Hello all! This little morbid story came to life in my boring math class......need I say more? Anyway, I don't own SM so don't try and sue me.... I'm poor :P.... anyway, here you go. Write me at: Ash5777@aol.com Death Becomes Her Sailor Dark Star --------------------------------------------- Hurrying down the dark and empty street I tried not to look down the shadowed alleyways, home to some of the shadier characters in Tokyo. Clutching my small pink purse tightly to my chest I took a deep breath, trying to slow the erratic beat of my heart. I should have let Mamoru take me home after all. Thinking back on the day's activities I smiled at the memory of Mamo-chan's birthday. Though he had tried to hide it I could tell that the whole party had given him much joy. With all of the Senshi together it had felt like one big happy family, which was good for him. Makoto had worked for days on making the 'perfect' chocolate cake for him, Amy worked on making the invitations, and Rei had worked on the decorations; leaving me and Minako to shop for the food and party favors. It had been a blast. Especially when Makoto suggested that I draw a kawaii picture of a super deformed Tuxedo Kamen holding a big rose. My drawing skills had seemed to vastly improve over the years. Leaving my parents to wonder if they should send me to an art college. So immersed was I in my thoughts that I almost didn't hear the sudden echo of a footfall behind me. Feeling a small rush of adrenaline speed through my veins I glanced quickly behind me, only to find myself staring into the inky blackness of the street. Shaking my head I silently laughed at myself, I was as jittery as ever. Speaking of jittery, Rei had been a little jumpy all evening. Now that I thought about it she had been acting odd for the last few weeks. Shrugging it off I went on to more pleasant memories. Like what I had gotten Mamoru for his birthday. Boy had he been surprised. ::flashback:: After shooing everyone out of the apartment I silently slid the lock in place and slowly made my way back to the couch, where an exhausted Mamoru was stretched out. Reaching out to brush the hair out of his eyes I gazed down at him with all of the love I held for him. He was my life. I gave him a tender smile when he looked up at me, making him smile sleepily at me. I had something to wake him up. Bending over I whispered in his ear what I wanted to give him. At the slight jump of his body and the heat I could feel coming from his face I knew he was now awake. When I pulled back and saw the question in his eyes I answered the only way I knew; I pulled him off the couch and headed towards the bedroom...... ::end flashback:: Remembering the elation I had felt when that act was done with such love and caring I warmed all over with the love I knew Mamoru felt for me. Feeling a cold chill pass over me I felt a premonition of something bad...something was about to happen. As if right on que I heard someone running up behind me and swung away, trying to avoid him or her. As I swung towards them I saw the glint of a gun in their hand. Hearing a loud roaring sound, and then feeling a tightness in my chest I look down to see blood rushing out of a small wound just over my left breast, staining my nice white blouse. Falling to my knees I put a hand to the wound, staring dazedly at the hot red-black liquid that spurted out sluggishly through my finger tips. Feeling a wave of numbness pass through my mind I tried to lay back on the cold concrete sidewalk beneath me as gently as possible. Blinking my eyes I see that my assailant had knelt down next to me and was proceeding to slowly peel away a wool black ski mask. When it was finally taken all the way off and the golden glow of the street light hit the face I felt a surge of regret engulf me. Above me, looking down with defiant eyes, was one that I had once called sister, Rei. Feeling the life flow out of me with every slow pull of my heart I close my eyes as tears of pain seep from beneath my lashes. I had loved her, but I now knew the reason she did this. She was still in love with Mamoru. Feeling a wave of insight I look once more up into her violet eyes. Grabbing hold of her hand I look at her with pity. "Mamoru will never love you Rei." Her eyes widen slightly as she hears the conviction in my voice. Holding her hand tighter as I feel death coming near I know that I have only one thing left to say to her. "I forgive you..." Closing my eyes I send a silent goodbye to all of my friends and my true love, Mamoru. ::rei's view:: "I forgive you..." That BITCH! Even in her final hour I couldn't get the last laugh. God how I hated her. The peace and calm that always seemed to surround her. Enabling her to take this one victory away from me. DAMN DAMN DAMN!!! And that part about Mamoru. I know now that she's gone he'll be able to see me for what I am, his perfect mate. I'll get my revenge when he confesses his love to me. Looking up at a sudden flash of light I stumble back in surprise when I see who it is. ************************************************ Epilogue (I think I misspelled that LOL) I wince inwardly in pain when I see Usagi's still form, lying in a puddle of blood, sprawled out at that traitorous bitch's feet. To think that it would come to this. All over nothing. "Pluto..." At her rough whisper I glance at her face. Glaring at her I telepathically call out to the rest of the outer Senshi. As Neptune, Saturn, and Uranus arrive they gasp in shock at Usagi's body, moving their gaze's up slowly to stare at the knife in Rei's hand. As Neptune calls the other's, the rest of us wait in silence. After a moment of crying for the inners, and after calming down the grieving Mamoru, I announce what has to be done. "The punishment for this crime is for all of us to decide upon. My suggestion would be this: I declare by the rights of counsel, by the planet Pluto, that the Sailor Senshi, Sailor Mars, should be hereby stripped of her heritage, and carry the life of the soon to be reincarnated Princess until birth. Where it shall be decided on what should then be done with her. Do all agree?" After several minutes discussion it was agreed upon. As a slightly calmer Mamoru held a struggling Rei in place the Senshi called upon the powers of their planets. As I slowly, and torturously stripped Rei's power from her I started to seal it into a tiny ruby red crystal. When it was done, leaving Rei in a heap of piteously crying flesh, I instructed the others to lay her out. When that was achieved I kneeled down beside Usagi and put my right hand on the silver crystal in her locket. Her body glowed with a silver mist as the crystal collected her soul from the beyond. When all was done a placed both the silver crystal and mar's crystal in my hand. Standing over a once again fearful Rei, I watched as the slowly descended towards her abdomen, disappearing when they reached it. Rei was now the proud mother of twins. The Princess Serenity, and the new Princess of Mars. Now it was only a matter of keeping her alive tell they were born. ::9 months later:: Amy worked diligently on the birthing of her princess and fellow Senshi. So far all was going well. Looking at the mother I was only filled with disgust. After Setsuna's stint in her mind she was able to tell us why Rei had done the awful deed and what exactly Usagi had done. Looking back in the birthing room of the small cottage that we had decided to use as a hideaway I could see that one of the children was about to be born. Going in I reached for her as Ami wiped it off, going right back to work on getting Serenity out next. The child I held had a head of flaming red hair and blood red eyes to match. The only thing softening it's appearance was the glint of kindness and awareness that was already in her eyes. Smiling I handed the babe over to Setsuna, who proceeded to unlock the child's power. Allowing it to be taught as it grows how to control the power of Mars. Looking avidly for a sign of my beloved, I had to hold my breath when one finally came. A pale petite child was what slid out next. The golden hair on her head, and the moon symbol, identifying her immediately. Cradling her lovingly in my arms I felt tears of joy slip down my cheeks. She was finally here. ::Amy:: Thinking that it was finally over I was startled by a sudden scream from Rei. I turned just fast enough to catch the third baby. Frowning in confusion I called Setsuna over to see if she could make sense of this. Grabbing her from me she examined its bright orange/yellow hair and red eyes. The only thing that was made it different from the other two was that this one was definitely male. Turning around to check on Rei I sighed in relief as I saw that she had passed away. It was easier this way. She had lost what ever sanity that she had possessed in the last few months. ::Setsuna:: Getting the senshi's attention she made her announcement. "Well, we were only supposed to get our Princess and mars back; but it seems that the god Mars has given us another. The male child and the female both share the same power. Both will be Senshi it seems, and maybe mates, for it seems that though they are twins they are not of the same blood. One future problem my have just been solved." ------------------------------------------------ there you go. write at Ash5777@aol.com MailCity. Secure Email Anywhere, Anytime! http://www.mailcity.com