To Remember The Truth Part 7a by Annabelle It was hard. Mamoru gripped the railing of his apartment balcony harder, not noticing how pale and bloodless his hands were beginning to look. His jaw was hard, and his brows were set. He waged an internal war within himself, and a deep frown set over his face. His exhaustion won out, though, and he finally released himself from his position and sighed. 'Damn.' Why was she so darn stubborn? She had seen it all, they had been together, and he wouldn't convince himself all those times were awfully bad since they were absolutely not. After spending so many times together, after enjoying victory and mischief together, after hoping, all that she would say was *that*... I hate you. When she said those words, oh Pain, it hurt. In every sense of the word, it did. It was all too much for his heart to take. Something happened to her, he knew. And he only hoped that his suspicion about her lying was correct. He knew her, Usagi cared. But what hurt was that she actually *did* it, she said those words. Why did she even allow herself to say them to him? And her words, if ever they were true, he knew he wouldn't live. He had kept his control when she was lashing out at him. He afraid to get mad, to shake the truth out of her, to ask her who the heck placed the idea in her mind, and finally, he was scared he might scream out and reveal the truth. She had spoken about hate, her pain, and his tricks. He had absolutely no idea what made her act like that, or what idea triggered such actions. She was so pained and frail. However, his reaction during that time didn't give notice to Usagi's condition - to his everlasting regret. He was too caught up in her words, and how she said them. He had been drowning in his own feelings, and was thoroughly hurt. And thus, he did what he always did whenever he was pained, Pretend. He had walked out on her, and kept his face hard. Chin high, back straight, and face expressionless; as a youngster, that was what he had promised himself to do whenever he felt like crying. That was when he was young, and that was what he did now. God's truth, it was hard, and very painful. Yet, he had done it. He walked away, and he didn't look back, it wasn't until he had reached home did he collapse. What had happened? He asked himself again. Why *did* it happen? Everything was fine, their relationship was fair, and very healthy and light. He knew God had blessed him with an opportunity. Yet, with even less than a day, everything was gone, broken. It was all too confusing and quick. If things were meant to be this way, so be it, he thought. As much as it was hard and agonizing, he had to deal with it. It had already happened, and that was that. He'd know what to do, he always had, and he prayed he'd get along with it. He had promised her he would never bother her again. Like hell. He knew every single nerve of his body was lying. He couldn't do that, he wouldn't. But he was willing to step down for the moment, to give her time to think about it. He knew it was the right thing to do, to wait. She loved him, he'd seen it in her eyes before, and as hurtful as her words had been, deep inside, he knew that it was a all a lie. He'd leave the realization up to her. She had to overcome whatever influence it was that made her think that way, and discover her own feelings. It would be very painful, he knew but it was the right thing to do. He loved her, but he wasn't stupid. If he even attempted to talk to her again, he knew she's just push him away. So she had to find out on her own. I will wait for you, he vowed. I love you. If only she'd see the light, and all of this pain would be over with. That was it, and he only hoped that things would turn out right. It was hard. He sighed and went inside in the hopes of trying to comfort himself. ~~~ Allan sighed as Ann berated him about the weak condition of the Makaju. The tree was nearing extinction, and despite the amount of energy fed into it, it got worse. It was a very bad thing, since the two of them felt the weakness instantly. Natsumi barely got up this morning, and he, himself was no better - which was why they skipped school. He continually ignored his lover as she yelled about. Not to worry, he assured himself. They had already sent a cardian to gather energy, and the man would soon arrive. Staring at the Makaju, he worriedly spoke to it, "Will you ever get well?" ~~~ Kino Makoto sighed worriedly as she watched Tsukino Usagi stare at her table, listlessly moving her eyes at the book opened before her. 'What is wrong with you?' She had been like that all day. She didn't sleep during Math time, merely stared at the teacher. And when Makoto offered her lunch, she only said thank you, rolled herself in a certain distance and stared off again. Usagi's lunch was uneaten, and all her classes passed by without Usagi even nodding. She was so... out of it. Did something wrong happen? She remembered when Usagi left from school yesterday, she thought she saw the girl crying, but was unsure. It didn't leave her thoughts that Seijuurou and Natsumi were both absent today, or the rumor yesterday. The rumor! Yes, that was it. It was about Usagi and Mamoru, she knew. But Usagi wasn't the kind of person to be immediately depressed after incidents like that. If she knew Usagi, that girl should have been angry and very upset, if not mad. She was actually staring at her Geometry book, for Pete's sake! She was too sad. Makoto shut her book close roughly, what was the problem? She had never seen Usagi like this before, no, wait! She had, that was when Mamoru was kidnapped by Beryl and had turned evil -- Wait. It wasn't the rumor. It was Mamoru. Gotcha. But why? It was about Mamoru, she was sure, but was it related to the rumors, or to the conversation Natsumi and Usagi had yesterday? From what she had heard, Usagi-chan had been shaken after the said conversation, though Makoto had no idea what they had talked about. It was confusing, but she knew Mamoru had something to do with it. She promised to find out later. Whoever had done this to her would pay. She saw Ami and mirrored her confused look, Usagi was still silent, and her eyes were wide open, not moving. And her mouth was opened slightly. She seemed to be separated from the rest of the class, her trance taking her away. Miss Haruna entered the classroom. It was almost dismissal, and Haruna, being the advisory teacher, always came back with several reminders. So the petite red-head stood by her table and began counting off remarks. Makoto was caught by one of them. " -- Now as you notice, Ginga Seijuurou and Natsumi are not present today. The school requires a call from a guardian or the student itself whenever he or she is absent. So far, we have received none, and the principal has asked me to assign someone to check on them and to ask about their condition. Now, any volunteers? The whole class raised their hands, and so did Makoto and Ami. She was quite worried about Seijuurou, but Natsumi was another whole thing. The girl had been giving them trouble ever since she came, not to mention how she had been tormenting Usagi. But still, the both of them being absent was quite suspicious, another reason for her to raise her hand. She then noticed that Usagi was still in her steady stupor, and was the only one who wasn't raising her hand. Miss Haruna noticed this, as well, and got worried. Earlier that day, during English, she heard from her co-teacher that the girl had actually cried during her period. And when she said cry, it meant really crying. Silently, and not wailing. She was immediately alarmed and meant to ask her what was wrong. Getting an idea, she walked towards Usagi's table and gently asked her, "Would you like to check on them? After all, you pass their apartment on their way home." Usagi didn't hear. Miss Haruna took this and was surprised. She slowly placed a hand on her arm, "Usagi, are you alright?" Usagi suddenly snapped her head up and gasped with surprise. Miss Haruna smiled when she saw Usagi look at her, "So, will you do it? You don't have detention today, remember?" Usagi's eyes showed her confusion, "Do what?" she almost whispered. "Oh, yes she, will!" The two of them looked up and saw Makoto beside Miss Haruna. She rested her hand on Usagi's shoulder, "She'll do it, we'll go with her, right Ami?" Ami who was behind her nodded dutifully and smiled, "Yes." Haruna noticed the look in Makoto's eyes and was immediately convinced by the warm assurance within them. And when she looked at Ami and saw the same friendly protection and security, "Alright, the three of you will do, good luck then." And when she left their place, she heard Usagi's soft voice ask again, "Do what?" ~~~ "I don't want to go there," Usagi said as they neared the apartment. "Why so?" Ami asked her, slowing down to her friend's tired-like pace. After a second, Usagi whispered, "I can't face her." "Natsumi?" Makoto asked, baffled, "That snob? Don't be, we're not going there because of *her.* She won't do anything wrong as long as I'm here." Usagi merely shook her head, but followed them. She didn't speak again until they reached the apartment door. Makoto gave their doorbell a ring and waited until Seijuurou answered the door, "Ladies," he exclaimed, and saw Usagi, "Usagi." Usagi, who was trying to look away, gave him a little smile, and her pale condition immediately caught his attention, "Are you alright?" She wasn't able to answer him, because Natsumi suddenly appeared beside Seijuurou, "Well, well. What do we have here?" "Can the words, Natsumi," Makoto interjected, "We're here because Miss Haruna asked us to check on your... conditions." They seemed fine, perfectly fine. Natsumi glared at her, "Well, we're fine now, we're going to school tomorrow, so leave. Unless you have other 'businesses' you have to discuss, you very well know that you aren't wanted here--" "Excuse my sister," Seijuurou interrupted, and his handsome face offered them a warm smile, "Why don't you come in for some drinks?" "Sure!" Makoto answered enthusiastically, just to irritate Natsumi. And with that, she draped her arm over Ami's shoulder and led her inside, dragging Usagi as well. Seijuurou smiled and followed them, deliberately ignoring Natsumi as she glared at his back and huffed in his direction. ~~~ Makoto hurriedly kept her temper in check as she stood across from Natsumi in their living room. Seijuurou was in the kitchen, making coffee, and she wished that the man would hurry up. His sister was a hussy, she was too darn irritating. She felt herself narrowing her eyes as Natsumi questioned Usagi in a very sweet voice, obviously meant to irritate her. "So, Usagi, how was your day? Any changes so far?" Makoto watched as Usagi flinched from behind the room. As soon as they entered the apartment, Usagi had immediately set herself on the corner farthest from Natsumi, and that was near the bookshelf. Natsumi immediately got the girl's intent on that, since she knew that it would take a war to get Usagi to read anything educational. And she thoroughly enjoyed irking the girl. "She's been fine," Makoto hissed. "We're here to ask about you, not her. So, what made you sick?" It was more like an order than a question, but Natsumi only laughed, "None of your business, big girl." "Your dang right it isn't, but it is to the school. Now give me an answer. Or maybe you want me to get it out for you, wouldn't you, chalk girl?" Natsumi's eyes widened at the threat, and flashed with fury with the insult. Makoto smiled with perverse satisfaction, "Out with it, Albino." Ami almost giggled as Natsumi looked on indignantly, but stopped herself when Natsumi glared at her, "Fever and headaches," she snapped. "From both of you, at the same time? That's highly coincidential." Ami had said the comment, and now courageously stared back when Natsumi glared at her, "None of your business," Natsumi replied, this time, thoughtfully removing another insult. Ami shrugged. "Very well then, so you say." "Anyway, you'll be going to school tomorrow?" Ami asked, then. "Yeah, yes. Sure," Natsumi answered flippantly. "It's a holiday tomorrow," Ami commented as a response. And Makoto didn't have time to gape at Ami, and only laughed as Natsumi wore a shocked look and glared at them, "Nice trick, Ami-chan!" "Trick, Mako-chan? I have no idea what you were talking about!" Ami asked, allowing a little laugh to escape her self-control. Natsumi only glared, which seemed to be the only thing she had been doing lately. Meanwhile, Usagi steered clear from their hostile conversation, gratefully sending a prayer of thanks as Makoto intervened for her. She was also thankful for the distraction. In the meantime, Usagi took interest in their books. As much as she hated reading sometimes, she couldn't help but notice them. These books are patterned, Usagi thought as she stared at the numerous titles before her, "Japan's Population," "Top Tourist Sites," "Human Health," "Tokyo Tower and Other Famous Japanese Places," "The Populated Places," and "Anatomy." 'They seem to have a knack for buying things about famous places. I wonder if those two travel a lot. Oh, and they have so many books about hmm... what's that? Human energy and behavior. I wonder why,' she thought as she traced her fingers along the shelves. She came to the end of the bookcase and stopped when she saw a hidden blue door and a panel. She gasped, and was immediately curious. Being one who loved such surprises, she forgot all her worries as she tried to peek behind the newly revealed door... Blackness. Only that. She sighed with relief. But what was further inside? she thought as she drew nearer. Nearer... Usagi, you idiot. Stop it! Who knows what things you may see here... Oh, no... Almost all of a sudden, she felt something headed for her. And it was so fast, she knew that it was quickly approaching. But she couldn't move -- ~~~ Seijuurou almost dropped the cup he was holding when he heard a familiar scream. He almost knew why and immediately set for the bookcase. Natsumi and the girls had beat him to it, though. He found Usagi sprawled on the ground, and guessed that she had fainted. He was now sure of the reason why. Natsumi was frowning, though. And thankfully, the door was closed. He knew the other visitors hadn't seen anything, for no one was staring at the door, and suddenly wondered how Natsumi had hidden it. "What the heck happened?" Makoto asked angrily. "I don't know," Natsumi stated as-matter-of-factly, "The ditz was fooling around. You're her friends, maybe you know of some body disorders that must have cost this. After all, she started screaming for no reason at all." Makoto's eyes narrowed as Natsumi spoke. The girl's airy behavior was beginning to get to her. But unlike what they may think, there was something she had hidden behind her expression. She had seen it. And so did Ami. They exchanged knowing looks as Makoto responded, "There was nothing wrong with her, not that there was anything I have heard of. I wonder what happened. But Natsumi, why don't you check yourself for your so-called, 'disorders'? Look for them in the brain, I'm sure you'll see many. I'll even look for a doctor to recommend to you." Ami decided to continue the retort, "My mom can do scans and check for diagnoses, you know. No need to look for them." Natsumi, who had closed her eyes, was obviously trying to ignore them, irritated because Seijuurou hadn't tried to defend her. Makoto laughed out loud for this and turned to Seijuurou, "Why don't you help us with her?" Natsumi jealously opened her eyes and gaped as Seijuurou heartfuly agreed to do so. Ami wondered when she saw this and tapped Makoto to get her opinion. The other girl just shrugged at the reaction and smiled, "Here, hold her," she instructed as she let Usagi lean on him and circled the girl's arms around his neck. She was delighted when Seijuurou blushed. "Try to talk to her." "Usagi," Seijuurou gently whispered to her ear, "Wake up." He heard her mumble about branches before slowly arriving to consciousness, and so he smiled. "Good job, Seijuurou-san, but I doubt a kiss wouldn't have worked any better," Makoto commented as a joke, adding a wink. Sure, Usagi belonged to Mamoru, but she just HAD to tease Natsumi one more time... "Yes! Just like Snow White!" Ami added. Good ol' Ami, Makoto thought. I never knew you had it in you. You were such an angel! And the thought nearly made her laugh. But it was only half as good as the incredulous look on Natsumi's face. She quickly pushed Usagi, who had just stood up on her own and had Seijuurou's arms on her shoulders. She made Makoto and Ami follow suit. "Out! Out with you, you've bothered us enough for one day!" "So you say!" Ami shouted back, and Makoto shook her head again in amazement, "Don't forget, you're bothering us, too!" "What happened?" Usagi, who was just coming out of her daze, asked. "Nothing! Natsumi just told us how *much* she loved us!" Makoto called out behind her shoulder, deliberately making Natsumi hear the same words. The girl only slammed the door shut to the loud laughter outside. ~~~ "Are you sure?" They were in Usagi's house, at the garden. Ami was standing and was thinking decidedly while Usagi sat under a tree. Makoto kicked a nearby stone as Ami interrogated Usagi. The girl had seen a branch, an old, nearly-rotting branch. From what Usagi had said, the branch had come out from nowhere and had her in a very hard grip. All she could remember was feeling weak and drained, as if something had taken her strength away. Ah, but Makoto knew more. They'd have to investigate the place soon. The trip didn't do Usagi any good either. If she had been pale earlier, that was nothing compared to how sickly she looked now. She didn't even give as much as a laugh. And Makoto made sure to ask her what happened. "I don't know, that's all that I could remember. Then, there was darkness..." Wait... Usagi stopped as she saw Makoto towering over her with a terribly long stick in hand. She looked like she was ready to strike her and was immediately afraid, "Mako-chan--" "Don't move!" She closed her eyes as Makoto hit her, and was surprised when she felt no pain, "Wha-" Her eyes set on a small twig beside her, "It was in your arm," Makoto supplied, "and if I wasn't wrong, it had been moving." As if on cue, the twig began to move. "EEEK!" *That* came from Ami and Makoto. ~~~ "Go ahead, Artemis, hold it." Artemis looked up indignantly, "Since *when* did I have to be your guinea pig?" Makoto gave him a warning look, "Since now. You're the male one, and from what Luna says, you're the brave type." His brow raised up cynically, "She said that?" Luna immediately frowned, "I did *not*!" If anything, Luna was a very bad liar, and the truth was enough to convince the proud Artemis. He nimbly went nearer to the cylinder and stared at the twig within it. Makoto had somehow (Luna didn't want to know how) placed the twig in it and had brought it over during their meeting. Luna already had suspicions, but they needed proof. Of course, brave Artemis will find out. 'He doesn't look so courageous right now,' Luna thought smugly as the white cat tentatively reached out a paw inside the container. Immediately, the twig attached itself to his arm and -- "MEEEEEEEEOOOOWWWWRRRREEEE!" Luna didn't want to laugh. All of his hair was practically reaching the skies and there was this black hue starting to form on his cheeks. 'Serves him right for being so proud,' Luna thought, irritated. Artemis then forcefully shaked his arm in haste and the twig soon fell off. Artemis followed as he fainted a few seconds later (although the scouts were not sure whether if it was because of the drain or of relief). Ami looked up from her computer, "Our hypothesis is correct. One- sixteenth of Artemis' energy was almost drained. But don't worry, he should be up in no time." Saving the data in her computer, she shut it down and nodded. Minako voiced what she was thinking, "Natsumi and Seijuurou aren't normal." Rei placed a finger on her cheek, "Could they be related to those aliens sending cardians for the past few weeks? After all, we know that one is male, and one is female - and that they are lovers, judging from the way they hold each other. Seijuurou and Natsumi match the genders and the number, but theyare siblings." Makoto gave a snort, "They sure don't act like siblings when they're together." Luna took note of this, "What do you mean, Makoto-chan?" She shook her index finger, "Well, for one thing, Natsumi's always jealous whenever Seijuurou hits on someone, especially when it's Usagi-chan. Ask Ami-chan, we've been in their apartment earlier." Luna turned to Ami, who recalled how Natsumi reacted to their little 'jokes.' The girl also mentioned how Mamoru noticed Seijuurou's possesive nature when it came to his 'sister.' After much consideration and talks, they had decided to place an investigation on the two's apartment soon. It was also ruled out that Mamoru should start doing it earlier since he had Natsumi's infatuation over him as an advantage. Rei promised to remind him this later. Luna also warned them *not* to let Usagi go back to the apartment as much as possible. If anything, the girl had much pure energy, which is obviously why many cardians enjoyed feeding from her. Another thing was the fact that the girl had already dismissed what had happened - she was too busy dealing with her own personal problems. As the meeting came to an end, Luna spoke, "To conclude the meeting, one rule. No one, I mean no one would ever allow Usagi to be in that building. And secondly, we will all go there to investigate soon, no one goes first and no one comes last." ~~~ Natsumi gasped speculatively as she observed the beatiful thing on one of the Makaju's branches. It was a baby branch, all-pure and healthy. Seijuurou smiled, "What is this? It's so young and shines like an emerald. It didn't grow as much as a leaf when we supplied it with vast amounts of energy, but why would it grow such a thing when it took a small amount of energy from Usagi?" Natsumi thought for awhile, "Maybe it *is* Usagi. There is something she has, whatever it may be. But maybe it's just her energy. Cardian!" The male cardian floated near, and at Natsumi's nod, began to feed energy on to the young plant. The two waited as it poured out the source... The plant suddenly wilted. Natsumi gasped, so it *was* her! "Why the heck did that happen?" Seijuurou asked angrily. "Shh..." Natsumi soothed, holding his chest, "I know why." Seijuurou looked down at her, "Huh?" "It *was* Usagi." ~~~ Usagi sighed as she lay out in her bed. The day was very hard and exhausting, and she didn't want to think of the weirdness she had encountered. All she wanted was to sleep, and to forget... She sighed as she remembered him and his smile, everything about it, until she reached the very last image. His unfeeling face, and the expressionless eyes and the look that didn't seem to care... She choked and immediately reached out for her bag to get her handkerchief. Huh? It wasn't there. Oh, baka! I forgot my bag at Natsumi and Seijuurou's place! She placed her head in her hands and scolded herself, soon wallowing in self-pity as all her defects came to mind. "Augh..." she released the unladylike sound and took out the broken star locket, 'Why won't it work?' She sighed dejectedly and lay back in her bed, deciding to shut herself from the world for the moment. Tomorrow, she'd have to go back to the apartment. ~~~ "Usagi..." Seijuurou whispered as he transformed into Allan. "Yes, her," Ann smiled, she already had a plan. She'd get rid of her once and for all. It was easy, really. Without her, she'd never have problems, and the tree just needed her energy... She grinned, now all she needed was for Usagi to come back to their apartment. Yes, it would be easy. ~~~ "It WHAT??" "Mamoru, calm down, Usagi's okay, you know." "Fine, fine. She's alright, thank God. Then, what happened?" Mamoru sighed as he took his seat in the couch. He was talking to Rei on the phone, the girl was giving him an overview of what happened to their meeting earlier. He had nearly dropped the glass he had been holding upon the mention of Usagi's 'accident.' "Well, she fainted, so Seijuurou woke her up," at Seijuurou's name, he flinched. Rei knew nothing about the events of yesterday, nor the argument, "Don't worry, nothing's happened, I think. Well, anyway, they left the place and Ami questioned Usagi about what she had seen. "So, Usagi-chan told them about the branch and everything. Then there was this twig Makoto saw in her shirt, it was moving, honestly! And so, they took it here. We checked it out, and Ami's computer verified a complete yes to what you might be thinking right now, the twig absorbs energy. You should have seen Artemis when he was growling! "But, anyway, we'd be going there sometime this week to investigate, and Luna says we might need your help. She's asking you to visit them when you can, considering Natsumi's er, infatuation with you." Mamoru grew red and nodded, "Alright, I'll be going." "Fine, so that means I can hang up, now. I still have so many things to do--" "Rei, wait!" "Yes?" "Um, how is she?" he asked nervously. He knew he shouldn't, but he just couldn't help it. "Oh! Usagi, you mean? Other than the fact that she's safe, I don't know anything. I haven't seen her around for days, so maybe you should ask Mako-chan or Ami." He sighed, "Oh, okay. Arigato." "Okay, ja!" "Ja." He replaced the receiver and stared at it, should he call Makoto? He felt a desperate urge to do so, but he stopped himself. No, not now. He didn't know whether Natsumi was really evil or not, but about Seijuurou, he was sure. Okay, so one can call it jealousy, but the way he felt some energy lurk between the pale boy's eyes had already aroused his suspicion before. He wasn't sure about it. But one thing was definite, he was going to pay them a visit, as a friend, and as someone who needed to know who they really were. At least he'd have something else to do in his free time rather than think about her. ~~~ Next Day Luna groggily opened an eye and turned to check on Usagi, 'Honestly, that girl should start getting up earlier, and NOT just because of a specific problem, but because of disciplinary need -- ' gasp! The bed was empty, and Usagi was nowhere to be found. She checked the clock, 10:30 am. And when she thought Usagi would be oversleeping again... this was too much, she wouldn't live this down. But worry took over her pride, so she jumped down from the bed and hurried over to the kitchen. The family was thankfully in the living room so she minced slowly to the said room and jumped on the table. She studied the notes on the refrigerator and gaped at a particular note: "Mom, I went to Natsumi and Seijuurou. I forgot my schoolbag there yesterday. I'll be back for lunch. Bye, Usagi 'No...' Luna quickly went back to the room and took out Usagi's untended communicator, "Makoto, come in... It's Usagi... yes..." ~~~ Mamoru walked towards the apartment, a fresh bouquet of flowers in his hand. He had to go now. Besides, he was worried for Natsumi, she was, after all, a friend of his. Now, he didn't want to sound sadistic but, again, the idea that Seijuurou would be there was something he didn't like. He wouldn't want to visit him if it were for the world. The pale and handsome boy was a whole new agenda. But, just the same, the rising suspicion of the scouts added to his will. And so, duty won out, and he decided to go. He rang the bell, and was not surprised when Natsumi squealed as she opened the door, "Mamoru!" He gulped as she reached out to hug him, and reluctantly hugged back a little. "Here, these are for you," he said, handing out the flowers. "Well, thank you!" she exclaimed, smiling as she smelled them, "What are these for?" "I heard you and your brother were sick." She must have expected him to say something else, for her smile faded, she resumed the grin after a second, anyway, so Mamoru assumed that things were okay. "Come in," she offered, and he went inside. In the apartment room, he was met by Seijuurou, who greeted him with a glare. He only ignored him and sat down the proffered couch. Natsumi sat across him, gave him a smile, and asked him how his day was. "I'm fine, I guess," he responded. 'No, I'm not fine, far worse than one can ever imagine,' he added in his thoughts. He shook his head and decided to think about such things later. She smiled again and shifted in her seat, "Well, that's good. We've been fine, ourselves. Right Seijuurou?" The latter, who was merely leaning on the frame leading to the doorway, simply nodded, cursing as he looked away. "That's nice to hear. So, how's school life?" Natsumi looked surprised, "You mean Usagi doesn't tell you?" He was shocked, and suspicions arose in his head, but were easily dismissed. Thoughts of Usagi tried to plague him, and he was almost overwhelmed by them. He tried not to gasp, though, so he shook his head, "No." He was surprised by the delighted look on her face. "Oh, things had been fine the last time we were there," and Mamoru let her continue talking as he stole glances to his right and noticed the panel of the hidden blue door... ~~~ Usagi was scared, dead scared, which was why she froze before Seijuurou and Natsumi's door. Visions of numerous branches heading for her played before her mind, and she had to shake her head to get them to leave. 'Come on, you have to get your schoolbag. Seijuurou's here, he's going to protect you.' She instantly remembered Mamoru and wished that *he* was the one to protect her. Like he did when they were in the play, and during the virtual reality game. But it was too late now, and she reminded herself again that what was done, was done. Maybe what she did was really the right thing to do. Who knows? Maybe someday, she'd find someone else and still get married happily, like she always dreamed. But who was she kidding? it was still very painful. She didn't want to break down now, so she cleared her head, took a deep breath, and finally knocked. No one answered, so she knocked harder. 'Oh, they have a doorbell, silly! How could I forget?' Her problems must have been affecting the way she was thinking. She only shook her head and turned to ring the bell when Seijuurou opened the door. "Usagi, a pleasure to see you again!" he looked very happy to see her, and that made her smile as well. 'He's infecting,' she though with a likewise happy grin. "Seijuurou! Oh, well, you see, I kind of forgot my schoolbag here yesterday. You know, after the 'fainting' show," she smiled meekly, blushing as she remembered their intimate position. "Oh, yes. Your bag, the one with a bunny?" She blushed more, "Er, yeah. And, please, I'm sorry for the knocking. Pardon, I sort of forgot about your doorbell. I was very busy, thinking about something else, and, well, it, er... slipped my mind." He gave her an assuring grin, "That's okay. Besides, you didn't have to ring the doorbell, I'm here, right? "I notice you seem to be rather timid today, Usa. You're blushing! Not that I mind actually. It makes you all the more lovelier." She turned away, if there was one thing Seijuurou was good at, it was at giving compliments and flattering her. When she looked back, he was still giving her that charmingly handsome smile of his. 'Nothing compared to Mamo-chan, that is,' she conceded quietly. Mamo-chan? Where did that come from? Maybe a slip of the tongue. But it sure sounded good. Enchanted again by his smile, she asked him softly, "Um, my bag?" He snapped back, "Oh, yes, how could I forget? Wait here. Oh, would you like to come in?" "Oh, no, thanks," she told him, remembering those horrid branches, "I'll just wait here in the doorway." "Are you sure?" "Yes, I am," she finished. He nodded and went to get her left schoolbag. He left the door open, though, thus giving her a full view of the room. She smiled as he left, and then looked inside... There was Natsumi, she had flowers in her lap. She wasn't surprised, Natsumi was so prettty. I wonder who gave them to her, she thought as she searched for the certain suitor. And her eyes rested on the jet black head of the man, whose back was turned to her... the green jacket... Oh Lord... Seijuurou was alarmed when he saw Usagi choking with tears, "Usagi-chan are you okay?" She looked at him and quickly took her bag, "Thank you very much, Seijuurou. I - I have to go now. Goodbye." He was shocked as she suddenly went to leave "Usagi, wait!" "Please," she begged desperately, sadness nearly brimming out of her eyes. She looked at him one last time before disappearing into the corner. 'What...' his mind trailed off as he saw Mamoru. No wonder! As much as he hated to admit... And so an idea passed his mind. He strained to hear what Natsumi was babbling about... "... Gurio, the nerd at school - remember the boy with the glasses? In the play? Yes, that's him - made a list of the top ten prettiest high school girls at school. His girlfriend was on the top, of course. That wasn't fair, because she *was* his girlfriend." Ah... "She's pretty, they say. Ha! But anyway, I came next - well, not really. I tied up with Odango Atama, can you believe it? That ditz? She can't even compare to half of my beauty--" He watched as an angry look arose in Mamoru's eyes. Yes, Seijuurou liked Usagi. A lot actually, but he'd rather get his revenge on Natsumi now. He would go after Usagi later, but for now, payback for her likewise infidelity was something he wouldn't resist. "Stop it, Natsumi." The girl stopped from her endless tirade to look at him, "What do you mean?" He smiled as he neared them, "I meant you to stop picking on Usagi." Natsumi only rolled her eyes, "Why? Because you like Little Miss Ponytails over there? Give me a break, Seijuurou--" He smiled within himself. Just as he had expected, "No, you give her a break, Natsumi. So far, all I've been seeing is how you've been tormenting her." Seijuurou then turned to Mamoru, "Do you know what she had been doing? Oh, many things you wouldn't imagine. It started when Natsumi spread these rumors about her--" "Seijuurou, would you please close your loud mouth--" Natsumi started. "Rumors? What rumors?" Mamoru asked, his face settling into a frown. Seijuurou rejoiced over the attention, "Bad rumors about her, and you, actually," he saw Mamoru's eyes widen, and he continued, "really. What was that? Hmm... 'Usagi dating a college guy who only planned to dump her when he gets her hopes up.' That was the first part, and the next one was that he and Natsumi planned to go out this Friday. That was it, word for word. And don't forget--" "Seijuurou, SHUT UP!" Natsumi screeched. But the two men paid no heed to her. Mamoru was nodding with apprehension, and he probed him for more. "You're interested, aren't you? Well, the big blow was when Usagi had asked Natsumi about it. I was there, you know. And do you know what they talked, or rather, screamed about was? Yes, correct - you." "SEIJUUROU..." "Actually, Natsumi had been the only one talking. I've heard it all. She had slowly insulted Usagi, one by one, defect by defect. In fact, I recall the words, 'stupid,' 'klutz,' and 'low grades.' But what I really remember was these set of words. Listen, Mamoru, and listen well." "WILL YOU--" "What were those words, Seijuurou?" Mamoru urged him. "Oh, yes, back to that, okay. Open your ears, Mamoru. It involved an 'It's a trick, it has to be,' and another one, Natsumi said, 'Four little words, Odango Atama: you don't deserve him.' I'm not sure if this is exact, but that, I guess, was quite it. Oh there were others, far worse." "STOP IT!" "And then, of course, she said 'You love him, don't you?' and Usagi had gasped. I guess Natsumi took exception to this and said, 'And you actually believe he'd return your affections? You're so stupid.' Would you look at that! Such display of crudeness. But I was always one of those people who can hear and understand well. I know every word. Ah, but there was the final one--" "SEIJUUROU, SHUT UP!" "-- it was, 'he'd never go low enough for you.' She even compared your schools, your grades, and made the girl inferior to her. My sister here went on, talking about her sophistication and beauty." "OH--" "The poor girl was crying when Natsumi had finished. I finally know why Usagi was so pale yesterday! Oh, why did I even ignore it earlier? She had dark circles under her eyes, and Natsumi went as far as to push her away from the apartment. Can you believe my sister's cruelty?" Mamoru looked surprise, and the information finally got to him, "Oh, Remembrance, so that's why..." "Oh, yes, did I mention she was here just a few minutes ago?" "What? She was here?" Mamoru asked, suddenly worried. And Natsumi mirrored his expression, only, his was far worse. "No..." he thought as he broke from his seemingly endless trance. Panic immediately defined him as Seijuurou continued. "Right, she was looking for the schoolbag she left here yesterday. As a matter of fact, I was surprised. You see, when I left to get her bag, I had left the door open. It seems that she was scared to come in after the incident yesterday. "But when I came back, I was shocked, to say the least. She seemed on the verge of breaking down, oh Truth, I could almost see her tears behind her eyes! But she just said good bye -which seemed far from calm, I tell you- and immediately left." "What?" Seijuurou nodded at Mamoru's apprehensive face, "Just a minute ago." "Oh God, Usako," Mamoru absently told to his Maker. "Excuse me, will you," Mamoru hurriedly added as he ran outside. The man sped off and Seijuurou closed the door, ready to receive the full brunt of Natsumi's screech attack. But, truth be told, he was satisfied. But nothing happened, and when Seijuurou raised an eyebrow, he saw Natsumi trying to control herself. Natsumi hissed, "I'm not going to scream at you, I won't give you the pleasure and the satisfaction of it, you jealous clod. "However, there's one thing that would bring *me* satisfaction," she concluded, smiling evilly. "Cardian!" And a male creature with three faces, clad in orange cloaks and fixed with several arms appeared. It only smiled as it left the doorway. ~~~ Mamoru ran for the fastest time in his whole life. He had to catch up with her! Using his well-honed skills, he summoned his speed as he quickly jumped down the stairway. There was no time to wait for the elevator. And if Seijuurou was right in his "one minute ago" comment, he would be able to catch up. So that was why. Natsumi had worked one of her mind games on her. She had made her believe many things. Many things that were not even halfway near the truth. She was unworthy of him? Heck, *he* was unworthy of *her.* And all those differences, he didn't even think about them, he didn't care. That was also the reason for her recent outburst... and the sayings about tricks and pain. She thought he meant to hurt her! "Hurt her, my foot!" he cursed under his breath as he reached the ground floor. She'd have to be more secure next time. Oh, Love, why did you listen to her, he asked her in his mind. Usagi loved him, Seijuurou had indirectly told him, himself. He wouldn't lie, since Mamoru knew that the boy's attention was directed at tempering Natsumi. And the revelation overjoyed him. But he had to see her, now. There was no need to wait, she already knew. Things had headed in the right direction, and she had already seen the truth. It was now up to him to let her know how he felt. Just as he jumped from the stairs, he immediately set out for the front doors. Thankful to God, he saw the familiar odango hairstyle outside and reached her just in time. "Usako," he said as he came up from behind her. She gasped as she swirled around to see him. She looked surprised, and Mamoru felt pain as he saw her tear filled eyes, "Mamoru-san!" "Usagi," he then took her in his arms, ignoring her cries as he held her tight. She tried to ease out of his grip, but the action only caused him to hold her further, "No..." she sobbed, "You love her, you love Natsumi... you hate me..." "No," he gently comforted her as she cried in his shoulder, "I love you, Odango Atama, and that's that." Usagi felt light-headed. Pain! Natsumi was right after all. He'd never return her feelings, he was in love with Natsumi! She was right! It was all a trick, and she had been a fool for actually hoping... But he was here! He came back for her! And he just told her... no. She wanted to believe, to cry with happy tears, to dance with joy. She had wanted this, had hoped for this for nights, imagined such a moment as something impossible, and yet, here they were... If only it was something she could thoroughly embrace. "No, you didn't care. You weren't even moving when I screamed out my worries to you. Nothing mattered, you didn't care! You didn't care..." "Shh... Love, I did. God's truth I was pained, and scared. I was really hurt when you said you hated me, and I almost lost hope," he soothed. He tipped her teary face up, "But I knew you didn't mean what you were talking about, and I had to wait for you to realize it, too." He was so decidedly soft it was all Usagi could do not to break down and throw herself more on him. But she wanted to be sure, to here the real words herself. She then shook her head, willing her stumbling words out. "But - but, I don't deserve you, you are so perfect, and you've been so kind to me... Natsumi said it was a trick, that I was so stupid and stubborn. Then I saw you in her apartment earlier, and you gave her flowers..." "No, Usako, I love you, only you," he whispered into her ear, and he gently lifted her face, "I've waited for you for so long... I kept myself controlled, and I tried to stop it, but I couldn't. It all has something to do with the truth, and I just couldn't let you go." "I don't understand..." she whispered back as she lay on his chest. She saw him smile as he shifted her to face him. "You do," he said with a smile. And then he said it, "I love you, and only you," he stated, over and over again, and Usagi felt herself smile with happy tears... and believe. They just stood there for several seconds, holding each other. He only moved his hands in a soothing motion on her neck as she steadied her sobs. She enjoyed in his warmth and took happiness in the revelation he had given her. Contentment settled between them in just holding each other tight. But Mamoru needed to know something more important. Breaking the intimate position, he smiled with assurance as a look of panic spread on her tear-streaked face. He then placed her cheek in his hand, "Usako, tell me the truth, now. Do you love me?" She gasped, "Love... you?" He slowly traced her soft lined jaw and nodded. She then tried to look away, to no avail for Mamoru had a firm hold on her, "No escape now, Odango Atama," he joked seriously. She nodded slowly. He needed to know. She still had doubts, no matter how small they were now. But a deeper part of her believed him, and knew with such intensity that he was telling the truth. Then, taking a deep breath, she shyly began. "Mamo-chan," she started, but was interrupted by the incredibly surprised look on his face. She was quickly worried, as insecurity still had it's hold on her, "It was a slip of my tongue again, I'm sorry. Did I--" "No, I like it," he said with a happy grin. "You do?" she asked, feeling relieved and confused. Their heads were dangerously close, and their noses almost touched. She knew what she was to do, though. So she tried to begin again, a little less embarrassed this time, "Mamo-chan, I..." Suddenly, a screeching sound interrupted them, and a creature emerged from the apartment's main doors. It spotted them, and it's multiple hands breached with anticipation as its eyes dropped on Usagi. "Mamoru! Dear God, it's another one!" her scared prayer reached his senses. "They like you," he gave a second to tease, and placed her behind him for protection. Seriousness dropped like a protruding veil on them and he wondered what to do. Only one thing came to mind. "Usagi, run when I tell you to, okay?" "Okay, I hope," was the doubtful reply. He gave a moment to look at her beautifully pale face, "Can you make it quick enough?" She shook her head, beginning to panic, "I don't know, I've been feeling so dizzy lately, and I haven't been eating much..." You love me, he thought with pride as his face broke into a little grin, "Just try to run as fast as you can, okay? I imagine this cardian has something to do with the branches you have seen." She gave him an incredulous look, "How did you know?" He didn't answer, only said "Run!" and moved away. She gasped, but obediently did as she was told and nervously set out to escape The cardian took notice of this, however, and immediately bolted for her. It didn't forget Mamoru, though. The man blocked his path, "Don't even *think* of going near her," he hissed. The cardian smiled, "You underestimate, human." It sent an oversized petal hurtling in Usagi's direction. The girl didn't see, however, and even if she did, wouldn't be able to escape because of the intimidating speed. Mamoru gasped as she heard Usagi scream out loud, for the huge petal stuck to her and immediately started taking energy. He couldn't transform now! 'It's broad daylight,' he thought with aggravation. There were people about, although most of them had retreated at the site of the cardian. But still, no options were left for him. The cardian took advantage of his distraction and hit him squarely in his back, thus sending him flying. "Mamoru!" was the only thing heard as he crashed down the hot asphalt. He painfully looked up, seeing Usagi in the distance. She was on the floor as well, kneeling. He felt her pain as well. But after a second, he felt a very strong force and turned around to see her collapse and faint. "Usagi!" ~~~ End of Chapter 7 A Visit my site: E-mail me: Or Else... TY's to Millenium Guard, Tif (read her stories), Ceci, Ahbunny, and all the other people who e-mailed me and made SM Net something FAR from being boring. Big thanks to those who signed my guestbook, Big G, and Mar.