Wow do you believe it? Part 4 is here. I know it took me forever, but I don't always feel like writing, and when I do, I have to pick between the like 5 stories I am working on. (Only 2 have been posted (Sailor Moon), and if you want to know, one is based off of Gundam Wing, the second is off the Sailor Star- lights, and the last is just something I am working on.) But without further delay Part 4 of An Accidental Fate is here. An Accidental Fate Alys PG Part Four The weekend went pretty fast, or at least it did for me. Saturday I drove Serena over to the arcade to hang out for a while. Later that evening I drove her back to her house to get anything she needed. It was hard on her yes, and she wasn't in the best of moods afterwards. But I understood. She cried more when we were there. I didn't say a thing, and I let her stay as long as she wanted to. She packed up things slowly, telling me she just wanted to stay for a while. I had brought over a few boxes and helped her pack more of her things and things of her family. She had tons of pictures, most of her family that she kept going through. She gathered things to special to leave and packed them herself saying she didn't want my help at the moment. It was pretty late when we finally left but I didn't mind. I spent most of my time wandering around, helping when my help was wanting, other times thinking if I would have done the same if I had had a chance. When we got home, I got everything up in a few trips and placed it in her room. That night wasn't one of anything other than remembering. The next day I woke up first and decided to go make breakfast. Going through the kitchen I decided on making pancakes for a change. After the pan was hot I poured in the batter and waited for them to cook. About halfway done I heard Serena's door open. Slowly she made her way down the hall and into the living room, "Breakfast ready? I'm staving." "Almost meatball head. You are going to have to wait a few more minutes." She gave a slight glare before she turned around. I laughed slightly to myself. She was just so cute when she was mad, I just couldn't help but tease her. "You know Darien, if you think you can get away with calling me meatball head all the time you're wrong. I will get you back, and I am not into kiddy revenges either," she said as she started walking/hobbling to the table. "Is that so?" I asked as I finished up the pancakes. "It is." "Well breakfast is done. Dig in," I said as I placed the food on the table. Right away she dug into adding butter and syrup to her food. As I watched I noticed she was still in her nightclothes, which consisted of a pale pink shirt and matching shorts. At a second glance I could see white thread sown in as shapes, consisting of stars, moons, and rabbits. When we were done I gathered up the dishes and headed towards the kitchen. "You can have the shower first if you want," I said over my shoulder. "Okay, sure. I won't be long." About 20 minutes later I finally heard the water turn off. Then I heard the hair dryer turn on. "Won't be long," I thought to myself. Finally after what seemed like forever I heard the door open. "I'm done Darien, your turn." "Finally. I thought you said you wouldn't be long," I said sarcastically. "Well, it was a bit harder with the cast," she said as she entered the living room. "I can't get it wet remember?" "I do. I was only joking with you." I stayed till she had sat down on a chair then I got up and went to take my own shower. 15 minutes later I was out and ready for the day. Walking back into the living room, I saw Serena still sitting where I had left her. "So Darien, what are we going to do today?" "Well I was thinking of school work. I personally have a paper to start. I don't know about you, but you were out for 2 weeks, so you obvious have to have some." "You have got to be kidding. Homework? No way." "Besides it doesn't even make sense to a dummy like," she added quietly. "Serena you're not a dummy. Come on, maybe I can help. What doesn't make sense to you?" Fatal last words I thought an hour later. It turns out that Serena was having trouble in most of her subjects. But unlike her opinion of being dumb, it was just she really didn't understand. Starting with her geometry we I showed her the rules of points and planes. We worked on lines segments and rays. Slowly we made it through her math homework. It had built up over the last 2 weeks, but once she understood the question she was quick to answer. I was pretty proud of her. Even though I always teased her about her grades I had never meant any of it. "I am never going to tease her about her grades again," I thought to myself as I watched her finish the last few problems. She was just too cute when she was trying. She had one of the most determined looks on her face, and what made it even better was she had her tongue slightly sticking out to the side. "Done," she announced, interrupting my thoughts. "That's good. Now lets do the rest of it." "Oh come on. Can't we take a little break?" "No. If I let you stop now you'll never finish. I know that for a fact. I have over heard your friends complaining about it enough." "You know you really shouldn't listen in on other people's conversations." I sighed as I reached for another book. It is going to be a long day. After geometry, there was biology, English, world cultures, and health. We worked all the way to lunch, where we finally had a break. It took us most of the day, but we finished everything. Of course I knew that none of her teachers expected her to have the work done, and I could just see the looks on their faces when she turned in all of it. "Done!" sighed Serena as she closed the last of her books. "Man who ever knew that studying could be so tiring?" "Maybe if you did it more it wouldn't be so hard," I joked. "Ha, ha, ha. That was just so funny. I'm beat. I'm going to bed. See you tomorrow mourning," she said as she got up and "walked" down the hall. "Be prepared to get up early. I can't be late either for my classes. By the way, what time do you want me to pick you up?" "You don't have to pick me up," she shouted from down the hall. "You're wrong there. How else do you think you'll get here? Walk?" "Well ok. I guess 3:30 4 o'clock would be ok." "Well then good night." "Night." (Ok here's the deal. I can't stand only writing in Darien's point of view any longer. I got to switch to some one else. So now we are going to have Serena's POV now. There is going to be no recap or anything, just going to start out with next mourning.) "SERENA! Get up!" "Who is yelling at me?" I wondered as I rolled over in bed. Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was still early, or at least early for me. "Time to go back to sleep" I thought as I closed my eyes. "SERENA!!!" "Yipes! I'm up, I'm up," I shouted at Darien who was now knocking on my door. "You need to hurry up, or you going to make us both late!" "Ok, ok," I mumbled as I gathered my clothes and hobbled towards the bathroom. 20 minutes later I was out and ready. "Are we going to be late??" I rushed out as I looked around for my book bag and crutches, quickly glancing at the clock in the process. Doing a double take, I realized that we had plenty of time. "Darien what's the big idea? We have plenty of time. Don't you dare tell me you got me up early." "Serena, I know how late you always are. Trust me, you have run into me enough times that I have gotten a pretty good picture of what it is like when you are in a hurry." "Yea well you still didn't need to get me up early," I grumbled as I sat down at the table and started the breakfast Darien had made. I had to admit that it was pretty good, not as good as moms', but good. "Mom, I miss you so much. It's so hard. I wish you were here." "Serena?" "Huh? What?" "Are you ok? I mean your not eating. I don't I have never seen you not food in front of you before." "It's, it's nothing. I'm ok," I whispered, lowering my head. "Serena," I glanced up, "I know it's hard. I know that it hurts too, but don't keep it locked up. It only makes things harder, ok?" I nodded my head. I know that this whole ordeal hit home for him. I was pretty quite the rest of the mourning. It didn't take us long to gather up all our stuff, and soon we were ready to leave. Over the weekend, I was able to get more practice with the crutches, and I didn't have such a hard time with them anymore. My school wasn't that far from Darien's apartment, and it was even close enough to walk to after I got the cast off. "I usually don't drive to collage. Its not far, so I prefer to walk. It actually only a few blocks past your school." "Oh," I said. I really couldn't think of anything else to say. For once I really wasn't in a talkative mood. About after ten minutes Darien had reached my school and parked his car in the lot. I then noticed him putting his keys away. "Why did you turn off your car?" "I want to help you get your stuff to your class. You can't carry this book-bag and walk on the crutches." "I can manage. I'm sure I can find some one to help me. The girls won't probably be here yet, but I have other friends I can ask." "Just let me help. If you see anyone you know before we get to your room then I will hand over your stuff." "Ok. Thanks." I really didn't want him to help me. I don't know why, but I just felt weird with having him around all the time. I guess I am still used to him being around only once a day at the most. Entering the school, I looked around for anyone I knew that would help me. Looking around so much, I was able to see the looks that people were throwing my way. Probably most knew what happened and pitied me. I really didn't care. I didn't want pity. I then noticed that not looks were for me. It was when we passed a group of upper class girls that I noticed their attention was fully on Darien. "They are practically drooling over him." I thought as I looked back at Darien. "Sure," I thought, "he is ok I guess, but I wouldn't say drool worthy." "This is my room. I can manage from here. Thanks for helping me." "It was no problem. Now aren't you glad I helped you, Meatball head?" "Don't call me that!" I can't believe he would call me that in school. My school. I hope no one heard him. "I swear Darien, you can be so annoying sometimes. You know I hate that stupid nickname." "Yea, I know. I will pick you at 3:30 ok? See you then." With that he turned and walked back down the hall. I turned and entered my home and found half the class waiting for my, questions written all over their faces. "It is going to be a long day," I mumbled to myself as I hobbled to my seat. "A very long day?" End Part Four Well, what did you think? E-mail me ok?