BluCrescent Hi everyone!! This is my second fanfic. first I would like to give a big thank you to everyone of you who wrote to me and gave me your much needed comments and advices. I really appreciated and it told me at least there was someone out there that read the first one. Thank you so very much. Now for this fic. I really don't know what it's all about except that it's about being afraid to really trust someone else with your heart. This is from Darien's POV when he first fell in love with Serena (lucky girl) and doesn't know how to deal with his new found emotion. But really I think it can go with anyone of them that ever had to deal with love. Anyhow enjoy and please send all of your comments,flames,advices, or anything to me at I love getting mails. (hint hint) ^_^ Enjoy the story now on with the show. Disclaimer: Usual disclaimer apply here. My Mess-Up Jumble of Emotions I love you. I love you with all my heart and soul. There's a wonderful aura that surrounds you and lures me to you like bee to honey. Just seeing your face brighten up my day. Lord knows how many times I've gone out of my way to just get a glimps of your face. No matter how my teacher or boss will yell at me for being late. But it's all worth it to just see you for a while. Then you smile and I realize how really it's worth to see you at that moment. Your face lights up with that smile and your wided eyes innocent make you even more irresistible. Whenever you give me that smile of yours my heart starts to beat louder and louder until it seem like the whole world can hear it. I have tried countless of times to make this feelings stop but then again I never seem to have control of my brain when you're around me. Those smiles of yours do strange things to me that no one else can ever do. How many times have I wondered how can such a little creature could have utterly total control over me? How is it possible that I melt like ice cream on a summer day whenever I see her? My heart screams out for me to touch you, hold you in my arms forever, and never let you go. But my mind tells me to stay away from you for you will only hurt me in the end. Is there a way to guarantee that this love will last? How can I tell if this love is for real. Or is this some weird twisted joke you're pulling on me? I am afraid. Afraid that I will hurt the one person that matter most to me in the world with my coldness. Afraid that you will hurt me. With just the power in your little pinky you can make my whole world come tumbling down. If I give to you my heart will you cast it away without a glance. Laugh in my face for I am the fool that should dare to believe that someone as perfect in every possible way can ever fall for an old foolish nobody like me. This is a human heart we are playing with my love. My heart to be more exact. Once this heart is shattered it can never be mended back together. I only have a little light left to live for. If you should ever break this heart of mine, that little bit of light will fade away and so will my soul. Knowing to love you it will fill my heart up to the brim with light but if you should ever go away all I will be left with is a barren and lifeless soul. They said it is better to love and lost than to never have love at all. For now I will have to disagree with that and stay away from you. Nursing this little light of mine with your smile,your touch, and your voice. Hopefully over time it will grow brighter with everday of basking in your beauty. Slowly ever so slowy I will give my heart to you when I feel that the light is bright enough. However please be patience with me. For I am still afraid. Afraid of heartache and the pain that it'll bring. Afriad that my heart will be smash into million of unrecognizable pieces. So please be patience with me for there will be time when it seem like I'm pulling back and that I don't love you when I truely do cherish you. For now I will tend to my heart cultivating it so the light will grow in this heart of mine. Until then my love. The End Well...what did ya think? Good,bad,stupid, to sappy? Write to me at people and tell me what you think of it. All flames, comments, advices, or anything about this is welcome.I know stupid ending but I really didn't know how to end it. Sorry about the grammar. English is not my best subject as you can tell. Until next time people bye. : ) BluCrescent P.S. Write me. ^_^ :0)