SAILOR MOON: GHOSTS FROM THE PAST (part 2) Serena left the school after yet another detention. "Serena!," a familiar voice yelled. Luna jumped down from her spot in a nearby tree. "You know, Serena, if you got up earlier then you wouldn't keep getting detentions for being late. Now we're going to be late for the scout meeting to!" Serena just blinked, and looked at her watch. "I'M LAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATE!!!!!!!!," she screamed, as grabbed Luna and tore down the street. * * * "She's late, again," Ray muttered under breath. Leda looked up from the romance novel she was reading. "You say something, Ray?" "It's Serena! She's late again. Can't she ever be on time?" Ray started to sweep, as continued her tirade about Serena. "Everytime we have a meeting, we have wait for her lazy butt to get here." "Excuse me, but Mina isn't here either," Ami chimed in. Leda and Ray looked over at her. "You're right, Ami. Mina is usually here first," Leda thought about it for a second. "Maybe, she waited for Serena." "Whataboutme?," Serena gasped between breaths for air. Luna hopped down from her arms. Leda scratched the cat on her head, then asked, "Serena, did you see Mina at all?" "I'm right here." Mina came up the steps, looking like hell. Her skin was pale, and she walked slowly, like she was fighting a losing battle to stay awake. Luna watched her, then sniffed the air. "Mina, where's Artemis?" "What's a matter, Luna? Miss your boyfriend?," Serena giggled. "Thank you, Ray." "RAAAAAY!! WHA-WHY'D YOU DO THAT?," Serena whined, in her usual manner. "Because if I didn't, Luna would scratch your eyes out." "Ray, you are always so me-" "WILL BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP!?! I'M SICK OF YOUR IDIOTIC BICKERING!" Everyone stopped and stared at Mina. She looked ready to kill all of them. Luna asked, "Mina, are you all right? Did something happen to Artemis?" Mina looked away. "I don't know," she said quietly, "my window was open this morning, and I couldn't find him." "Maybe that has something to do with that 'vampire' thing on the news," Ray offered. Leda looked nervously at Ami for a second. Ami knew Leda was uneasy about things like vampires. "Don't silly, Ray!," Luna interjected, and then muttered, "You'll scare Serena!" Mina stood up and started to walk to Serena's side, to prevent her next flood of tears. She got halfway there, when she passed out, fell into Leda, who then fell flat on her butt. "Mina! Mina, are you okay?," Leda asked, panicking. The only response she got, was a loud snore from Mina. * * * Mina had just walked into the schoolyard, when she found herself in trouble. Three girls had decided to pick on the new girl that had transferred here. One of the girls took a swing at her, but never finished it. The new girl had grabbed her wrist midswing, and slammed the girl into the ground. The other two girls knocked her down, and starting kicking her. Mina decided to get involved. As Mina and the new girl left after their detention for the fight. Mina started to go out first, when she noticed the three girls outside. She turned to the other girl. "I don't think we should go out there! Come with me, I know a way around to the back door." "No." Mina looked at her, completely shocked. Did this girl have a death wish? "Are you sure? They'll probably try and kill you!" The girl scowled at her. "Do you enjoy running from people? I going out there, I'm not afraid of them." "I'm going through the gym. I still say, you should come with me." Mina started down the hall to the gym. The girl proceeded out the front door. Mina turned around the corner of the hall, when she started hearing screams from the front of the school. Mina knew she had to go help the new girl. Mina ran back to the front doors, burst out the doors, and froze dead in her tracks. The girl she had helped was nowhere to be seen. Instead, a dark shape was attacking the three ambushers. Mina watched as two of the girls got slashed by the thing, and fell, blood pouring from their wounds. The last girl saw Mina and ran towards her. "YOU GOTTA HELP ME! SHE'S GONNA KILL ME!!," the girl screamed, as she dived behind Mina. The shape stopped in front of Mina. It was young girl, with dark green eyes. A cloak fluttered down over a black blouse, and a dark green skirt. "Who are you!?," Mina screamed. The girl scowled at her. "I am Sailor Charon! Now get out of my way!" Something changed inside Mina. Energy coursed throurgh her body. The symbol of Venus shined on Mina's forehead. Her memories started to return. One phrase formed in her mind. "VENUS POWER!," Mina screamed, thrusting her hand into the air. Her orange transformation pen materialized, and landed in her hand. She felt herself being stripped away, and replaced by Sailor Venus. Her transformation completed, she prepared for combat. To be continued..............