Title: Crescent Mirror Author: aaeris17 Author?s Notes: Rating: on the cautious side it?s PG-13 Author?s Notes: I can?t believe the gang is finally growing up!! Sigh, I have absolutely loved writing them as children and now to be writing them as teenagers is just as much fun. I hope you guys are enjoying the story and are as pleased as I am that Endy?well, I?ll just let you read on and find out! Thanks again to all my readers and reviewers! There is nothing more pleasing to a writer when people enjoy her work and take the time to send a few notes of encouragement! ******Chapter 17************ ******** ******** The full moon was in a few hours, I noted as I slumped down onto my window seat, this one facing the forest and the Labyrinth. Mother had said she needed to see me tonight, at moonrise. As much as I had pestered her and Luna the only thing I could conclude was that it had something to do with the Senshi. My heart was worried that perhaps I had failed as Sailor Moon and they were too disappointed in me. I felt that I had complete control of the Moon Wand now. My tiara attacks were excellent and my Moon Healing Escalation was good too. I sounded like a child whining. I checked myself and did a Mina esque/ Rei esque critique of my attacks. True Rei?s and Lita?s were the most offensive and Ami the most defensive. I always felt like I was the finishing touch, like the frosting on a slice of cake. Sadly, I honestly thought the Senshi could do just fine without me. Lita argued that this wasn?t true because I had more untapped power than all of them combined. I remember telling Lita this very afternoon that being the most powerful without the ability to get to it was just as useless as not being able to do anything. Rei made a face and Ami pointed out that I was always able to clean up the mess, healing if you will. My retort about not being able to save those closest around me rattled them. I wish they would talk to me about Endy. I wish they didn?t pretend to think he was still alive. I know they think he?s dead and they have given up all hot. I know that they feel sorry for me. I don?t need their pity! I had come back to my room fuming with anger and Luna was the poor soul who dealt with me. ?Serenity! Sit down! Calm down, now Artemis did not report anything amiss during training. What has enraged you?? Luna took me squarely by the shoulders and sat me down like she did when I was ten and upset because I couldn?t control my attacks. I pouted and gestured with my hand, causing Luna?s tray of glasses to fly up and smash downwards. Before she could even yell at me I waved my hand again and tried to fix the glasses. The shards came together, held for two seconds before collapsing prettily, with a small twinkling melody back on Luna?s tray. ?How many times have your mother and I told you that the Silver Imperium Crystal follows your heart?s emotions and you MUST learn to be in control when you try to use your power!? Luna motioned me to bend down and help pick the few missing glass pieces, ?Before you even go into Rei I want to remind you that her element is fire. Passion and anger control and drive her power. Anger causes your power to be uncontrollable,? Luna spit the last word out before resting back on her heels, tray still on the floor, ?I haven?t seen you this upset in such a long time, will you not tell your nurse what ails you so?? Luna touched a soft hand to my cheek and I let it rest there, feeling the coolness and the calmness. I stood and went to my window. ?Luna you won?t ever think I was crazy, would you?? I asked in all seriousness. Luna stood up and placed the tray on a table near my door. ?No my dear, you have a loving heart and are no more crazy than any other teenager,? Luna answered my back. I put my hands on my windowsills, feeling the cold and closed my eyes, ?I know Endy is alive. I have heard his voice; he has promised to come home, Luna, he is out there,? I whispered, gazing out at the sun setting over the forest, ?You have to trust me, Luna, he is alive and out there and trying to get back!? I turned and was about to continue when I saw my mother standing there with her mouth slightly open. She found her composure. ?I see, Serenity. You are not crazy and I will see you at moon rise tonight,? Mama spoke softly and left my room with the tray of broken glass. I turned to Luna who looked as white as a ghost, ?Luna?? I queried desperately. Luna just looked at me and could not seem to speak. ?Your mother is right, Sere? was all she managed to say before also leaving my room. ?What? You?re going to leave me with that?? I called and followed her out of my room and saw her hurrying towards my mother?s office, ?Yes, that?s right! Don?t tell me what?s going on! No one tells me anything! What now? Are you going to send me on some unknown mission and I get to disappear next?? I shouted down the hall way and into my angry call echoed. I stomped my foot and turned back towards my room but I did not fail to see the awed and somewhat sad looks of Kunzite and Jadeite who were walking with Ami and Rei. The girls looked sympathetic and hurried away while the boys lingered a little longer until I went and slammed myself into the room. Stupid moonrise. I would sit here until it was time and then see what Mother finally had to say to me. So here I was-- waiting for the moon to rise and letting my temper cool down. Why didn?t Mama tell me what was going on? How did she know that I was not crazy? Who was she to judge and what wasn?t she telling me? I tried to read but felt myself just staring out onto the balcony and waiting for the moon to rise. What would happen when I told them about the voice I heard, possibly the Goddess Selene herself? I flopped backwards onto my bed, I hate my life. I allowed myself to wallow in the self pity mood for a few more moments, but I couldn?t focus any anger into it. My curiosity was getting the better than me and now I just wanted to know what Mama had to say. I sat up on my bed and picked my broach off my bedside table. I stared at the compact and opened it, touching the crystal that rarely glowed as it did that day four years ago. What is your magic, crystal? Tell me why you called on me as your holder! Tell me what everyone is hiding from me! I wished, holding the compact. The crystal stayed silent. What did I hope would happen? Something stirred within me and I glanced outside. Moonrise was just around the corner. It was time to meet Mama and see what was going on. I pinned my brooch to my dress and clasped my hands over it, concentrating on the Crescent Mirror. Air rustled my skirts and I felt the world quickly spin around me and found myself standing on soft grass and sand. I was at the Mirror. Releasing my hands from my brooch I glanced around, I guess I was early. I went to the rock and sat down on it, looking down at my reflection. I saw a young girl whose face still had the baby fat roundness and whose crescent birthmark did not have the serenity she was named for. The crescent moon stayed somewhat yellow, not nearly as silvery white as Mama?s was. My bangs sat flat on my forehead, not as poofy as they should be and my hair was not in its typical odangoes but in a long plait down the side of my face. I picked up a pebble to shatter the reflection. I looked so alone. A hand clamped down before I could launch my pebble. I hadn?t even heard my mother coming up behind me. ?Your heart is full of conflictions,? Mama stated. I slouched my shoulders and dusted off my hands and knees, ?No dear, stay seated,? Mama effortlessly sat down facing me, with my back to the mirror. I sighed and turned away from her, to idly pluck the grass in the cracks on the Crescent Rock. ?Serenity, I know you have many questions, and I can only hope that I have all the answers you are searching for,? Mama started, looking at me even though I could not meet her gaze, ?First of all, you are not crazy. You and Endy have always had a special bond and I am not surprised that you can sense his thoughts and emotions among other things,? My heart skipped a beat as she spoke of Endy in the present tense. Something people rarely did I quickly looked at her and saw that she was staring at the rising moon. I watched her face and she suddenly seemed old and wise, yet perfectly ageless. My beautiful mother, she will always be my idol. She saw me looking at her and smiled sadly, ?My daughter, you are growing into such a strong beautiful woman and at the same time you are growing away from me. You are going places I cannot follow and it breaks my heart to let you go,? She fluffed my bangs with her right hand, ?I have known since before you were born that you would be special. I always wanted a daughter and now I have a goddess reincarnated,? Mama whispered. She looked away from me again, to the moon which was almost above the mirror now. ?At your birth, the Guardian of Time came and blessed you. Setsuna, the Senshi of Pluto, knows all the events to come and the events that have been. She told us that the Silver Imperium Crystal had reawakened for you, and you were the one who was to save the Kingdom. Not only dearest, were you the true owner of the Silver Imperium Crystal, but your birth had caused another, greater artifact of time to awaken,? Mama?s eyes turned to me, shining with happiness and possibly unshed tears. ?The Legendary Quisez called upon you and young Endymion to be its owners and to wield its great powers and rid the Earth of the greatest evil it has ever known. The Shadow Wars were only a precursor, we soon discovered,? Mama paused to let me absorb all this information, ?There is more, Serenity. Your bond with Endymion is no mere best friend relationship but a soul bond that can only result from two souls being bond before life and after life, do you understand?? Mama put a hand on my hand, ?Endy is your soul mate and life partner. He is the one the Goddess selected for you before life began and the one to escort you from this life into the afterlife. You are not crazy for knowing he is alive. If you feel that he is alive, Sere, than he is. He must be trying to reach you and is somewhere he cannot. I feared this. I feared his mission to the Wraith Kingdom would result in his being caught between the two dimensions. Now I know at what cost I sent that boy??Mama stopped. ?But this is not the time to worry about Endy. If he has told you that he will return to you before the year is out than he will. Let?s just not raise speculation and keep your soul bond to ourselves,? She whispered the last part and tried to smile. ?Serenity, while I may not be able to give you Endy at this moment, I believe I can give you something that will make you feel, more in control of your situation, ? Mama stood up. ?Dearest, I know these years have been hard and the coming years will be no slice of cake, yet there is something that I have that will help you,? Mama raised her hands and faced them palm outward to the sky. She took them back to her heart and raised the in fists to the full moon. I saw her face brighten with power and I felt myself being pulled to my feet. ?Princess Serenity, to you I give a gift greater than a kingdom, I give you the power of the Moon itself and with it the Goddess, ? Mama held out her left palm, in it lay a new broach, different gems, same basic design, ?You know the words, my Princess,? I gingerly took my new broach and held the compact close to my heart, ?Moon?.CRYSTAL POWER!? I called and felt a greater surge of power rush through me and the wind that caught me in my transformation was softer and sweeter. The same uniform enveloped me yet I knew there was something greater about my new transformation. I reached for my inner dimension pocket where my Moon Wand should have been but pulled out a rod instead of a scepter. The rod was long and pink with a red globe at the top and a tiny star on top of it. Tiny gold wings flourished below the globe and I smiled, ?Cute?? I felt light in heart for the first time in months. My own new cutie moon rod. ?Care to show me what you can do?? Mama teased stepping back. I nodded and twirled the rod around to get a feeling for it. The rod twirled easily and surely in my gloved deft fingers. ?Moon?PRINCESS?..HALATION!!!? I called sweetly to the stars, the moon, and the waters. My attack harmlessly cleared the Crescent Mirror of any rubbish and weeds. The whole area literally sparkled with light and glitter; ?Whoa?.?I looked down at the rod and grinned. Mother smiled happily, ?I am glad I was of some use, darling, now quick, change back into my Princess, its getting too cold to be in that skirt,? Mother held her hand out for mine. I touched my new brooch and felt myself in my nice woolen dress. Winter was coming early this year. I took Mama?s hand and we walked back in silence to the Castle. For the first time in years I felt a huge weight off my shoulders and that a new peace had been born between my mother and me. I looked up at her, in a few years time I hoped to be her height, if not taller. For now, I was content in being simply the Princess Serenity, who was officially not crazy and just needed a little more time to step into the shoes of her mother. *The Wraith Kingdom* Endy?s eyes hurt so badly, but this was the only time he had to study if he ever wanted to escape the black magic imprisonment of Beryl. He rubbed his eyes with some water and read the runes through blurred eyes. He knew he was on the brink of something big. He was so close to learning the magic that would allow him to transport out of the Wraith Kingdom and closer to the Luster Palace. Sure the Wraith Kingdom had carefully taken all precautions to ward off against black and white magic but they associated White magic with the magic of the planetary kingdoms: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and so on. Everyone at the Wraith Kingdom seemed to have forgotten that the Earth was once its own independent magical planet before the wars had polluted the worlds of their ancestors and everyone had settled onto Earth. Queen Selenity had once hinted that in his blood lay the ability to be the avatar of Earth. She was hinting at more than just being the Terran Prince. She was saying that he had an older magic than he understood and in him only laid the power to access it. These ancient books had been his lifesaver. For the past two years he had been studying and deciphering the ancient lore and magic. Only recently had he finally cracked the mystery and beginning to practice the power that only belonged to the Terran Royal Family: his mother?and now only him. His hand went to his breast pocket where he had managed to hold onto a few of his mother?s precious rose seeds. Then it hit him. It hit him so hard that he didn?t know whither to laugh or cry out of insanity. The rose! The very EMBLEM of the Terran Royal House. The very thing he had complete control of! He took the seeds out and peered at them. Only now did he notice what he always thought was gold edging to be tiny Terran runes. He sighed out of exhaustion and put the rose seeds back into his pocket, now knowing why he had risked life and limb to hold onto the last memory of his mother. He sat up from his desk and stretched his exhausted and pained limbs. He guessed the time to be a few hours before dawn that would allow him a few hours of precious sleep that for once wouldn?t be clouded and interrupted by dreams of Serenity. For once he would dream of her tear stained face and it would be tear stained with happiness, for he was months away from returning to her. Just two months?two mere moons and they would be together and this time?nothing, he swore, nothing would tear them apart. Sleep came peacefully for both Serenity and Endymion that night. They dreamt of each other and what they would say when they finally got the chance to berate each other for those long years of teasing they had missed out on. Yet, time has a way of changing relationships. Time has a nasty habit of sneaking up on you and biting you, when you least suspect it. Such was the case of Endymion and Serenity who had naturally been destined to be together since before day one. The easy comradie was already fraying at the seams before Endymion had left. The last argument, the unspoken words, the love that was so strong, so clear, it blinded the two young lovers. What would happen when they finally saw each other? Would love really be that simple? Love was never simple, and when it comes to lovers who have great destinies, ah, well, Fate has a queer way of behaving. * * * Beryl stormed back into her room and screamed in frustration as she shaking tore off one feather heel after the other and chucked them at the wall or the unwitting maid who waited up for her and kept the bed warm. Still screeching she ripped the curtain off the mirror where Nehelenia slept. ?Give me the power!? She screamed flinging her hair ornaments at the groggy Nehelenia. Nehelenia unknowingly flinched at the hurled objects that couldn?t hurt her in her mirror dungeon. ?Headstrong girl!? Nehelenia barked, furious to be treated in such a manner. Beryl pounded the mirror, ?You scheming whore! You are under MY control! You will tell me what I WANT!? Nehelenia?s temper had reached its breaking point. Full of fury she stood from her throne and strode to Beryl and by some unseen force reached through the glass and grabbed Beryl by her pretty white neck. ?You?conniving?insolent?brat!? Nehelenia screamed and tightened her grip on Beryl?s throat. Beryl?s face was slowly turning the same color as her curled masses. She pulled Beryl closer to the mirror so they were eyeball to eyeball, ?You have NO POWER?and you will no longer receive any help from me,? Nehelenia dropped Beryl like a piece of marble and dissolved back into her mirror, ?Do not call on me. Do not invoke me. The Daughter of the Dark Moon answers to no one!? Beryl, choking and on her knees, raised her eyes to see Nehelenia flutter and fade away. The mirror, which had controlled her life for so many years, went dull and dark. It was never to shine or reflect for Beryl again. Beryl scrambled to her feet, screaming ?NO? and took the mirror off the wall and with all her might hurled it onto the floor where for a second, it seemed to bounce before it shattered into a thousand pieces. ?Fine! Everyone leaves me! No one needs me! I?ll show them!? Beryl howled madly stomping her bare feet and further smashing the mirror. She began to laugh manically, ?They will never suspect me?little ol? Beryl,? she sang softly snapping her fingers for a newer, larger mirror to replace the broken one Beryl stood, staring out at the dark night as her feet bled onto the dark marble, matching the darkness that had enveloped her heart and soul. Doesn?t everyone deserve to be loved? * * * TWO MOONS LATER The sun seemed to shine more brightly this cold winter morning than it had in a while. The bareness of the tree was not bleak but promising of a renewal. Everyone seemed more chipper than usual this morning. Preparations were in their final stages for the Grand Ball that would be happening a few days time. Maids and servants scrambled left and right and over themselves to add one last garland, one last touch here. The Luster Castle was beside itself in its full regalia: everything burst of white, silver, and gold. Selenity watched with immense appreciation as memories of her own ascension flooded back to her and reluctantly thought to herself that at least Serenity had the power of a Senshi to call upon. She would need it to. Selenity frowned and remembered a saying of Mina?s mothers about frowning and wrinkles. The saying was convoluted but got the point across. She shook her head?like Mother like daughter she thought as she saw a blur of orange and yellow streak by, shouting greetings and farewells. Off to another dress fitting! She laughed as she noted another blur follow Mina?s footsteps. ?Daughter! Have care!? She called as Serenity skidded to a stop and only managed to nearly miss two servants carrying crystal vases full of roses and star gazer lilies. Serenity took a deep breath and dropped with a slight flourish into a deep bow. ?Just another dress fitting, Mama,? she smiled unlike she had in years. The new power and the new security she had felt these past few moons were just what the child Serenity needed to grow into the Princess who would become Queen. Selenity made a dismissing motion with her hand at which Serenity grabbed her full lavender skirts and ran off after Mina, shouting disparaging remarks about her cousin. ?And you worried this day would never come,? Apollo came upon her suddenly and grabbed her around her waist, pinning her arms to her sides. Laughing, she pulled her arms out of his grip and wrapped them lovingly around his neck. ?To think that we thought our times were the hardest,? she murmured. Apollo poked her sides causing her to laugh and end her sorrowful thought. ?Sele! You must promise me to stop your worrying!? Apollo burst out, ?Our daughter, will always be a tomboy at heart, and is a beautiful Princess, and a wonderful soldier!? Apollo?s face was in a huge smile as his eyes mocked Selenity?s worries, ?If her father?s main worry is her falling at the ball, then your biggest fear ought to be her ripping that dress!? Apollo pulled her close and kissed her without abandon, ?Now off with thee, I have some last minute defenses to straighten out,? he bowed with the flourish of his daughter and left Selenity alone in the foyer. ?Defenses, dear? Against the ballroom stairs?? She called after his retreating figure. He made a slightly rude gesture and continued giving commands to the group of people who surrounded him. Selenity bit her lip and resisted a distinct urge to stomp her foot and pout off. Instead she decided to retire to her offices, and deal with kingdom Queenish stuff and leave the ball in Luna?s capable hands. * * * ?Oh Sere! You look so beautiful,? Mina gushed from her stool as she saw my reflection in the mirrors that completely covered the dressing room. ?Right, are you sure you?re looking at my reflection?? I teased as the vanity in Mina took over and she made a kissie face at herself. ?Uh huh,? she muttered. I rolled my eyes at Ami who was sitting straight up on a plush chair nearby. Ami fluttered through the papers in her hands and looked over her reading glasses at me, ?Sere, I cannot believe the progress you have been making during training. Your second transformation is phenomenal!? Ami issued high praise, ?In fact, if my readings are accurate, than we are all powering for a THIRD transformation, especially Sere,? Ami paused and looked over at Rei, ?Does this strike you as odd?? Rei put down the sashes she had been running her fingers through and made a small sigh, ?If that was the only thing that was weird, I would be at peace,? she admitted. ?Did you hear about Diamond?s half brother?? Lita abruptly changed the subject. She was standing flat on the ground?her height made it too hard for her to be on a stool. A dress mistress fluttered around her, placing different shades of lilac green against her neck and d飯lletage. Rei?s eyes flashed and a hand scrunched her sashes, ?A by product of the late Pharaoh?s many indiscretions,? she muttered, ?Men,? she added distastefully. Lita shook her head before continuing. ?We have heard nothing from the Wraith Kingdom for many years?this worries me,? Ami nodded as Mina chirped, ?No news means bad news,? Rei had a quizzical look on her face before she decided to let the maxim slide. ?Sapphire,? Ami said, ?Not many months younger than Diamond and Beryl,? ?Nehelenia?s son?? I asked, skin crawling at the thought of having a cousin in Sapphire. ?No,? Mina said, turning to see her back, ?Like Rei said, a blow by from some unnamed woman,? Rei scoffed, ?I?m surprised you can hear us against the adorations in your head,? Mina?s eyes didn?t even flash up to acknowledge Rei, ?That lavender sash would be lovely, Rei. No blacks or dreary colors for Serenity?s ball,? Mina winked at me. I frowned despite my immense joy in how my coronation dress was turning out, ?I want us to carry our henshin sticks,? I began, holding my arms up for the mistress to pin my sleeves, ?I don?t trust them to leave us alone, especially on the Coronation Night,? I added. The girls nodded in agreement, ?How about a bout of training?? Lita suggested, giggling at her own pun. Everyone groaned except Mina whose eyes glowed, ?I have this GREAT new strategy of Ami?s I want to try!? She turned apologetically to Ami, ?I added my own ministrations,? she added shyly. Ami bowed gracefully, ?By all means, I am always open to new ideas,? she smiled as she stood up and onto the stool for her final dress fitting, ?No please, that is too tight, too much skin!? She protested in vain as the dress mistress continued to pull the bodice of her dress down and replace the neck line with filmy, translucent gauze. Sapphire. Mina had once shown me a sketch of Diamond?s infamous half brother. A genius, much like Ami, with creamy skin and dark blue hair. His eyes were the scary part: dark, deep, and full of hatred. Mina said that many people assumed Sapphire?s silence to be shyness but it was attributed to a brutal hatred of all those around him. He showed little gratitude to Wiseman for finding him and brining him ?home?. He showed utter contempt for Beryl, and all women, including a certain cousin of theirs, the Lady?why can?t I remember her name? Something Jade, I think. I?ll make sure to ask Ami or Mina later. Much under Mother?s protestations, many people whom she did not trust were invited. Artemis tried to remind her that one must keep ones? friends close but ones? enemies closer. I remember Mother threw her hands up in the air and just sulked in her chair as Luna?s eyebrows shot higher and higher as she read the guest list in her room? ?You invited these families?! Artemis! Whose side are you on?? Luna had shrieked in her private quarters. I slinked against the wall to hear the argument better?for we had been dismissed from the room earlier. ?What kind of question is that, Luna?? Artemis shot back in anger, dropping the respectful title of Lady, or Madame ?We need to keep our eyes on these people the most! What do you suppose I do? Dishonor these people as they do we and keep them free on our greatest night or have them under our very noses where we can sniff the stench of treachery?? Artemis roared. I could tell that Mother was wincing and I peaked inside to see Luna stand up and turn to walk out of the room?breeching all protocol by leaving Mother, Father, and Sir Lawrence still in her own private quarters. Luna marched proudly and silently out of the room, not even pausing to punish me and the girls for eavesdropping shamefully. Kunzite and the boys had happened to pass by, to check in with Sir Lawrence. I saw Mina and Kunzite change a long look before Mina and the other girls skulked off, leaving me alone. The stench of treachery. I unwittingly balled my hands into fists. Treachery had been done and someone would pay for the years of pain they had caused us. I would make them pay. * * * The twilight came early as it always did during the end of the year. I settled myself by my bay window and curled in a large blanket to protect myself against the frost that was settling on the outside of the window. Taking my index finger I found myself doodling in the frost. ?ENDY? I looked away from his name and my gaze fell on the candle that I kept lit for him. The candle looked strong and powerful. It would bring him back to me. As always, I found myself daydreaming about the last time I saw him. Never in my life would I forget the look his eyes held when we bid goodbye. The haunting cobalt eyes, the whispered words to this day I do not know if I heard them correctly. ?My Princess, Serenity?. Was that just simple chivalry? Every Princess must have her knights. But, I closed my eyes, there was something more! We have a connection. Mother called it a soul bond. Soul bond? Was that just another name for best friendship? That couldn?t be true! If that was true than why can I barely sense what Mina or anyone?s thinking? I looked up to see that the warmth of my room was causing Endy?s name to fade. My heart lurched as I retraced his name in the ice. ENDY. SIR ENDYMION. HRH KING ENDYMION OF TERRA. Oh Endy!! I wiped a stray tear. Please return soon! Return to?return to?return to me?my only love! ***************************************************************** ******************* Coming up NEXT: A Coronation Ball. A prophecy fulfilled. A world shaken off its axis. Endymion returns to his Princess in the nick of time! Questions, Comments, Concerns, just plain enjoying the story? EMAIL ME!! Aaeris17@yahoo.com 1