Hey, I didn't write this one at midnight like the other one! I started this on at 2:30 AM on the 23rd of May and finished it at 4:00 that very morning. ::sweatdrop:: And everyone wonders why I sleep in so late? For all those people wondering where the next chapter of TRST is? Um... blame my writer's block... I'm trying, minna! Don't kill me! This is dedicated to my imouto-chan, Kari! This is a late birthday present, chica-chan! Kari's birthday was last Sunday, June 3rd. Happy 14th girl! Don't ask me when this occurs... it could be an alternate reality for all I care. And I'm not promising it's any good... Email me, people! Lyrics in the ~*~*~'s. Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon or Enya. This song is from Enya's "Watermark" CD. And, obviously, it's called "On Your Shore." Don't sue, please. ------------------------------------------------ ------ On Your Shore by: BlackIris3 email: blackiris3_chan@yahoo.com rated: G ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Strange how my heart beats to find myself upon your shore. Strange how I still feel My loss of comfort gone before. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Silent tears ran their course down her cheeks. She wept mutely at her window, staring at the night sky that held so much beauty. She loved the night; it was always so quiet, so calme, so beautiful. A teardrop splashed onto her hand, the girl looked up at the moon hanging so gloriously brilliant against the silent black velvet of space. She pressed her palm to her chest, right above her heart, and felt her heart beat. Her heart beat in unison with his, this she knew. They were connected heart and soul. She missed him. Another teardrop. She was lonely. Lonely for his companionship, his presence, his love. They would get over this seperation, she knew, but oh, how her heart ached for him. Her body hurt because he was not there, with her. She missed how he would comfort her when she was upset, he would hold her, stroker her hair, and rock her back and forth like a child, whispering loving words into her ear. She had taken him for granted; she had not realized just how much she loved him until it was too late, she did not know it would hurt this much. She fell asleep finally, and dreamed a sorrowful dream... She was on an island, all alone. The waves crashed onto the shore. She looked across the ocean and saw another island and a man on that island. She recognized him immediately, who could forget the face of their beloved? She reached out to him, wishing she could cross the ocean to be with him. She began to cry and leapt into the sea, determined to swim to him. She swam and swam but in the end she never reached him. Her hand bobbed above the water, the only visible part of her body. Finally, the hand sank below surface... She drowned. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Cool waves wash over and drift away with dreams of youth so time is stolen I cannot hold you long enough. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ The black waves crashed against her legs, she had waded up to her knees into the ocean. The stars glowed brightly tonight and the half moon still hung, it's silvery light contrasting but fitting in perfectly with the darkness of the night sky. Her dress was soaked but she did not care, all that mattered was the fact that he was not here with her. How she missed her Mamo-chan. "Usako..." She swung around and stared at her lover. His ebony hair almost as silver as her own in the moonlight and his blue eyes the color of the ocean during a fierce storm. She ran into his arms and cried into his shirt; no words passed between the two, none were needed. Time was passing, she needed to get home, but she would not let him go. They went back to his apratment and she called her mother. She told her that she would not be home tonight, Mamo-chan was home. Her mother understood, she was no longer a child, but a woman. Her childhood was coming to an end. She returned to his arms, she couldn't get enough of his touch. They would not be seperated tonight. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* And so this is where I should be now Days and nights falling by ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* She laid with him, her eyes closed. She was with him again, and that is all that matters. She was where she wanted to be, in his arms; she was where she belonged. She opened her eyes and gazed at her love's face; she stroked his hair and whispered, "We are together again, my love. We will not be seperated again." He smiled and kissed her; the sky filled with colors as the sun rose and the moon and stars disappeared, but it did not matter. They were together. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Days and nights falling by me. I know of a dream I should be holding days and nights falling by Days and nights falling by me. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ They never seperated from each other. They went everywhere with each other, never loosing sight of the other. She only went back home to get clothes, then she returned to his apartment. Days and nights came went, but she was always with him. She always dreamed the same dream. She was alone on an island and he was alone on another island, far away from her. But one thing kept changing in the dream. Every night, the distance between them lessened. They were getting closer. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Soft blue horizons reach far into my childhood days as you are rising to bring me my forgotten ways. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The sun was just beginning to rise on the ocean, casting a delicate blue on the ocean all the way to the horizon. She remembered when she used to get up early as a child so she could watch the sun rise, she always loved the soft calm of the gentle blue on the horizon. Mamo-chan used to come out with her back then, and this morning he came out with her again. The sun had risen, and the sea was breath-taking as usual. Mamo-chan picked her up and ran into the freezing water with her in his arms as they used to do as a child. They both tumbled into the sea and when they came up again he kissed her. She laughed, some things would never change. At least she hoped not. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ Strange how I falter to find I'm standing in deep water strange how my heart beats to find I'm standing on your shore. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ She laid her head on his chest, her ear pressed against it so she could hear his heart beat. It was a soft, deep, rhythmic sound that soothed her. She fell more in love with him with each beat; while sometimes that scared her, it thrilled her and made her happier beyond her wildest dreams. The rhythmic "thum" of his heart beat eventually lulled her into a gentle slumber. Tonight, her dream was different. She was on an island and beside her island was another island. As she watched, the two islands melded together to make one giant island. She looked around the giant island to see that he was on that island. It must have been his island that melted together with hers! They cried and hugged each other, niether willing to let the other go. They laid down on the sand together and listened to the crash of the waves against the sandy beach. She smiled, she'd finally reached his shore. Their two hearts beat in unison, both with each other and their surrounding, and then, a third heart beat joined in. She rested her hand on her stomach. She was pregnant. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Like it? Hate it? I'm not totally sure if it's very good, but if it is, great! Tell me what you think. I hate writer's block. I literally *forced* myself to write this! So tell me if it's any good, I need feedback! ~BlackIris3