Title: Muted Memories Start Talking Rating: G Date: 10.21.99 By: Bernadette. Notes: to the bottom <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> Serena sat at her desk, her journal open before her. She just sat there staring at a blank page. She felt so much hurt at the moment and couldn't think of the words that could express the pain that was deep in her heart. She finally decided on what she wanted written, picked up her pen and began writing: **October 21, 1999 Thursday 9:00 pm Dear Self- Today was the day Darien decided to break up with me. He just stared at me with such cold eyes and told me it was over, that we couldn't live our lives now like we did in the past. Then he just walked away from me. I stood there alone, questions began to play through my mind, questions I couldn't answer.** Serena stopped for a moment as tears began to trickle from her eyes, then began to write more. **So here I sit, writing in this journal for the first time ruining the pages with my tears as I write. The tears stain the pages, but I don't dare wipe them away for they will be memories and I want those memories, no matter how painful they are. Someday, when I'm older, I'll go through the entries of my childhood and come to this page with the tear stains and they will remind me of the pain, and I'll probably cry. But I'll know they were tears that HE caused and how it seemed as if my soul had shattered into more peices than imagined, and how I felt as if my heart had a hole the size of my fist inside of it. And images of the past will flood back. Like a man with hair the color of night and eyes like a stormy sea destroying my happy world leaving it an empty space inside my soul. But then I'll remember a saying: "Love is like a flower, though beautiful in bloom, it is never eternal." And I'll come back to bitter reality and go through life as I did before.** Serena lay her pen down and closed her journal. She sat there staring into space, glad for the heavy weight of depression dropping from her shoulders. She felt a little peace now for putting her feelings into words. Serena then walked to her window and looked out towards the crescent moon. Closing her eyes, she began dreaming of the past, of when she was happy and felt the pain disappear. - - - + going out sleepwalking, where mute memories start talking. --e. smith. + <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> <> note: 1) complaint & comments - send to bunni@comic.com 2) visit me @ http://b-toms.tripod.com 3) story is mine so don't copy (you'll see similar plots, but this story is mine and ya' got a mind so use it, not mine.) 4) buh bye!