Big Author's Notes: Okay, sorry I didn't get to post anything last Sunday, but I was at the beach. So that's not a biggie, just an explanation. The main thing I wanted to say was that this is taken place after the fight with Queen Metallia and Beryl, but we are skipping the 'Doom Tree Series' and going straight to Sailormoon R-where little Chibi-Usa pops on down into the picture. Does that help make things clear? Well I'm not done yet, so if a lightbulb hasn't popped up in your head, keep reading. Yes I know Mamoru is suppose to remember and be all lovey dovey to Usagi and then break her heart by 'dumping' her, but that's not going to be it. He is going to gradually get his memory back in this fanfic. Hahaha!!! I've got the power, nananana! Okay, that's out of the system. Thanks to: EVERYBODY! I have never have been sent so much mail in my life! THANK YOU!! ::kisses, hugs, all that stuff to the people:: I sure would like to get more though--hint, hint... (For those who are idiots, that means I want more.. Just to get that through... ::smiles sweetly::) Note: I don't own Sailormoon. Don't sue me. 'Nuff said. Rated: PG(Language only) Mail welcomed at: click on my name, 'n send me just a e-mail that says good job or something simple.) Alrighty, if you read the big author's notes, enjoy part two! Pain Under Beauty Usagi quickened her pace when she became aware of Mamoru following her. 'Why does he have to do this today, of all days?!' She thought furiously. But eventually the anger melted into depression. She would have understood if he could commemorate the battle; the thing that cost them all of their lives, every ounce of their precious memories, and, the most important, their love. Yes, Usagi's and Mamoru's never-ending love had come to a standstill, a halt. Of course Usagi didn't stop loving him for a second for she had her memories. Mamoru, on the other hand, couldn't be given back his memories from Luna. Usagi was losing energy; strength to keep up this idiotic looking chase(to the outside viewers.) Where could she hide? Think, think, think... Stupidity hit here, and God can she feel like a fool sometimes. Where else should she disappear other than the place where she always went: the park. Turning due north, Usagi sprinted with every ounce of stamina she had left in her exasperated body. And this only made Mamoru quicken his speed. Usagi tried to keep from smiling, but it slowly made its path across her face; the running teenager even had to stifle a small giggle that was coursing up her throat. Her Mamo-chan, always had been as stubborn as a mule. But with this, the rabbit frowned thinking: 'Mamo-chan. It's been forever since I've last called him that... I wish I could turn around and just run into his arms, but instead I'm running from him. Oh please Mamo-chan, don't stop following me! Please!' And then something dawned on Usagi. Why was she running to the park, from Mamo-chan, if she wanted so badly for him to follow her? She didn't know; however, something in Usagi's heart begged her to keep going. The plea rammed in her mind, staying there for Mamoru to unexpectingly hear. What? Hear? How could he hear a thought coming from another being? That is foolishness; nobody can read other people's thoughts. Why isn't foolish, it's barbaric and insane! But it was almost as if she said it to him. And Mamo-chan? What of that? It has always been Chiba, and if he got lucky, Mamoru-san. For some reason it didn't seem right for his Odango Atama to be cold. He wanted to see her smile when she caught sight of his body; to allow him to hold her in his arms and ravish her with kisses. Running away from him wasn't quite what Mamoru expected, but then again, Usagi was full of mysteries; mysteries he planned to discover. *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* The park, finally! It felt like forever for Usagi to reach it when it really only had been three, four minutes. Silly her, rambling in her mind about how it seemed to take an eternity to reach a place. But these days Usagi didn't actually know what was going on in her brain; sometimes it felt as if she lost all control of functioning it. The only reasonable explanation to hit the spot was that she was losing energy. So is that an explanation? Maybe. Since everytime she goes into battle, even transforming draws some power, she is expected to finish off the youma. So the other senshi weaken it and then here she comes, Sailormoon, fighter of love and justice, to kill the beast with a mighty swipe of her scepter, yet she hurts herself extinguishing the villain that happened to attack Tokyo. Hah! Happened? She doubted it very much! It was as if Luck, herself, was against Usagi and every motive in her soul. Cruelty isn't sweet, and it seems to happen alot to Usagi. Now that she has entered the park, which way should Usagi run? The 'bench' was located directly west from where she was standing but Usagi couldn't force herself to go there; too many memories of times she tried to forget. Then an idea slowly crawled into her mind: the rose garden. Yes, she loved that place(even though it did have alot of memories too,) and it always-even though she can't even explain it herself- comforted her. So Usagi turned east, glad to go in the opposite direction of their special place. And upon seeing this, Mamoru became bewildered. His heart was pounding furiously against his ribcage - emotions trying to rise and tell him something he couldn't recall; and with this, it bothered him to no extent. Usagi twisted her head around and saw that Mamoru had stopped. What was he doing? Catching his breath? Hardly. If Usagi hadn't passed out yet, Mamoru and his well built, athletic body shouldn't be the least bit wheezy. So why had he stopped? Oh, God, no! He wasn't going to follow her to the rose bushes! But wasn't this what Usagi asked for all along? To be alone? Why did she want two things at the exact same time even if they contradicted each other? 'I'm crazy, a loony! Lord, oh sweet Lord, help me... Please help me...' She felt the sobs forming in her body; the same sobs she cried when her Mamo-chan died in her arms by that nasty Beryl-the witch. If she and her Dark Kingdom never shown up then everything would have been peaceful. Hell, life would be n-o-r-m-a-l, normal. And Usagi killed for that... Something she notices people take advantage of being normal, living a normal life, eating a normal meal, loving a normal boyfriend, just plain old having everything around them be normal. Yet she wasn't normal, and sometimes Usagi considered if she, herself, was a freak. Yes, a freak. Do you see other people skipping down the street eating ice cream, acting like a five year old when she was a fifteen year old and then turning into a heroine? Never. Yes, the term freak describe her perfectly, or Usagi thought. Mamoru blinked several times as he hovered above the ground shakily. Freak-Usagi? Ludicrous! She was quite contrary of that, an angel, a saint, a gifted human that should be admired in everything she does. Mamoru knew Usagi wasn't normal but who in this world can really say they are normal? Point stated. Thinking about it, Mamoru came to the conclusion that everybody could be a freak in their own ways. Gosh, he must have a thousand in his direction. Wait a minute! How did he know Usako thought she was a--what the hell? Usako? Where the heck did that come from? Mamoru glanced at the evaporating figure in the distance and his senses almost immediately knew to follow her and not let that girl out of his sight till he got some answers. *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* Reaching the garden, Usagi collapsed in a heap of sobs suffocating her body for air. She was here but why? Why did she come here of all places? Usagi stopped crying for a second, bewildered at the thought. 'Why did I come here anyway? I first believed it was comfort but now-- now it is something different. Something totally opposite.' Her mind raced for anything that could explain her rare actions but nothing made sense. Absolutely nothing. "Okay Usagi, that was a nice little jog and all, but now I want some answers alright?" Came a male voice behind her. Mamo-chan! She had forgotten him for the moment. But what did he mean by answers? Usagi was even more confused for she knew that she had no secrets from him- except that he was a prince named Endymion and he was going to be wedded to her about a thousand years ago but that was something totally off the subject. Nope, she kept no secrets from her Mamo-chan, her lover. Seeing the baffled look on Usagi face, taking it as a fake gesture, Mamoru pressed on. "I don't know how to explain it Usagi-san," he started but caught his breath when he saw the pigtailed girl wince. She wasn't in pain so why did she act as if something was hurting her? He cleared his throat and repeated himself louder, just to make sure she could hear him clearly. "I don't know how to explain it Usagi-san, but it seems like I'm hearing your thoughts. Now before you say anything consider three things: one, I'm not crazy, and two, I don't know why but I hear you saying things like 'Mamo-chan,' 'Why can't he remember his memories,' and so on." Mamoru breathed slowly for some reason he felt out of breath. Usagi, wide-eyed from this new knowledge, asked in a quiet, almost unbearable voice, "The third?" "Third, well--er-- why do you have mittens on when it's hot as hell outside?" he stammered finally and then a light blush crossed his cheeks. Stammering? This was something different. Usagi looked down at her covered hands. How could she explain to him? 'Oh Mamoru-san, I just fought some youmas last night being Sailormoon and all, and since the final attack damages my hand -welts and blisters and such- I cover them with mittens so nobody gets suspicious.' The thought sounded pretty funny to Usagi in her opinion. But Mamoru's pale face and wide eyes caught her unexpectingly. "What is it Mamo-ch.. I mean Mamoru-san. What's wrong?" she asked with worry written all over her face. "Your Sailormoon?" he choked out. "No way! How can you, Odango Atama, be the dazzling Sailormoon?!" Mamoru's face regain its normal complexion, but now Usagi's face turned white as a ghost; and eventually his turned back that way too. "You.. you read my thoughts Mamoru-san." "I did, didn't I? What's going on! This is crazy! Usagi, what are you doing to me! Why do I have this feeling in my chest that hurts so bad but I can't remember why? And what's with me having to bite my tongue from saying 'Usako' instead of 'Usagi' or 'Odango Atama'?" Usagi's face lit up. "You remember! I can't believe it! You finally remember Mamo-chan! Oh darling, you recall the battle don't you? Queen Metallia, Beryl? Oh baby, God, I love you so much! You have no idea how unbelieveably happy you just made me by saying you want to call me 'Usagi'" "What the---Huh? Did I miss something? Love me? Why would YOU love someone like ME? And Beryl? This is one sick joke Odango Atama!" "But it isn't a joke Mamo-chan! It's for real; true reality honey! Why do I have to be tortured by remembering and you not know a damn thing?! This is so unfair!" "REMEMBER WHAT?!" "So you don't remember do you? I thought you wanted to call me 'Usako' Mamoru... Why did I have to go babble all that stuff out when you don't even remember. You. Don't. Even. Remember." The sobs started to come back to Usagi now, and she didn't give a rat's ass if she cried infront of the manly Mamoru. "Usagi... I'm sorry... I have no idea what your talking about... But-- Usagi-san, don't cry! Please, I hate to see you cry! I hate to see you upset Usa---ko..." A smile came to the face of Usagi. "You called me Usako." she said softly. Mamoru shrugged. "Your happy aren't you? I said it to make you happy." Usagi was couldn't even think wrather to be upset or glad that he only called her 'Usako' to make her happy because a shrill voice rippled the Heavens. "AYEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOOK OUT BELOW!!!!!!!!!" Mamoru and Usagi looked up just in time to see another 'surprise' fall on top of them. But oddly, this girl that somehow miraculously fell from the sky unhurt was merely child and had the strangest pink hair done in two cones sitting upon the top of her head. *~* *~* *~* *~* *~* I sure do love comments! Uh huh, they sure are great! Just someone sending: Hey, keep it up!, is super! (Note: Am I getting anywhere or just wasting both of our time?) Peace, Allison ^ ~ "God Bless You All."