The Ugliest Senshi Black Beyond ~'~ There is a poem in here somewhere. This is just plain-out freaky, okay? MAMO-CHAN OTAKUS GO NO FURTHER! This whole thing is just one big Mamoru-bash fest. ~'~ Hecate: Hello. I'm Hecate, otherwise known as Black Beyond. I'm here to read you this delightful poem written by me. Yeah. Setsuna: *appears out of nowhere* Spare us the agony, please. Hecate: Are you saying my poem sucks? Setsuna: If the shoe doth fit... Hecate: It's not the only thing that sucks around here, as I heard... *looks suggestively at Setsuna, who turns purple in rage* Mamoru seemed pretty happy when I said you sucked. He said you sure did. Usagi: *pops up from thin air* Say WHAT? Setsuna: *glares at Usagi* It's not my fault some people can't do a good blow- job. Usagi: *screeches and leaps for Setsuna* He's MINE, bitch! Setsuna: I don't think so! I knew it was a bad idea to save your can! *pulls out staff and takes a swing at Usagi, who now welds the Eteral Tier* Usagi: Excuse ME? When have you EVER saved me? I've saved you every day of the week and you've never saved me, you lazy son of a *****! Hecate: *stunned* Ladies, please. Let's act like adults-- Usagi and Setsuna: SHUT UP! *resume cat- fighting* Hecate: *tries to make herself heard over din* THE-- POEM-- IS-- TITLED-- THE-- UGLY-- SENSHI! *shuffles papers and jumps out of way as a stray Dead Scream threatens to give her a haircut* THE-- UGLIEST-- SENSHI-- IS-- TUXEDO-- KAMEN! Usagi & Setsuna: *stop fighting and look at Hecate, interested* Setsuna: Do continue. Hecate: *grins* Thank you. *clears throat* The ugliest senshi is Tuxedo Kamen. Let's face it, all that muscle is bad. He can't even think of a cool speech, And he's scary if he ever gets mad. Why, you ask? Oh, that's easy. Because when he does he looses his memory, Turns traitor, tries to kill Sailor Moon And when it's over he claims, "NOT ME!" Usagi: *gives Hecate a thumps-up* Right on! Setsuna: *looks intrigued* Never thought about it quite that way befoer... Hecate:*Clears her throat and continues* His Roses aren't that great of a weapon And the cane is as useful as a rock in real war. His top hat is dorky and changes its size, All in All, he's a dreadful bore. Usagi: *giggles* Hecate: His speeches? Kindergarteners do better! His cape keeps getting in the way. His IQ wouldn't make a decent earthquake, You cringe when he's got something to say. Chibi-usa likes him, so he's gotta be bad, And he likes her back-- what more can prove it? That pink-haired kid sure takes after her Dad-- She has the brains (or lack thereof)to prove it! Setsuna *nodding in agreement* Quite true. Hecate: *really getting into it now. She stands up and begins to walk around, motioning madly* And what's more, Beryl wanted the dork, And it sure didn't take much to get him! Just some 'brainwashing' and, oh my! Endy! Stop making such a din! Usagi: *flushes bright red* Hecate: *yelling* The guy just stands around and throws flowers And never fights a real battle! If he ever tried to hide a horse, He'd probably fall off the saddle. His hair's too short and too thin His shoulders are too broad and his ego too big. If you want a real man, find Seiya. At least he's not such a pig! Usagi: *looks slyly at Setsuna* Hey, Sets. You know that trey-cool teleporting thing you do? Setsuna: *has her key in hand* I believe you know the system Taiki's in, right? Usagi and Setsuna disappear. Hecate: *sighs in relief* O_o