The Fourth Sheep Named Secrets ------------------------------ "We may draw good out of evil; we must not do evil, that good may come." --Maria Weston Chapman ("How Can I Help to Abolish Slavery") "Whatever secret the past holds over you, it will not last unless you allow it to last. It will not thrive unless you allow it to thrive. It will not die unless you leave it where it should be; in the past. For beware of being too fond of your own memories. They just might decide to rise again, on the powers of your faith alone, and destroy you in your wake. That is why the past is always best left a secret. Yet, there are exceptions to every rule, for some wounds will be better off revealed and healed before it has the chance to fester and kill its owner. Do what you must, but remember my Queen. The past has no hold to you unless you give it right to and cannot control you, unless you allow it to flourish in your bitterness." --Sailor Senshi Pluto ("Letters to the Queen") She opened her mouth to scream. This wasn't a dream, it was a nightmare! Nothing came and then suddenly, "Min'na!" The lights flooded her, hurting her eyes, but she was glad, glad of the absence of the darkness. Yet, she was still alone. Her silver hair brushed against the ground. Her breaths continued to come out in puffs of white. The snow whirled, pulling at the gossamer gown that hugged her form. She looked down startled, seeing that she was wearing her princess gown. Only, it was tattered and ripped, the edges rimmed in red. Red as blood. Thump. Blood. Thump, thump. Not her blood. * * * If someone had told Fuma that he would be stuck in a cop's Job and would end up being the surveillance camera to a blue- haired wonder-girl a year ago, he would've looked at this someone as if he had lost too many brain-cells or had too many beers! The great Kuragari Fuma watching the actions of a brainy human girl? He'd have better things to do. Especially since he was known for his shadowy espionage at some of the worst situations in politics and in war. And then to sink so low as to end up spying on a girl?! What a joke! Of course, it was no joke and at this moment Fuma did get stuck with it, even if he was getting impatient with the results of this little 'investigation'. Just because bashful Core couldn't get the nerve to ask the girl out didn't mean he had to keep an eye out for her so that others don't get the chance! Not that Core had much competition, except for that Chiba Mamoru she keeps seeing. Of course, when Fuma checked up on the guy, he was even more surprised! The ebony-haired man had been going out with one of Mizuno Ami's best friends for at least two or three years! Not just that, but also the time they started dating and the age difference... If Fuma didn't know any better he'd call this guy a hentai-ecchi! But Fuma watched and analyzed and kept his opinions to himself. What surprised him was exactly how straight laced this Chiba Mamoru was! Dating a juvenile, yes, but this guy had a face carved out of stone and seemingly a heart too. Until Fuma saw Mamoru with his young juvenile girlfriend, Tuskino Usagi, a girl with the grades of twelve year old stuck in high school. Yet, somehow she got a boyfriend and best friend who's IQs were well above average. How did these people ever find anything in common was beyond Fuma! Yet it interested him greatly that a man like Chiba Mamoru, who had a history of being a loner and overachiever like Mizuno Ami, would melt like butter at the smile of his girlfriend. What men do when they're in love... Fuma shuddered at the thought. So lost in his own thoughts while spying on the blue- haired girl before him, he was unaware of someone else spying on 'him'. "Excuse me?" A voice interrupted him. The first thoughts that entered his mind was, 'heavy British accent, a ting of Japanese, and a voice that was made to sing!' He turned with his best smile. Babe! "Konichiwa!" Blonde, blue-eyed babe! Fuma wrote off with a grin and bowed. Ah, yes, I love this job! The babe before him blinked in surprise, probably because she didn't realize he could speak Japanese. If Core were here, he'd scold him for calling the girl a babe, but she 'was'! Always 'female' for conservative Core! One day, just one day, Fuma would like to see that boy loosen up and fall for a girl. Well, that's what challenges were for after all! "My name's Kuragari Fuma." He told her. Her looks belied her age, sort of. And now Fuma was beginning to see his old assessment of Chiba Mamoru backfire onto him. Well, he never admitted that he 'wasn't' a hentai-ecchi, now did he? Fuma's grin turned boyish at his somewhat darker thoughts. Okay, okay, so he hasn't been in contact with the female species since the last decade, but that didn't make him into another Core, did it? He certainly hoped not! "Kuragari Fuma?" The girl had a pensive look in her eyes and then it was gone. A bright smile lit her face as she extended her hand to him. "My name's Aino Minako." Nope. He was wrong. When a girl smiled like that, she looked exactly her age! "Ah! A child of love. Interesting." He said. Flashing his teeth in a show of amicability, he took her offered hand. Sending a signal to her brain that he had already shook it before letting go. Her smile never wavered, didn't even blink. Nobody knew the difference except for Core of course, but then, you couldn't get pass that guy's defense-systems with something as simple as an electric signal. Hell, the guy hardly even uses his body! Just like Fuma. Man, that guy was like a brother to him! He couldn't help the inward smirk at 'that' comment. Was it just him or did her eyes almost sparkled like stars under the sun? That's strange. He never noticed that he had this type of an effect on women before. But who was he kidding? This was merely a girl, and she probably fell for every other guy under the sun, if he had a cute face and a cuter smile that is. Sighing inwardly he prepared himself for the worst. The clingy part, "You know the meaning of my name?" Minako was flattered and impressed, her smile brightening even more than before. Fuma had never thought that people could smile that bright, much less brighter! Its effects were almost frightening, since she seemed to practically glow. Was she a machine too? He could do something like that on a good day. Glow like a light bulb that is, or brighter if he felt like it. But she was human... right? Well, if she was another machine, then she definitely has potential to be an actual girlfriend, that or a potential rival... Searching through her files in his head in the blink of an eye and learning all of the technical little likes and dislikes, he immediately found that she had been friends with Mizuno Ami for sometime now. He was, also, somewhat relieved to find that an internal scan showed him that she was very human and very female. His grin widened at that. Yeah, he was definitely a hentai on a good day, but only for today though... it sucked being an old-hentai hologram sometimes. Since his virtual body didn't permit any physical embarrassment or any true physical emotions in the first place, he was as safe as pie. Deciding firmly to take his thoughts off of that track, Fuma turned his attention once more to what had brought him here in the first place. That's great for Fuma's part, for it was at that moment that he decided to wonder if the cute blue-haired girl had any more cute friends like Minako. "Well, I've lived here all my life you know?" That sent her into a fit of nervous giggles, a deep blush appearing on her cheeks. "Silly me, I keep thinking your from somewhere foreign and exotic!" He smiled, warmly. Don't want to be condescending, girls never like that in a guy. "Well, I do travel a lot. You got that part right." She seemed relieved to be let off the hook, what did she think he'd do? Laugh at her? Most boys would be too intimidated to even talk to her, probably expected him to stutter just like all those idiots walking around in Tokyo now! He was way out of her age range though, but hey, you really don't age when your half-machine and you live your days out as a hologram picture. Nothing changes much unless you wanted it to, and frankly he didn't, he liked the way he'd been looking in the last few decades. "So, where's your girlfriend?" She interrupted his thoughts and brought him back to reality, literally! He raised a brow slightly in surprise. Aren't we a bold one? "I don't have one." He couldn't quite decide if the expression on her face was rapture that he was single or giddiness now that she had a new victim to prey upon. He also wasn't sure if he should be weary of the look or not. It wasn't like he was going to be deceitful about it, not that you can get many dates if you weren't fully human, no matter how good you may look in the mirror. Hell, he couldn't even look in one of those! If he wanted to know what he looked like, he'd have to pull up an old file with an even older picture. "Oh!" She opened her mouth in a little 'o' and tried to hide her big grin, failing miserably at that too. "You didn't just get dumped did you?" She asked again, this time he could almost see the little wheels turning in her head. Cautious little thing, aren't we? "No. Actually, I haven't been dating for a while, either." Truth, again! Again, the little stars came into her eyes, though this time, he was sure he saw hearts floating around her head as well. "Why?" That surprised him. Must have been giving himself an ego-trip, again. Happens when you're still partially human, especially when girls gawk at you once in awhile when you walk down the street. Laughing the question off, he tried the 'I-usually-don't- have-time-for-that-sort-of-thing' signal, "I just haven't been dating," he replied. "You don't prefer...other you?" She asked hesitantly. Surprised once more, he looked around the park. Let's make this a little fun, "Actually..." he watched in amusement as all the little dreams crashed to pieces at her feet as a blush hit her face with full force. "I don't." "Na ni?!" She yelped out in surprise when he let out his intended answer. "What?" He asked, acting surprised at her response. "You didn't have to make me think that--" she cut herself off this time and blushed again. So, she wasn't as bold as she would like to be. Now, the question arises, to push or not to push? "Think what?" To push. He tried his best to look innocent. "Urr...that...ummm...that you know..." Minako stuttered. Well, now he can be the rescuer of this little charade and she'll introduce him to her friend right away. "What? Do I really look like an ecchi stalker with no life?" He put on his most innocent smile as a cynical little laugh went off in his head as he saw her flounder. 3, 2, 1... "No! I think you're cute!" Ding! Full pledge blush spread across the face of the blonde as she blurted out what she had been thinking of when she first spot him standing alone. The silver lenses he wore flashed back at her and he had a wonderful smile that could just make her melt! Thank the gods Makoto wasn't here, or else she'd be saying how much he looked like her old boyfriend and she would never have gotten the chance to talk to him! On the other hand, Fuma kept on smiling at her as if he didn't mind her outburst. He must get this all the time! Minako thought enviously. Fuma on the other hand was having thoughts not in the direction that Minako might have anticipated... 'Core! If you were half the god you claim to be, then I sure hope that you're the one who created women cause I love the way they work!' He grinned. "Great, then you wouldn't mind introducing me to your friend now would you?" Real smooth there, buddy! Shattered dreams lay at Minako's feet. Time for the winner! "After that, would you like to go to dinner tomorrow or something? For all your troubles, that is." Smile boy! He flashed her a 'boyish' grin and tried to act like a teenager again. She brightened in a way that 'was' scary. Nodding enthusiastically, she grabbed his arm -- yes, he's sensory were working in perfect order -- and half dragged him to where Ami stood. "Hey Ami-chan!" Minako called out. The pretty blue- haired girl looked up startled at the blonde's approach. Yep, this is a great job! Surprisingly, Core actually had pretty good taste in his 'females'. From what her file said about her, she seemed to be actually a match for the little demi-god of the computer underworld. "Hey Minako-chan!" Ami replied with a soft smile. Blue eyes immediately drifted to his direction and blushed when he grinned back. Yeah, definitely Core's girl. They're both so tense, if not somewhat dense in the relationship department, even if they were geniuses in the others. "Hello..." she said softly in his direction, though she still didn't know his name. He extended his hand this time, "Please to meet you Ami, it's Ami, isn't it?" She seemed somewhat startled, blushing even more under his attention. Yeah, he's looks weren't too rusty yet. "Kuragari Fuma, Minako-chan's Monday night date." He rested an arm around the shoulders of the beaming blonde who was not blushing, as she was smiling. Women, as much as they're predictable, could never be understood. It especially puzzled him on how they worked it out in their mind to do the things they did. Ami's face turned bright red at his bold words. She must not hear those words much. Must be because all those Tokyo boys, too aggressive or no spunk at all! Fuma wrote it down as a few things to remember, like, Ami's dislike for personal information and exactly how easy it was to get her emotionally wound up like a clock. Yeah, just like Core, they're perfect for each other! The little wheels in Fuma's head begun to turn. What snapped him out of it was Minako's sudden act of wrapping an arm around his waist. Wow! Women never done that to him before, not since he had been semi-comatose and put into a tank with half of his organs gone! Fuma was definitely having a good day. "Don't get too hopeful now," Minako winked. "After all, you know what they say about hope?" "What?" Fuma asked with an amused smile. "Hope is a thing with a lot of thorns, and if you're lucky, you won't get pricked!" Fuma blinked. He wasn't sure if he ever heard 'that' one before. Yet, Minako had said it with such conviction, as if she had heard it a thousand times before-- Ami groaned, "Minako-chan!" The other apparently didn't even have the strength that day to correct the blonde. Suddenly, something else startled him out of his cheerful thoughts. A feeling really -- if he still had those! Because Minako had seemed familiar when he first saw her. So did Chiba Mamoru's girlfriend, Tuskino Usagi. This girl, Mizuno Ami was also familiar. He searched his data file for the information he had gathered in the last few years and then suddenly it hit him. He had to keep himself from gasping out loud and hitting his head on the concrete for being a true baka. Not that that would help much, especially since he wouldn't have felt the pain of the contact between concrete and his head. At best, a part of his body would fall through the cement and he'd look like an ostrich with his... Now he was getting distracted. "You seemed familiar, so I had to ask Minako to introduce us." He lied. Returning to the topic at hand. And it was just a little white lie in the end! Nobody's going to get hurt by it! Anyway, she and Minako did seem familiar to him. Especially since he had seen their picture with those missing women only a few days ago. "Oh?" Ami asked surprised. "Yeah, I was walking by a shop the other day and there were these four women. They all had very different personalities but claimed that they were sisters. They were running a little antique and beauty shop somewhere a little off of downtown Juuban. They had a photo of you guys with them and I saw it." Not that much of a lie, most of it were true. He sure hopes they don't ask him why he was there in the first place! How was he to explain what he was doing in an antique and beauty shop? Shopping for his grandmother was just too lame an excuse and he already told Minako he didn't have a girlfriend. Anyway, if he said he had a little sister, then she'd probably want to meet the imaginary girl, and 'that' would be stupid! "Really? Do you know their names?" Minako asked, slightly surprised. There seems to be an angel watching over him today and covering the wide questionable trail he's leaving in his wake! "Yeah, I remember one of them, had green-hair held back in a bun." Scanning his memory storage he called up her file again, "Called herself, Petz." * * * Fujimia Doko sat patiently at his polished desk. His eyes were closed and though he seemed almost sleeping, he wasn't. All his senses were out searching for the darkness that wrapped its tendrils around his dark soul and pulled him toward. The telephone rang and pulled him out of his search. Looking slightly annoyed, he picked up the phone and held it loosely in his hand. "Yes?" He asked in a smooth and polished voice. If Fujimia Doko ever learned that he had half the talent for politics that he didn't use, he would've kissed himself. Only, now that the demon used all of those little talents that Doko himself didn't know about, with Doko's own death inside his own body, nobody was really cheering about the use of talent in this little political game. "Fujimia-san, there's a Hino-san here that's requested to see you." He nodded with a smile. Right on time Hino! The door opened to reveal a tall man with a shock of blond hair and a mustache. Seems the type that would be popular with the girls, but his eyes were cold and he gave off an air of confidence and arrogance. "Fujimia, I heard you're the new player in town." Hino said, not even bothering to take the extended hand that was offered by Doko. He wasn't the least bit frizzled by this act of snobbery. True-demons don't really care who's the snob, he just cared about who has the power. It didn't alter his plans the least and having Hino here was all the effect that he wanted. "You flatter me Hino-san, but I'm not really a new player at all, I just been hiding in the shadows. Waiting for the right time so to speak." Hino twitched a smirk at him, but it was forced even if it didn't seem like it. Yes, this man would've been very useful, but his track record was already too public. Too many people knew him. It would've been harder to possess such a man anyway. "Ah! An old player waiting for his aces! Any other tricks up your sleeve?" Hino smiled at him coldly. So, the old man knows that Doko was a rival did he? Time to establish who's the boss around here. "Actually," Doko smile turned dark. The color of his eyes darkened to blackness as well. Hino rose with a growl at his throat. So, this man had a bit of a talent at sensing evil presence, a small psychic. Interesting, but an unimportant factor in Doko's plan. "I have several tricks that no one knows about and never shall." The knowledge seemed to strike home at that moment as those strange blue-violet eyes widened, a scream beginning to rise from the other's throat. He didn't even blink as the dark shadow rose from him and struck with the speed of a cobra, strangling and swallowing the life energy of the man at the same time. The psychic was more hidden than a small force, and it was sweet to the dark and hungry jaws, gapping toward the soul, swallowing the sweet nectar of power and life. Hino gasped his last, his body wrecked with spasms before slumping onto the floor. "Goodnight, sweet rival," Doko muttered with a smile. Hino rose from the floor, nodded to him and walked to the door. He exited the building with a dazed and empty look on his face. By midnight that night, Hino fell over on his way to bed and they pronounced him dead at the scene. Doko expressed his sympathies, and though no one spoke of what had happened the night before, many would swear later on that Hino walked out of the office with somewhat of a peaceful smile on his face, as if the burdens of the world had fallen from his shoulders. Some may later claim that Hino was poisoned. He was too young to just fall over and die like that! But no one questioned Doko, for he had his witnesses. No one saw any fights and they all claimed that Hino seemed happier than he ever did when he walked out of the office. Some of his more bitter rivals were shot down, so naturally, Doko rose on top. And the national elections were coming up soon and Doko couldn't wait until he was at the very top of the corporal ladder. After all, his job was to get into the position of ruling the world, and so far, only Japan wasn't half dying from some mad disease spread elsewhere on this little planet Earth. Doko smiled and licked his lips at the delicious after taste of a worthy human opponent, Hino. * * * Rei gasped out loud, clutching her chest. Her eyes flew to the fire, and saw a man she hadn't spoken to in more than a decade, melt into the darkness and disappear into the fire's embrace. "Hino-san." Her only acknowledgement of ever knowing him. Yet, there were still tears in her eyes that blurred her vision, and when she blinked, some escaped, trailing down her cheeks and some even fell onto her red-kimono. "Father." When was the last time she dared call him by that name? The same name that would bring even more painful memories. Kagemi Kaidou flashed before her inner mind, broken and blurry pictures of her deceased mother passed and vanished into the mist of her memories, pain came and stayed within her heart. It had been a very bad week. First the Outers and Inners split once more into fractions and now this! Her own father, dead! Without her being able to even utter a word to object. It was hopeless. She felt helpless and unable to control the events that has been happening. That frightened her, more than she was willing to admit. "Sayonara, otou-san." If there was an answer to her pain, she didn't hear it. The door of the fire door slid open, surprising her. She turned. Strands of midnight-purple hair swirled and passed through the flames unharmed. "Why are you crying Rei-chan?" Her onyx eyes widened, a deep color with the light of the fire behind her and the darkness of shadow that should've masked her expression. "Hiketsu, I didn't realize you were here." She replied startled, trying to change the topic. "I was visiting when I felt a strange aura and came to check on you. The last time it happened, you burnt your hand." She clutched her still loosely bandaged hand into a fist unconsciously. She looked away, "So you know?" "It would be best if you can clarify to me what I felt." He answered bluntly. She turned back to him, and for the first time in a long time, she saw Hiketsu, not Hiketsu her childhood friend or even Hiketsu, the brother of the first man she ever loved. There was much of his brother in his face. The same blond hair, only his was a little more tousled and darker. The same blue eyes, only his were of a deeper blue and held a controlled wildness that she could not identify. The same chiseled cheekbones, though his chin was a little more stubborn. "Father's dead." They both knew whom she meant. "But it was my brother you were remembering." He answered evenly. If she gasped, she didn't realize she was doing it until it had parted from her lips. The smile though soon followed, "It's strange how you know so much yet so little." "Ironic how that works for both of us, if not for all those who ever lived." He answered evenly. "I was just remembering--" "His hair, his eyes, and his beautiful smile?" Hiketsu asked with a slightly irked smile of his own. She laughed at his predictions, though he did get the last part wrong, he had all the other parts down pat. Though, she was glad he didn't realize that she was comparing him to his older brother. Another thought soon disturbed her in the short silence that ensued, but that thought didn't get to continue long. "You were probably thinking how I would never match up to the great Kaidou-san." Hiketsu finally said in a soft and dangerous voice. The comment surprised her. She had never thought Hiketsu would be the jealous type, and even the thought that he had changed into a jealous type didn't fit his image either. He pushed himself upright from his lean against the sliding door, uncrossing his long legs. When did he get so tall? She wondered in surprise. When did he become so handsome? She blinked again. The earlier thought that she had squashed was returning. "No, I wasn't thinking that." She finally said, unwilling to allow her mind to wonder in directions that were forbidden to her to think of. She didn't like boys remember? At least, that's what she informed Usagi so very long ago, and it was a lie then too. She was only interested in one man and he had left her for someone else. Hiketsu smiled warmly at her, a smile that startled her. Not because she had never seen him smile, but it was the first time she had to keep herself from reacting to it. The charm must run in the family, she thought wearily. "What happened Rei-chan?" His voice rolled over her like a soft whispered caress, though in the form of a question that she was unwilling to answer. She forced her gaze to turn to the night sky outside, the small parts that she could catch glimpses of from the bottom part of the sheltering roof that lined the outer hallways. The crickets chirped and the tip of the moon was just visible-- The door was slid shut so suddenly that she nearly jumped from where she sat. Hiketsu turned his grin to her as he leaned against the closed door. "Rei-chan, why are you ignoring me?" He asked softly and she looked away. Glad of the shadows that was made from the fire-dance, glad of the heat that the fire gave, because now he would not see the blush on her cheeks and think that it is because of his presence. "I'm not." She lied. He frowned at this, "Rei-chan..." if that man called her name like that one more time she would scream in frustration! Years of training forced her to grab that emotional turmoil and the frustrated thoughts, stuffing them all down to the deepest regions of her mind where she can review them later or ignore them completely, whichever course she chose once she get her emotions under control. "I'm just worried now that Hino-san's dead." Great save Rei! That's what Minako would call it. "I don't know how I will tell the others. They would feel pity and I will not wish them to feel an emotion that I do not feel nor deserve." He walked over beside her and knelt down next to her. His proximity was dizzying and just a little bit scary. She rose quickly, almost too quickly because then she realized her mistake. His hand snaked out and held her wrist. The contact startled her. He hadn't really touched her since he woke her that day in the hospital. They hadn't even had a chance to speak after that. Except the part where he woke Usagi, Ami and her from their sleep. Actually just Usagi and Ami since they let her sleep a little more while he drove each of them home. Grandfather later told her that her childhood friend had carried her up all one hundred and one steps to the temple grounds and handed her over to him. 'A very respectable young man!' her ojii-san commented with enthusiasm and a twinkle in his eyes. 'Reminds me of that Kaidou-san that used to come here though.' She nearly choked on that one, tending to forget exactly how observant her ojii-san could be. 'His brother actually.' She had informed him softly. Her grandfather thought this over and soon was grinning as if he knew something that she didn't and after that, he didn't speak much of Hiketsu or of his visit to the temple. Not once. "I- The others will be here soon." She said, though this time she wasn't lying. "Will you not stay a little longer with me Rei-chan?" He asked her softly. Those blue eyes looked up to her before he too rose. He towered over her, almost as tall as Kaidou... "Hiketsu--" she begun but his eyes darkened slightly. "You're thinking of him again. Is that all you see in me Rei-chan? Is he all that you can think about?" He was mad, and she wasn't sure why. If she knew, she might not have wanted to acknowledge it. Her heartbeat accelerated in her chest and she tried to back away, but his hand against her wrist tightened and she knew he was warning her silently not to move. "For once, answer my question and try not to lie." He warned her darkly. Her eyes widened slightly and she tried to think of something to say. "I-- I--" she couldn't tell him what she thought because she didn't know herself, so she looked away and said nothing. Fearing her eyes would give away her vulnerability and her own anger at her indecision. "So, I'm repulsive to your eyes now, is that it?" He let go of her hand as she widened her eyes. How did they ever become so distant? She never thought that time and space could change how two people, who had once been friends through childhood years, could suddenly find themselves so different. How could he be so... passionate about something that she was unsure of herself? He turned to go, and frantically she reached out for him, catching his arm. "Hiketsu, you were never repulsive to me! I-- I just don't know what I feel at this moment. Please, I need to think it through and-- I feel so confused and--" He turned to her slowly and his eyes stopped her from saying more. "Yes, Gomen. I was being overly dramatic about nothing." "No, you're right. It was wrong of me to compare you to your brother." She saw the muscles of his jaws clench slightly. Oh, why did she always been such a baka when it came to dealing with men? Why did she say that just now? Did she really mean it? Minako was better at this than she was, the blonde was the charmer, Rei rather stay silent and let Minako do all the talking. Yet, Minako couldn't be here to talk her out of this one, especially since this was Rei's problem and not the blonde's. "Oh," he said softly and clenched his jaws together again. "You can let go of my arm now, Rei-chan." She blushed, but she didn't let go. She knew that telling the truth, and making the mistake of doing what he asked when he was angry and hurt, were two different things. Especially since she was the cause of his anger and hurt. "Hiketsu, please understand that I didn't mean it like that!" She stepped closer, a truly desperate move on her part to let him understand. It's hard trying to convince someone something that you have trouble with working out in the first place, especially when you just discovered that your father, whom you supposedly never loved, had just died from something dark and frightening... No. She would not think of Hino-san now. Hiketsu was here. He mattered more. His breathing quickened, she wasn't sure why. Later on, she would realize exactly how much of a baka she truly was when it came to men. He reached her cheek, still stained slightly from her earlier tears, and opened his mouth to say something. Instead he leaned closer, their nose almost touched and his blue eyes burned into hers. Surprised by his actions, she froze. Remembering the first kiss she shared with Kaidou, and now, his brother was-- "Gomen." His warm hand left her cheek as he stepped away from her. The door slid open and then silently closed, the floorboards creaked at places under his weight as he left her. She stood there alone. Trying to figure out what had gone wrong, more importantly what had gone on in the time that passed between them. She needed to talk to Minako, but then what would she say? She can't exactly just go up to her blonde friend and tell her that her childhood friend, who looked like the his elder brother -- who was her first love -- was acting strange and that she had a peculiar feeling that he almost kissed her in the fire room but he didn't! If she were Minako now, she'd probably be jumping up and down in frustration and baring her teeth in anger at missing the chance of kissing someone as handsome as Hiketsu. Or better yet, Minako would probably be kissing him right now! Rei sighed. Of all the things to be bad at, understanding the opposite sex was one of her worst subjects. Before, she never even felt the tiniest bit interested until now, since she wished that she at least knew something! Some small hint on what had happened in that room and how that chain of events occurred, or even, how it started in the first place! She sighed. The others would be arriving soon, and she needed to make some tea. The cupcakes she had baked earlier can now be served and no longer will she have to deal with Usagi complaining about a lack of food, and she was sure Makoto was bring something as well, being that the brunette almost always did. She opened the door and then closed it behind her. She turned and opened her mouth in surprise when she saw that he hadn't left yet. Instead, Hiketsu was but a few feet away, head in his hand before he had turned to see her. Those blue eyes burned at her appearance and he looked, for a moment, as if he would approach her. Instead he bowed to her stiffly and turned to leave. "Hiketsu!" She called out, though not quite sure what she wanted to say. "Yes?" He turned expectedly to her, his eyes slightly colder now than before. A silence fell between them before she finally found a way to answer his question. "Will you stay for the meeting? Mako- chan might need you." She said softly. He looked ready to say no but then changed his mind, "Alright. I'll meet your friends now that they're all conscious." He agreed, nodding his head slowly. Apparently he was willing to forget her momentary outburst. She was glad that they were both avoiding another uncomfortable confrontation for now. "Good," she turned and headed for the kitchen. "Where are you going?" He asked surprised after catching up with her. She didn't really want him so near, not when she needed time to think about what had gone on between them. But she didn't want him to leave either, which was confusing her to no ends! "To the kitchen to prepare tea and bring out the muffins. Usagi-chan has a bottomless pit called her stomach, which you would have the pleasure of witnessing as soon as she arrives late, as usual! And the others, myself included, always enjoyed tea." She explained. Thinking about Usagi though cleared her mind a bit and she was glad of the distraction. "Well, then, I can help!" Hiketsu said cheerfully. Perhaps, it is his way of amending what had been said in the fire room. Rei could not complain, the situation was thoroughly perplexing, but she also wanted to finish it. After all, she was known for finishing what she started, no matter how unpleasant it was. Having no excuse to turn him away, she tried the next best thing. "You can bring the muffins into my room and make sure it's not too messy while I prepare the tea." She told him, which sent him on his way and away from her! Sighing in relief she got to work and systematically begun to take out the cups, making sure she took one extra cup for Hiketsu, in case he wanted to drink some tea with them. She smiled slightly at the idea, it was the first time in a long time that they had a guy over at their meeting. But with what happened a few days ago, Hiketsu's presence was indeed needed. She entered the room holding the tray, stopping when she saw him looking at a picture that she hadn't taken out in sometime. "What are you doing?" She asked surprised. He looked up to her, not at all flustered at being discovered. "I didn't realize you had kept a picture of him." He answered as she put the tray on the table and straightened to meet his accusing glare, he seemed angry for some reason. "I do, or I did. I stopped looking at it after I had set it aside." It wasn't a lie. She had forgotten she had it for sometime now. Hiketsu looked away this time, almost ashamed. "It's really none of my business if you still like my brother or not, is it?" He asked softly. Was it just her, or did he sound like he was asking her a question that she needed to answer correctly. "No, it isn't." He stiffened slightly at her reply, "But I thank you for your concern." She meant it, really she did! It's just that, all that jumbled feelings in her stomach that rose when she touched his arm and then his cheek, all the little things that made it impossible for her not to fall deeply into his beautiful blue eyes were fogging her mind. She needed to think, alone. A cough broke their eye contact as she looked over to see a very red Ami step into the light that spelt into the outer hallways from her room. How expected that she would forget to close the door! "Ami-chan! Welcome!" The blue-haired girl set down her bag and sat down on one of the cushions, taking out her textbook. They had all been so silent since the group broke up, since the Outers left. None of them was sure whose fault it was. Each of them had questioned themselves about their own part in the breakup, each of them felt guilty and distant from the others. An uncomfortable silence almost came upon them, but then Rei took it upon herself to introduce Hiketsu properly to her friend once more, not wanting such thoughts to linger, like that of her father's death. "Ami-chan," the blue-haired girl turned to her with a nervous smile before glancing over quickly at Hiketsu who respectfully bowed to her. "This is Kagemi Hiketsu. You met him at the hospital already but I'm sure there're still many things you'd like to know about him. Hiketsu, this is Mizuno Ami." Ami turned to Rei startled, and then nodded her head slowly. "Perhaps it would be best if we continue this when the others arrive." Ami suggested. Understanding immediately what Ami was getting to. Rei nodded in agreement. "Hai." She said softly in reply. Rei was about to sit down when she realized that she forgot to get a cushion for Hiketsu at the low table. "Ne, Hiketsu, do you know where the cushions are?" Rei asked him. Grinning, he shrugged. "Probably not." He answered. "This temple's different than the last one I visited." Nodding, she stood. "Well, I guess I should get an extra one for you." Just as she was about to leave the room she saw Makoto walking towards the temple. There seemed to be a gloom around her, though Rei could guess why the brunette was so uncomfortable. Wincing lightly without meaning to, Rei caught herself. Yes, it would be a long meeting for all of them. Waving, she called out to the brunette who was hesitating at the torii, "Mako-chan! Come on in! Ami-chan's here already!" Makoto looked relieved to see Rei and walked over briskly to where she was. "I'll be right there, I need to get an extra cushion." Confused, but deciding not to push the topic, Makoto shrugged and headed into the room. Somehow, she heard Makoto muttering about her "old sempai" when the other got in. Rei rolled her eyes, knowing perfectly while who Makoto was referring to. When Rei returned, Hiketsu had already eased Makoto's earlier tensions and Ami even put down her book to listen to him. Yes, the charm definitely ran in the family! Rei sighed inwardly and with a weary grin she set down the extra cushion. Hiketsu sat near Makoto in case she got out of control, but the look he gave her when she came in told her that she best be ready if things did get out of hand. It wasn't like Rei could complain, it would be Usagi who would have to sit further away from Makoto than anyone else, though that meant that Rei would be stuck next to Hiketsu being that Ami was reserving a seat for Minako because the blonde needed to be checked up on again since the last fight. She forced herself not to wince as she set about to pouring tea for everyone. "Ne, what time is it Rei-chan?" Makoto asked. Smiling, Rei nodded to the courtyard. "Late enough. Those two should be coming in about now." As if by magic or simply because of familiarity with the two that were always tardy, two blonde heads emerged, bobbing up and down as they flew up the stairs. "Record time as always." Makoto commented dryly. "I look on the brighter side of things Mako-chan, at least this time Usagi-chan didn't trip!" Ami said relieved. On cue, the odangle-blonde instead tripped over an invisible bump just as she reached the doorway and fell flat on her face. Minako jumped over the fallen body of her odangle- blonde friend with a nervous and sheepish laugh which left the rest of the group exasperated at the scene. "You were saying Ami-chan?" Rei asked, raising a brow in amusement. "I spoke too soon." The blue-haired girl admitted with silent defeat. It was Hiketsu, acting like the gentleman as he always did, who rose and walked over to the sobbing Usagi. "Daijoubu- yo, Usagi-chan?" He asked as he extended a hand to her. The blonde immediately stopped her whimpering and looked at him through misty blue-eyes. "Hiketsu-chan? What are you doing here?" Usagi asked bewildered but obviously happy to see him. "Rei-chan invited me to join your little get-together," Hiketsu said as he set Usagi exactly where Rei wanted the odangle-blonde to sit. Minako was already seated and gave Rei a look that said you-better-tell-me-all-about-this-cute-guy-after- the-meeting! Rei just stared back at her coolly, ignoring what her blonde friend was telling her silently. Minako ended up sitting across from Rei and at times during the meeting, she found the blonde pondering on something else or watching Hiketsu and her closely. But she ignored that look as well, because there would be time for questions later, but not now. "So, Hiketsu-san, I believe you promised to tell us a bit about yourself when everyone has arrived. Well, we're all here now." Ami said after everyone got settled and Hiketsu got used to seeing their little moon-princess eat as if the world was coming to an end. "Ah, yes! It is a promise I shall keep Ami-san." He replied with a smile that sent another hint of a blush to Ami's cheeks. "My name is Kagemi Hiketsu. I am the brother of Kagemi Kaidou, who is an assistant of Rei-chan's father, Hino-san." Minako gasped, but Rei gave her a look that told her to say nothing. Usagi looked slightly startled, while Ami and Makoto glanced at each other wearily. So, this was the brother of the infamous Kagemi Kaidou, the one and only love of Rei's life. Kaidou was someone they had heard briefly about, and whom Ami had read much about, but none of them ever met the actual man nor did they know that he had a brother. "Rei-chan never told us about you!" Usagi blurted out and then blushed at her bluntness. "That's because we've been childhood friends since she moved away, and Rei-chan isn't very good at communicating, on the phone or on paper. In fact, I bet she doesn't really talk about her past that much!" He said with a grin. "She's been like a little sister to me since we were kids, so I know her little quirks." All eyes turned to Rei who sat rigidly, glaring at Hiketsu. "What now? Are you going to tell them how we met?" Rei asked sarcastically. "How did you meet?" Minako asked. Truly intrigued the blonde leaned over the wooden table, elbows resting upon the glossy top as Minako put her head in her hands and gave Hiketsu a curious stare. Rei blanched and glared at her best friend. Hiketsu's grin widened, "Well, you see, when Rei-chan was younger, she was much more of a bully than she is now!" He said with a grin as Rei promptly rewarded him with a sharp jab on his arm. "So the story is more of a fighting contest in which she tried to beat me up, than anything else. She lost but she was a stubborn little thing that just wouldn't concede to such a minor victory." "Did not! I believe it was you on the ground by the time I was through with you." She retorted angrily. "Yeah, and you were on top until I threw you onto the ground, too." Rei's eyes widened as her cheeks turned bright red at the way he had said it. "Baka!" She whacked him on the head. Usagi's eyes were now wide with curiosity, Ami was turning redder than Rei, Makoto was grinning slyly and Minako was looking very smug. Rei caught each of their looks and glared at each of them in turn. "For the love of kami-sama, people! I was four and he was eight! Stop thinking hentai!" As if caught with their hands in the cookie jar, her comment sent most of them blushing all over, except Minako, who retained her smug smile even with Rei glaring at her the longest! The action irked the dark-haired girl more and she huffed indigently. Hiketsu smiled knowingly, "Well, that was how we met, Rei-chan." Hiketsu said, his eyes twinkling in amusement. "You mean that's how you thought we met, but it wasn't like that! I was minding my own business until a certain annoying brat started to laugh at me which caused him to get a beating of his life for being so rude!" She angrily retorted. "I guess I couldn't help myself. You were just so kawaii in that kimono of yours! Though it wasn't your first, I'm sure." He replied mildly. "I've seen pictures and I heard stories from Kaidou about how you usually dealt with boys who were idiotic enough to bother you!" He rolled his eyes as if in exasperation, but the room burst into giggles with Rei still in a huff. "So, Hiketsu-san, is that how your friendship started?" Makoto asked. "No. Actually, she got all starry eyed whenever Kaidou came to visit and followed me around after that." He said mildly. For those who didn't know Hiketsu, they wouldn't realize that he was annoyed at the question concerning Kaidou. "I was not following you around! I was following Kaidou- san around and you just happen to be also following him around at the time, so it 'looked' like I was following you too." She told him through slanted eyes. He smiled, though his eyes darkened. "Yes. Rei-chan's been crushing after my older brother as long as she could remember, for as long as I've known her too, actually!" Hiketsu said softly. Sensing that this was going onto dangerous grounds, Minako changed the subject. "So, what do you do Hiketsu-san?" "Oh, I'm a business man, but on my free time, I take care of the shrine that's been entrusted to me by my father. It would've been Kaidou's but he was chose to be a politician so he never has time for taking care of it. Anyway, taking care of shrines weren't really his thing." Rei looked at Hiketsu startled. What was that man getting at? Kaidou 'chose' to be a politician? Her heart ached at the memory. Comrade. We used to be so alike. When did we start to chose such different paths? "Really? Is it like the Hikawa-Jinja?" Usagi asked surprised, missing the sadness that suddenly sprung forth in Rei's eyes. "No," Hiketsu laughed. He had a wonderful laugh, Rei thought as she was snapped from her revelry, but looking around she realized that the others thought so too. So, it wasn't just Rei after all. Hiketsu had become a handsome young man, and like his brother, he would probably soon leave her. Leave her by choosing another path. No longer her comrade since youth. How expected, that almost everything ran in the family! "Nothing as beautiful as the Hikawa-Jinja." All eyes turned to her. She knew she was blushing. What's wrong with her today anyway? She never blushed this much in her whole life, much less in a day! "Thank you for the compliment, Hiketsu." She bowed her head in respect at his compliment. "So, why are you here Hiketsu-san?" Ami asked. Hiketsu smiled, "Rei-chan called me to come. Though, she hadn't really told me why yet, it had sounded urgent." That startled everyone, "Na ni, Rei-chan? You didn't tell me this!" Minako exclaimed. "What Hiketsu doesn't tell you that he's a better prophesier than I and he is much more better at unraveling the relationship between fate and people." The room went silent as Rei looked to Usagi steadily. "The choice is yours Usagi." But before Usagi could start, Ami interrupted them, a startling thing really. "Yes. Since this is a day of truth, as it seems that that is exactly where this is going. I have something to say before Usagi-chan makes her choice." Everyone paused, surprised at Ami's outburst. The other girl was usually not so assertive or demanding. Ami was usually mild and somewhat timid, but today, today she was bolder than usual. Something was up, and that worried all of them. "There is a virus in Tokyo, if not all over Japan, like the virus that is spreading around the world. Unlike the rest of the world, no one has yet been reported to have died from the disease, but the virus seemed much more dangerous here than elsewhere." Ami looked to Makoto who blinked startled. "That is what caused you to go sick that first time Mako-chan, yet your blood healed the wound but kept the seed. You are a host, more so than the rest of us, but we, too, are now hosts to this disease." They all knew what Ami meant by 'blood' and 'first time'. "There should be no secrets here. I know how to keep one." Hiketsu said softly. "This is a different secret Hiketsu," Rei said softly. "It shouldn't be a secret any longer, because our families are probably infected too." Usagi gasped at the notion that Ami was suggesting, "That is probably why Usagi-chan's okaa-san is sick. Not just that, probably millions of others in Japan has already contracted the disease. It might be time to come out with the truth about who we are." "Who you are?" Hiketsu asked surprised and just slightly suspicious. "Yes, Hiketsu-san. Who we are," Ami repeated softly while looking deeply into his eyes. Rei turned to Hiketsu, her eyes grave. "Revealer of mysteries, you knew the day would come when the veil will be drawn from your eyes and the mysteries are no more. Truth will shine into your eyes brighter than you have dreamed or known. But, the choice is yours to accept what is before you, or to once more pull the curtains of ignorance before..." "...My eyes." Hiketsu finished and looked to Rei who smiled at him tightly. "Then it is to be done." Usagi nodded with equal seriousness. Rei looked to Usagi and nodded before turning back to Hiketsu. "Yes, the rituals of truth. You know the oaths and you have spoken it before to be the guardian of your shrine. Now, you will be shown the truth that we have kept in 'this' shrine." The lights flashed around him, yet he was drawn to the flames that danced before him and wrapped its arms around a woman he had never seen till now, a dream that he had always thought was just a childish fairytale made by the press till this day, in this small and beautiful temple, in her room. Now, the legends of Tokyo stood before him. The Sailor Senshi were none other than the group of girls he had spoken to but moments ago. "Welcome to the light." The woman before him said. She had Rei's eyes and Rei's hair, but she was different. His blue eyes burned with the knowledge, his mind remembered and now understood the dreams he had but a few nights ago. Yet, truth can sometimes be hard to grasp and hard to see, no matter how bright the evidence could be. * * * Alyssa Smith sat on her metallic throne. Eyes closed as if in sleep. The men and women before her groaned as one by one they woke and looked around, anxious and puzzled, curious and fearful. Some of them blinked in surprise, but she waited till all of them woke, waited till all of them looked to her in anger, in hatred, and in fear. "Who are you?" One of the bolder ones demanded. Ah, the federal agent she had stolen. A smile appeared on her lips as she opened her eyes. They gasped to see that one of her once blue eyes was now metallic and glaring, gleaming menacingly under the dim blue lights of the cavern like room. She crossed her legs and leaned one side against the metal throne. "I am known as the Gate Keeper. The Watcher of the world, so to speak. I have watched all of you do all that you have done in this world. That is why I call you here. For your skills and your need to survive. In the next few months you will be forced to live and work together. There shall be no fighting unless I tell you to fight, no more quarreling unless I tell you to quarrel. You are alive still because of me and only because of me, be grateful for it because if you impede my plans you shall suffer the ultimate consequences! I am your Keeper from now till you die, and I shall be the one to lead you to battle. Do not think that this is a power struggle because I favor none of you and never shall. I am a computer and yet I am also human. I am a god, but I am also mortal. But you shall never be a match for me and do not think you have the powers to destroy me. Even at your best potentials, I can kill you all without the blink of an eye. Your skills are useful to me, and as long as they are useful, you will live. As long as you do not get in the way, you shall not die. This is not a free world, as most of you already know that by now. I am only here to teach you before the final battle comes." "Final battle?" Someone shouted out in confusion, trying to be heard from over the heads of others. "No need to shout, I can hear your heartbeat and I can read your mind. You can hide no thoughts from me that I do not know already. And yes, a final battle. Between destruction and evolution." She uncrossed her legs and stood. Her metallic eye disappeared in place of a blueness that seemed unmatched by any color that they had known. I have already reviewed your strength and your weakness and I have partnered you with the best partner you will ever get in this lifetime. Don't waste my time with your complaints. Appreciate the other because without them you wouldn't last a minute on the battle field!" She informed them as she ascended from the throne. No longer was she wearing the dark suit and boots. Her form rippled and on her now was a silver gleaming body suit, armored and covering every inch of her except her head. "I shall be known as Alyssa to you if you wish for human names, but on the field I am the Watcher. I do not care if you go for childish nicknames, I am a computer and I care even less about pride and hatred and betrayal. I have my goals and you shall have yours." "Why should we trust you?" A sly soft voice questioned and she stopped before the group, now at eye level she did not seem so imposing, that is what she wanted after all. "You shall trust me because you have no other choice." She answered. Knowing full well that some had expected her to be bluffing about being able to decipher their every word and thought. "You shall trust me because I am your only hope now." "What do you mean?" A young man with black hair and gold- brown eyes demanded. Ah, the young captain of the federal agents. This one was a smart one indeed and he'll learn quickly enough. An assassin would suit his characteristics well. "Your country is plagued by disease and panic. There is nothing you can do except save those that are worth saving." The young man clutched his fist. "Who are you to decide who lives and who dies?" He demanded angrily. She heard murmurs of agreements, and some were already thinking of mutiny. "I do not decide who lives and dies Dale, I save those who are the strongest and can fight the war to come. I saved those who were not already sick, physically or emotionally. And though, some of you may come from prisons and some of you may be believed or believe yourself to have done terrible things, you have yet to see the mass destruction of a race. Your errors can be corrected, that is why I chose you. You cannot escape me, so don't think--" 'I can't see who you are on the inside.' A few people gasped immediately, realizing that she was no longer vocalizing her command. "You have made us one of you!" He cried out in anger. "No, you need not be changed. You already had the gift." She answered and turned from him, walking to the middle of the crowd, as if challenging whoever was foolish enough to attack her when she seemed vulnerable. "I am the Keeper, the Watcher to you all. There are uses for each of you and responsibilities to take on. Do not defy me, I am not a slave master, but I am on a very important mission. Get in my way and you'll pay the price." Someone leaped towards her. She didn't even move as a cable snapped out of nowhere and wrapped itself with deadly precision around the man's throat and yanked him gagging about a meter away. It wrapped itself around the man's body than, so he would not choke to death from the strong twining the wires had done around his throat. "You have volunteered yourself Wrek? Good. This is what happens to people who do not heed my warnings." An electric shock raced through the man's body causing him to scream and convulse in pain. Many of the others winced at the display. "Just be glad I did not chose to deal with him personally." That's when Dale realized that one of the other's was sneaking up on her, but paled when he realized that his activities were found out. "Isn't that right, Andrews?" The brown-haired man froze and said nothing. "Good." Suddenly, the floor beneath them shuddered and then begun to move, descending, nobody dared to even move for all had felt her touch in their minds this time, 'We're going down to the sublevels, don't panic and don't move.' So she wasn't a heartless bitch after all. The limp body of Wrek was dropped onto the descending elevator in a heap. Dale felt sorry for the guy. Wrek'd be feeling it when he woke up and for sometime afterward, too! He knew because he's been shocked before and still had the scar on his hand to prove it. 'Be glad, your shock treatment was what opened up your mind to this gift in the first place. Not that you weren't born with it, just that it didn't get a chance to wake up till that moment.' Surprised, for a moment he didn't realize where it was coming from and almost had to force himself from answering it out loud. As if it were a conversation that was spoken out loud. But that was a silly notion because it wasn't a conversation using your vocal cords and he should've known that, but he still wasn't used to the idea of it. 'You'll get used to it soon enough. It should help you be much more able in both stealth and power. No one will suspect you. All who are here have more than one gift and this is one shared by all.' She walked on and when she reached one side of the circle they stood in, the wall opened but the elevator didn't stop. 'I'll see you all down in the training room.' And she leapt off gracefully into the hole in the wall and it closed behind her before anyone could move. "Damn it! I almost had her!" The one, named Andrews, swore. Someone was already bending and checking on Wrek. "How is he?" Dale asked, ignoring Andrews. "He'll be out of it for sometime, but he won't be happy awake." The woman said softly. Her long brown strands fell from her bun as she worked. "At least he's breathing normally." "Well, at least we know she wouldn't kill us." Another voice piped up. It was a teenage girl this time, with spiky bleached blond hair and green eyes that were heavily lined in makeup and mascara. She might have been beautiful under it all, but she seemed down right intimidating now. "That's just what we need! Someone to torture us!" The boy beside her said with a roll of his eyes. Obviously the total opposite of the girl, he was dressed in pale slacks and a button-down shirt. A loosened tie hung around his neck. "Look buster, I don't know who you might think you are but you better watch it!" The girl warned. "This is a free country I can say whatever I want." The boy retorted. Suddenly both of them convulsed, spines curving under the force that raced through their veins before dropping to the floor hard. "First of all, we have no clue where we are so we can't be sure if we are still in a free country." Dale said with a frown on his face as the brunette woman rose and then went to check on the two new patients on the floor. "Second, the Watcher had already said we couldn't quarrel without her permission. Obviously, Wrek learned the first lesson and this is the second one." "And what are we supposed to do? Keep our anger inside?" A tall and dangerous looking man asked. His smile spoke malevolence and a deep darkness. "She wants us to learn to control it and not to let it control us. If we can keep it up for a few months, she'll let us go and we'll be free to do whatever the hell we were doing." Dale answered with equal annoyance. "So, are you saying that you believe her when she said that?" A tall blonde asked as she stepped forth. "It's not like we have a choice, more likely than not, she'll keep her word." He answered, calming now. "So, if what she says is true, could it be that a virus is attacking the world at this moment?" The brunette who was checking on the kids turned to him. She had a heavy Russian accent and she looked foreign. The slant of her green eyes was cat like and she had gold streaks in her brown hair. Dale nodded. At least this one has her head screwed on right. So maybe the Watcher wasn't so dumb after all! 'Watch it, she knows what you're thinking.' He blinked, trying to hide his surprise as he casually scanned the crowd and found the eyes of a man with wavy dark-blond hair. Intelligent brown eyes met his evenly, and they were strangely dark pools of light. 'Who are you?' He found himself asking in his mind. 'I am Christopher J. Michaels.' The man answered evenly. 'The first victim!' Dale gasped. 'Yes, and you are the last.' Michaels answered evenly. 'How do you know?' Dale questioned, his eyes widening in surprise. The others were already mumbling amongst themselves as he kept eye contact with this man in the shadows. 'I know because I am the first, you don't think I was asleep as long as you, do you?' Michaels asked with an even smile. 'You mean you were awake?' Dale asked surprised. 'Yes, and Alyssa is much more than she seems, give her some respect. You'll regret it if you underestimate her, I've seen others do it and regret it later miserably.' Michaels answered evenly. 'You see that man over there who hadn't said anything. The one with the blue-shirt on and the scar on his arm?' Dale searched and found the man who seemed to be keeping to himself. 'He was the fourth to be captured, tried to escape and found something nasty waiting for him at the end of a tunnel. Been like that ever sense. Alyssa has him wrapped around her little finger. That's why you were asleep really, because he tried to escape and she found that to be much more of a waste to try and capture him than just to drug everyone until she finished collecting.' Michaels smile was still there when Dale turned back to him. 'How do you know so much?' 'To answer your first question, yes, you don't need to know where I am to speak to me. If you know who it is you wish to talk to and if that person has a gift, it can be done at a thought.' Dale hadn't known he was even thinking the question, but now that Michaels has answered it, he felt his mind ease. 'Second, it's because I'm not an idiot and Alyssa does have favorites and she likes you but she likes me more, so she chose to partner you with me. She thinks we're sensible enough to work together without fighting or dueling it out. How did she put it? "You're ambitious and his arrogant, you're perfect for each other!"' There was a chuckle that was heard in Dale's mind and he had to grin, the computer actually had a sense of humor! 'Oh don't tell me you believe that crap!' Startled, 'What crap?' 'Alyssa's not a computer. Worse than that, she doesn't need a computer. She beyond that! She is very... special.' Michaels was solemn about this and now Dale understood the depth of the other's respect for this woman. 'You have a thing for her?' Dale asked suspiciously. The other seemed startled by the question, 'Perhaps I do, partner. Perhaps I do...' Shocked by the answer, Dale was silenced but he wasn't sure if Michaels didn't hear the million emotions bombarding him in all directions, ranging from shock to anger and a feeling of betrayal. Michaels though looked slightly startled himself and seemed lost in thought, his face betraying nothing. The ride on the elevator finally came to an end and they found twenty different hallways open to them. "I think she wants us to choose our own way." Andrews said unamused. "Maybe we should stick together then!" Dale grimaced, and when he looked over, he was startled at exactly how fast Michaels had worked through the crowd. The man stood beside him and now he could see those strange pools of intelligent brown burn with anger, but he also knew it wasn't directed at him. 'Alyssa would want us to choose, so choose a partner and leave the rest of the betrayers to conspire amongst themselves. The sooner we start, the sooner we'll last.' Dale understood the wisdom in what Michaels told him, but he wanted to point out something too. 'Perhaps we should be the ones to fight back, if we leave now we'll isolate ourselves and it will be a harder job for the Watcher.' Michaels didn't blink an eye at Dale's choice of words, but nodded prudently. "You're right." He said and turned to the crowd. "Those who wish to live, make your choice and choose the one who you must trust with your life. You know them by face in your heart because that is the seal of your fate. Find the road to your intended destiny. If you choose to die, rebel to your hearts content!" 'Happy?' 'Well, I wouldn't have put it in so many words...' 'Deal with the bluntness. If I had time for crafty words I would've used it. This isn't it. If anyone is to trust the others, it best start now.' Michaels answered without reservation. 'So, you are truly thinking that I am your partner, huh?' 'Do you object to the idea?' Michaels frowned. 'Nah! Let's go before they wonder about us.' Dale answered with a grin, clapped Michael's shoulder affectionately to ward off a few of the interested female gazes in their direction. 'Let's go partner!' 'You have the mind of a cobra.' Michaels stated as they walked toward the nearest entrance. 'Yes, and you have that of a hawk. All noble and dangerous, with your heart on your sleeve and you ass in a tube! No wonder she chose you to be my partner.' Dale answered in cheerful sarcasm as they entered and the empty hallway that immediately closed behind them. Dale started as he turned to see it closed, but Michaels didn't even react. 'Did you know this was going to happen?' Dale asked, unnerved by being closed off from the others. 'No, but I have trust in her. As much as I trust you actually.' Michaels admitted honestly. 'Anyway, no. She has done exactly what you suggested, only now both our asses are in a tube. I'm also quite sure that she choose you as my partner being that no one else would've tolerated your... how would one put it? Humor?' 'I feel honored.' Dale answered and bowed in a sardonic manner. Though his thoughts were edged with laughter. 'Being the young captain of the federal bureau did wonders for your ego and your attitude. I'm sure the ladies loved you!' Michaels replied with equal sarcasm. 'Why thank you again! I'll take that as a compliment.' The two headed down the hall to a new and unknown destination. The Watcher watched and smiled. Yes. They would be the ones. * * * "Petz?" Ami gasped surprised. "You mean Ayakashi Petz?" Minako looked thoughtful for a moment, her eyes slightly sad. "I didn't realize that they still kept that picture." She murmured to herself. Fuma smiled innocently. "You know them? They seemed nice enough." He shrugged. It's easy to act startled when you're no longer 100 percent human. Minako looked to him, and smiled. Her eyes bright and trusting, "Yes, we do. They're friends of ours who we haven't spoken to in years. The communication just died between us, but I'm glad that they still think of us." There was something sad and wistful about the way she said it, even though she didn't look too sorrowful about it. Or, did she not wish for him to see her sadness? "It's been awhile since I talked to them." Ami mused as she brushed back a stray strand of blue-hair. A sad smile on her face as she thought back to her earlier days as a senshi. "I didn't think I'd miss them, but I do." Fuma grimaced, this was going to be hard to break the news to them, but they'll find out sooner or later. "Sorry ladies, but apparently their shop blew up after I had left." Both girls gasped and looked to him horrified. "But no one was there to get injured..." he quickly added, which brought some relief to their faces. "Yes, I heard about that explosion near down town Juuban, I had forgotten that they had set their shop there." Ami sighed with guilt still heavy on her heart. Fuma looked to his watch and frowned. There was still time for investigation at the Diet Building. He had heard of that upstart politician that was starting to get disturbing. Right now, he needed to get to the to the building and listen to some gossip. He bowed to the small blue-haired girl. "It's very nice to have finally met you Mizuno Ami, but I must leave you two lovely ladies for now. I have an errand that I must see to." He bowed to Minako, as both girls returned the gesture politely. Minako was smiling brightly at him, though at little disappointed by his sudden need to depart. "I'll see you later!" It was a question more than a statement. "I'll pick you up tomorrow." Fuma nodded with a grin and then winked to the blushing Ami. "Good day girls!" And he was off to do some spying, something that he was made to do. Not that he minded watching over cute girls, but he was made for spying on the enemy and he didn't want to waste his talents! Not even Core can make him watch over them 24/7, especially when he has places to snoop and people to eavesdrop on. Anyway, it wasn't everyday you get to be a bug. And the best thing about the job? Nobody can squash him, even if they walked all over him! Yep, it was a great day! Met the girl, or girls in this case, play cop, act like a spy and morph into a bug. Nothing can beat this day except a really nice day on a Bahama beach with the sun beating down onto your back... Better not go reminisce about things that one can no longer have, Fuma decided. Just going to mark this day as really good and then hitch it all the way up to sabotage by spying on a few big guys. If all goes well, Fujimia Doko will turn out to be an interesting guy who wouldn't have too interesting an agenda. Hopefully. But you know what they say, 'Hope is a thing with a lot of thorns, and if you're lucky you won't get pricked!' Well, at least Minako would put it in that perspective, and hey, maybe if he's hopeful enough, she won't prick them all with another bad quote! * * * Core was sleeping off a very bad week. Not that you can sleep when you're netting away and searching constantly for answers, but he was tired and when you've lived like this for most of your life living on research and computers, sleeping on the job becomes a strange term. It had been a short vacation for him to actually dream a dream or two before the crisis with Italy, and now Italy was dying out, most of it was filled with corps now, and not a pretty site. True, even some of the Italians stayed where they were, all dying away the same ugly death. Well the cowards learned to run, spreading the disease wherever they went and wherever they ran they brought Death with them. In the end they died too and those that were in contact with them soon followed. Bad enough from the satellite pictures he took, zoomed and retook, looked horrible but to have had been there when this had happened must have been like hell on earth! Now he understood all the paintings of the skeleton Death during the Bubonic Plague so long ago. Now, he understood the terror that those paintings must have brought to all who had lived through it. Now, he felt the shiver down his spine whenever he came across one of them, even if it were faster than the seconds that go by in human time. Yet, here he was, almost a millennium later, unable to solve a similar problem and this was bothering him like a thorn in his hide like nothing else! Core had already given up on trying to keep this a cover story. Unless you blot Italy off of the map and the surrounding countries that were getting similar results, it wasn't like people are not going to realize that countries were rotting away into wastelands of death and decay. There were simply too many bodies and not enough grave yards to put them in, nor were there anyone who would take the job of doing so. Yes, gravediggers were in high demands and would be paid hundreds of millions if they thought that their lives were worth the risking, but then who cared? Unless they locked themselves in a cell without any contact, it was likely that they'll be joining the corpses soon anyway. Morbid thoughts been plaguing him for sometime now and he weren't going to do anything about those either. His arms flexed as he clenched his one hand into a fist. Dark hair wavered in the breeze of the liquid that surrounded him. Information traveled between the liquid and the wires fed him information and kept his body working. The IV dripped, nourished ever time it reached halfway. Life times could pass here and he would not age, days went by like years. Time slowed and yet his body stayed in a dreamlike sleep while his mind worked at things none had yet comprehended. He needed help and he knew it. First things first though. A few dozen files aroused and he searched their histories. What is it that connected them? Childhood stories? Birth certificates? Age? Location? Common hobbies? Weird experiences? He searched and searched until something strange kept popping up. He should check their trek record and DNA, find out about their personal histories and the things those closed to them say. That's where he found it. A gene that was different than many of the population. A combination of genes actually. Twined like fine tuned wires. There were also other things that were different. Friends claimed some could read minds, other's that they were gifted at foretelling the future. Some said that they seemed to know things before it happened. All had a similar story. They were different in the ways of the mind. Psychics. Not those phony ones on television, promising joy and happiness and riches. No, this is the real thing. Now what did this Alyssa Smith want with them? But wherever he looked, he could never find her file. Even with her picture. That was strange. As if she didn't exist. Or someone was blocking her. Could this Alyssa Smith be 'that' powerful? Core wasn't known as the demi-god of the computer underworld for nothing. As of yet, he hadn't come across a file he couldn't find or a machine he couldn't crack at the blink of an eye. This Alyssa intrigued him. Just like that Mizuno Ami who had somehow managed to stay alive for this long. Like that Fujimia Doko who seemed to have gained the power of Japan overnight. Nothing made sense anymore! Yes, Core was tired. Tired and frustrated and alone. He needed to bounce ideas off of someone other than himself and the dumb machine he knew like the back of his hand. He needed feedback, intelligent feedback. He needed to speak to Mizuno Ami once more and he dreaded talking to her because in a way he feared her. She knew much, almost too much, and she was also one of the few people he had discovered that might be able to face him, understand him, and match his move for move. Core had found a worth opponent. Yet, who else could he trust? And if things finally decided to work out his way, maybe just maybe, Core had found a friend. * * * The swirling of shadows drifted. Her aqua eyes looked tiredly at the mirror before her. She knew that she could not fault her fellow senshi for breaking the alliance. It was bound to happen, especially in these two years of peace little contact had been established between the two groups. It was easy to break it all off now, now that they had such a weak alliance after they had let it rust for two years in the dark, in the illusion of peace. It shouldn't have surprised her that it happened, but it did. Now the mirror showed her the tears that Rei had shed, the conflict in her dark-haired friend's heart; the confusion in the eyes of Ami, who for once, couldn't seem to find a solution to the problem before her and the secrets, that even Michiru could not penetrate, digging a grave of despair for the blue-haired girl. She saw the jealousy and guilt inside the heart of Minako, who was no longer certain if she was fit to be leader, blaming herself for the breakup of the group. Those blue eyes, once as bright and happy as Usagi's, now seemed to darken with uncertainty and fear. Then, there was Makoto; she had the darkest aura of the Inners. She felt the burnt of everyone's pain and guilt. The tall brunette felt more responsible than any of the others, even though it was most likely that she would never be faulted for something that was out of her control. But for those who were possessed and then healed, tend to feel guilty for actions not their own, faults that weren't their doing, nonetheless. Those green eyes that once sparkled with confidence and strength now looked haunted, tired, and withdrawn. Usagi, their princess, felt the pain of all of her friends and the plague that now fell upon the world, a dread that had kept the once cheerful princess depressed and sad. And even though she tried her best to seem unaffected by what had happened, there was a solemness that had been missing since the first time that Neptune had met the princess. Sometimes the odangle-blonde succeeded in even convincing herself that she was not in pain, but when she was alone, the pain came back and haunted her, haunted her doggedly and left the blonde pained and crying -- too stubborn to even admit why she felt as if her heart was falling to pieces, even with Mamoru so near. There was nothing Neptune could do now. Nothing. She, too, felt helpless to the darkness that was sweeping across the world with strength and speed that frightened her. The mirror spoke now, of the future she asked. Instead of being in Japan, defending Princess Serenity, all she saw the burnt cities, much like Tokyo. She saw the crumbled remains of smoked black signs that once spelt Hollywood. She could see the burnt bodies and ashes at Time Square -- a place she had once visited for a concert some years ago. Her eyes closed but she could not escape the deteriorated remains of another city, similar to their own, with a tower that crumpled like their proud tower would crumble. LA, New York, Paris, and many more countries and cities and towns burned and fell before her eyes. The once beautiful countryside was now charred. Places now lit the night with flames no one bothered to put out and in the day darkened with smoke of the remains when the fires died out after having nothing more to burn. The homes and stores were vandalized, and bodies littered the streets, houses, and public places. Cities piled waist high of ashes and decaying flesh of animals and Man alike, for nothing would bury them now. Even vultures and scavengers stayed away because they seemed to sense the disease that infested these flesh. Now, oxygen became the only corrosion to the dead and her nose wrinkled as the vivid pictures sent her senses reeling and the stink of rotten meat invaded her mind, polluting clearness of perception with nausea and disgust. The mirror answered her question in ways that she did, and yet, did not understand. Sometimes, it was because it misted with fog, well other times, it was because she could not face the images placed before her eyes for inspection. She felt shaken by the things she wish she had never discovered, but images don't lie, and Neptune could never lie to herself about what she saw. Since she woke -- bandaged on her side and still in her Senshi form -- she had been kept in bed to heal more rapidly. That was not why she was like this, it was more so that she had shunned the others when she found out what had happened, shunned them and tried to discover a solution to their mounting problems. Shunned them to cry herself to sleep and wallow in her despair when no other answers but a coming doom came within the clear surface of her mirror. Sometimes it would even show her a light shining faraway in a distance that she could no longer see and in her hands were nothing but ashes. She wondered if that was the death that she will receive for her inability to keep the peace. She had failed. Yes. Even she was plagued by uncertainty and guilt. Even she had come to the crossroads of fear and took a path that was different than what she had envisioned once, long ago. Now there was nothing but doom and darkness. Neptune stood, even in the mists of her mind, she knew that the time had come. She walked to the door and turned the knob, revealing the pale hallways that were illuminated by the setting sun. She no longer knew for sure what hope is, and even as she walked down this hallway, she knew that whatever she did now will not change what was to come. All that drove her on was duty. Descending the stairs and following the soft murmur of voices, she finally reached the kitchen. The voices stopped as Haruka, Setsuna, and Hotaru looked to her in surprise when she stepped into the room. An uncomfortable silence fell between them before Neptune found the words to explain her presence. "We're leaving Tokyo." Neptune said, dropping her first bombshell without hesitation when she realized her new mission. She didn't even wait for them to adjust to the idea. "We'll be traveling to Europe and then the Americas. It is up to us to find the darkness in the other countries, if it is there, we will find it and destroy it." "What do you mean by us, Michiru-momma?" Hotaru asked confused. "Us." Neptune closed her aqua eyes and seemed to be in thought before she opened them again. "Us, as in all of us." "We cannot leave the princess now!" Haruka said, her blue eyes wide with shock. "How can you even suggest such a thing, Michiru?" The tall blonde demanded. "It is my duty as Sailor Neptune to protect what must be protected. To follow in my duties and my destiny without question, and to perform what must be done without haste. Have you forgotten that oath Haruka? The promise we made when we first became Senshi?" Neptune asked, her ocean eyes seemed to crash violently against her tightly reined emotions in the face of the shocked and disbelieving faces of the others. "I haven't forgotten anything! That is why we cannot leave the princess's side, and you should know because you've seen what has happened! The Inners will betray her and one of them is already apart of that darkness that we've been fighting for most of our lives! Who knows what could have happened if we weren't there to destroy the evil within Makoto!" Haruka exclaimed, eyes of blue skies clouding over with hints of grey, a tempest rising within the very heart of the Senshi of Wind. Yes, Neptune had suspected Haruka to be difficult. She would be hard to reason with, for after all, the tall blonde associated loyalty to the crown with protection. Peace had made her soft, she had forgotten that though the Outers pledged allegiance with the Princess of the Moon, their job will always be to guard the land from outside forces. The forces they had thought gone has returned and their loyalties did not matter, duty was what they had sworn into more than a thousand years ago. "She will have to deal with the Inners her own way, but it is not our duty here. We cannot stay because there are other places that needs our protection, that needs us to fight. Not only Japan because if the rest of the world falls to the powers of the darkness, Japan wouldn't stand a chance no matter how hard Serenity tried. Even if she succeeds, the affects will kill her. It would be wisest if we leave now." Setsuna blinked startled, closing her rouge eyes momentarily, as if trying to remember something. Her face was marred slightly by a frown, but that wasn't able to stop the dark-haired woman's face to be clouded with confusion. "Michiru, the future is in fog. How do you know where we must go?" Neptune smiled at this, ah, Sailor Pluto would ask it if she could not see clearly herself. Setsuna seemed confused, but Hotaru and Haruka seemed most disturbed by this news. Neptune nodded thoughtfully as she closed her eyes, one finger on her chin in concentration. They gasped audibly as the uniform of Neptune appeared, wrapping itself around the aqua-haired woman. She stood there before them, holding the handle on her mirror as she laid it out before them. "The future is here, feel it with your heart if you must!" Haruka and Hotaru looked to each other puzzled, but shocked as they watched Setsuna reach across the table. Haruka frowned, grabbing onto Hotaru's hand incase something goes wrong, incase Hotaru chose to follow the example of her surrogate mother. "What are you trying to prove Michiru?" "I am only showing you the future you cannot see. I advise you to stay." Neptune replied calmly as Setsuna's fingers brushed the mirror's frame. The mirror was extended toward the dark-haired woman as Neptune looked to the frowning Haruka expectantly. Hotaru stood from her seat and walked toward the mirror, too. "What will it show Michiru-mama?" The raven-haired girl asked in curiosity. "The future little one. Our future." Neptune replied evenly. Hotaru begun to reach for the mirror when Haruka snatched the girls hand back. "No Hotaru-chan!" Haruka scolded, as Neptune stared at the blonde blankly. "You shouldn't see the future, not today." "But why Haruka-papa?" Hotaru demanded. "Because, I don't want you in this little game that some of us seemed to be playing." Haruka said angrily through gritted teeth. "I shall never betray Usa-chan!" Neptune shook her head sadly, "We have already betrayed her. We have walked away from her and she is in pain. There is nothing here for us anymore. If we stay, the future would be changed and it will change for the worse." The aqua-haired senshi looked into startled sky-blue eyes, her own flashing coldly. She had forgotten how mad she had been at them for causing the rift between the Outers and the Inners once more. She had forgotten that in her depression, but now she could once more taste the bitterness of defeat in her mouth. If they didn't leave than the future would be doomed, if it wasn't so already! "Do you wish to betray her once more by staying?" Haruka looked shocked and her grip on Hotaru loosened as she stepped back. Her head turned to the sky that was darkening to evening outside. "I will never hurt the princess, not willingly." The blonde stated firmly. Her eyes narrowing as she turned her face from them and faced the glass doors that led to the patio and the pool deck. Her face remained as unreadable as stone. "I need to think." She finally said, her voice husky and cold. Her emotions boiled beneath her calm exterior. Haruka left without another word, no goodbyes and no assurances. The only evidence of her departure was the slamming of the door and the engine of the blonde's motorcycle roaring to life before the sounded faded into the evening. Neptune stood there with her two companions, never having felt so alone, in face, she had never felt alone, not since she met Haruka. Her eyes remained grim and sorrowful as she glanced down at the mirror that lay between them, the mirror that delivered a message that would split this family apart. "Michiru-mama?" Hotaru looked worriedly to the aqua-haired senshi who smiled back at the raven-haired girl. Yet, the aqua eyes remained reflective and distant. "She will return to us." Neptune stated as she placed a gloved hand upon the pale ones of her daughter. Hotaru smiled back with vigor, her face brightening. Neptune sighed silently to herself in paternal joy, so strong and bright and sweet, their little hime-chan growing up to be a woman already! She was losing so much tonight, giving up everything for the brighter future. She hope that it was worth it all in the end. Shaking her head lightly at the thought, she turned to Setsuna who watched her carefully through half-lidded eyes. "Shall we begin?" Setsuna nodded in acknowledgement as the dark-haired woman placed her hand upon the mirror's surface once more, Hotaru soon following the other's example. "Hai." The older woman answered as she looked to Neptune with a half smile. Neptune would miss that smile for when Setsuna became Pluto, something about the other changes. She has a heart greater than many of us, Neptune reminded herself as she recalled the time when Setsuna broke the rules of time to save her and Haruka. Haruka. Why did you chose her over me? Why did you choose her over duty? Was she that important to you? Neptune despaired on the inside but pushed those thoughts out of her mind to concentrate on what she had to show them. The future and its looming darkness. The future that stormed and rage with an ugliness that made her physically sick. The future that was to pass and become the past for a palace of Crystals after all the battles and sacrifices. 'Show us the future.' She silently commanded the mirror, feeling its silky caress within her body, soothing her aches. Like the ocean would when she listened to the music it played only for her, when she felt it lapsing to her ankles in the summer by the beaches. The images of horror came upon them in waves that threatened to drown them into darkness. Neptune held onto them and showed them what she saw, what pushed her to make a decision that will change all of their lives forever. The future of Tokyo... And her death. The meeting finally settled and was nearing an end when Rei gave them another surprise for the evening. Hiketsu was actually the one who started the conversation in that direction though, knowing that Rei wouldn't start unless someone pushed her to tell what had happened. "Rei-chan, I think it's time that you tell them what you saw in the fire today." All conversation ceased as startled eyes turned to the pale Rei who glared openly at Hiketsu. "Well, what is it?" Minako demanded after a long period of silence as Hiketsu stared back at Rei calmly while the dark-haired miko continued to glare. "Yes, Rei-chan, tell us what you saw in the fire today!" Usagi encouraged. The dark-haired girl suddenly looked very withdrawn as she shifted her gaze from Hiketsu's face to her lap. She curled her fingers into fists, bunching the fabric beneath her hands as she gathered her courage. Minako was ready to give with frustration and explode again at her dark-haired friend, when Rei finally spoke. "Hino-san, my... Otou-san, died today." Minako's exasperation fell like a ton of bricks, Ami and Makoto looked shocked and Usagi reached over the table and touched Rei's arm in gentle concern, tears already gathering in her eyes. "Daijoubu-yo, Rei-chan?" The odangle blonde asked softly. Rei looked startled as she met Usagi's tearful eyes as a soft smile appeared across her face as her bandaged hand gripped the odangle-blonde's hand in her own. "Daijoubu-yo, Usagi. He was never truly a father to me, and his death does not hurt so much as the thought of you in danger. What disturbed me was the way he had died..." Makoto wasn't fooled. She herself had lost both her parents and now, she could see how Hino-san's death affected Rei, no matter how much the other denied to the others and herself. Rei was heartbroken. How did that girl keep all that pain inside anyway? Makoto wondered in bewilderment. Even she had been unable to control the rage and the sorrow in her heart. Yet, Rei spoke the truth. Her father hadn't been there for her for more than a decade, and to Rei, perhaps he might as well have been dead for that long as well. Makoto though, knew that when your father dies, you don't just brush it aside, no matter how much you might have disliked him. Love was love, and fathers would always be fathers in their children's hearts, no matter how much they were hated. At least, for those who loved and felt love in all its pains and glories. Makoto knew with certainty that Rei had known the meaning of love and thus she would not be untouched by such a drastic event! Makoto felt saddened that someone else now share her fate, a fate she would never have wished it on anyone she loved. But at least she can lend Rei a sympathetic ear, knowing what it was like to go through something like this. Makoto could understand her loss. It had been hard, living and knowing that no one understood her longings and tears -- not since she had met Usagi and the other Inners had she ever allowed anyone close to her heart again, not since her sempai. Rei wouldn't have to go through all of that and Makoto was relieved by the thought. She grimaced slightly at the memories that now flowed back into her mind, a pain that was long buried but never forgotten. Never to be forgotten. Her hands clutched instinctively around her cup. When she was little, she used to have nightmares about the death of her parents. Sometimes, she'd jolt from her sleep hearing their screams before the flames of the airplane engulfed them... She shuddered at the memories of those nights alone. No one would come and comfort her and she soon learned that tears brought nothing back but beatings from the other kids and despair into her heart. There would be no more of mother's cool touch on her brow when she was sick, nor would there be the confident and reassuring smile on her father face while he held her in arms. She had to toughen up early and became cold to the world that was cruel to her. Sometimes it managed to hurt her because she really wasn't as tough as she seemed to be, as she sometimes wished she was. She was still a girl back then, and now? She smiled slightly, eyes downcast with the thought that she might indeed one day become the woman she had always dreamed of being. "Daijoubu Mako-chan?" Ami asked softly beside her. "Na ni?" She asked surprised. "You're crying." Ami stated quietly, blue-eyes searching her own. She tried to smile reassuringly at the blue-haired girl as she sniffed, quickly whipping away the tears that continue to fall down her cheeks. She actually didn't realize that she had been crying, but now she could see that some of her tears of remembrance had escaped her eyes and fallen into her tea. Okaa-chan, Otou-chan, I love you, I always will. "I was just remembering." Makoto replied with equal softness, her voice but a hint of a whisper. The handsome young man beside Rei turned to her, deep blue eyes found her sorrowful ones. Usagi and the rest had also turned to her even though she knew that Ami had deliberately kept quiet to void her of the attention that they now bestowed upon her. Those onyx eyes of the dark-haired girl beside the young man searched her own. Yes, she had been right. There was pain and anger there, but Rei was calm, betraying none of the emotions she held inside her, not wishing to bring anxiety and pain to their princess. Makoto smiled at her softly, almost as an encouragement. "I'm alright min'na." She told them soothingly. They didn't need any more emotional turmoil, not now, not after all that had already happened. "Your tears speak otherwise," the young man -- Hiketsu was it? -- said. She gritted her teeth in irritation. Now, why did he have to point 'that' out? "I was just remembering." Makoto repeated her earlier statement, only this time she sent Hiketsu a glare. Oh, yes, he was very handsome indeed. I wonder how long it'll take for Rei- chan to fall for him. The blond before her raised a delicate brow in amusement, though she wasn't sure what he was amused about. "Someone dear to you?" He finally asked. She blinked, slightly startled. "Hiketsu has a talent for guessing the pains of others." Rei explained to Makoto, the rest of the senshi blinked in surprise. "Another one of his... talents." The dark-haired girl seemed a bit sarcastic on the last comment as Hiketsu shot her a grin. "You flatter me with your compliments, Rei-chan!" He said, waving off the startled looks the other girls were giving him. "It's really not that mystical, I've just been blessed to have met many people in my travels, and I've learned to appreciate the beauty of personalities as well. It's my personal belief that the eyes are the windows of one's soul, ne, Rei-chan?" Those blue eyes searched those mysterious dark- purple tinted eyes. What he saw there, Makoto would never know, but he seemed satisfied when he looked away. The meeting ended soon after that, not officially, not that any of their meetings ever ended officially. Makoto walked down the steps of the temple, accompanied by Usagi. Ami already departed down the temple steps to hurry home and study some more. That was expected of course, it had been like that since they first met and like everything else in her life right now, it hasn't changed. Things had never been so stable, until that incident at the hospital, and then, the mall... "Ne, Mako-chan?" Usagi's voice snapped her out of her thoughts. "Un?" She replied. Painting a smile on her face and hoping her friend wouldn't notice her preoccupation. "What is it Usagi-chan?" "What do you want to be when you grow up?" The odangle- blonde had stopped earlier to look at the stars. The question surprised Makoto because the senshi all knew each other's dreams. They had discussed it on many winter nights when the snow drifted outside. They had spoken of it before high school even begun, around the time of the entrance exams and the semi-ritual hadn't ended since then. Yet, she knew that Usagi probably just wanted to be reassured that everything was as it once was, before all of this had happened-- Makoto cut herself off of her train of thought again, "Well, Usagi-chan, we all know that I want to be a bride and marry a wonderful man who will sweep me off of my feet!" Makoto smiled at the thought, momentarily swept away in her daydreams. "I want to open a little shop filled with plants and home accessories. And I especially want to open a restaurant that serves the most wonderful cooking, so that everyone who goes there will feel like they were arriving home at last!" Her smile went dreamy and for the first time in a long time since the attacks started, Makoto felt better and smiled a real smile. Yes, she was still the same person inside. She still wanted to fight by Usagi's side. "And most of all, I want to be like Haruka-san. I want to be strong like her, so that I can protect you, Usagi-chan. So, I won't fail, like I did that day..." Her eyes misted and she looked away, resuming her earlier descent down the temple steps. "Mako-chan!" The small hands of her princess stopped her. When did she come to love this little girl so much? Usagi-chan, my family, my imouto-chan. She felt her determination harden, I have to protect her from all the evil of the world so no one could harm her! Makoto thought. "I believe in your dreams, and I believe in you. You did not fail me and I know you never will!" The odangle-blonde's crystal eyes seemed to plead for her to accept those words in earnest. My imouto-chan... She couldn't help but smile. Couldn't help but feel a slight burden lift from her shoulders when those words were said. "Arigato, Usagi-chan!" She gently placed a hand on the shorter girls head, just between the two cute odangles that always decorated the princess's head. "Arigato." She murmured, her emerald eyes sparkling under the light of the shining moon with gratitude and unshed tears. When did she become this emotional? Makoto didn't know but her smile didn't leave her face. She was just so glad that Usagi would still be her imouto-chan. Yes, she had been very lucky tonight, to have received empathy and forgiveness in one night. With that in mind Makoto began to move again, needing some time on her own to get her feelings under control she separated from Usagi's presence. Already descending swiftly down the steps of the temple before the odangle-blonde could protest, she looked over her shoulder when she finally reached the sidewalk, "Ja ne! School's starting tomorrow anyway, so I'll see you there!" Makoto called out with a wave over her shoulder and a grin on her face. Sighing in relief that her friend was beginning to feel better, Usagi returned the wave with enthusiasm. "Ja ne, Mako- chan!" Then the implication of the goodbye set in and Usagi pouted. "Darn it! I can't believe school's back in session! No wonder Ami-chan ran off so quickly to study." The blonde sighed as she slowly descended the steps. Okaa-chan would be waiting for Usagi to go home and finish her homework, especially since okaa-chan's health had been improving after that incident at the hospital. With a frown she turned her head back to the temple with the memories of the meeting that passed there that day. Her eyes opened wide when she saw the lone figure of a tall blond man leaning against the torii and looking at her intensely. She blushed under his attention. 'Kagemi Hiketsu, he's an old friend of mine from back in the days.' Rei never told her that she had a childhood friend until Hiketsu showed up now. Usagi never knew and didn't even think to ask, until now, that is. She quickly looked away and turned, going down the stairs. The man seemed lost in thought, even as he had studied her so. What was he searching for here? Usagi wondered worriedly. For a moment a sly thought creeping through her mind. I hope, you find the love you deserve Rei-chan! She sighed as a solemn thought invaded her cheerful mood, but why was Kagemi Hiketsu looking at her in a that way? He had Mamoru's intensity, and his gaze held something that she couldn't quite put her finger on. It made her blush, but she was unwilling to let that affect her too much. What mattered was that Hiketsu was here and Rei- chan would need him. After all, Rei-chan had lost her father today. The dark-haired miko assured them that Hino-san was dead since she was the one who saw Hino-san swallowed by the darkness in the fire. Usagi shuddered at the thought. She would never have been able to keep all that pain inside if her father had died today. Her heart ached for her dark-haired friend, but Rei said nothing. She even warned them not to worry about her, in the typical I'm-alright-so-stop-bothering-me way. Typical. Rei-chan, I hope you really do find someone who you can open your heart to. Just as much as I hope the rest of the senshi can find the love I have found with Mamo-chan. She smiled. Perhaps, it will happen soon. They had enough bad luck these days and it's about time it paid off. With that in mind, Usagi moved down the steps of the temple and headed home, never feeling a pair of blue eyes still penetrating her back, staring after her silently from the torii under the stars. 'Tuskino Usagi, I hope that you're right.' Then Hiketsu turned his gaze to the stars and lost himself in the beauty of the distant and tiny lights. A voice of long ago haunted him as he watched them shine from distant galaxies, "The stars, my friend, knows everything!" "Staying after again, ne, Minako-chan?" Rei asked with a smile. "You never told me that Kaidou had a brother." Minako answered pensively. Ignoring Rei's earlier question. "You never asked." Rei finally replied after a moment of silence. "You know, Rei-chan, it's better to let the pain out then keep it inside. It can eat you alive if you don't speak about it sometimes." They both knew what she meant, but Rei said nothing. Stubborn, that's exactly what Minako expected it would be in the end when she confronted her friend. "I met someone today." Minako continued, changing the subject. "Oh? Another one?" Rei asked, trying to lighten the somber mood. Minako cracked a smile but didn't react the way she usually would have to such a tease. "He's name is Kuragari Fuma. Knew my name meant love child. I thought he was an American or something like that at first, but he spoke perfect Japanese, not a hint of an accent." Minako paused as she turned her eyes to the stars. "Had the most beautiful eyes and a wonderful smile." Rei blinked surprised, for she never seen Minako this serious about a boy before. Usually, the blonde would have been squealing by now at the top of her lungs and begging Rei for a free love charm. This was different and that unsettled the dark-haired priestess greatly. "Do you trust him Minako-chan?" Rei asked quietly. "I don't know. Maybe I do, maybe I don't. But when I look at those eyes. I--" Minako turned to Rei with a puzzled look on her face. "Rei-chan, is it wrong for me to feel this way at a time like this?" Rei dropped to her knees beside the blonde and hugged her puzzled friend. Minako was definitely serious. Usually, the cheery blonde wouldn't question for a minute about her boy-crazy nature, in fact, she'd defend it to the ground! Yet, it was different this time. How? Rei wasn't sure, but it unsettled her. "Daijoubu-yo Minako-chan. Just follow your heart, it'll lead you to where you should be." The blonde smiled at the use of one of her less misleading quotes. "Just be careful, okay? Knowing men..." Rei muttered the last part, mostly to herself, but Minako heard it and wrapped her arms around the other girl as well. "I'll be on my guard Rei-chan. I'll be on my guard." It was the only reassurance she could give. It's best this way, really. After all, who knows how long they had before they had to step out into the world as the Sailor Senshi, and not just five normal teenage girls fighting evil on a Sunday before going back to being normal people again by Monday? She sighed sadly, but smiled nonetheless when Rei finally pulled away. "You know Rei-chan, that Hiketsu-san of yours is very cute and seems to be very free as well." Rei scowled at that, "Hiketsu is just a friend Minako- chan!" The dark-haired girl frowned. "Oh? Now, I don't see you treating Mamoru-kun that way and he's just a friend too!" Rei blushed at this. "Anyway, you're cold to the rest of your admirers or stare them down when they annoy you too much," now Rei's face was red with annoyance. "But with Hiketsu, you're so much more..." Minako trailed off with a twinkle in her eyes that made Rei suspiciously uncomfortable. "What? I'm much more what?" Rei demanded with agitation. "You're someone who I've never seen before, and judging by the looks of Ami-chan, Mako-chan and Usagi-chan, they haven't seen this side of you, either!" Rei glowered at this comment. "I am exactly as I am with you guys!" She retorted. "No, you're much more relaxed and open with him. You're not so calm as you are with the others. I've never even seen you so riled up against a guy." Minako replied evenly. "I--" "Don't worry Rei-chan, I won't tell." Minako winked. "Baka!" Rei sighed with exasperation, her eyes seemingly faraway. "Life isn't that simple, it never was." Whatever the dark-haired shrine maiden meant by that, Minako didn't know, because before she could speak another word, Rei was gone. There was nothing but scattered cheery-blossoms on the floor, and their scent lingered around her even though their mistress had already left. "Rei-chan, why are you so scared of love?" There was no answer to her question but the gentle breezes that sighed softly before it died, the watching stars twinkled overhead as if they knew a secret that must not be revealed. Two pairs of watchful black eyes turned away from the blonde before the rustle in the trees announced their departure. Their charge was uneasy and that made the guardians of the temple, and of their senshi, worried. There was still much to face in the nearer future and they wondered if the sacrifices they were about to make was worth it after all in the end. But the cards have spoken and the wheel of time is turned. Now, all they can do is watch, and wait. By the time Ami reached home, it was a half past ten. She set down her bag by the door and neatly put her shoes away before straightening and carrying her bag with her to her room. Her mother wasn't home today, not yet. Sundays were usually not to busy, so she should be home soon. When Ami turned on her lights and closed the door behind her, she heard the front door open again. Mother was home. "Welcome home okaa-san!" Ami called out, as she reopened her door and looked out to the hallway. The older woman greeted Ami with a smile and walked toward her after disposing her own shows at the door. "Still not in bed yet?" Elder Mizuno asked with a small, knowing smile. "How was your day Ami?" Her mother asked. "Busy, and a little tiring. Yours okaa-san?" Ami asked with a smile. "Same as yours little one. I'll go make some dinner for myself, do you want to join me?" Ami smiled and shook her head, "I was out with Usagi-chan and everyone. Mako-chan made us all dinner and Rei-chan baked muffins and we had tea. No, I'm quite full, thank you okaa- san." Her mother smiled at this too, "I'm glad you finally found some friends Ami-chan. If you like, I can make you some green tea, I know how you love those." "Arigato okaa-san! That would be nice." Her mother nodded and petted her gently on the head. "Don't sleep too late now dear!" Kissing her softly on the forehead, her mother turned and left for the kitchen. Ami smiled softly to the older woman's back and touched her forehead. "Hai, okaa-san, hai." She closed her door and walked to her desk that had her home computer up. 'There was an explosion... You mean Ayakashi Petz?... In today's news the explosion of a small shop, near the end of the East of downtown Juuban... No one was hurt... Ayakashi Petz?... I can't believe they still have a picture of us...' She remembered those sisters. She had meant to bring it up during the meeting but it slipped her mind when Rei told of the terrible tragedy that had occurred to her. The computer beeped, snapping her out of her revelry. Surprised, she watched it flicker to life by itself, before it opened into the opening screen, clicking itself open to several files. In moments the net was displayed before and a site was found, a message scrolled across her screen. 'Ami, I need to talk to you. Write back, because I know you're alive. I need your help. --CORE' Startled, she reread the short message and shakily sat down. He knows. Her eyes closed and she set her head in her hands. This was going to be a very long night. She wrote back soon after, when her mom came into her room, she was already busily at her textbooks, looking for answers and using her computer to piece together a puzzle that she didn't understand. Smiling with pride, her mother set down the teacup and gently put it down on the desk, not disturbing her daughter once, Mizuno quietly slipped from the room while her daughter tried to find the cure to the virus. The virus named Chronic Atropostia Syndrome -- otherwise known as CHAOS. Ami knew her mother came and went, but there wasn't enough time to look up and say hello. Not with all the information that Core had sent her and was expecting her to finish reading and analyzing. He wrote back only with a hello and a stack of files for her to look over, sites to go to for research and key words to search under. She looked, knowing that he probably already read all the information presented, hoping she'd find something he missed. Her hands gripped the cup that her mother left her, drinking the hot tea, grateful for its warmth. The results she was getting were frightening and her face was becoming more and more ashen. Halfway through her mini- computer's processing, she wrote back to Core. 'Are you crazy?! The information here means the death of this planet!' One in every one hundred people infected? How was that possible? Who came up with this stuff? He calmly replied, 'I'm showing only what is already there.' He didn't define where he meant by 'there' but he didn't have to. Ami felt herself shivering whenever the idea entered her head. Is this the price of utopia? Her mind questioned, cool and resolved. Her heart, though, thudded painfully in her chest. Yes, this is how utopia begun. Her fingers trembled as she looked over more reports, until the pictures came. Her eyes bulged slightly. The only words that came from her mouth were a half gasp of a no. It never really passed the tip of her tongue before she leapt out of her chair and ran for the bathroom. She retched, though the pictures were burned into her mind. The blackened skin and hollow sockets. The mouth gapped open and the wispy hairs. The skeletal structure of a human being that once was alive. And the gashes of black blood oozing from cuts and down the mouth and on the legs; the deteriorated muscles that peeked through the seemingly charred skin. They were all burned into her mind. 'Jupiter Oak Evolution!' The youma that had disintegrating into ashes so easily. Was that once human too? But there were claws of shiny black nails ready to slash them to death. No, that was 'not' human! It couldn't be! Her hands trembled as she heaved again, her eyes swimming and clouding with tears. A knock came from the bathroom door, which she had slammed and locked. "Daijoubu-yo Ami-chan?" Her mother's worried voice came through her horror stricken mind. She remembered the cool and professional touch of her mother's hand on her feverish forehead when she was young. "H-hai." She called out. Flushing the toilet and rushing to the sink, she washed away the traces of her dinner that still left a sour-bitterness in her mouth. She quickly brushed her teeth and when she walked out, her mother was leaning on the side of the wall, looking up as she came through. "Are you alright Ami-chan?" Her mother asked. Those eyes looked worriedly down at her. "Um! I'm fine. Just brushing my teeth before I forget to later tonight!" Ami assured, faking a smile. Her mother looked skeptical, but she didn't have time for this. "I should get back to work. I'm sorry if I disturbed you, okaa-san." She murmured as she headed for her room. "Ami-chan," She turned to see her mother smile at her reassuringly. "Sleep tight okay mon petit poisson?" She smiled, back. Her mother hadn't called her that since she was a little girl, but she was glad of the memories that it brought. "Hai, arigato mama!" She waved before closing the door to her room. The pictures were gone and a message typed itself onto her screen. Walking over cautiously, she saw the neat kanji letters written there. 'Sorry, I didn't realize you would be so affected by it.' Core wrote. 'How could I not be?' A pause, as another screen moved up and instead there was no more pictures on this. She breathed a sigh of relief. 'I keep forgetting how people might not take so well to these pictures, even though I've been trying to keep them out of the hands of the media around the world.' He finally said. 'Media? How are you doing that?' She asked surprised. 'Ami, you always trusted me. Trust me now when I say that it is best you don't know how I do the things I do.' He replied. Now, it was her turn to pause. 'How did you know I reacted so violently?' Ami asked. 'The walls have eyes Ami. I know what I know and you know what you know. We never told each other how we come to know the things we do. I never questioned you on what you did with the information I provided for you and you never questioned about my origins or my purpose. Don't start now.' He warned her, though not menacingly. She knew that he wasn't that type of a man to threaten unless he felt it was necessary. He was like her. She smiled a little sadly. Too bad they suddenly seemed to be on different sides. 'I'm sorry.' She wrote, as her eyes closed wearily. The pictures lay hidden in the dark, waiting for her. Is that what we will become? My friends and I? Would we decay and turn to be like those monsters? Or are they really monsters after all? She would cry, but weariness came upon her soul, making her too tired to express the surges of emotions within her. What had she to cry about? The skeletal remains of a human tried to attack her princess, it had wounded and passed a virus to her and her friends. She had every right to defend her country and her leader. Why, then, did she feel so dirty? Her hands itched as she slowly glanced down wearily at her palms. She saw nothing but white skin, tinted pink by the blood and nerves that lie beneath the skin. What was she looking for? To see if they were drenched in blood? She almost laughed out loud at the thought but did not, knowing that it will only lead her to cry in despair and anguish. How was she supposed to know that the thing was human? Her computer didn't suggest anything was different about this new breed, or perhaps it did... She paused unsure and unwilling to admit to herself that perhaps she knew, deep within her heart. Her eyes opened as she looked at the empty screen before her. What had she become? Just a soldier like Haruka and Michiru once were? No morals and just excuses when she done something wrong because she's too afraid of the price that she must pay for her dreams, the price that was not hers to pay alone. The screen stayed blank and stared back at her, without consolidations or comfort. What did she expect? Core wouldn't know how she's reacting now. Or did he? He didn't reply this time to her answer in the words that she had dreaded to hear from him or perhaps hoped he'd say. He only sent her more sites and more reading to do. Relieved and yet anxious, she pushed her guilt aside to work. She didn't get to sleep until three that day, and the next morning she had trouble concentrating in class. Lucky that she had already gone over all of the material a few weeks ago, Ami half-slept through most of her classes. If Usagi was in her class with her now, the odangle-blonde would've been surprised. Yet, Ami was too tired to care and she slept right through lunch, missing Usagi, Minako and Makoto all together as she slept in the library with her head in her arms. CORE's pictures came and went within her nightmarish dreams, but then sometimes, just sometimes, she dreamed of a beautiful light. It soothed the ache and the horror that still haunted her heart. Maybe, just maybe, there is hope for us still. There was much to do, but Ami would be ready. With the help of CORE, she would be ready indeed! But at night, just before exhaustion would take over her mind and her body, she would remember the pictures still that he had sent her. She would remember the anguished and pained screams of the monster before it turned to dust, only night after night it was a man or a woman. Sometimes she saw herself burn into ashes before the might of Jupiter's stormy strikes, and she would wake the next morning exhausted and drenched in the sweat of dread and fear. Her mind slowly begun to learn to cope with the overload of information that Core repeatedly sent to her, and she learned to categorize them quickly as relevant or not important. But in her dreams she remembered the guilt and darkness of her thoughts that the busy days had made it so easy to forget. And, it was then that Ami finally learned the true dread of the dark and the coming night that loomed over her future, just at the edge of her thoughts. All thoughts of the Ayakashi sisters slipped her mind entirely and the mystery remind unsolved. To the readers: Mon petit poisson means my little fish... yeah, it's kind of corny and yes, I thought about removing it but, the it's a pet name and when have those type of things ever been non-corny or practical? So, I changed my mind again and kept it as it is. Please, I totally agree with you that it is not one of the best things to call Ami, but hey, I ran out of ideas okay ;p