TITLE: Finders Keepers.... AUTHOR: Aliyah E-MAIL: aliyah@connect.ab.ca RATING: PG-13 Part I Chapter I "I just don't get it, Endymion. Why would Raye do something like that -sacrifice everyone she loves -doom the world to the Negaverse. I thought she was one of my best friends! Why it goes against everything the Sailor Scouts stand for!" Serenity and Endymion walked in the park, disguised as a young couple. It was the day Raye was coming from the future. "But, my love, Raye is not only Sailor Mars, she's also a human being -a very lonely human being. I know how alone I was until I met you -she must have seen me as her ticket out of loneliness." "No matter how wonderful you are -and you are wonderful, muffin-" "Thank you." He dropped a kiss onto her golden head. "No matter how wonderful you are," Serenity continued. "You're hardly worth risking the world or every single person you care about!" Endymion looked at her with a funny expression on his face, "don't ever change, Serenity." "Oh, Endymion, I love you so much it aches." Serenity's hug left Endymion gasping for air. Endymion grinned wryly, his wife never did anything by halves. "Why?" "What do you mean?" They sat down at a park bench, "you know, it must have been when Reeny was born -it was a difficult birth and I couldn't see you like that, I almost went crazy and you know the Scouts they, well-" "They got you smashed." "Well, yeah. Anyway, at some point Raye asked me what made me fall in love with you." "What did you say?" "I -Serenity, what day is it?" When she told him, he shot up from his seat." "What is it, muffin?" "I told her I fell in love with you when you pole-axed me, the day we met - today." "What?" "I was feeling down that day -and you certainly got my mind off of feeling sorry for myself. Besides, I can't fall in love with someone I haven't met." "But you would have met me anyway!" "Never mind, Serenity. Remember the first time we met -30% on your test? Let's just say it's fairly important that we meet then-" "Well can you tell me why?" "No time." He pulled her gracefully to her feet. "Endymion, we have an hour before we meet!" "Trust me!"