Born to Power =========== Born to Rule ========== Every morn and every night Some to misery are born. Every morn and every night Some are born to sweet delight. Some are born to sweet delight, Some are born to endless night. -William Blake (Auguries of Innocence) Part III - Kaul ------------------ by Blue Planet Earth: Castle of Kaul, the Queen's private chamber... "My Queen, there is a disturbance in the north-western sector of your kingdom. A group of young dark-rebels believe that this coming agreement to join in the Peace Conference of the Moon is too much of a radical movement and are now protesting. Their magik is not strong but it is threat enough if they increase their powers anymore especially at a time like this." The crimson-haired Queen paced the floor impatiently, her emerald-eyes flashed in frustration as she fought to control her temper. Stopping abruptly she finally spoke, "Crush it." The messenger nodded and left the room. Slumping against the throne she frowned ever so slightly down at her hands. The north-western sector had always been a pest and had always rebelled for one reason or another. Radicals! She laughed at the thought, for weren't they being radicals instead of she? They're calling for war! And her, she was searching for peace, a peace to end all wars that had disrupted her nights with endless hours of questions and searching through volumes of books for answers to these questions. She hated to use force against her own people, but she needed also to set a precedent against future uprisings and the times were turbulent now, she could not let a group of dark- rebels ruin all her plans. She had always feared what may come if the powers of the System do not find some agreement. Perhaps this Moonchild will bring us peace, or this Prince that they seemed to deem so well chosen in the Eastern sectors, I wonder what he is like. Her mind drifted in and out of these thoughts before a loud bang snapped her out of her revelries about the coming conference. "Beryl! How dare you send troops to the north without my acknowledgements?" The figure was dressed in a flamboyant yellowish robe that flowed down to the floors. She frowned at the intrusion for it was her private chambers, no one but she had a right of entrance, especially without her permission. "Captain Sieulo, I am the Queen I need not your opinion in any matters. Your insubordination to me should and could one day push me to cut off your tongue." She replied smoothly, the man glared at her through narrowed black eyes, but he paled visibly so she knew she struck a nerve. "Or should I let the mages have a go at you?" His face paled even more so now, most man feared magik, and this one was not an exception. He was truly paranoid and superstitious, so much so that he couldn't even stand to stay in the same room with a magik wielder more than a few minutes. He was also too self-centered to believe anything but that many - men or women alike - would do anything for his position in court. The only reason he still had his job at all was to calm the elders that did not like her the least, her advisors told her that until she found another man seemingly more worthy of the position to all the elders, it was best to keep this one. She despised the biased man before her, one who looked down at everyone from his narrow nose. At first, when she was still a mistress to the King he had seemed charming and handsome, now as a ruler she couldn't wait to get rid of him. Her hands itched to circle around his neck and squeeze... What am I thinking? She thought with horror. She rose gracefully and he stared down at her defiantly. "I'd advise you to kneel to her Queen," a warning broke the tension and the big man before her stiffened. "It is alright Nitokaku," she turned and smiled at the silver- haired man with light-blue eyes, so light in color that it was nearly white, the only sign to show that he was blind. But instead, his saw in a different sense that far surpassed her abilities of magik or knowledge of such as well. His deep loyalties to her and his respects of her decisions had made him one of her favorite advisors, though he never criticized her actions he would never refrain from telling her of her faults either. "Captain Ku Sieulo, you are sent to lead a small army of mine against these insubordinates and to bring back the head of the leader. Fail to do so and I will have your head in his place." She smiled sweetly, she knew this new group dealt in the dark-arts, if he fails I can have a much more accomplished man ready to take his place, either way he will be killed. She waved him away and in that act angered the man perhaps even more, but all he could do was comply. She was the Queen after all, and the only ruler of the land, to deny her demands is both a political and a physical suicide. "My Queen, these meddlesome creatures of the North are giving me bad dreams, I must warn you to be careful with what you do with them." Nitokaku told her after Sieulo had left. "Oh Nito-kun? I did not think a small force could be that meddlesome, I'm confident that my forces can subdue them." She told him smiling triumphantly at having extinguished another political enemy. "Beryl-sama," the silver-haired man bowed, "I must request that I too may go to this rebellion, I fear it so my Queen, I must destroy it with my own powers to know that you are safe!" She frowned at the news of his departure. The situation again sank in, in all its gravity. "What if I said no?" She asked softly, her brows frowning in sadness and worry. "I beg you Beryl-sama!" He kneeled before her and pleaded with his head bent as if in prayer, she felt unworthy of such reverence from one such as he. Silence stretched between them within her chamber of repose. "Rise Ziou Nitokaku, for I will allow you to go as a favor that you must later return." She smiled as his head rose sharply in surprise and laid a gentle hand upon his silver-hair. "You are an angel," she bent down and gently kissed him on the lips. "I will miss your presence." She knew she would never see him again and in that moment she gave him her last gift, the only gift that a Queen may ever give to another that cannot be King. She gently lifted a silver ring, with tiny white stones that glowed from green to red within its depth. "Keep it Nito-chan, it will keep you safe from evil." "And you?" He asked worriedly. "After this you must go to the Prince Endymion, I've known my fate long ago when the old King took me as his mistress. An old woman in my village had once told me of my doomed fate, mayhaps another time we can meet under better circumstances." He was about to protest when she silenced him by placing slim fingers upon his lips, "You cannot save me Nito-chan, no one can." With that she turned and he knew that he was dismissed. "Sayanora, Bella." He whispered softly, her shoulders trembled and he knew she heard him call her by her true name, one that he will always remember her by. With that he walked out of her castle and her life like any other man. She would miss him greatly till the end and maybe even beyond that, for already she was trying to hold back the loss that she felt deep within her, permeating her heart and soul with a deep loneliness that she would no longer be able to escape. Long after he had disappeared a single tear escaped her closely shuteyes, splashing against the marbled table that she leaned heavily against for support. "Sayanora...Nito-chan." The room was empty now, and her whisper reached no one but her own ears and traveled no further. "Sayanora." I love you. Her eyes were empty after this goodbye. She was alone again, and this time, forever. Planet Earth: Kaul's Northwestern boarders, Qua'h... "This place is damn desolate if you ask me." A whispered voice of one of the soldiers reached his ears and he sighed in sadness. Bella said that no one could save her, from what he wondered? What did she mean? He begun to doubt his coarse of action again for the millions time that day, the letter that was attached to the inside of his belt reminded him of the note that the Queen had sent to him before he left. "She said that this is for the High-Prince Endymion." The messenger left after that, the reason for not delivering the message herself was one that he did not delve into. Perhaps it is because we have already said our goodbyes. He grimaced and sighed inwardly. He already missed her deeply, they had been friends for as long as he could remember, and the day that he found her on his training grounds he had fallen in love with her instantly. Lovers, is this how it felt to leave your lover? Knowing there will never be a tomorrow when you will see each other again, how do I survive? When I found her, how long ago was that? He could not tell, but he was sure he had been at least five and ten at the time. Her beauty was captivating and as she grew more men begun to pay attention to her, he nursed his jealousy in secret, but she had told him one night in the dark that she loved only him and from then on he had kept to himself, his studies, and her alone. When the King took her to be his mistress he had privately wanted to slaughter the wicked man for years, unwilling to let her go but could do nothing else. When the King died he knew why and how, he had been there had he not? And enjoyed every minute of it as he watched the fool beg for mercy as the old man's body fell apart and died. He had worked beside her to bring a peace that the old King had been too greedy and cruel to abide by, together they had captured the kingdom, but it was she who took control, fearful and alone she only agreed because he requested that she does not include him in it. It would bring too many suspicions in our direction and will decapitate you from ruling with full power, he had told her. They would suspect you more if I were included in this. So instead she brought him to the court as one of her many advisors, replacing the old ones that were outright set against her and kept him close, closer than any other men or women. The court never suspected. "We can never marry, I am not of your class." He had told her one day when she questioned him about the future of their relationship. Her long, red hair sprawled upon the covers of her bed as he stroked her pale, soft skin. There had been a peace that settled in him that had never reached him until that moment. She protested profusely to his reply, perhaps even a little hurt at his refusal. "Iie. I can never be more than your lover, the country needs you Bella, so does Earth." She quieted after that, but he felt the liquid tears that fell against his skin, and inside him the peace dissipated and a void opened within his chest. Emptiness. He wanted to fill that with her, the love and belonging that she offered, but he knew he could not. It was political suicide for her to marry him, they would suspect. She whimpered, his one hand that caressed her skin stopped its movement and he rose and got dressed. "Gomen nasai Beryl-sama, but morning is fast approaching. I hope I have satisfied you tonight." With that he turned and left. A soft whisper of a cry reached his ears but he kept on walking, pretending that he didn't hear her calling him. Every nerve in his body wanted to turn and hold her and tell her that he would do anything for her just to see her smile. He couldn't. He loved her after all. He would give up everything and anything for her. Even sell his soul to save hers. I love you Bella. In a perverse way, he selfishly did not tell her the truth before he left, selfishly wanted her to feel this emptiness he felt. In a way, it was to protect her from himself, in a way it was a fear that once the truth was out he would never be able to leave her. "Matte!" The troops stopped, he quickly diverged his horse to a jagged rock like cliff, slowly tottering away from the rest of the soldiers. This is as far as I go with them. With a flick of his dark, velvet cape, he was gone. "There's something fishy going on around here that I don't trust." The sky grew cloudy, a flash of storm-lightening slammed into the middle of the army, killing the man who were in contact of each other within the troops. The smell of burnt flesh soon rose into the air and screams of pain fell into the hills, echoing into the sky. "The hell!" The troops scattered a little as panic escalated within the troops. The attack was magik, where did it come from? "I smell magik doers here, show yourselves!" The captain, Ku Sieulo yelled to the dark masses that shifted before them. An amused laughter rang out into the dark, the men stopped and with curious fear looked about them at who would mock their escape from death's grip. A dark shadow was suddenly spied upon one green-grassed hill. His face hidden in a hood of darkness, "Welcome friends to our grand ball." Two more men stepped to his side, one in a dark-crimson robe and one in a midnight cloak. "We are the three-brothers of the Dark rebellion, welcome to our humble little abode." The one in crimson said, his lips curved into a malicious smirk but the rest of his face was hidden in shadows. "Hai. Let us celebrate your last day on this planet... breathing." The midnight stranger added but he did not smile at all like that of his brothers. "You are no fun dear-brother! Let us play with them awhile!" The crimson told the blue. The dark mage pushed the two apart and through the shadows smiled almost sympathetically down at them. "We are the dark mages of this world." An army of warriors clothed in the blue and red colors appeared around them. "Kill them." The blue mage said with a sneer. Eyes widened, the dark soldiers smiled, their forms grotesque and disordered, monstrous in each and every way. "Slowly." The red added with a smile. The storm mass broke and they realized that it was not a dark cloud before them but an army of dark creatures that had levitated before them with the aide of magik. Down they fell like rain, dark bodies that seemingly brought darkness with them as they fell from the sky like fallen exiled angels of vengeance. "Death!" They whispered, is only the beginning. A minute later, the valley was filled with dying screams and fighting. The dark-rogues emerged under the command of the last mage, and with them they brought a sleeping dragon that they had woken from her captive prison of eternal slumber. Living on the fear, the anguish, and the stench of Death, the Dark Dragon rose upon Beryl's small army and engulfed the hill in shadows. The one they were seeking to kill was already gone. But she - the empress dragon - was hungry now, these troops would only be snacks to her thousand year-old hunger that was suppressed by the magik sleep. Rising upon the hills she let out a mighty roar that stampeded the country till it reach the ears of the doomed Queen. She was alive. And she will destroy all that had been and is to come. The dark-rogues found the captain, Ku Sieulo, among the rubble, he was the only survivor of the troops, and all they needed to accomplish their goal. For now, one disloyal seed had sprouted. Peace had ended. The Dark Wars has begun... Planet Earth: Endymion's Court at the presence of the Four Kings... "King Endymion, the long awaited reunion of the Four Kings had been a grand one that had been anticipated for centuries! But this! This is grand indeed." The white-haired counsel said with a soft, knowing smile. "The communications, they are well are they not?" He asked nervously as he ran a hand through his hair. "Nothing is the matter with the communicator is there? Nothing that's out of place?" "Endymion, Endymion, when did you ever learn to be such a worrisome hen? I swear that you've been taking lessons from Kunzite far too often!" The golden-haired General, the second King, King of the West teased the Prince of Cryone. "Jadeite, I've already regretted your return after the first hour of your jests, must I beat you again in the battle room just to teach you a lesson?" The silver-haired General, the first King, King of the North sighed melodramatically as the golden General glared at other. Nephrite, the auburn-haired General, the forth King, King of the South methodically took out a note pad and scribbled something down. "What are you doing?" He looked up startled to meet gleaming, light- emerald eyes, staring at him curiously. "General Zoisite-sama! Don't scare me like that!" The auburn- haired man said, jumping slightly at the nearness of the other man. Taking advantage of Nephrite's surprise, the curly-haired General, the third King, King of the East grabbed the note-pad from the younger General. He smiled when he read it. "Oh, I'm not so sure. Jadeite has gotten revenge in many other forms that can be less pleasant than a few words of wit can bring." The auburn-haired King blinked in surprise. "Why looked surprised? I thought you'd hear the horror stories by now, since you've heard aught else about our infamous blondy over there." The curly-haired General grinned. "Hey! Don't call me that, blondy!" And the two blonds argued with each other for another ten minutes before the high-Prince screamed. "Look guys, we're about to have a conference on Peace with the Moon in an hour and already you two are losing it! How am I every going to be able to present the seriousness of our cause if you call each other silly names like six-year olds?" The dark-haired prince scolded the two. "Just passing the time Endymion," the golden General said with a grin. "Hai! Gets our tongues moving." The curly-haired General added. "How do you deal with them?" The dark-haired prince asked in exasperation to the first King. "Huh? Oh, Jadeite and Zoisite? Easy, all you have to do is-" the silver-haired General begun. "Enguard you measly peace of trash, I will slaughter you!" "Iie, you coward! Your sword is not worthy enough to even think about standing against mine!" "Coward? I'll show you coward you slime of a bookworm! I..." "And they make the policies of their kingdoms how?" The forth King asked before his mouth dropped open in shock as the two traded insults back and forth as easily as they traded blows. "Endymion, it is not even worth it for you to pay attention to them." The first King mumbled as he went back to his report, not even bothering to glance up at the two Generals dueling in one corner of the conference room. "There actually quite good if you ignore the part that they're only joking around like three-year old boys with nothing else better to do." The forth King said, a hint of admiration seeped through his speech as he watched the two Generals playfully jab at each other. There was a grace to their movements that resembled a wild and dangerous dance. "Oh, but they are but playing, they're not even close to being serious yet." The forth King looked surprised. "Zoisite may have his nose stuck in a book in that rusty cell we call a library for half a century, but for the rest, he likes to practice the art of war. He's a brilliant strategist actually, lacking in the magik department of war, true, but he is amazing when he does hand to hand combat or even sword fighting." "And Jadeite?" "Jadeite is almost as good as Kunzite, if not better in some arts. Kunzite just happens to be more devoted to his studies than our Jadeite over there. Sad really if you think about it, but push him enough he'd get better. One advice Nephrite, never challenge him when his angry, it's a bad idea." The prince turned back to the two Kings, "My friends, the Conference is almost beginning, you might want to-" the two blond Generals disappeared in a flash and appeared in their seats, neat and tidy as if nothing slightly close to the mock sword- fight occurred. The Prince and the forth King looked to each other in surprise and amusement, the first King put away his book and looked poised in his seat as if what had occurred happened everyday. Perhaps it does the prince thought despairingly, perhaps everyday. He sighed and the terminal came on. His breath caught in his throat, he had never seen anything quite so beautiful in his life. "Good evening Prince Endymion, the Princess Serenity of the Moon has been delayed and will not be able to communicate for another hour. Please wait a while longer, we will contact you in two hours earth time. Luna out." A low whistle was heard after the screen gone blank. "If all the Lunars looks like that I'd be in women heaven." It was definitely Jadeite, but this time Endymion had to agree. "That's the High Counselor Luna, a Mau, she answers only to the Queen and the Leader of the Senshi, and so I'd advise you to best be careful about what you say around her." Kunzite told the golden General. "A Mau?" The Prince questioned. "You don't know what a Mau is?" The forth King asked in surprise. "No Nephlite, I don't. Would you be so kind as to inform me?" The exasperated Prince asked. His counsels blinked. "What?" Endymion asked in surprise. "Mau, the inhabitants of Kumong. It is the planet between Mars and Jupiter. They are half cat and half human. Carrying shape- shifting magik in their blood they are powerful and dangerous. They also despise and mistrusts all magik other than their own powers of shape-shifting even though magik is in their blood and if trained well, they can do a lot of damage." Zoicite told the prince, sounding like an old textbook. "Fascinating," Endymion mumbled. "So that woman we just saw, Luna is it? She can turn into a cat?" "Hai, of any type. They're vicious with their claws and fans though, they're well into hand-to-hand combat." "Endymion, you should've read this by now." The prince laughed nervously at the comment, all eyes turned to Kunzite. "Na ni? You try forcing him to study!" The first King said in annoyance. "You and your privacy policy Kunzite, it's so easy." Jadeite needled and another argument soon begun filling the hall with laughter and sound. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ So what do you think so far? Not much action yet, but that's because I want to talk about the Silver Millennium's politics before I get personal. Give people the whole picture ya know =) Anyway, that's the perpose of this story, I wanted to see where my imagination takes me. If you wish to write to me about anything, here's my email address =) Arigato! Blue