Chapter 2 Something Evil This Way Comes Chibi-usa, What Happened? Adonis sighed. It was a few hours after the Senshi and he had met the person who looked like him. Right after he had disappeared Jupiter went straight to the Queen and King about it. Now he sat in his room they were letting him stay in. Just then the door creaked opened. He looked up and saw Chibi-usa standing in his doorway. "Can I come in?" she asked causionly. He nodded his head. She sat down in a chair facing him. "Are you sure," he said, "that Makoto knows you're here?" Chibi-usa sighed then said in a tired voice, "Yes. I had to all but beg her to let me come. She's still outside in the hall." Her look changed into a curious one. "Why is she so precausous about letting anyone see you?" "She believes that I am the one that told that guy to come and kidnap you the other night, all because he said that I look like his boss." Chibi-usa scracthed her head, "But didn't you guys just meet someone that looked like you? Couldn't he be the boss?" Adonis raised his eyebrow. "Could be. I hadn't thought of that." A sudden noise caught their attention. It sounded like boards creaking."What was that?" Chibi-usa asked looking around. Out of the corner of her eye she saw a slight movement. She turned but saw nothing. Only the wall. A dark figure silently shrank back into the shadows. Her dark green eyes closely watched the room's two occupents search for her. she thought. The one called Small Lady looked in her direction. The person stayed stock still. Soon Small Lady turned her gaze back to the other in the room. Then the dark girl quietly slipped back out a secret hole in the wall. She smiled a cold smile, thinking about what she would soon do. Twirling a lock of her brown hair around her finger she thought, ---------- The intruder alarms went off, causing the Queen and King to spring straight up from their bed. "What's going on?" the Queen demanded as they rushed into the hallway. A servant quickly told her, "An intruder has been deteted near Small Lady's room." The trio at once raced to Chibi-usa room, hoping she was all right. When they got there, they saw Chibi-usa sparwled out on the floor. A noticible wound was on her chest pouring blood on the carpet. Her eyes closed. "Chibi-usa!!" the Queen screamed and tried to get closer to her daughter. But she was repelled by a wall of air pushing her back. There in the room another person stood just out of light's way. In her hand was a dagger, caked with fresh blood. "Who are you?!!" the King demaned to the assassin. She justed grinned and replied, "Why Edymion, I'm hurt that you don't recongize me. After all, I've all ways been around here." "Who ARE you?!!!" he said again. She laughed wickedly. "HA HA HA! If you knew you wished you hadn't." She held up her hand. In it was the Silver Crystal. "And now the others don't have to come here." But suddenly the crystal began to glow. "What?!" the girl yelled as it burned her hand, causing her to it drop. The crystal remained in the air. It grew brighter and brighter untill it lighted up the entire room. Then, just as suddenly as it started, it stopped. But it disappeared into nine colors, each shooting off in different directions. Suddenly Sailor Mercury appeared in the doorway. "Are you all right, Queen?" she gasped. Her breathing was heavy and sweat lightly poured down her face. Her hand gripped her left side as it was hurting her. "I'm fine Ami-chan," Serenity answered. "but Chibi-usa..." she looked back in the room. Mercury gasped at what she saw. When she noticed the girl she glared at her. "What did you do to her?" Mercury growled. "Hmp," came the reply. "wouldn't you love to know." Footsteps in the hallway reached their ears. Sailor Mars and Jupiter arrived, in the same condition as Mercury: hard breathing, sweat running down their face, Mars' hand was grapsed her right hand and Jupiter's on her right shoulder. "Well, well," the intruder said. "It seems that the calvery has arrived, not that they could help." "We'll see about that," Jupiter said. "Jupiter Oak Evolution!" Green oak leaves flew toward the dark girl. "I think not." She crossed both arms at her waist. "Dark Electricity Surrond!" she shouted. Black lightening bolts formed in her hands as she brought them up, creating a wall of protection around her. "Since y'all don't want me here," she said sacastily. "I'll leave." She jumped backwards and landed on the windowsill. Standing up on it she pointed at the Queen and King. The full moon outside was suddenly covered by dark clouds as she spoke. "In one there is always two." She stepped off the sill and disappeared, leaving behind her meancing laughter. "Chibi-usa!!" the Queen shouted, running to her daughter. The wound was still pouring blood. "Don't move her!!" Mercury ordered. ---------- Ami sighed. The sergury was over. She pulled of her rubber gloves and checked the moniters. Ami walked out the door of the operating room to the group of people outside it. When they saw her, Serenity, Edymion, Rei, and Makoto all jumped up. "How is she?" Serenity asked immediately. "She's fine at the moment." "Will she make it?" came the next question. Ami tried her best to explain, "I don't know. The dagger had a poisonious substanc of some sort on it. I don't recongnize it so I can't make an anntidote." The Queen burst into tears. Her husband embaced her, tears threaten to exit his eyes too. Makoto slumped back down onto the bench. She set her elbows on her knees and rested her forehead on her locked fingers. Rei supported herself straight by placeing her hand on the wall. "How did the assassin get in?" she asked to no one. "The alarms couldn't have gone off when she entered the room. If they did then she wouldn't have, you know." "This is my fault," Makoto sighed after awhile. "If I had just payed more attention to..." she stopped before she finished. "Payed more attention to what?" Rei pressed. "Nothing. Never mind." She ubruptly stood and walked away. Ami followed her. "Hold up, Mako-chan." she ordered when they were well out of hearing range of the others. "What?" Makoto said as she turned to face her. "What were you going to say back there?" Makoto crossed her arms and gave her a look that scared Ami for a second. "What do you think I would've said?" When Ami didn't answer she continued. "You know full well who I think was behind that assassin, Ami-chan. And you should too. Adonis is up to something and I know it." "Just because that guy said that Adonis looks like his master doesn't mean that he is. You saw what we did earlier. It could've been that guy that looks excatly like Adonis." "Look Ami-chan!" Makoto yelled, surprising herself as well as Ami. "That guy showed up out of nowhere right when Small Lady was about to be captured and destroyed the yoma just like that!" she snapped her fingers. "Don't tell me I have nothing to be suspicious of! Adonis may be Terry but for all we know something could've happened to him during all these years he's been gone! If there's anyone who could stopped the alarms before Chibi-usa was hurt he could have with all those weird powers of his! So don't go preaching to me about suspecting anything about him because I believe he's behind all of this and he should be-!" Without warning Ami shouted, "Stop it!!" Before she knew what she did, SMACK!!, her hand connected with Makoto's cheek. The sound echoed throughout the empty hall way. Makoto's head stayed where it was pushed for a few seconds, then her hand touched the sore red area on her face. Their eyes were wide with shock. Ami thought as she looked at her hand. Makoto turned her head toward Ami. Tears of disbelief filled her eyes. "A-Ami-chan??" she said in a broken voice. Before Ami could react they heard someone come up from around the corner behind Makoto. They turned and saw Adonis. "Adonis!!" Ami gasped. Makoto turned away and ran. "Mako-chan!! Wait!!" Ami called as she tried to follow her. Makoto's voice came to her ears, causing her to stop, "Leave me alone!!" Ami stood, tears running down her face. "Ami," Adonis said. She didn't reply. He walked to her side and placed his hand on her shoulder. "Did you...?" she tried to ask him, but her voice was overcome by her sobs. "I heard it all," he answered. "I was coming to see how Chibi-usa was doing when I saw Makoto walking down the hall way. I knew she didn't trust me so I hid in the other hall to wait for her to pass." "I'm sorry," Ami sobbed. "Don't be. Just answer me one question: Who is Terry?" Ami shook her head, "I can't answer that, not now." ---------- Makoto stopped running. She leaned her back against the wall. "Get a hold of yourself!" a voice ordered. Makoto looked up but saw no one. "Who's there?" "No one. Just yourself silly." "What??" "Just shut up and listen to me. Now, Chibi-usa has been hurt, she could possibly die. There's only one way to make for sure that doesn't happen." "How?" "You know that Adonis is the one who probably sent the assassin right? So what would happen if he couldn't tell the next one what to do? No one would get hurt. And there's only one way to do so: He must die." "Die?" Makoto asked. She stood up. "Yes, someone has to kill him, but who will? Why don't you do it?" Makoto rubbed her right shoulder, thinking. "Think about it: Everyone will be okay." "I don't know." Suddenly she was grabbed from behind. One arm around her waist restraining her arms and one around her mouth. She struggled to get free but the person was strong. "Now be a good girl and keep still," the person said. Makoto looked up and saw the assassin! "You'd better be still or this will hurt." The assassin's green eyes glowed bright and reflect in Makoto's. ---------- Chibi-usa was sleeping deeply. An oxygen mask was strapped sercruely over her mouth giving her fresh air to breath. Beside her, her mother sat in a chair watching her. The door opened and in came Ami along with the rest of the Senshi, except Makoto. "How is she?" Setsuna asked. "Still asleep." "My Queen," she said, "What happened to the Silver Crystal?" "The assassin held it up and it began to glow white. She dropped it but it stayed in midair and grew brighter untill it was as bright as the sun. Then it disappeared into nine colors, each off in a different direction." "'Nine colors'?" The Queen nodded her head. Suddenly Chibi-usa's eyes flew open and she screamed. "Chibi-usa!!" everyone in the room shouted. The girl continued to scream as she was surronded by pinkish- purple light. She started convusling. Her back arched up as another screamed filled the room. The light around her grew brighter. Suddenly Ami's left side started to hurt. She grasped it, trying not to cry out because of the pain. She bit her lip and looked at the other Senshi. They were the same as her: Rei was gripping her right hand, Minako her left shoulder, Setsuna her left hand, Hikaru her right forearm, Michiru her left forearm, and Hotaru her right side. Ami thought. Chibi-usa's screams stopped, but were replaced by her voice, urgently yelling, "What happened?! Where is everthing?!" They looked at one another. What was she talking about? "Wait a minute," Setsuna said through half gritted teeth. "Is Small Lady seeing the furture?" "What do you mean, Setsuna?" the Queen demandded. "Being part of the Moon family grants one powers. It may be that Small Lady's power is being able to see the future." They turned back to the girl. "Who is that?! What's he-? No!! Stop it!! Leave them alone!! Don't hurt them!! What the-? It's the Senshi! Wait. No! More Senshi?! Two Mercurys? Two Mars? Two Venus? Two Jupiters? Two Saturns? Two Uranus? Two Neptunes? Two Plutos? What going on?! Help me!!" She screamed yet again. Then, just as suddenly as it started, she stopped. Her screams died down as did the light around her. Ami nearly collasped to the ground. The pain in her side stopped. Minako turned to Ami. "What was that pain we were all experencing?" Ami started to shake her head when she saw the door open. Makoto stepped through it. "Makoto!" Ami said. Makoto looked around the room and said plainly, "Where's Adonis?" Ami was a little surprised. "I-In his room." Without saying anymore Makoto left in the direction of Ami's answer. ---------- A knock came from the other side of Adonis's door. "Come in," he said. Makoto opened it and stepped inside. Her hands behind her back. "Hey Adonis," she said. "What's up?" Adonis was caught of gaurd. Makoto was acting friendly. "Uh, not much, why?" "Geez, can't I even ask a question? Anyway I was wondering if you had anything planned." "Uh, no. Why?" He turned to his window and looked out it. Makoto stepped closer to him. " Oh I was hoping you would do something for me." He looked at her reflection in the glass. She was right behind him. "And what would that be?" She raised one hand and placed it on his shoulder. She turned him around to face her. "You could die." Her voice was dark and cold. Her eyes were white and empty. " What??" Adonis said. She raised her other hand. In it was a knife! Makoto brought it down. "DIE!!" ---------- NEXT: What's wrong with Makoto? What did the assassin do to her? Will she kill Adonis? And what is wrong with the other Senshi? Why does a certain part of their bodies hurt, all at the same time? What did Chibi- usa mean about what she said? Will they ever find out? Next time: The Crystal Warrior