Name: Water and Electricity Author: Black Gryphon Rating: PG Email: ---------------------------------- Water And Electricity By Black Gryphon Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story, they are the property of the people at DIC and all other companies involved in the production and distribution of Sailor Moon. This story involves the love between two females, personally I have always believed that they were made for each other. I do not speak for anyone else who watches the show. I have made every effort within the power of my ability to write this tastefully, meaning that this is NOT in any way, shape or form a hentai story. Also, there is mention of some movies, I do not own the copyrights to them either. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lita sat on the roof of the school, her back pressed against the fence. She looked over the edge and let out a soft sigh. "Why, do this have to be so hard?" She asked herself quietly. She looked back over the rooftop for a moment before slamming her head back against the fence, the links biting into her scalp, the physical pain numbing her emotional one. Lita, her eyes now closed, didn't notice when Serena crept up the stairs onto the roof in a rare display of grace. Lita nearly jumped out of her skin when the blonde spoke, "You want to talk about it?" "What?" She replied still a little startled. "Do you want to talk about what been on your mind the past few weeks?" Serena sat opposite her friend, "I betting it's that cute exchange student from Canada, Michael, I think his name is. Even Amy is after him." At the mention of Amy's name the brunette pressed her head against the fence again. Serena caught the reaction of her friend and was confused. "What? You feel guilty about competing with Amy?" Lita chuckled slightly shaking her head, "Serena, do you have any idea how close, and far, you from the truth?" "You lost me." "I thought so. Come here and look down." Serena came over and looked, Lita continued, "What do you see?" The blonde looked for a moment, "I see a couple of guys, two of them are kinda cute, there's Michael, a few girls and Amy." Lita waited until her friend had backed away a little. "That's what most people would see..." She stopped herself, then became serious, "Serena, before I go on, you have to promise me that nothing I say will be repeated or I swear, on my parents' graves and the holiest of bibles that I will personally rip out your lungs and use them in a haggis. Understand?" Serena stared for a moment stunned, not only had here friend just threatened her, but she could tell that Lita would, and could, go through with it. "Yes, I promise." "Okay," Lita paused and took a deep breath, "What I see is a few boys who, granted a few are cute, interest me less than a grasshopper would, a couple of pretty girls and last, but by my standards the most important, a beautiful, blue-haired goddess with a mind to match." The brunette sighed, and dropped her gaze to the roof, "Serena, I don't feel guilty about competing with Amy. I feel bad about competing FOR Amy." The blonde was dumbfounded, she just stared, she couldn't think, move, speak or even breathe. One of her best friends had just told her she was a lesbian, finally, as per usual, she was able to speak but said the worst possible thing. "Does this mean your attracted to me? Or Mina or Raye?" She knew she shouldn't have said it, she regretted it instantly, she just prayed that her friend would make her end quick. To her amazement Lita just chuckled and shook her head again, "No Serena, don't take this the wrong way, but I'm in love with Amy, I'm your friend, nothing more, nothing less." Serena gasped in relief as she realized she hadn't breathed for about a minute and a half. "Thank God. No offense." "None taken, I'm glad you're taking this, this well." "Can I go now, I have a lot to work my mind around." "Sure, go ahead, just remember the promise, I will make sure you don't tell anyone." The blonde nodded and quickly ran down the stairs, tripping about two feet down and tumbling the rest of the way. Lita sighed in pity before turning back to gaze at her goddess. ***************** Lita tossed and turned in her bed, her nightmares had come again. She had been lulled into sleep for well over a year now; she had no idea how long exactly, but it had been a while as they had just had there first encounter with Emerald; by images of her beloved, blue-haired genius. For the last few weeks however, the same images in her mind brought pain, for with Amy, was a boy, it changed almost daily so she didn't make a note of who it was usually. Every night she saw Amy with a guy, it didn't take much, just the thought of her being kissed made her have to fight down the urge to beat the guy into a bloody pulp the next day. Lita decided that she would have to do something if she was to sleep tonight. The brunette got up and slowly walked to the kitchen, glancing at the clock on the way she took in the time, "One a.m., I'm not handling this well." Upon arriving at the kitchen she got herself a glass of milk and sat on the counter. Unfortunately her mind had not reacted as she'd hoped, the nightmare hadn't stayed in her room as she'd hoped, it had followed her here. Finally she'd had enough, "Get out of my head!!" she screamed at the guy in her mind. As per her command the boy left, but he took Amy with him. She sighed in relief, at least she could sleep now, she finished her drink and started back to her room. She got maybe ten feet before she dropped her head and began to gently rub her temples with one hand, sighing in defeat she finally whispered, "Please come back." And instantly the two returned before her mind's eye. When she returned to her room she sat on her bed looking out the window, she dropped back on the mattress and started to talk to the ceiling, "Why are you doing this to me? I've never done anything bad, I've even stopped fighting since I got here..." Suddenly a light turned on in her brain, she realized how much she had changed for Amy. Lita knew that if she were to sleep tonight she would need to take drastic measures, she hated to do it, but she had no choice in the matter. "Well, I guess I'll have to admit it, I'm turning into some type of junkie." She got to her feet and walked over to her dresser, instinctively she made sure she was alone and then opened a small secret drawer she had found. Inside were three small bundles more precious to her than diamonds: Three locks of blue hair, each bound in a tiny silk ribbon. She took out on and shut the drawer, she gently ran the strands through her fingers. "I can't believe I robbed a barber shop to get you." She said to the lock. She returned to her bed and slipped under the sheets, she took in the faint scent of the hair before clutching it to her chest, she was asleep in moments. ***************** The days passed slowly and painfully for Lita, she felt that since she could offer so little to Amy that it would be best to watch from a distance. And so the two friends began to slowly drift, Amy did not let it go unnoticed. Serena was eating her lunch when Amy walked in on her. Serena nearly choked when Amy spoke, "Serena, can I talk with you?" After clearing her throat, Serena replied, "Sure Aims what about?" "It's about Lita." The blonde tensed as last week's discussion came to her and she knew she had to choose her words carefully or end up at a Scottish food festival. "What's the matter?" "I don't know if anyone's noticed, but she's gotten kind of distant lately." "Yeah, well... She's kinda going through something right now." "Anything I can do to help?" Serena had to hold back from laughing, *You have no idea.* She thought, then answered, "No, I think she wants to be alone for this." Amy sat down opposite her friend, "All right, I guess I can stop now." She said. "Stop what?" "Dating," Seeing Serena's confused look she continued, "I thought that if I started dating it might shrink the gap between you guys and myself. Obviously, it didn't work." "You mean you don't like to date?" "Honestly no, I guess I just can't find anyone I can be comfortable with, everyone just likes sports and stuff, I can't sit through a game if my life were on the line. You guys are lucky. You have Darien; Raye's got Chad, they have a lot in common, all things considered; Mina's, well... Mina is Mina;" They both laughed at that one. "Lita doesn't seem interested in of the guys, and neither am I." Serena tensed as Lita's name came up again, *You know, they say cyanide is a painless way to go.* She thought to herself, finally she figured this was one of those fabled, 'right things to do' and so she accepted her fate, "Amy, you gotta know..." She was cut off by the lunch bell. Amy jumped up, "Got to get to class, tell me after school." Serena just stared for a minute, "Is there a conspiracy or something?" Slowly she got up and wished she wasn't in the middle of all this. ********************** Lita came out of school and tried avoid meeting up with her friends, but unfortunately for her it was inevitable that they find her. "Hey, Lita!" Serena called from behind her. *Maybe she's alone.* Lita half-hoped to herself. "Slow down a minute." A crystalline voice called to her. *Drat.* Her mind said. *Maybe I'll get some kind of distraction so I can slip away.* The pair caught up to her and stopped to catch their breath. After a moment Amy said, "I just stopped to say hi. I've got to get to a computer class." With that she just started off, a few feet away she turned and waved, the others returned the wave and watched her walk off. Serena waited until Amy was out of sight before turning to Lita, suddenly she dropped to her knees and hugged the brunette's legs. "Please tell her! Please, please, Puhhh-Leeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaasssssse tell her!!!" Serena had started the waterworks and Lita was doing her best to dislodge her friend. "Serena, I can't!" Serena continued in her usual post-crying, high pitched voice "Why not! She's worried sick about you, you two are drifting apart. She was only dating to try and close a gap between her and the rest of us, she said she hated it." Realizing that it probably sounded like she had spilled the beans to the blue-haired girl she continued, "I didn't tell her anything, she just told me this today." "Listen Serena, you know what it's like to have a girl between you and someone you want to go out with?" Serena let go of Lita's legs and looked up, "Of course, remember Andrew's girlfriend that went to Africa?" "Good example, you know how that felt?" Serena nodded and Lita kneeled down, "Now take that same thing and put half the world's population between you and the person you want to go out with." "Ouch." "That's my point." She stood up and helped her blonde friend up, "Come on, we'll go to my house and get a snack." "Okay, uh, hang on." She a noise and turned on her communicator. "Yeah?" Raye came over the speaker, "Everyone, there's a monster with Emerald that's smashing everything." "Okay, where are you? "About two blocks from the Arcade." "We'll be right there." ********************* When they arrived Sailor Moon and Sailor Jupiter joined up with the others, in the center of a large area of rubble they saw a monster that was vaguely woman-like with something resembling a giant battery on it's back and on it's head and wrists were lightning rods. As they got within earshot Sailor Mercury called over to them, "Thank goodness you're here. It's shielded from our powers, but I think that a blast from you, Jupiter, may overload the battery and disable the shield." "I'll try." Jupiter said, *She's almost never wrong.* She thought, her mind started to drift on that line but she caught it in time. Jupiter turned to the monster and said, "All right creep, you like electricity? How about more than you can handle?" She took up a ready stance, "Jupiter, Thunder Clap... Zap!" she cried, throwing a lightning ball at the monster. The monster formed an 'X' with the rods on its wrists and easily took the energy. "Why thank you Sailor Brat, you need a little more energy to overload this battery," The woman-thing patted the cylinder on its back, "Here have it back so you can try again!" The beast made a triangle of lightning between its arms and head for a moment before firing its own ball of lightning back at Jupiter. Sailor Jupiter dove to her right just before the ball would have hit her, as she came to her feet she heard it explode against a wall behind her. She was about to say 'Is that the best you can do?' when she heard Mercury call to her, "Jupiter! Look out!" She turned to see Mercury running towards her full-tilt, she was barely able to think before the blue-haired girl hit her, knocking her a few feet back. As soon as Jupiter was clear, a large flagpole that had been jarred loose from the blast crashed directly into Mercury's tiara, shattering it. As she fell to the ground her Sailor uniform exploded into shimmering dust that was immediately replaced by her street clothes. As soon as she finished falling, the flag came down to hide her face, protecting her identity from the minion of the Dark Moon. Although it happened in less than two seconds, time seemed to all but stop for Lita as she watched helpless to do anything. For the first time since her parents had died Lita felt her eyes fill with tears, to her side she heard the monster begin to laugh. She tried to speak, to cry out, but all she could do was give a hoarse, shaky whisper, "No, please god, no." The monster again spoke, its voice dripping with sarcastic sympathy, "Ah, I'm sorry little girl, did I hurt your friend? This is even better than I'd planned!" It began to laugh again. Jupiter took a step towards the beast, tears blurred her vision, but she knew the image of this monster was burned in her memory, she began to speak, her voice was loud but very shaky, "You... You have n-no idea what you've d-done." She glanced back at the limp form under the flag and felt a new wave of tears coming, "I-I am going to make you pay for this... IN SPADES!!!" She finished with anger burning in her words and eyes. "JUPITER!" She began, her eyes began to glow as power began to flow into her from everywhere. "THUNDER!" The entire city experienced a major brown-out as Jupiter pulled the electricity into herself. "CLAP!" The monster began to back away as Jupiter began to glow, her eyes and the ball in her hand a blinding white. "ZAP!" The power all moved into the ball, as it was thrown it was the about the size of a volleyball and resembled burning magnesium. When the ball hit the monster it did not overload the battery as it was supposed to, it merely passed through, the power vaporized it, not even leaving the usual ash or gem. Lita turned walked spent over to were where Amy lay, limp and lifeless. She de-transformed on the way and upon reaching her destination dropped to her knees. Gently she pulled back the clothe to reveal the young girl, Lita pulled the limp form to her and began to cradle it in her arms, gently stroking sapphire hair. Tears were flowing freely as she began to speak, "I'm sorry, Amy. It should have been me." Lita hugged Amy to her and as her hand touched the neck she felt something, scrambling to feel it again Lita finally found the right place, she felt Amy's pulse, not very strong, but steady and even, she soon realized that the girl was breathing as well! She couldn't believe it, Amy was alive! The brunette looked up at her friends and asked, "Where's the nearest hospital?" Raye spoke first, "Two blocks that way." She said pointing, "It's where her mother works." "Great. Perfect." Lita said, with that she scooped the girl up and ran the way Raye had pointed. *********************** Lita was sleeping uneasily on her couch when the phone rang, the doctors had told her to go home and sleep. She had refused until they had promised to call her if there was any change, even then she was reluctant. She was awake and had grabbed the receiver before the first ring was over. "Hello?" She said quickly. "Yes, hello miss...?" "Just call me Lita." She was already annoyed, she just wanted to know how Amy was. "All right, Lita, you said that you wandered into the area of the battle and an explosion knocked something off a building that hit Miss Anderson?" *You've got the report there, guy.* She thought annoyed. "Yes, what's the point of asking?" "Did a small piece of metal fall first from a lower place, about as thick as a pen, like a thick piece of pipe?" Lita realized that he was probably talking about the tiara. "Yes, why?" She asked confused. "Well," The man said, "It saved her life. Anything that fell from that distance should have crushed her skull, but it seems to have glanced off something." "You're telling me that if that piece of metal weren't there she would be dead?" Lita asked amazed. "Even an inch off and she would have died instantly. She still suffered a fairly serious concussion, and she is comatose. If you come down and talk to her it may help." He paused for a moment as he thought he heard something, "Lita. Hello?" A few minutes later the dial tone kicked in. Lita was already out the door. ********************* When Lita arrived she found Amy's mother in the hospital room. The woman turned when she heard the door open. "Hello Lita." She said halfheartedly. "Hi Miss Anderson, how is she?" "She's gotten better, there's no danger. Her coma is weak, she comes out of it sometimes. She needs something to keep her out, where are the others? It might help to have her friends here." "All the others' parents made them go to school today." She said as she sat on the bed beside Amy's. Miss Anderson sighed as she looked at her watch, "I hate to say this, but my shift is coming and there's only one other surgeon on duty now." She walked to the door and stopped, "Listen, talk to her, treat her as you usually would. Also, I brought her favorite movie with me, she's loved it since she was five, watching it with her might help." With that she opened the door and walked out. After a minute Lita turned to the bed Amy was in, she looked so peaceful and serene that it melted her heart. It took her a little while but she thought of something to say, "What is your favorite movie Amy?" She picked up the bag that held the cassette. "Casablanca? The Maltese Falcon? Some other classic movie? What movie has the honor?" She reached into the bag and pulled out the movie, she stared blinking at the cartridge for a minute, then laughed and turned back to Amy and asked, "Transformers: The movie? My god, but you are unique. We'll watch it soon." She put down the movie and walked over to the empty bed and sat down, "You know Amy, you're going to have to wake up or you'll fall behind in your school work, well, um, less ahead anyway." She continued to talk for about half an hour without any visible effect. Finally she gave up, *Maybe the movie will do something.* she thought. She got up and picked up the tape and put it in the VCR, as she turned it on she sat back down. She had to admit that the movie was good, and the animation was excellent. However she really didn't care if it was good or bad, it didn't help Amy any. So after about ten minutes she was about turn it off, yet as she reached for the remote she heard the opening cords of another song begin. She never understood why, but she left it running, the song had an odd beat to it, a sort of mid-range rock, but it was the lyrics that got to Lita. Sometimes when your hopes have all been shattered, There's nowhere to turn, you wonder how you keep going. Just think of all the things that really matter, And the chances you've earned, the fire in your heart is growing. You can fly, if you try, leaving the past behind, Heaven only knows what you might find. *The beat picked up some.* Dare! Dare to believe you can survive, The power is all at your command. Dare! Dare to keep all your dreams alive, It's time to take a stand. And you can win if you dare. *The beat picked up even more for an instrumental during a fight scene. Eventually returning to the pace of the second verse.* Dare! Dare to believe you can survive, You hold the future in your hand. Dare! Dare to keep all your dreams alive, The power is all at your command. Dare! Dare to keep all your hopes alive, Dare to be all that you can be. Dare! Dare is a place where dreams survive. The music changed completely at this pointing into a battle theme, Lita decided to turn it off this time. The tune could have been a better one and it could have come from a better place but it had an effect on Lita. It made sense, you're never going to have what you really want if you're afraid to try. She got up and slowly walked over to stand over Amy, reaching down she took the girl's hand in both hands. She took a deep breathe before she spoke, "Amy, I know this is not the best time or place to say this, but here goes. I've been keeping this from you for well over a year and I don't know when this happened, but I am deeply, madly and passionately in love with you Amy. I don't know if you can hear me, but I pray you can because I honestly don't know if I'll ever get the courage up to tell you again." She closed her eyes and lowered her head to kiss the hand she still held. Lita's eyes were still closed when she heard the crystalline voice she loved, "Please tell me this isn't some dream." The brunette looked up to look straight into Amy's sapphire eyes, both sets were brimmed with tears. Finally finding her voice again Lita spoke, "No, this isn't a dream. It's real, you're in a hospital, you had a concussion from the flagpole, remember?" Amy nodded slightly, then rubbed her forehead lightly, she then spoke, prayer in her tone, "This isn't a dream? It's real?" Lita could only nod. Amy smiled deeply and gently stroked the brunette's cheek, "Thank God. I've wanted this for so long." Her hand slipped behind Lita's head and began to gently and slowly pull her closer. Lita happily let herself drawn forward, "Me too. Our only problem now is to figure out how to break this to the others, but that's for later." As soon as she finished she gently pressed her lips into Amy's in their first kiss. For Amy it truly was her first. By some strange cosmic conspiracy, almost as soon as the kiss began, Serena, Mina, Raye, Luna and Artemis walked in. As they entered Serena was babbling, "Hi Lita, Amy's mother told us we could you here, we decided to skip school to see if we could h..." She stopped when she realized what she was seeing. Lita and Amy had waited too long to stop because of the others, but when they finally did part lips, they turned their heads to see their friends. Serena seemed embarrassed to be there, Luna was mildly surprised, Mina looked smug for some reason, and Raye and Artemis just stood there, shocked beyond belief. Lita finally whispered to Amy, "I guess now's as good a time as any." Amy answered by nodding slightly to Lita then turning to the others again she said, "We're in love." Mina leaned over slightly toward Raye and said, "You owe me ten bucks." Raye nodded then said, "With interest." The pair smiled at their friends and how well this was going over with them. Amy looked back into Lita's eyes and said, "You know that we have to call the doctors and my mother now that I'm up?" "All right." She said, slightly disappointed, but hit the 'call button' anyway. They kissed again before Lita backed away and asked, "I guess this means I have to go, do you know when visiting hours are?" Amy smiled and sat back, "Four to six p.m." They waited until a nurse came in before starting to leave, at the door Lita called back, "I'll see you a little later." Amy nodded and called back, "I shouldn't be in here too long, a little later then." The nurse ushered them out at that point. ******************* The months passed quickly after that, and everything improved. Almost everyone, including all the parents, easily accepted the love between the two girls, though they were curious as to why "Dare" became 'their' song. Mina and Raye became quickly jealous that all the other scouts were having such good luck with relationships. Lita's grades quickly improved and amazingly enough so did Amy's. Amy even became somewhat of a gourmet, though not quite to the level of Lita, but still eclipsing all of their friends. As an by-product of their relationship Mina also developed a new favorite saying, "Who says water and electricity don't mix?" The end and yet the beginning. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading, please send all comments to