Well this is not the first fanfic I've written. I'm in the middle of one called Sailor Cosmos. But I seem to have a major case of writer's block and I got distracted. Please feel free send complaints or comments to me at Usachi_10@hotmail.com I would really love to hear some advice or comments so feel free. Any way I'll be using the English names cause I've only seen the DIC version of Sailor moon and in Australia (my country) we haven't even got the whole R season yet (Sniff) there are only seventeen episodes left. Oh yeah sailor moon belongs to someone else other than me. (I can't remember how to spell her name) and anyway if I owned sailor moon do you think I would be writing fanfics? NO so anyway on with the story. Changes By: Cher Email: Usachi_10@hotmail.com Rated: PG 13 Serena woke up to the sound of her alarm clock beeping in her ear. "Hmm Luna what time is it?" Serena mumbled wiping sleep from her eyes. "It's time for you to get up your meeting Darien at the park in 20 mins." "Oh yeah I almost forgot." Serena smiled as she thought of her Darien. She jumped out of bed and threw on some clothes. Serena raced downstairs and grabbed a piece of toast. "Mum I'm going to meet Dar? Uh my friends at the park." Serena yelled "Ok honey have a nice day." A voice rang out through the house 'I will have a nice day with Darien mmm Darien.' Serena ran out the door towards the park. * * * Darien was lying in bed having a dream no a nightmare. He was in a beautiful palace with dancing couples dancing to a beautiful melody. As he stepped through the door the crowd parted. Standing at the front of the crowd was a beautiful princess. His beautiful princess. She turned to face him. Her eyes were so beautiful and blue. They sparkled with happiness. She held out her hand to him. He stepped forward to take it but stopped. Her eyes so full of happiness looked straight into his. They no longer sparkled but filled with pain. Utter pain. "Darien save me." Serena groaned as she sunk to the floor. "Save me by staying away from me." She moaned. Her eyes pleading with him. He ran to help her. "NOOOOO stay away." She screamed her last words before her eyes went dull. He knew in that instant that she was dead. Her eyes never leaving his, empty of any emotion. The crowd began to laugh. Laugh at her. Dariens eyes snapped open. A heavy sweat had appeared on his brow. He knew what he had to do. * * * Serena sat on the park bench. She was a little early so she decided to check out the gardens. She was bent over a rose smelling it when she heard footsteps approaching. She turned to see a handsome man with jet-black hair walking towards her. "Oh Darien I'm so happy to see you. I missed you so much muffin." Serena ran to hug him but he backed away. 'Those eyes they're so sincere, how am I gonna do this?' Darien thought to himself. "Darien whats wrong?" Serena asked worriedly. Darien sighed. "Serena we need to talk? about us." Darien avoided eye contact he couldn't bear to look into her blue eyes. "I don't love you anymore Serena." Darien sighed. Serena laughed. "You're kidding me right?" She asked in a shrill voice. "No Serena. You and me we're OVER!" He stood and walked away. "I'm sorry Serena." He said under his breath. Serena tried to hold back the tears but her vision blurred and her glassy eyes filled with tears. She began to weep. "Oh god, Oh dear god." Serena wept there on that park bench for a good two hours. She wept until there was nothing left. Just an emptiness that seemed to engulf her. Her eyes usually full of life were dull. Darien had stolen her heart and now he ripped it to pieces. Serena took a deep breath stood and walked home. * * * "So Darien dumped his little meatball head huh?" Rei snickered. "Well it's probably for the best. I mean you were getting way too attached Serena." "Rei" Ami, Mina and Lita gave Rei a look that could kill. Rei sighed. She placed her arm around Serena. "I'm sorry meatball head its just? I don't know I was jealous of him cause he sorta stole you from us." Serena turned and smiled. "You guys really now how to cheer me up. Thanks Rei you don't know how much your support means to me." Serena sighed. The four girls were comforting their poor little blonde friend when suddenly Luna came running towards them. "Girl scout business at the arcade." Luna panted. The girls transformed and ran to the arcade. They were startled to find a droid with several people unconcious around him. "He looks tuff." Sailor Venus yelled over the screams. "MARS CELESTIAL FIRE SURROUND!" the droid was surprised to see the scouts, it launched some energy at sailor moon but a flying rose stopped it. "Tuxedo Mask?" Sailor Moon whispered. Tears formed in her eyes as she remembered the past events. "MERCURY ICE STORM FREEZE!" Sailor Mercury caught the monster by surprise. It was temporarily frozen. "Go Sailor Moon, use your scepter." Sailor Jupiter screamed desperately but Sailor Moon's gaze was locked on Tuxedo Mask. "Sailor Moon!" The scouts screamed. The monster was slowly unfreezing. "Sailor Moon are you stupid or something, Use your god damn scepter you useless fool." The harsh words that Tuxedo Mask yelled stung her heart. "MOON SCEPTER ELIMINATION!" She finished the droid off with ease. "There happy. Are you all f***ing happy. I've had enough of this shit. You can shove your romance crap up your ass. There is no such thing as love or friends or anything." Sailor Moon screamed. She turned to leave as a crowd of spectator's sweat dropped. Everyone nearly fell over as they watched an extremely fumed Sailor Moon walk off. That was the last they ever saw of their beloved sailor moon. * * * Serena was holding the silver crystal. "Serena, are you sure you want to do this?" Serena smiled. "Yes Luna now let's say goodbye to the girls." Luna nodded and the two walked outside. Serena turned to get one last look at her house. She would not be back for a long time. Serena sighed and the two headed toward the Cherry Hill Temple. Serena and Luna approached the steps and the girls saw her and ran to greet her. "Serena are you alright?" Ami asked. Serena smiled. "I'm fine guys. Sorry about that little out burst yesterday." Serena sighed. "Are you still gonna fight?" Lita asked. Everyone knew the answer. "No Lita. I'm going back to the moon kingdom." The girls gasped. Rei burst into tears. "No Serena we are your friends we need you. You have to be sailor moon we can't fight without you." Rei sobbed Serena hugged her friend. "Sailor Moon is dead." The four girls burst into tears. "You can't leave us forever Serena we love you." Serena smiled at her crying friends "I love you to but this is something I need to do. I'll be back sooner than you think guys I promise. Anyway why are you crying that's my job." Serena said as she choked back tears of her own. The four girls smiled and watched Serena hold up the crystal. "MOON PRINCESS TRANSFORM!" Serena shed her clothes and once again transformed into the beautiful moon princess. Serena smiled at her friends "Wish me luck guys." The girls fought back their tears "Good luck princess." They all said in unison. Serena waved to them and said the words: " Queen Serenity please transport me to my?" Serena hesitated. "My home." She finished. Serena smiled at her friends and in a bright flash of light she was gone. * * * Darien stepped from the bush he was hiding behind. He had seen Serena walking towards his same destination and thought it would be best to stay out of her view. Especially since that sudden outburst yesterday. He knew Serena had a temper but he didn't know it was that bad. Darien was shocked at what he had seen. His beloved Serena had returned to the moon kingdom. "This is all my fault" Darien said as he fought back the tears. He walked towards the crying girls to offer them some comfort. * * * Serena's eyes slowly opened. She was in a huge beautiful room filled with white and the bed she was in was draped with silk sheets and lace curtains. Luna was perched on the edge of the bed. Serena stepped out of the bed and gasped. She was dressed in a beautiful lace nightgown. She woke Luna. "Luna look at this. I feel like a real princess." Luna smiled "Well get used to it cause you are now Serena. Or should I say moon princess." Oh Luna I'm so happy where is mother?" Luna nearly fell right off the bed. She had never heard Serena refer to queen Serenity as mother. Serena stood in front of the closet and took the royal gown and changed into it. "Oh I feel as if I'm in a dream. I remember everything Luna. I remember the times when I would stand on my balcony and prince Dar?" Serena sighed. He was the reason she was here. "Come Luna lets find mother, I'm aching to see her." Serena smiled at the thought of her beautiful mother. Serena and Luna walked to the throne room. The wide doors swung open as if she was expected. "Serena you're finally here oh my beautiful daughter." Queen Serenity rushed to greet her daughter. "Oh mother I missed you so much." Serena smiled at her beautiful mother. "Come Serena tell me why you came." Serena and her mother walked together through the gardens. Serena had finished telling her mother the events of the last two days "So you see mother I can no longer be Sailor Moon anymore. It just hurts too much. And besides everybody heard me cursing." Serena smiled guiltily. Queen Serenity chuckled. "Oh Serena you always did have a fiery temper. Worse than princess Rei's even. That reminds me how are the girls?" "Oh mother they're perfect. They're everything I could ever ask for in a group of friends." Serena smiled as she thought of her friends. The two walked in silence as they approached the rose gardens. "Oh mother they're beautiful." Serena gushed as she bent over to smell the roses. "Yes Serena you always did admire the rose. Now Serena you can't be Sailor Moon anymore I know but you do realize you still have to lead the scouts." Serena sighed. "Oh mother I don't think I'm good enough to be their leader. Rei is a much better leader than me." Serena's eyes were so sad. "Come along dear we will train you to be better." Serena smiled. "Thank you mother." * * * "I miss Serena." Lita humphed in exasperation. "I'm sure she'll be back soon guys." Ami tried to cheer the others up. "But it's not the same without Serena. There is no one to make us laugh. No one to help us fight." Mina sighed "yeah even Darien seems to miss her." Ami said. "I haven't seen him with another girl since they broke up it's like he's waiting for her to return or something." The other girls nodded in agreement. " I feel Serena will be back soon but she will be different very different." Rei said as her eyes quivered. "Hey do you remember the time when Serena fell into that eternal sleep and Darien woke her with a kiss?" The girls nodded. "The power of love woke her up." Mina said. "Why did you bring that up Ami?" Lita asked confused. "Well it's just that they were in love so much and he suddenly broke up with her. Don't you think that's a little odd?" That got the girls thinking. * * * "Serena you are improving more and more every day." Luna said as she proudly watched Serena punching a bag. "Thank you Luna. Have you and mother found a new alter ego for me yet?" Serena asked hopefully. "Not yet but we will soon don't you worry." It had already been three weeks that Serena had been on the moon kingdom. Three glorious weeks filled with balls and dinner parties and laughter. Serena was enjoying herself so much she almost didn't want to return to earth. 'No it's my duty I have to be strong for my friends.' She always told herself. "Ok Serena now say Ethenia moon flame ignite." Luna said. After many weeks of discussing with Serenity. Luna had finally found a second alter ego for Serena. "Wow this is wicked cool." Serena smiled at her new self. "Ok Serena you are Ethenia moon. Guardian of the moon and sailor scouts." Luna explained. "So I'm a more powerful version of Sailor moon?" "That's right. Now because you hold the crystal you hold extreme power." Serena's eyes lit up. "You still have your old scepter and tiara but I doubt you will need them. Serena examined herself her long milky white legs were covered with black boots that had a flame pattern (where the red point once was) at the top. Her once blue skirt was now even shorter and pink. Her bow on the back was also pink. Her top crested her breasts with a spider webbed shaped black material. There was a keyhole in the middle showing more than enough cleavage. The top finished just above her belly button also in a spider web pattern. There were two shapes cut out in the middle of the top like bat wings, they were opposite each other exposing Serena's milky skin. Her arms were gloved in black with a flame pattern up the top. Her hair had the same black material flame pattern covering the tip of her once blonde hair. Finally her meatballs also had black flames on them, only tiny bits of blonde could be seen through the black. The only thing that remained of her old outfit was the tiara, which now had a pink jewel in it and the moon earrings. "Luna this is a bit revealing don't you think?" Queen serenity said as she chewed her nails. "Well the girl needs something to catch Dariens eye." Luna laughed. "Luna he has finished with me, but this might change his mind." Serena giggled as she looked down at her cleavage. "Ok now lets practice your attacks." "Right." Serena walked into the middle of a field where there were several metal shaped droids. "Now say the first thing that comes to your head." Serena concentrated 'Ethenia Moon darkness strike, Ethenia moon energy blast, Ethenia moon devastation shatter.' Serena's eyes snapped open. Serena picked a droid "ETHENIA MOON DARKNESS STRIKE!" A dark spear formed in Serena's hand. She threw it and it hit the fake droid and turned it to dust. "Moon dusted!" Serena squealed jumping up and down. "Ok ETHENIA MOON ENERGY BLAST!" a large ball of black energy floated above Serena's head. She guided it with her hands and threw it (Like mercury bubbles blast) once again the fake droid was destroyed. "Ok last one. ETHENIA MOON DEVESTATION SHATTER!" Serena's arms shot into the air. Her palms upright. Suddenly the ground began to shake. Serena moved her hands to point at the target. The ground shook and the target was once again moon dusted. "Alright this is wicked cool!" Serena squealed in delight. "Serena your friends are in trouble. It is time for you to go." Serena turned to her mother and nodded. "I love you mother." Serenity smiled at her daughter. "Goodbye Luna take good care of her for me." "With pleasure." Luna smiled. In a flash of light the two were gone. "Good luck my daughter." * * * "JUPITER THUNDER CLAP ZAP!" The scouts were fighting a lost battle. The droid was stronger than ever before and Sailor Mars was down. "This is so hard Jupiter." Venus whimpered. "Hang in there guys if we work together we can beat it." Mercury tried to sound convincing. The droid threw some energy at the clustered group of scouts but once again Tuxedo mask stopped it with his rose. "What are we going to do?" Jupiter asked. "Don't give up Sailor scouts you can beat this droid if you work together." Tuxedo Mask yelled from a tree. " Yeah right. ETHENIA MOON DARKNESS STRIKE!" A dark spear was hurtled at the droid killing it instantly. "Huh who was that?" Mars asked from her resting position on the ground. "MOON TIARA MAGIC!" Ethenia moon threw her tiara past the startled scout's faces. Their heads snapped around to where the tiara came from. "No way. Sailor Moon is that you?" Sailor Venus asked. "No not sailor moon but?" Serena stepped from behind a tree "Ethenia Moon guardian of the moon and leader of the sailor scouts." The girls sweat dropped as they saw their new leader in a very revealing outfit. Tuxedo Masks cheeks turned crimson 'I dumped her? What was I thinking?' he asked himself. " Don't look so surprised. I told you I would be back." Serena smiled "So what do ya think?" She turned in a circle to show her new outfit. "That was you that spear thing. You?" Sailor Venus asked. "How can we be sure you're not the enemy?" Sailor Mars asked suspiciously. "Does the enemy have one of these?" Ethenia moon pulled out the moon crystal. "But still you could have got that from anywhere it could be a fake." Sailor Jupiter joined in with her suspicions. Serena sighed "Who taught you guys to be so careful, it certainly wasn't me." Ethenia moon looked to make sure no one was around and powered down. "There happy its me meatball head in the flesh." The girls looked astonished as their little blonde friend stood in the place of the powerful Ethenia moon. "Oh Serena I'm so glad your back, I missed you so much." Rei ran to her and wrapped her in a tight hug. The other girls powered down and joined in happy that their little friend had finally returned. Darien caught Serena's eye and she cringed at the thought of his harsh words. Determined not to let it upset her Serena flashed him her most dazzling smile. ' That should make him regret dumping me.' Serena giggled to himself. "Now come on guys lets book it, I'm way excited about going home." Serena turned for home and told her friends she would see them at the shrine tomorrow afternoon. * * * Serena walked in the door. "Hi honey how was camp?" Serena smiled her friends always thought of everything. "It was great mum." Serena's mum smiled. "But next time dear give us a little more notice when you win tickets." "Sure mum I will." Serena walked upstairs to her room. She smiled as she entered her bedroom her beloved comfort zone. She sighed as she lay on the bed. "Oh Luna it is so good to be back." Serena looked around her room and noticed the photo of her and Darien. "Oh Luna this is going to be so easy." "What is Serena?" Luna asked. "Getting Darien back of course. All I have to do is play hard to get. I'm way more attractive now anyway." Luna's sweat dropped. "Oh Serena when will you ever learn?" Serena smiled "Luna I have learnt being on the moon kingdom was an awakening experience for me." Luna sighed "Sure Serena tomorrow you'll be late for school, you'll get detention, you'll cry because Rei will yell at you for being late and you'll eat until you throw up." Serena let out a whimper "Luna do you really think I'm that bad?" Serena bawled "No Serena you've set me a good example." Serena humphed 'I'll show you Luna, I'll show everyone especially Darien' Serena thought as she fell asleep * * * "Oh my god, I'm so late Rei is gonna kill me." Serena ran towards the Cherry Hill temple. She had overslept in the morning and had got herself a detention. Now she was late for the scout meeting. "Rei? I'm so sorry? I'm late? I overslept?and got a?detention." Serena puffed. "Its ok meatball head it is your first day home and all." Rei smiled. Serena's sweat dropped along with Ami, Mina and Lita's. "You're joking right?" Serena asked. "No Serena I'm just glad to have my meatball head back." Serena smiled. "Did you guys see the way Darien looked at Serena last night." Mina giggled "Yeah he looked really happy to see her, especially down below." Lita burst out laughing. "Lita that's gross." Serena squealed as she shoved her friends. "Well I couldn't help it." Lita giggled. "Anyway girls time to get down to business. Serena tell us about Ethenia moon." Ami said looking up from her textbook. "Well Ethenia moon means flame of the moon that's why I've got flame patterns cut out on all my clothes. I'm like a powerful version of sailor moon and cause I have the moon crystal that increases my power to." Serena smiled triumphantly. "You mean you actually know about yourself?" Rei laughed "that's a first meatball head." Serena shot Rei a look of ice. "Hey Rei you're not the only queen of fire now just remember that." Serena gave Rei a playful shove and they all burst out laughing. "You guys I really miss Darien." Serena said after they chatted and giggled like old times. " I was so lonely on the moon kingdom, it was like I was lost or something." Ami looked at Serena pondering whether she should tell Serena the information the four girls had found out. "Serena when you left we were talking and sorta had a thought why did Darien dump you when you two were so much in love?" Serena nodded "So we kinda asked him why he did it and he told us about this dream that he had how you were there and told him that he had to stay away from you to save you. He really loves you Serena he burst into tears when he was telling us about the dream he kept saying how much he missed you and how much he loved you." Serena looked dazed "Why would I tell him to stay away from me." The girls sweat dropped "Serena didn't you hear me the guy really loves you." Serena's face lit up. "Oh you guys do you think I have a chance?" Serena asked hopefully. "Yeah Serena I think you have more than a chance you got a really horny guy on your hands." Lita giggled. "Lita please I'm serious." Serena laughed. " Serena he loves you and that is the main thing. Now lets have some fun with him." Rei smirked a wicked smile. "What do you mean Rei?" Serena wasn't quite catching on. The girls stood up and told Serena what to do. "Ok first we will go to arcade right. He always goes there after his classes. Then we will ask you if you had any flings on the moon kingdom you say yeah you couldn't stop thinking about this one guy, and you describe Darien. Talk about how sweet he was yadda yadda yadda. Ok you got that." Serena nodded smiling an equally wicked smile. " Ok so when we are fighting kinda deliberately get into trouble so he can get a close up view of your umm well you get the picture." Mina giggled. Serena smiled guiltily as she thought of the advantages this plan held. "You know you guys this might work." Serena said absentmindedly thinking of the fun that they were going to have. Within minutes five giggling girls bundled into the arcade. "Serena have you tried the new sailor V game? It's totally wicked cool." Lita took Serena to the new game and just like old times the two girls were furiously pressing buttons. "Oh no! Game over. Oh and I'm all out of quarters to." Serena whined. "Yup just like old times." Rei laughed. "Come on Serena Dariens gonna be here any minute." Mina ushered the girls into a booth at the back of the arcade. 'How am I going to do this? I can't just hurt him like this, I suppose it isn't really hurting him we're just playing a joke.' Serena thought to herself. The girls sat and chatted for several minutes about what Serena missed when she was gone. Serena was happy it was just like old times. After about 10 mins of talking the automatic doors slid open to reveal a very flustered looking Darien. He walked to the counter and resumed his usual seat where Andrew was busy wiping down the counter top. "Hey Darien whats up?" Andrew's happy voice rang through the arcade. "Nothin much man just catching up on some studying, can I have a coffee?" "Sure thing pal." Serena listened to their conversation as her heart melted at the sound of Dariens calm sexy voice. "So Darien meet any hot chicks lately?" Andrew asked. "Well kinda there was this one really beautiful girl at Uni today and she asked me to the movies but I don't know if I'm gonna go or not yet." At that point four worried faces turned to see Serena's heart shatter. "Oh you guys how could you lie to me?" Serena whimpered her eyes filling with tears. "But Serena he honestly did say that he still loved you and always will, scouts honor(AN: get it scouts honor he he he)." Mina explained. "Oh I knew there was no hope how could I have thought there would ever be a chance of getting together with Darien." Serena moaned to herself. "Cool it Serena he said he wasn't sure so we still go with the plan right just follow from our leads." Rei said trying to comfort Serena. The girls agreed and set to put their plan into action. "Darien hey how are you?" Lita waved to Darien. Dariens head snapped around to see four happy girls waving to him. He noticed Serena looking out the window dreamily. Darien turned his attention back to stirring his coffee. "So Serena how's your love life going?" Mina said almost laughing. This caught Darien's ear and he was intently listening to their conversation. "Yeah Serena meet any dashingly handsome princes on the moon?" Rei smirked. Serena turned her gaze from the window to her friends. They winked at her and she was eager to at least make Darien jealous. "Oh sure same old same old, but there was one who really caught my eye." Serena giggled at the thought of anyone turning her on besides of course Darien. "So spill the beans what does he look like?" Lita winked at Serena "Oh he is so sexy. Black hair, These mysterious ocean blue eyes, he had the best body. I couldn't stop thinking about him when I was lying in bed. All I wanted to do was be in his arms. Whenever he held me it was like so warm and soft. I felt so safe nothing in the world could compare to the feeling of being with him. We used to just stare into each others eyes it was like reading a book all his emotions and everything would just shine through his eyes." Serena sighed at the thought of Darien. "Wow Serena he sounds really dreamy what was his name?" Ami asked. Serena choked on the mouthful of shake she was swallowing. "Yeah Serena what was his name?" Rei asked giving Serena a look that said, "Come on improvise." Serena pretend to stare dreamily out the window while she really frantically racked her brain for the perfect name. The only name that was coming into her head was Darien. Darien. Darien. "Uhh? his name was uh." Serena gulped. "Whats in a name a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." Serena sighed relieved at her save. "No really Serena whats his name." Rei kicked her underneath the table. "Oh his name is music to my ears it's Sabastion but I call him Saab." Serena giggled. The four girls sighed relief at Serena's cover up "Oh wow how romantic. He's even got you reciting Shakespeare." Mina giggled. "Darien hello earth to Darien what are you staring at man?" Andrew was waving a hand at the dazed expression on Dariens face. "DARIEN!" Andrew yelled. "Huh oh sorry Andrew I was just thinkin." Rei gave the girls a knowing smile. And Serena thought she had done a pretty good job. "Yeah I think I'm gonna say yes to Terri." Once again Serena felt her heart tear into pieces. She tried to hide her tears but couldn't. "You guys I really gotta pee. Scuse me." Serena fled to the bathroom where she cried non-stop. * * * "Serena I'm sure he'll realize his mistake." Lita comforted her sobbing friend in the bathroom. "Oh Lita if I had of known there were girls chasing him I would have just confronted him." Serena sobbed drying her red eyes. "Oh Serena you just have to wait time will take its toll and you will find yourself in his arms again I'm sure." Serena smiled wearily "Oh thank you Lita you always know what to say to cheer me up. Even mother said so." Lita looked confused "Serena I hardly know your mum." Lita explained. "No not that mum I mean Queen Serenity." Lita nearly fainted. "You mean she knows who I am? You talked about me?" Lita babbled. "Lita calm down. She knows all of you and yes she talked about how special you guys were and how wonderful you are to constantly protect me and accept me for a whining klutzy baby who can't do anything right." Serena said "Oh Serena your not a baby your just a little clumsy but don't worry you always manage to make everyone smile. When you were gone it was like having a part of us gone, there was no one to help us fight or make us laugh or start arguments with Rei." Serena and Lita picked themselves up and walked to the group of eager faces. "Hey Serena are you alright?" Ami asked a little worriedly. "Yeah I just felt a little woozy I guess I'm not used to shakes anymore it was always tea and wine on the moon." Serena smiled. "Oh yeah I would have loved to see you drunk Serena the Drunk klutz you would have to have been put into a safe jacket." Rei laughed. That got the five girls giggling like hyenas. "Are you girls on a sugar high or something?" Andrew asked as he cleared away the empty cups. "Oh hey Serena long time no see, where have you been?" Serena smiled at her past crush "Oh I won short notice tickets to a camp." Serena lied. "Well its good to have you back, I didn't know how much longer I could take Darien whining how much he missed you." Andrew whispered so not to let Darien hear. Serena's eyes lit up. "Really?" Serena asked hopefully. "Oh yeah?" Darien turned to see Andrew whispering something to Serena and the moment Darien looked Andrew stopped. "Yeah so as I was saying you should definitely order our new caramel fudge sundae Serena it will really hit the spot." Andrew called over his shoulder as he walked back to his usual position behind the counter. 'What a mess.' Serena sighed to herself. * * * BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! "Moon here" Serena mumbled into her communicator. It was extremely early in the morning and Serena had just been interrupted in the middle of a beautiful dream of Darien. "Serena we need your help there's a droid at the arcade." Sailor Venus's worried face came onto the screen. "I'll be right there." Serena clicked her communicator closed and scrambled out of bed. "Luna wake up there's a droid at the arcade." Serena hissed into the darkness. "Luna" "Yes. Yes lets go." Serena and Luna jumped from the window and rushed to the battle scene. "ETHENIA MOON FLAME IGNITE!" Serena transformed in a flurry of black flames and bright lights. They ran to the arcade quickly as possible. "Boy am I puffed Luna." Ethenia Moon panted. There was a large Droid throwing metal discs at the sailor scouts. Sailor Mercury and Sailor Mars were captured in a sticky metallic like substance. "Help us you guys!" Sailor Mars screamed. "VENUS LOVE CHAIN ENCIRCLE!" Sailor Venus knocked the monster back and it became extremely mad. Catching Venus during a victory dance the droid caught Sailor Venus in the same metallic substance. "Ewww! Ethenia Moon get me outta here." She screamed. "Ok sailor Jupiter when I say attack you attack and distract the monster and I'll attack it with my energy blast you got it?" "Right!" Jupiter enthusiastically yelled. "JUPTIER THUNDER CLAP ZAP!" Sailor Jupiter threw her thunderclap hitting the monster in the side. It turned to chase her and Ethenia moon prepared her attack. The monster launched the metallic substance at Jupiter. Missing her by just centimeters. 'Ok here's my chance' Ethenia moon thought as Jupiter distanced herself from the monster. "ETHENIA MOON ENERGY BLAST!" Ethenia moon threw her energy ball at the droid knocking it to the ground. "Oh you Sailor scouts are gonna pay for that." The droid hissed. It threw its disc at Ethenia moon. She threw herself on the ground as the razor sharp disks flew by her head. "Hey you leave her alone negasleaze." Jupiter yelled. The droid turned to face Sailor Jupiter and caught her by surprise with its metallic substance. "No Sailor Jupiter look out!" Ethenia Moon screamed. She ran to push Jupiter out of the way only to get caught in the substance herself. She desperately struggled as the metallic substance tightened around her body. "Ohhhhh." She moaned in pain. "Sailor Jupiter quick use your supreme thunder attack!" Sailor Jupiter attacked with full force sending the droid reeling. "You just don't give up do you Sailor Failures." It launched some metallic stuff at an exhausted Jupiter catching her in its tight embrace. Now the strong metal was holding all five warriors "Now lets have some fun with our pretty little friends, I think I'll start with you Ethenia moon seen as your energy attack really hurt me." Ethenia moon cringed as the droid scratched her face lightly. "Don't you lay a finger on her." A voice boomed from the shadows. "Huh. Who said that?" The droids head snapped around to see Tuxedo Mask standing proud amidst the shadows. By this time the four other scouts were unconcious from the energy sucking metal. Only Ethenia moon the strongest of all remained. "Let the scouts go." Tuxedo Mask yelled jumping onto the arcade roof. "Never the scouts will be destroyed especially the battler, Ethenia moon." Ethenia moon cringed at the thought of that negasleaze scratching her face. She tried with all her might to squeeze out but with no great results. The droid approached her and she pulled out a sharp metal disc. "I think I'm gonna have some fun." It cackled. A rose came flying and sliced straight through the metal that was confining Ethenia moon. She groaned as she hit the hard pavement and watched as the other scouts fell to the ground also. "How dare you ruin my plans to destroy the sailor scouts. You will pay Tux boy." The droid screeched preparing to throw a disc at Tuxedo Mask. "No way negasleaze! ETHENIA MOON DEVESTATION SHATTER!" Ethenia moon screamed. Her attack hit at full force destroying the droid instantly. Ethenia moon collapsed to the ground. Her energy completely drained from the metal and the attack. * * * Ethenia moon felt faint and moaned as she opened her eyes. She felt warm arms around her. "Ethenia moon are you alright." Ethenia moon opened her eyes to see two very worried deep blue ocean eyes staring into her own. "Ohhh what happened?" She moaned sitting up. Tuxedo Mask held her to him as if she was dying. "Oh I was so scared I thought you would die." He explained. Ethenia moon remembered the events of the last battle. "Oh I'm so tired Tuxedo Mask." He smiled and let his arms drop. Ethenia moon felt so cold she wanted to throw herself into tuxedo masks warm arms. "Are the scouts ok?" Ethenia moon asked. "We're fine Serena." Sailor Mars said smiling. Ethenia moon slowly stood and immediately felt dizzy. "Serena power down people are coming." Luna said agitated. Serena powered down and looked at Darien. 'He looked so sad when I woke up' Serena thought to herself. "Serena we should get you home your energy has been really drained." Luna said. "Yeah it must have taken so much to withstand that horrible metal stuff and then attack him with that blast. Serena you're a real warrior." Mina smiled at her tired friend. "Come on Serena we'll take you home, bye Darien." Rei said waving to Darien. Serena turned to see Darien staring longingly at her. * * * Serena walked quietly by herself pondering last nights events. Dariens words continued to repeat themselves in her head. "oh I was so scared I thought you would die." Serena was confused and yet she was angry at him for accepting the date with Terri. She didn't even know the women and already hated her with a vengeance. Serena was in deep thought when she banged right into another person walking around the same corner. Serena sat on the ground rubbing her forehead and heard a girl laughing. "Oh I'm so sorry." Serena looked up to see who she had run into expecting to see a girl she saw Darien with his arm around a laughing girl. "Oh hey Darien." Serena mumbled as she picked her self up. Her eyes were quivering as she stared at Darien's arm so casually draped over the girls shoulder. Serena straightened up 'Don't let him see you like this.' "Hey Serena this is Terri." Darien mumbled uncomfortably. "Hi listen I gotta book it." Serena said hiding her hurt she smiled at the two and walked off proudly. 'Wow she took that well' Darien said to himself. Serena looked back to see that they weren't in sight and sighed. She waited for the tears to come but was surprised that none came. She walked through the doors of the arcade and plopped herself on a stool near the counter. "Hey Andrew whats up?" Serena sighed. "Hey Serena nothing much why the sad face?" Andrew asked Concerned. "Oh nothing I just saw Darien in the street with Terri." Serena felt the tears filling her blue eyes. "Aww Serena I'm so sorry you had to see that. But you know that your Dariens true love, he is probably just trying to cheer himself up or something." Andrew comforted her. "Thanks Andrew." Serena smiled. "Oh hey look at the time I really got to go. I'm supposed to be meeting Rei at the temple." Serena smiled at Andrew and zoomed out of the arcade. Andrew smiled at how much energy she contained. Serena hurried around the corner cursing to herself that she was late when she ran once again smack into a tall guy. "Oh shit not again." Serena said under her breath. She felt a strong arm pull her up. "Are you ok?" A pair of concerned blue eyes looked into hers. "Oh yeah thanks." Serena said as she stared at an extremely handsome guy. He was tall with blue eyes and a kind of dazed smile on his face. His black hair was scruffy and had not been paid much attention as it just fell anywhere. (Picture Josh Hartnett.) "Hey I'm Sabastion, but you can call me Saab." Sabastion smiled at Serena. Serena nearly fainted. "Yo?your names Sebastion?" She asked. "Yeah whats yours?" "Oh sorry my names Serena." She said confused. "Well nice meeting you Serena hope to see you around." "Yeah same to you Saab." Serena stood a while watching Saab walk into the arcade. 'Oh my god wait till I tell the girls this' * * * "Serena were have you been we have been waiting for almost and hour." Rei screamed as Serena ran up the steps. "But I'm only 10 minutes late." Serena puffed. "Yeah well you know how much I exaggerate." Rei said as a crimson blush appeared across her cheeks. "That's ok you wouldn't believe what happened to me this afternoon." Serena said as she sunk into a chair next to Mina. "What happened did Darien pledge you his undying love." Lita giggled " Not exactly. I ran into him with his new girl friend though." Serena said as she remembered how pretty Terri was. "Oh Serena I'm so sorry are you alright?" Ami said sympathetically. " Yeah but something really weird happened." "So spill the juice." Rei said interested in where the conversation was leading. "Well after I ran into Darien I went to the arcade and talked to Andrew for a bit then I remembered the meeting and kinda ran to leave and I went round the corner and ran into this guy. And do you remember when I described that guy in the coffee shop?" Serena asked. "Yeah Sebastion." Lita giggled. "Yeah well he looked exactly like that and he helped me up and guess what his name was?" Serena said "Umm Darien?" Ami asked. "No keep guessing." The girls said a number of names and Serena discarded them all "Oh Serena just tell us." Mina sighed. "Ok his name was?" "WHAT WAS HIS NAME." The four girls including the incredibly shy Ami screamed. "Sebastion. Or Saab." Serena finished. The four girls sweat dropped and Mina nearly fell off her seat. "Oh my god are you serious Serena do you know how weird that is are you like physic or something?" Lita flushed. "I know that is exactly what I thought." The girls mused over the events of the afternoon and Serena noticed that Rei was extremely quiet. "Hey Rei are you alright?" Serena asked worried about her friend. "Yeah I'm fine Serena. Do you realize that we can now take operation jealousy another step further." Rei said as a sly smile spread across her face. "Yeah Serena this is gonna be so easy." Mina said an even slyer smile crossing her face. "Serena you could come out on top after all." Lita smiled evilly. "Oh you guys I'm not sure remember what happened last time?" Serena said unsure. "And besides that is way mean just toying with Saabs feelings." Serena said. "Oh Serena you know that you and Darien are meant to be together." Ami said smiling the same smile the others now had. "Oh ok but you can organize it I'll just date the guy." Serena smiled realizing she was gonna have a lot of fun. * * * "Ok Serena so Andrew agreed to be in on this too. He will talk Darien into taking Terri to the park and you go with Saab on a picnic and you have to act really into him. Feed each other food and lovey dovey stuff like that." Lita explained the details of the plan. "Ok got it." Serena said repeating the details in her head. Andrew suddenly interrupted her thoughts. "Ok you guys I just got off the phone from Darien and he is taking Terri to the park tomorrow for a walk and a boat ride or something." Andrew smiled the familiar sly smile and returned to cleaning tables. "Thanks Andrew." Rei called out to him. "Hey no problem anything for Serena and her beautiful friends." Andrew called over his problem. The girls burst into a fit of giggles from the compliment. "Ok Serena so now you just have to find Saab and organize this with him." Mina said. At that moment the automatic doors opened and in stepped an extremely spunky guy with shaggy black hair and blue eyes. He scanned the arcade finally settling his gaze on Serena he smiled and waved to her. "Oh my Serena is that him he is spunky." Ami said surprising the four other girls. Causing them to burst into a fit of giggles. "Hey Saab how are you?" Serena asked as she approached him. "I'm fine Serena and yourself?" He asked arching a black eyebrow as he noticed four giggling girls staring intently at himself and Serena. "I'm great now, Anyways Saab what are you doing tomorrow?" Serena asked him with a sparkle in her eyes. "Oh nothing why?" Saab asked. "Well I was just wondering if you would like to go on a picnic with me at the park." Serena asked. "Yeah I was just gonna say that we should get together that sounds really nice." Saab said smiling. "Great I'll meet you here at 10.00 am tomorrow." Serena said as she bade her goodbye and rejoined her friends. * * * Serena waited impatiently for Saab. "Where is he?" She looked at her watch it was only 9.45am "Oh my god I'm actually early for a change." Serena said looking around. She waited a few more minutes and Saab finally arrived. "Hey Serena whats up?" He asked casually. He was wearing blue jeans and a white singlet that hugged his rippling muscles with an open check shirt with the sleeves rolled up his arm. His hair was its usual shaggy style. Serena sighed 'Oh he is so sexy.' She thought to herself. "Shall we go?" he asked holding out his hand. "We shall." Serena giggled placing her hand in his. She felt his big hand holding hers. 'He is so warm. Oh I could get used to this.' Serena thought to herself. The two walked together chatting about each other. "So Saab are you from around here?" Serena asked looking into his dreamy eyes. " Nope I just moved here from the USA where I studied martial arts for a while. I wanna be an actor though." He exclaimed to Serena. "Oh that sounds wicked cool." Serena said 'I'm dating an actor' she thought to herself. "So have you got heaps of agents lining up with contracts and tons of money to sign you up for their major motion pictures?" Serena asked giggling. "Well there is this one guy who wants me to star with Jackie Chan." He said seriously. "Oh wow that is so cool. Can I have your autograph?" Serena said equally serious. Saab laughed at the little girl who was holding a picnic basket and asking for his autograph. "Sure Serena you can have my autograph." He laughed some more and Serena squealed. "Oh wow I'm dating a famous guy. This is so cool." Saab laughed as they stopped under the shade of a large tree. "This place looks nice." Serena said as she noticed the path a few meters away from where they lay out their things. ' Now Darien won't miss us.' Serena said smiling to herself. " So Serena what did you pack for lunch?" Saab asked. "Oh some strawberries and egg roles and some sandwiches and some mangoes and some salad and some?" "Whoa are we gonna have a feast or what." Saab laughed. "Well my mum insisted that I packed heaps." Serena said smiling as a rosy hue flushed across her face. "Oh well the more food the less hungry we will be." Saab laughed. Serena smiled. Her friends were hiding behind the bushes having a picnic of the own as she heard Mina and Lita giggling. They were gonna wolf whistle when Darien was coming so that Serena could suggest that they feed each other strawberries. "So Serena do you wanna drink or something?" Saab asked as he pulled out a bottle of water and two glasses. "Sure thing Saab." Serena smiled at her date. The two ate and talked like old friends. Saab told Serena about his career. He had been all around the world training as a martial artist. "Oh wow you sound like you have the most exciting life." Saab smiled "Yeah its fun I love Greece though if I got to choose where to go it would defiantly be Greece." Serena smiled intrigued by his life. She was snapped out of the moment when she heard a long wolf whistle shatter their perfect moment. "Must be kids." Saab laughed. "Hey Serena you know strawberries are the food of love, want one?" Serena smiled 'its like he knows what to do.' She thought to herself. Saab picked up a strawberry and placed it into Serena's mouth. Serena did the same enjoying the intimate gestures. Their arms hooked together and slowly fed each other strawberries until they were almost gone. Serena noticed Darien walking by with Terri. She saw him look at the couple on the grass. "Oh Darien look that is so sweet, how come you never feed me strawberries?" Terri asked. Darien remained silent as he realized that it was Serena who was being fed and feeding strawberries. "You know Darien strawberries are the food of love." Terri's voice barged through the silence. By this stage the two had stopped walking to watch Serena and Saab feed each other strawberries. Finally the strawberries were finished. "Oh Saab this has been absolutely beautiful." Serena gushed. "You only deserve the best my princess." Saab took Serena's hand and planted a kiss on it Serena giggled 'this was so meant to happen' Serena thought to herself. "Now if you would excuse me I have to go to the loo." Saab stood and bowed at Serena. Serena giggled and watched as he retreated to the toilet. She observed Darien and Terri slowly walk away leaving a triumphant Serena sitting alone on a blanket. "Psst Serena, earth to Serena, anybody home." Serena turned to see Rei, Mina, Lita and Ami standing behind her giggling. "Ok Serena Darien should be coming back in about five minutes so you kinda gotta get close to Saab so I dunno sit in his lap or something." Mina said. "Ok guys he'll be back soon I got this all under control." Serena said as she waved to her friends. They resumed their position behind the bush and Serena waited for Saab to return. "Here you are Serena a beautiful rose for a beautiful girl." Saab said as he handed Serena a rose. "Oh Saab it's beautiful." Serena gushed, as she smelt it. Serena gave Saab a hug and yawned. "Oh pardon me, I'm so tired." Serena said. "Here come sit here." Saab patted the spot between his legs, Serena sat in between his legs and lent back on his chest. Saab took the rose and placed it into Serena's hair finally placing his arms around Serena. "Oh Saab I've had a wonderful time with you today we have to do it again some time." Serena said as his musky sent engulf her. Another long wolf whistle could be heard from behind that bush and Serena saw out of the corner of her eye Darien and Terri approaching again. 'This is so easy.' Serena thought to herself. 'Hey what is that sleaze doing with his arms all over Serena she is my girl, I should sort him out, what is she doing with him?' Darien said as thoughts of him and Serena kissing flashed through is mind. "Darien whats wrong you look so angry." Terri placed her arm on Darien's shoulder. 'That's why. She saw me with Terri the other day, oh god she probably thinks I hate her guts, I was only trying to cheer myself up. Oh it's too late for me anyway she looks perfectly comfy in between his legs.' Darien sighed a sigh of defeat, as Terri looked into his eyes worried. "Oh nothing I'm just thinking" Darien tried to reassure the women he really didn't like being with. Terri was so demanding of attention, Darien gimme this, Darien take me there? Every time Darien spent time with her he disliked her more and more. Serena sighed; she was ecstatic as she lay against Saab. BEEP BEEP BEEP! "Oh shit Saab I'm really sorry I gotta go I'm supposed to be somewhere." Serena sighed she knew something would have to interrupt a perfect moment. "Was that your watch man it's loud." Saab laughed. Saab helped her pack up the basket and Serena noticed that the loud giggling from behind the bush had stopped. Serena grabbed the basket and looked at Saab. "I'm really really sorry. Here" Serena scribbled down her phone number and told Saab to ring her. Than Saab did something unexpected he lent down and kissed Serena. It was only a little peck but it made Serena's heart flutter. "Bye Saab." Serena called over her shoulder. "Umm Terri I gotta go can you get home alright?" Darien noticed that Serena's communicator went off and he also noticed that Serena scribbled down her phone number for that guy and he also noticed that guy kissing Serena. "Oh Darien what is wrong with you, one minute your as sweet as pie and the next you gotta rush off somewhere, I need a guy who can care for my needs?" "OH TERRI YOU NEED EVERYTHING YOUR SO FUCKING DEMANDING!" Darien yelled at Terri. "Well if that's the way you feel than I guess its over between us." Terri retorted as she turned around and left a confused Darien standing alone. Darien rushed off to help the scouts. "ETHENIA MOON FLAME IGNITE!" Serena yelled as she transformed. "Ethenia moon this guy is really strong we need to think of a way to defeat it using our powers together." Sailor Mercury informed Ethenia moon. "Right ok everyone spread out and I'll stand at the front when I say freeze we all attack together got it." "Right!" The four scouts yelled together. Ethenia moon stepped in front of the droid. It was really huge with spikes coming out of its skin. The four other scouts spread themselves out and waited for Ethenia moons signal. The droid had its back to Ethenia moon so she thought she was unseen. But she didn't see the eye on the back of the droids head. It slowly turned and threw an acid spear at Ethenia moon. She ducked in time to hear it hit the tree several feet behind her causing it to eat away at the tree. "Ok negasleaze hold it right there FREEZE!" Ethenia moon yelled. "ETHENIA MOON DEVESTATION SHATTER!" "JUPITER THUNDER CLAP ZAP!" "MARS CELSTIAL FIRE SURROUND!" "MERCURY ICE STORM FREEZE!" " VENUS LOVE CHAIN ENCIRCLE!" The five scout's power was launched and four different lights surround a large black ball that was suspended in the air above Ethenia moon. "Now you'll wish you had never messed with the scouts. "SCOUT COMBINED POWER ELIMINATE!" Ethenia moon screamed as she threw the glowing ball at the droid. "Nooooooooooo?" The droid screamed as the energy hit it and turned it to dust. "Ha moon dusted, that was easy." Ethenia moon squealed. "Yeah scouts rule." Sailor Venus joined Ethenia moon jumping up and down. "Oh you Scouts are beginning to annoy me." A man with red hair dressed like a gypsy floated in the air. "Now say good bye to your little friend." The man prepared to throw a large ball of energy at Ethenia moon. "Wait who are you?" Ethenia moon asked. "I am Rubeus of the dark moon. Now prepare to die." Rubeus threw the energy at a frozen Ethenia moon. "Ethenia moon look out." Sailor mars screamed. "GET OUT OF THE WAY!" Sailor Jupiter screamed. "I can't I'm stuck. WHY CAN"T I MOVE?" The ball hit Ethenia moon full force in the chest. "So long Sailor failures. "Ohh I can't breathe." Ethenia moon slumped to the ground. "No Ethenia moon, don't leave us again." Sailor Venus wailed. "Her temperature is dropping, you guys I fear the worse, I think she is dying." Sailor Mercury cried. "What happened what is wrong with her?" Tuxedo Mask appeared. When he saw Ethenia moon lying unconcious he ran to her side. "Oh Serena don't leave I love you Serena don't leave me Serena. No." Tuxedo Mask wailed. "Isn't there something we can do?" Sailor mars asked frantically. "Ethenia moon stay with us don't go." Sailor Jupiter screamed. " I love you so much Serena." Tuxedo mask continued to cry." He placed his lips on hers. Suddenly the silver crystal flew from Serena's body and glowed brightly above her. It turned several times around her. A bright light emitted from it and Queen Serenity stood beside Serena. "Queen Serenity can you help us Ethenia moon is dying." Sailor Mercury cried. "Prince Darien you really love my daughter?" Queen Serenity asked. "With all my heart and more." Darien cried. "Well your love will keep her alive remember that and never stop loving her." With a bright flash of light Queen Serenity was gone. "OH SERENA GOD DAMN IT WAKE UP I LOVE YOU TOO MUCH TO LOSE YOU NOW!" Darien screamed. He picked her up and held her in his arms. "Unghh Darien is that you?" Ethenia moon moaned. "Oh Serena your alive I thought you were gonna leave me. Oh Serena I love you so much." Darien stared into Serena's eyes she slowly powered down along with the other scouts. "You really mean it Darien but what about Terri?" Serena groaned. "Oh Serena when I heard you and the girls talking about Sebastion in the arcade I was so hurt I thought you loved someone else so I went out with Terri to cheer me up." Darien exclaimed. A single teardrop fell from his eye. "Oh Darien when I was describing him I was describing you. When I tried to think of a name only yours came to my head. And everything I said was true all I could think about on the moon kingdom was you. Your eyes your hair. Your love for me. Oh Darien I love you so much I could never love another man as much as I love you, when I saw you with Terri my heart ripped to pieces I had trouble breathing, it hurt so much Darien." Serena smiled as Darien took in all this information. "But what about that guy at the park his name was Sebastion." Darien asked uncertainly. " Oh I ran into him on the street and it was just coincidentally. I was just trying to make you jealous. Andrew was in on it to he told me when you were going to take Terri to the park and it kinda went from there I just?" Serena was silenced with Dariens lips on hers they shared a passionate kiss. Serena laughed "whats so funny Serena?" Darien asked confused. "Oh I was just trying to think of a way to tell Saab all of this." Darien laughed along with Serena. "Just say what comes from here." Darien placed a hand on Serena's heart and kissed her again. "Oh Darien I love you so much." Serena sighed happily. "I love you too my meatball head." Serena smiled at Darien 'oh it feels so good to be called that again.' * * * Serena and Lita approached Saab who waited for them at the arcade. "Hey Saab this is Lita." Serena said. "Hey Lita nice to meet you." Saab smiled at her "Hey Saab you too um listen Serena I'll leave you to alone I gotta go to the bath room" Lita said as she stood. " Umm Saab I have to tell you something." Serena said unsure. "Yeah me too Serena." Saab said. "Ok you first then." Serena said. "Ok Serena I don't want to hurt you or anything it's just that I don't think we should see each other anymore." Serena sighed in relief. "It's just that you're so cute and timid and everything, I kinda like girls who fight and are boisterous and assertive everything." Saab exclaimed. "Oh thank god." Serena said. "What are you talking about?" Saab asked confused. "Well I came here to tell you the same thing." Serena exclaimed. "You see I really hate to tell you this Saab but I kinda used you to make a guy jealous, he is like my one true love and everything and we had a sort of falling out." Serena cautiously explained not wanting to hurt Saabs feelings. "So did I work." Saab asked in good humor. "Oh yeah as soon as Darien saw me with a spunky martial artist like yourself. He came running back to me." Serena laughed. "ON the other hand Serena your friend Lita sorta caught my attention." Saab said. "She did?" Serena asked smiling that sly smile. " Hey get away from me you sleaze I don't wanna go out with you ok." Lita said as she shoved a large man out of her way. "Yeah she is really hot." Saab continued. Lita sat down next to Serena. "Say Lita if your not doing anything tomorrow would you like to go out with me?" Lita blushed "Oh?ah?um?sure thing that would be great." Lita giggled. "Well ladies I must go I have a training session. I'm glad I could help with your guy Serena and Lita I'll meet you here at 11.00am." Saab stood and took Lita's hand and kissed it. "See you then." Lita said dreamily. Saab turned and left. "Oh my god Serena do you believe this. Oh I'm so glad I came with you I'm so happy." Lita said. "Yeah he looks just like my old boyfriend." (AN: Get it Her old boyfriend, cause he is her old boyfriend and . . . Never mind ^_~) Serena said giggling only to receive a playful slap from Lita. The two stepped outside and walked to Darien who was waiting for them. Serena ran up to Darien and kissed him. "So how did it go?" Darien asked arching his eyebrow. "Well Lita scored a date with him and he was happy to help me win my guy back." Serena said as she kissed Darien again. "Well you guys I should get going." Lita said and waved to the two kissing. "Have fun with Saab tomorrow." Serena called to her as she trotted off. "Oh Darien I'm so happy everything worked out. I love you Darien." Serena said as she embraced her loving boyfriend. "I love you to meatball head. There was just one thing I wanted to ask you." "Yeah shoot." Serena said, "Ok how did you get so damn sexy. Being Ethenia moon man you give me the biggest boner, I didn't know ya had that much cleavage." Serena whacked Darien across the chest and the two walked towards the park hand in hand. THE END So what do you think? Seen, as it is my first fan fic technically please feel free to send any comments or complaints to me at Usachi_10@hotmail.com. I LOOVVE Email. Cya soon.