Hi! How is everyone? Well this is my fourth SM Fanfic. I hope you like it. I would like to say to anyone who has read my stuff before not to worry. I do plan on finishing all my stories. Look for more updates soon. Spring break is coming and I plan on devoting a lot of time to fanfics. I do not own SM. Return of a Nightmare Part 1 By: Alys PG mazzei@isoc.net http://starli.homestead.com/index.html or http://fly.to.SKP "I'm coming My Pet. Are you waiting for me? Don't worry, I will be there soon." "No!" yelled Serena as she sat up suddenly in bed. It had been that same dream again. A dream that was no dream but a nightmare once true, now in the past, where it could never hurt her again. It was a nightmare that always left her awake, pale, and afraid that is had come back to life and it was real again. Ever since it had happened almost 2 years ago Serena had had the nightmares. At first she had them almost every night, but now it barely happened. Taking slow breaths Serena looked to see what time it was. The digits glowed a soft 7:00 am back at her. Knowing she couldn't go back to sleep, Serena got up and dressed and headed down the stairs, the whole time telling herself that she was far away from him, and that she was safe here. No one here was going to hurt her. Looking around the empty kitchen, Serena sighed as she fixed a bowl of cereal for breakfast, the whole time wishing her mom were there to make her something better. Both her mom and dad had taken he little brother to visit their cousins for a week. Sere had gotten out of it saying that she had made important plans with friends that week. But she did miss her mother's cooking, and they had only left yesterday afternoon. Finishing her bowl of cereal, Serena put her dishes in the sink along with last nights, tell herself that she would take care of them later. Looking around Serena wondered what she could do to pass the time. She knew none of her friends were up yet, and she doubted that many stores were open yet. Wandering around the house she found Luna, her cat, sleeping in the living room. Walking over she picked her up and carried her upstairs to her room. Placing the still half asleep cat down on a pillow, Serena got out her drawing pad a sketched several pictures of the once again sleeping cat. After a while Serena changed her focus to outside her window where she could see birds sitting in the big tree out in the front of their yard. It wasn't till 10 that Serena finally got bored with sketching and decided to head out for a while. Walking she caught a bus downtown a spent most of the day window-shopping at the many stores. Serena had lunch at a small restaurant, and when she was done decided to walk around some more. It wasn't till late that she headed home, deciding to walk since it really wasn't that far, and it was so nice out. On her way home she passed one of her favorite places, the Crown Arcade, and decided to step in for a sundae, since she had yet to eat dinner. Walking in the bells made the familiar jingle over her head. Looking around the place was pretty much empty. The only people there were Andrew and him. "Hey Serena! What's up?" asked Andrew as he looked up and saw her. "Yea meatball head. Have you run anybody over yet?" "You know Darien, my day is going to good to have you ruin it for me so shut up already," sighed Serena as she headed over to her favorite video game. "She told you Darien," laughed Andrew as he made the usual shake for Serena and took it over to her. "Oh yea, she sure told me," said Darien when Andrew returned. "You know you really should be nicer to her. Y are missing out on a great friend there." "Me, friends with meatball head? No way." "Sure, sure, say what you want. But you know what?" "What?" "I think you like her," said Andrew with a serious face. "Are you joking? Meatball head?" said Darien with a laugh. Glancing over at Serena he shook his head, doing his best to make Andrew think he was totally uninterested. "If only he knew how much," thought Darien as he turned around and started a new conversation with Andrew. It wasn't hard to lose track of time there. It was a summer tradition for the three. It had started earlier that summer, a few weeks ago. Andrew also kept the store opened till midnight or so. Not many people came in at that time, except Darien and Serena, and they usually stayed till closing. Most of the time it was just the three of them. Other times there would be a few late-night costumers, or Serena's friends would hang out too. Tonight it was just the three of them, each so involved in what they were doing that none of them noticed the familiar jingle of the bells of the door as it opened. Even Serena who usually looked to see if it was someone she knew was to into her game to look up. It was when a pair of arms wrapped around her that she notice there was a new arrival. Jumping slightly, she did not realize who it was until a voice whispered into her ear. "Hello, My Pet." ***************************************************** Well, what did you think? I will get better. This is Just an opening. Email me ok? mazzei@isoc.net.