If you haven't read the Author's Notes, I strongly suggest that you do before reading further. A.E. Standard disclaimers apply Romancing the Planets - Mercury Rated PG by Angel Eternal e-mail: angel_eternal_01@yahoo.com A frown creased her smooth brow. Concentrating, Princess Amy of Mercury studied the 'computer'. It was a gadget from Earth. It was very useful. Her fingers flying over the keys she was programming it for her specific purposes. A small smile pulled her lips. "There." She picked up her own scanner and quickly modified it to accommodate the computer. "Your Highness?" Frustrated she looked up. "What?" she snapped. The servant stepped back. "Begging your pardon Princess Amy, but there's a call from Venus." Amy glared at the servant, her blue eyes shooting daggers. She hated to be disturbed... "Did you tell them that I am busy, and that I can't be disturbed?" The servant nodded. "Yes your Highness, but they insisted that it is very important...I think it's Princess Mina." Sighing, Amy took her crystal. "What?" "Dartenion...now..." "Mina! Don't you dare hang up on me!" "What?" She sounded very p****d off. "Why do you want me at Dartenion?" "Training...I meant it Amy...now." Amy stared mystified at the crystal. So...Mina was in a little snit. She strode out, heading for the ships. "Amy...can you spare a moment?" Amy sighed, and turned towards her mother, she bowed. "Yes Mother." Queen Hermaine smiled at her, "Ah Amy...I want you to meet Prince Gregory of Ten'kai. He is here for the Silver Ball and is staying with us." Amy studied him, he had soft, wavy brown hair, his eyes were a deep and soulful brown eyes. Amy curtsied to him. "Welcome to Mercury your Highness." He bowed to her. "Thank-you Princess." Amy turned to her mother. "If I could, Mother, I am needed at Dartenion." Queen Hermaine pushed back a blue lock. "Darling, may I speak to you?" Amy tilted her head to one side. "You are speaking to me Mother." The Queen, sighed and turned to the Prince. "Prince Gregory, would you allow me to speak to my daughter?" The Prince bowed. Amy sighed, what could her mother want to talk to her about? "Amy, I want Prince Gregory to be escorted by you today." "What?" The Queen sighed. "You heard me Amy. I want Prince Gregory to be with you all of today!" Amy's deep blue eyes widened. "What! That's impossible Mother! I have to go to Dartenion today! If I was staying at home, well then of course, I'd show him around Mercury..." The Queen shook her head. "There's plenty of time for him to view Mercury...I want him to join you today. I'm sure Mina would understand and be lenient, just for today." The Queen turned back to the young Prince. "My daughter has agreed." Prince Gregory bowed to Amy. "My thanks gracious Princess." Amy glared at him. "Just as long that you don't get in my way." Prince Gregory smiled. "I'll try not to Princess." * * * "We will be landing on Dartenion in ten minutes Princess Amy." Amy nodded, she turned back to her very unwanted guest. "As I was saying this is my private ship - Water Dance." she looked out the window, at the endless blackness and the occasional twinkle. "Dartenion is..." "The training and meeting ground of the Senshi...I know." Amy turned back to him and glared. "I'm sure. Now Prince..." "Please..." he interrupted her. "Call me Greg." Amy lifted her chin haughtily. "Prince Gregory, we have a rule on Dartenion, we step on it ready to train." He nodded his understanding. Scathingly, she wondered if he understood anything. She lifted her henshin stick, and whispered. "Mercury...Power..." Greg watched fascinated as brilliant blue light flow down from the stick she wielded. He saw her vaguely through the light, her head was thrown was back; her hair flowing upwards borne by some mysterious air... Amy felt the now familiar rush of icy wind, sweeping her, taking her. She felt consumed by the ice, for one moment she felt as is she was ice, her blood was frozen in her limbs, she ceased to exist... Then just as suddenly, the ice melted. She stood there, casually she reached up to adjust her tiara; one hand drifted downwards to smooth her fascinatingly short skirt. Greg stared at her...she was beautiful, but now she was even more so. Her whole being radiated this...power. Princess Amy...or rather Sailor Mercury smiled at him. Greg wasn't sure if he liked that smile, it was far too feral. * * * Greg stepped off the ship following Sailor Mercury. He studied the other young women. They were all exceptionally lovely, each different from the other. His attention was drawn to a beautiful blonde hared warrior. Her head was tipped inquiringly to one side. In her blue eyes, he detected a hopeless romantic, tempered with steel nerves. He knew instantly that this was one to respect. He heard his ice princess sigh. "Scouts, may I introduce Prince Gregory of Ten'kai." He bowed to them, a bow which all of them acknowledged. His ice princess sighed again. "Prince Gregory is a visitor from another system. My mother ordered that he be with me the whole of today...so..." The blonde hared one smiled. "That's fine." she turned that dazzling smile on him. "As long as you aren't a glaxial spy Prince Gregory." He smiled at her. "I assure you lady, I am not." Sailor Mercury turned to him. "Prince Gregory, may I introduce our esteemed leader, Sailor Venus." The blonde hared warrior stepped forward to bow to him. "I am Princess Mina of Venus." Greg smiled, he had guessed as much from her strong resemblance to Princess Serena of the Moon's paintings. Mercury indicated a young girl, with silky black hair and large compelling violet eyes. "This is Sailor Saturn." The Senshi of Death and Rebirth...she was so young! The girl nodded. "I am Hotaru, of Saturn." she whispered. He bowed to her. Mercury drew his attention to a tall blonde, whose thick hair was cut short, with piercing gray eyes. "This is Sailor Uranus." She strode forward and offered her hand. "Haruka of Uranus." Greg grinned at her, and clasped her hand. Mercury then indicated a willowy figure with long light green hair and eyes of matching color. "This is Sailor Neptune." He bowed to her, this one was the famed sea goddess... Finally he turned to the last, a tall, regal young woman. With dark glossy hair and dark eyes. "Sailor Pluto." The guardian of Time, he bowed to her. Then he turned to address all of them. "I am honored to meet you all." "So what's happening?" Greg turned to study the new arrival. She was petite, maybe as tall as Sailor Venus. She had long black hair that swirled around her thighs. Her black eyes were large and dominated her small exquisite face. Sailor Venus turned to her. "Sailor Moon called in and said..." "That she can't come, I know she told me." Greg studied her, Sailor Moon would have to be the famed Princess of the Moon...so this must be...Greg thought hard, what other planet did not yield a guardian? ... Mars... Sailor Mercury was introducing herself. She turned to him. "This is Prince Gregory of Ten'kai." Gregory glanced at the young man, he...looked vaguely familiar... who was he. He inclined his head...who was he? He turned to Mercury, but he was loathe to ask her, he didn't want to be caught daydreaming. Sailor Mercury flashed the young man a smile, and warningly wagged her finger. The young man smiled. "Such beauteous women." Gregory watched, as Mercury turned a very becoming shade of pink...She was blushing! Gregory realized that there was more to this ice princess than what first met the eye...he suddenly wanted to discover all these intriguing layers. Greg, sat back, as the warriors began their training. He watched as Mercury began to move slowly, almost dancing... He sat and pondered the mystery that was Princess Amy of Mercury. She had a reputation as an ice princess...cold, aloof, untouchable, unlovable. She let no one near her. But there was more to this beautiful princess than the ice that she so gracefully wielded. * * * "Okay everyone! Great training! I'll see you all tonight at the Ball." Mercury smoothed back her blue hair, she had really gotten into her training today...fleetingly she wondered if she only wanted to impress a certain someone... "You are great!" She turned, and found herself staring into soulful brown eyes. "Thanks..." "Is it hard?" She pondered the question. "No...at first, it was, getting used to handling my powers...but practice means perfect!" He smiled at her. "And of course you must be perfect..." Her back stiffened. "I assure you're Prince Gregory, I'm far from perfect!" "Amy!" She turned and saw Princess Michiru beckoning to her. Abruptly she left Greg standing there, staring after her. "What is it Michi?" The Princess of Neptune and Amy had gotten fairly close, both were aligned with water. "I'm worried about Lita..." Mercury nodded. "Me too, I'll check out her ship, see if it left Jupiter." Michiru nodded. "That's a great place to start, I'll check around, see where she might be." Mercury nodded, and watched Michiru slip into her ship. "Is something wrong?" Mercury sighed. "I guess, since you have to be with me the whole day..." then she thought of something. "Hey, you must be getting bored, if you want I can arrange for a guide for you..." He grinned at her. "I don't think so Ames...I have a feeling things are just starting to heat up." Sailor Mercury stared at him, how casually he used her nickname, something only her best friends call her... * * * Back on Water Dance, Sailor Mercury hastily transformed. Again Greg watched fascinated as the blue light receded, revealing Princess Amy of Mercury. She walked swiftly to her seat, she brought out a tiny computer. Quickly, she tapped on the keys, a small frown gracing her forehead. She sighed. She looked up at him, her blue eyes shone with concern. "It seems as if Princess Lita's ship did leave Jupiter this morning." For a moment, it seemed as if she forgot her animosity towards him. She tapped some more on the keys, and sighed. "She left with plenty of time to reach Dartenion..." she leaned back, and looked up at him again. "I don't think I can get anything out of this." Her communicator beeped, sighing, Amy flipped it open, "Mercury here." Michiru's face appeared, "She's definitely not at Jupiter Amy, she supposedly headed out this morning. Have you got anything?" Amy shook her head. "All I know is that she headed out on 'Lightening' this morning. If anything happened. It's likely that it was on the ship." Michiru nodded. "Keep working on it, I'm headed for Jupiter." Greg sat down on the arm of her chair. "Well, if Princess Lita's ship isn't on Jupiter, it's possible that the Princess left for Dartenion...it's possible that the ship might still be in space." Amy's eyes lit up. "Of course! I'll just search for the 'Lightning's' presence! Surely Lita must be on it!" She bent her head again, tapping on the keys. Greg sighed, he brought out his own computer. "What's the ship code of 'Lightening'?" "C7GH12." Amy mumbled. Quickly, Greg typed it in. "Let's see...if it's a C7...Bingo!" Amy looked up startled. "You found it?" Greg nodded. "Um-hmm, there are it's co-ordinates." He looked up and went to the ship's pilot. Amy stared after him, a new found respect in her eyes. He walked back to her. "Alright, we'll just head out to 'Lightening'." * * * Gracefully, Amy boarded the ship. She addressed the first man she saw. "Where is Princess Lita?" The man shook his head. "My lady, Princess Lita...isn't here." Amy frowned. "What happened to her?" The man shook his head, he frowned. "In fact my lady, I'm not even sure why I'm on the Princess' ship..." Amy and Greg exchanged glances. Greg went to the pilot. He returned to Amy. "It appears, that the pilot doesn't know why he's out flying the ship today..." Amy sighed, and took out her computer, she scanned the man... "As I suspected, some sort of gas has been inhaled by this man... I suspect that the whole crew did too...which must mean..." "That the Princess was abducted, and the crew administered some gas to make them forget the whole morning." Amy sighed. "Let's not jump to any conclusions Greg." Greg started, she had called him by his name! He shook his head, focus damn it! Amy was still talking "...it's a good conclusion, but before we report this to Mina we better be damned sure." He nodded. "Politics...got it." She went to the pilot. "Take us back to Jupiter." The pilot nodded, and she turned around. "I don't suppose this ship has cameras?" Greg pointed to one. "There's one." Amy went to inspect it, "This one sends it's tape directly the Moon." Amy sighed. "Let's just hope that Michiru has something more concrete." * * * "Michi...did you find anything? Princess Michiru nodded, and handed Amy a slip of paper. It was a written record of a conversation... Amy scanned it. She looked at Greg. "It's two people, talking about an abduction of..." She looked at Michiru. "It doesn't say which Princess is to be abducted." Michiru nodded, "I know, but look, at the bottom, a date and time..." "What time, the princess would be abducted!" Greg took it and scanned it as well. "There you go Amy, proof." Amy sighed and looked into Greg's brown eyes. "I guess this means we call Mina." She flipped open her communicator. "Venus here." "Mina...Lita has been kidnapped!" "What!" Amy closed her eyes...this was hard, she should have let Michiru do this, she simply didn't have the tact to break the news gently. She heard a soft click, Mina must have transferred the connection to a comm. crystal. Amy saw Princess Serena. "Go on Amy." Amy sighed, it would be harder to tell Serena...but it must be done. "We has just found out that Lita has been kidnapped..." Greg listened to the short conversation. Again he was impressed with Princess Mina's straight-forward manner, the same could be said of Amy. He knew she was worried, it showed in those remarkable eyes of hers. He took a moment to study her eyes, everything about this reminded him of water...her eyes were changed with her mood, they reflected all of her emotions. Startled he realized that it was very easy to gauge her emotions. Who ever said that she was an ice princess? She was far from it. "Greg?!" He started. "Sorry...yes?" "We have to get to Dartenion...are you okay?" He nodded. Once again, he had been daydreaming... * * * Gregory sat silent, listening to the conversations that whirled around him. Once again, he was on Dartenion, surrounded by the most beautiful women the Galaxy can offer... But this situation was serious... Trying to fight the pounding headache, Sailor Mercury listened as Mars ranted and raved...this wasn't going to get them anywhere! She turned back to her computer, trying to get more precise co-ordinates... "Begging your pardon Princess..." Mercury's head snapped up, she listened to Gregory. His voice calmed her, made her want to forget about what was happening... She listened as he tried to reason with Mars. Secretly, she grinned. She knew how Raye detested to be reasoned with...simply hated it. It was decided...she, Venus, and Mars would go on the ship. Greg caught her arm as she passed. "Amy..." She looked at him. He seemed to be searching for words. "Amy I..." "Yes?" "I..." he sighed, suddenly looking defeated. "Be careful." She stared at him...slowly she nodded. He cared...no one had cared for the longest time. Why? Because Amy had proven time and time again that she was capable of handling any situation by herself. She was shocked by the well of emotion she had seen in his eyes...what else did he want to say? She reflected on the couple of hours they had been together. She hadn't found him to be inevitably slow and dull...in fact he kept her on her toes. She had to keep up with him, which was a change; she was still debating whether it was a good change. * * * They had saved Lita...but as usual Lita hadn't needed rescuing. "Ames...can I talk to you?" Amy looked up at her friend. "Sure." Lita's emerald green seemed unfocused. "Oh Ames...my head hurts..." Amy sighed and patted Lita's hand. "It's okay...you're okay." suddenly she grinned wickedly. "You had us all worried...thinking of the worst situations!" Lita giggled. "I can just imagine Pyro...pacing up and down the hall..." "And Mina snapping out orders..." The two burst into hysterical giggles. Finally they calmed down. "Okay...I've got a confession Ames." Amy pushed her hair out of her eyes. "Let me guess...this has got something to do with that oh so handsome Prince Kenneth of Dracoria." Lita blushed, "It's just that Ken was so nice to me...and so gentle." Amy waggled her eyebrows teasingly. "Ken is so nice is he? Well, well, well...I'm sure you and he got along just wonderfully...you and Ken." Lita grabbed a pillow and whacked Amy on the head. Amy fell back giggling. "Oh Lita...you should see your face!" Lita stuck her tongue out at her. "Shut up Amy." she muttered. She watched as Amy continued to giggle. "Amy! I'm serious!" she whined. Finally Amy composed herself. "Okay fine...so..." Lita eyed her. "Okay...this is the thing...I think Prince Kenneth is just great..." Amy bit her lip, this was just too delicious! Lita...head over heels in love! "But as you know, he was really after Raye...what if he still likes her? I mean Raye is everything that I'm not...petite, feminine and just beautiful!" Amy sighed. "I don't think you have to worry about Prince Kenneth still being gone over Raye...I mean he barely knew her...like Mina said, I think Raye just lost an admirer..." ~~~~~ Greg knew that it was wrong to eavesdrop, but he was instantly drawn when he heard her lovely tinkling laughter. She looked so relaxed, so at ease with her friend...so natural. She looked so enchanting, sitting there and trying to soothe her friend's fears. The opposite door was banged open. Princess Raye of Mars marched up to Amy and Lita. She really was ticked off, Greg grinned to himself. "Amy, when are you going to get rid of that annoying oaf?" Amy smiled at her. "I presume you're talking about Prince Gregory of Ten'kai?" Lita perked up. "Prince Gregory of Ten'kai? Oooooo...what's this my little blue-hared friend?" Amy laughed. "Nothing darling Lita." she turned her attention back to Raye. "So, what has the pretentious idiot done now?" Greg wondered if he should be offended. "He is just plain annoying! Get rid of him Ames!" "Not just yet." Greg was shocked to see her eyes softening and getting a very dreamy look in them. "I think I want him around for a little while longer." His hopes soared...he honestly can't remember feeling like this in a very long time. * * * Amy considered her reflection. She hated social functions like this...no she just hated social functions. She never knew what to do, what to wear... She hated making small talk, she'd rather find a quiet corner and read. But...she smiled wryly, Mina and Serena would be there...that meant no peace for her. Sighing, she adjusted the small crown she had to wear. She was so grateful that she didn't have to wear the heavy one. She smoothed her skirts. Amy took no pride in her looks... She wore a simple ice blue dress, with matching slippers. Amy fingered the simple matching mask...she really didn't want to do this... A low whistle broke her reverie. Slowly she turned. Prince Gregory stood there, wearing a simple black tuxedo. A black mask dangled from his fingertips. He was appraising her. Suddenly self-conscious, Amy took her mask and started to fiddle with it. She wasn't sure if she like the way he was looking at her...no one had ever looked at her like that; she had a sneaking suspicion that no one else will. "Wow! You look...great." he finished lamely. He just couldn't find words. As Princess Amy of Mercury, she was always cool and in control. The regal Princess with the right upbringing. She would never be the wild child that was Princess Raye of Mars. As Sailor Mercury, she was cold, determined, the perfect warrior. Competent seemed to be the only word for it. But now...she was still Princess Amy of Mercury...but this was a whole new facade. She looked like...a delicate water-lily. A beauty that seemed...from another world... She blushed, he knew he must be embarrassing her.. staring at her like this. He gathered what composure he could, he straightened his shoulder. Amy fought to hide the smile. He looked like he was preparing for a fight. Then she sobered, he must hate this. There were dozens of beautiful princesses out there...and he had to escort her! Poor Prince Gregory... He held out his arm for her. Hesitantly, she took it. He looked down into her eyes. He couldn't think...what was wrong with him? He refused to believe that he was in love...that was just preposterous. He didn't believe in love at first sight... He didn't believe... Then she smiled at him, the last of his resistance crumbled to dust. * * * Both floated down the staircase, any who saw them thought that they were perfect for each other... Easily, she moved into his arms. Never before had she danced so gracefully as she did with him... Amy glanced around the room, she noted that Princess Mina was with Prince Andrew of Leumeah. She observed them...there was definitely something between them, you would have to been blind not to see the intimate glances between them. Princess Raye was with...was that Prince Chad? No it couldn't be, he was long dead...but still... Amy smiled when she saw Princess Lita with Prince Kenneth... Her attention was drawn to a beautiful blonde descending the staircase. Amy smiled, she always drew people's attention the minute she came into any room. "Is that the Moon Princess?" Greg whispered in her ear. She nodded. "Princess Serena of the Moon." Greg studied her, she was beautiful, then his gaze drifted down- wards; yes the Moon Princess was lovely, but nothing in comparison to Amy. * * * Amy felt the rumbling beneath her feet, distressed she ran to the window. Her eyes widened... She ran to Queen Serenity's side. "My Queen, I think we are being attacked." Amy whispered to the Queen. Queen Serenity glanced at Amy. "Make sure no one panics. Order that the Palace doors to be locked." she pressed a hand on her forehead, "Make sure that Serena is okay." Amy bowed to the Queen. "My Queen, should the Scouts transform?" The Queen shook her head, "No, I want to reserve the Scouts, we might need their strength later." Amy stepped down from the dais, Greg caught her by the elbow. She looked up at him. Urgently, he whispered to her. "I haven't seen Princess Serena for some time now." She scanned the room, she spotted Mina leading a distraught looking Serena into the room. "Don't worry, Mina has her." She started to walk in their direction when Greg caught her elbow again. "Hey, take care will you?" She looked back at him and lost herself in his deep brown eyes. Mutely, she nodded. * * * Amy furiously tapped on her computer. She scanned the images that she had brought up. This attacked looked planned out, the Moon was almost completely surrounded. She touched Mina's elbow. Hurriedly, she pointed out the importance of keeping at least one route open for Earth's troops. Mina nodded, but she looked very distracted. A lot was on her mind... Amy sighed, she looked around and spotted Raye. "Raye, can I talk to you?" Raye turned around, Amy noted that her eyes were hooded, she too was deeply concerned over something. Quickly, Amy outlined her worries, that this wasn't merely an attack on the Moon, that the primary goal was Galaxial Dominion. "I have a bad feeling." Raye looked sharply at her. "About what?" Amy shook her head, how was she supposed to explain? "I don't know...it's just a feeling. We have to watch out for Serena." Amy watched as Raye walked away. How could she explain a gut feeling? * * * The whole room was in chaos...Prince Darien had borne a supine Princess Serena. Amy's worst fears were being realized. "Serena, you're too weak, you can't go!" Amy moved closer to Serena; Mina was right. Serena was in no condition to run after Prince Darien. "Mina don't tell me what to do. I promise you Mina, we will find each other again." She looked up, for a moment her blue eyes focused on Amy's. "We will all find each other." Amy looked away. She knew instinctively that Serena had found something that few will ever in their whole life time. "Hang on to it Sere, hang on." she whispered. * * * "Shining Aqua...Illusion!" The powerful attack froze an enemy. With deadly precision, Sailor Mercury launched herself into the air, and shattered it with one kick. Someone grabbed her shoulder, whirling around, her arm poised to attack... "Wait! Amy it's me!" "Greg!" Weary, she let herself rest in his arms for a moment. She had missed him. She hadn't seen him and she had missed him. She let herself believe in damsels in distress and knights in shining armor...for just a moment. "Amy, we need to protect Queen Serenity...all of the Scouts are out here, someone has to go inside." Amy nodded, she scanned the battle ground. Carnage, death... Amy steeled herself against all of it. She refused to remember long gone summers spent right here... She looked up at Greg, "You and me, we'll go and protect the Queen." Both ran lightly up the stairs. "Queen Serenity!" The Queen turned, under her eyes were dark bags. She looked weary, and ready to collapse. "Amy." she breathed. Amy ran to her side. Queen Serenity had always been more than just Serena's mother, and the Moon Queen. She was like a second mother to her... "Queen Serenity..." "Amy...the little genus...how proud your mother would have been with you...Amy listen and understand...Serena...Serena must be here...in case I..." Amy noticed that a white light was flowing from the Queen's body. "I am holding up the force field...but soon...Serena must take over...find her..." "That won't be happening anytime soon!" The Queen stiffened, her blue eyes widening...as if seeing something... Amy looked around...where had that voice come from? "No!!! Serena!" Amy looked back at the Queen, she was a broken woman. Openly weeping, her silver head bent. She looked up at Amy, her eyes dilapidated. "My Serena..." Amy shook her head. "No my Queen, they are just playing with your mind. Don't heed them!" "Don't you just wish?" Amy looked up, a dark woman floated in the middle of the room...she was almost nothing but a black mist... "The images are very true you know...but then again, what would someone like you know?" The woman-like mist floated forward. "You know, with that heart of ice...you might become very useful to the Negaverse cause...I might spare you." "No. She doesn't have a heart of ice!" Amy's gaze swung to Greg. He stood at the bottom of the dais. He stood, proud, ready to defend her in every way. "Greg..." The black mist regarded her. "Well...I think the ice princess has melted...what did you do boy? Scorch her with your... flame?" Greg growled at her. "Witch! What would you know of love?" The mist laughed, "Nothing of course, it's such a messy emotion...in fact all emotions are messy." she floated closer. "Well, I have been rude. I am Queen Mettalica of the Negaverse oh beauteous Queen Serenity. The one you never once deigned to invite to your fancy balls..." Queen Serenity shook her head. "We never knew of any sort of royalty of the Negaverse..." The mist laughed. "Well, now you do! Queen Mettalica, Supreme Queen of the Galaxy...Sounds good don't you think?" She laughed once more. "Tell me former Queen Serenity, would you like to join your daughter? I will gladly oblige you!" With no further warning, she hurled dark power at the Queen. Instinctively, Amy covered the Queen, but she didn't need to... "AAAAGGGGHHHH!!!!" "Greg!" Amy ran down to his side; he was sprawled on the steps. He had taken the blast meant for the Queen and Amy. "Greg! No! Don't leave me! Don't you dare!" Greg managed to smile weakly at her. "Wouldn't think of it." "Greg! How dare you joke at such a moment..." she glared angrily at him. "Amy...the Queen..." She shook her head, she wanted to stay with him... "Amy...be strong...for everyone's sake...be strong...Now be my girl and...the Queen..." Tears, flowing eloquently down her face; she laid his head down. The black mist that called itself Queen Mettalica, had moved ever closer to Queen Serenity. The Queen was weak...too weak. "My daughters...Beryl...Clarissa...the too have died. You aren't the only one who has loses in this battle." The Queen couldn't speak, had no will to. Queen Mettalica hurled dark energy at the Queen...Queen Serenity didn't scream...just hung her head, and absorbed the mind-wrenching pain. "No! Queen Serenity!" Amy ran up the stairs, but it was too late...it was too late a second ago. The Queen weakly lifted her head, she ignored Amy. "Moon...Crystal...Power..." she whispered. White light exploded from the Silver Imperium Crystal... "What?! No!" The black mist moved to a window..."No! My children!" "They...are entrapped...Amy...the Seven Rainbow Crystals... they contain...the seven demons..." "My Queen, save your strength..." Once again Queen Serenity ignored Amy. She spoke to the black mist. "It's over Mettalica. Your daughters are dead, your demons entrapped...there's nothing left." "Ah Ha! Shows what you know!" another blast of dark energy. Amy launched herself on the Queen... "Poor little ice princess...her love is dead, and so are all her pathetic skimpy-skirted friends." Amy shook her head, "No, it isn't true!" "Wanna bet?" "Aaahhh!" Amy pressed her fingers into her temples, willing the pain to go away... Flashes, white-hot... *Darien!* *Serena!* Hands clasping, bodies, limp...one meatball undone, gold spilling over one shoulder... Amy moaned...'Serena....' More flashes... Mina, vibrant Mina...pushing aside a limp body, succumbing to the mind-numbing pain... Amy clutched her head, willing for the images to fade...'Mina' Raye fighting...weakening...falling...masses of raven hair shielding her face... 'Raye...no it isn't true! None of it is...' The searing pain began once more... Lita, proud defiant Lita...battered, on the point of collapse... Amy moaned...'Lita...behind you...Lita!' But her warning went unheeded... Amy collapsed on her knees. "No! You're just playing with me! None of it is real!" The black mist rose up to her. "You'd like to believe that wouldn't you? But the truth is ice princess...you're the last one. None of them survived. None of them!" "No..." Amy clutched her head, willing the ringing laughter to disappear. She couldn't take it anymore... Serena...Mina...Raye...Lita... She saw a mirror, she crawled towards it...She heaved herself up. "Mercury...Bubbles...BLAST!!!!" she hurled all of her power straight at the mirror... "Amy! No...Amy!" Queen Serenity reached forwards...Suicide...she never imagined that one of her own precious girls would... Amy was sprawled on the floor...a broken body... She fingered the Crystal... "Moon...Crystal...POWER!!!" Queen Mettalica screamed...soon the screams faded. Queen Serenity kept her eyes closed...she didn't want to see more death...even Mettalica's... Finally the room was still... Queen Serenity stood...by now her silver hair had come undone. It streamed around her shoulders... She knew what she must do...she lifted the crystal. Tears streaming down her face. Tears for all of them...her precious daughter...everyone... Perhaps they would find a better life... "Silver Imprieum Crystal..." Light shimmered and filled the room...