Raye. She forgot that she would have to deal with Raye. No matter, she could act, right? Sure she could. So Serena put on a cheerful facade and ran down the stairs to greet her friends. "You look great, guys!" Serena commented. They returned the compliment. Serena was wearing white slacks, a brown belt with a gold heart for a clasp, a white, sleeveless bodysuit held up with a sleek, red scarf winding around her neck, where a white choker was nestled. Ami had on a light blue one-piece summer dress, which reached her knees, with lightly speckled with floral designs and sporting an off-the-shoulder cut. Mina and Lita both wore semi-mini-skirts, one pale orange, the other a shade of green (can you guess which goes to Mina/Lita? :P ) Mina wore a white tank top, though, whereas Lita completed her outfit with a casual cream-colored V-neck blouse. Even with the simple ensemble of a clinging maroon velvet top and black slacks, Raye looked stunning, as usual. Her long black hair had been pulled into a braid which had been intertwined with a dark red, satin ribbon. The ends of the ribbon trailed gracefully to her waist, and the braid rested on Raye's right shoulder. "So, how much is this gonna cost?" "Cost?" "Yeah, the pictures? What did you say the name of the studio was?" They had almost forgot. In order to get Serena to De Chelly's, Lita had lied and said they were going to take some pictures together. After all, they had been long overdue. "Um, oh, don't, um, worry about it. It's our treat!" Serena eyed Mina conscientiously. Something was up. "Okay, whatever. Let's go!" Her friends breathed a sigh of relief. Their cover wasn't blown yet. They took Serena for a bus ride to the other side of town, and when they arrived, the opaque doors of De Chelly's did not reveal a thing. As it was a new hangout, the sign had not even been posted yet. Raye opened the doors, and led them all into a pitch black room. "SURPRISE!!!" came the shout, from all corners of the huge room, which resembled more of a dance floor. Music blared, and everyone called out "Happy Birthday!" as she passed by in a stupor. "You guys did this all for me?!" Then it dawned on her. "You mean, that whole thing at the temple was a phony?" "Yup," Darien replied, coming towards her and swinging her around in his arms before planting a kiss on her lips. "Surprised ya, didn't we! Ow! What did you hit me for!?" "For making me believe that the other thing was the best you guys could come up with, even for my Sweet Sixteen!" Serena felt wonderfully loved by her friends, yes, even _Raye_, appreciated, and special. Suddenly she found herself in the arms of Darien, who led her to the center of the room/dance floor and twirled her around for effect. The night passed by swiftly, everyone having a great time, and enjoying themselves. A buffet table was set up, with a variety of pastas, breads, meats, salads, desserts, and beverages. A decadent chocolate cake was served, a colossal one that Lita had managed to bake to perfection, though no one asked how, exactly, she was able to accomplish the feat. Iced and decorated, it read: HAPPY SWEET SIXTEEN SERENA, WITH LOVE FROM ALL YOUR FRIENDS (I'm telling you, it was gigantic!). Afterwards, Mina brought Adam, the American exchange student, over to meet the rest of the gang. "Everyone, this is Adam Davis. He speaks Japanese pretty fluently, so don't worry about lack of flow in conversation." *I could smack myself for saying that! Adam does not need to be humiliated by me, and for no reason!* Mina blushed. "Hello, all. I heard so much about all of you from Mina. She is a wonderful friend, as I'm sure all of you are," Adam amiably remarked. "Looks like you've found your man, Mina," Lita whispered, a little too loudly. Mina hissed in rebuke, "Lita! Be quiet!" And turned an even darker shade of red. Serena laughed along with her friends, old and new alike, when she noticed two people missing from their crowd. Raye. And Darien. Her smile faded, and abruptly excusing herself, she went looking for them. It was dark outside, by this time, but she did not have to search very far, because she found Darien and Raye outside the doors of De Chelly talking quietly. "Serena! What are you doing out here?" Darien asked, startled. "What am _I_ doing out here? I could ask you and Raye the same thing!" Darien looked confused, but Raye had a good idea of what was ahead, and tried to calm the flames before things got out of hand. "Look, Serena, I didn't think-" "You're damn right you didn't think!" Serena cut Raye off. "How long were you planning to see each other behind my back, huh? How long before you were going to let me in on your game? And it was a game, wasn't it? From the very beginning?! Save it!" she cut Darien off with a snarl. "I saw you and Raye at the park the other day. I can't believe that my two best friends would betray me like this!" Her eyes glistened with tears, but her voice remained steady. "Why? Darien, why? No, I know. To think I had bothered to ask. Raye's everything I'm not. Talented in areas where I can't even begin to compete. But did you have to hurt me like this!? Why couldn't you be honest?" "Serena, there's nothing between us! I love you-" Darien said. "NO! Don't you _dare_ say that to me, ever again!" Her eyes flashed with anger and pain. "Oh, I'm a fool, I suppose, because I still love you, after all this. I even told myself I was jumping to conclusions! But I guess I was right all along...so I hope you'll be very happy _together_, because I never want to see either of you ever again!" Serena ran into the darkness, and disappeared. Raye and Darien stood there, shaken, and white. "What have I done?" Raye was distraught. "Nothing. Don't worry, I'll find a way to set things straight." "Darien, I'm so sorry, I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am." "I know, Raye. And I'm sorry that Serena took it out on you. It's because of me she's so upset. I'm going after her, okay?" Raye nodded, and watched as he departed, the last hope of ever being together with the man she loved disappearing from her sight. "Hey Raye, it's time for presents! Raye, what's wrong? Where's Serena?" Ami questioned. "Gone. With Darien," was Raye's faint reply. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It was only upon reaching her house that Serena let go of the tight reign she had on her emotions. Fortunately? no one was home, and she let herself in with the key, bounding upstairs to find a pillow to cry on. Only she forgot about Luna, who had stayed home, probably, Serena thought remorsefully, because De Chelly did not allow pets. "You're home early, Serena, how was your party? Didn't think we'd make it there, but- What's the matter? Serena?" "Serena!!" Luna heard the voice of Darien calling to Serena from the front of the house. "Oh Luna, not now, not ever. I don't want to talk about it. Just leave me alone," moaned Serena, hurling herself onto her bed, muffling her heart-wrenching cries with a pillow. Luna jumped out of an open window, down to Darien's side, wanting to hear what was going on. Serena softly cried herself to sleep, thoughts tumbling around in her head. *Oh Darien, I don't think I can bear living without you. It'd be easier if I didn't have to see you every day, but, I don't know anything anymore! I need you so desperately, Darien.* She reached out to him with her breaking heart: In the morning, will I see you? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To be continued in Part 5...