Konnishi wa minna-chan. You know, if any of you are good at naming things, please tell me, I'm crappy at naming things. As if you couldn't already tell ^-^;. As always send all comments to bunnyannla@geocities.com I love getting e-mail. And a BIG "hi" to all my IRC friends in #Sailormoon, especially Smercury, 'cuz I know she'll probably be reading this. ^-^ Pretty Soldiers and Sailormoon - Part 4 Bunny Annla Okay here's the setting, floating in an empty void. Mamoru: Huh? What's going on? Note: And you thought I'd actually leave him out. Chris: What's going on?! Red?! Is that you? Red: Yeah, is that you Chris? Chris: yeah, who's that over there? Red: I don't know. Mamoru: Who are you people and where is Usako? Red: I'm Red and I don't know who this "Usako" person is. Chris: I'm Chris, and likewise to Red, about wheather or not I've seen your friend. Mamoru: I'm Mamoru, and Usako is my girlfriend, we have to find her. Red: I'll help ya. Chris: Where are we? Red: I donno. Mamoru: Where's Usako? Chris: Maybe we should first find out where we are. Mamoru: No, we have to fine Usako. Red: You know I agree with Chris. Mamoru floats off. Chris: What do you think Red? Red: I think this better just be caused by the pizza I ate, and not be real. Chris: Red, this is real. Do you have your computer or anything? Red searches her pockets and comes up with a grand total of nothing. Red: I don't got nothing. Chris: Red that's VERY bad grammar. Red: Sorry, I should have said I don't have anything. Chris: Oh well. Chris searches her pockets. Chris I don't have anything either. Red: Darn, if only I had my pearl disks. Note: Red uses Pearl disk bombs to blow up the enemy normally. Chris: Yeah that would really be a big help, blowing up a vortex. Red: Well, at least it would be amusing. Chris: How about we find an exit okay? Red: Yeah that just might be a good idea. The two girls look for the exit. Meanwhile on the forest moon... Blue is up in a tree searching for food. Usagi is frantically looking around for Mamoru who's no where to be seen. Makoto is also looking for food, but she's looking on the ground. Ami is searching her pockets for her data computer. Minako is searching for a pond, why? Who knows. Blue: Hey guys look what I found! Blue holds up a bunch of bananas. Everyone grabs for them. Blue is left holding an empty bunch of bananas. Blue: Gee thanks guys. Usagi: Well, I need this food for energy so I can find Mamo-chan, and anyway you can always find more. Blue goes back up in the trees and finds some exotic eatable fruit and eats it. Blue spends the night up in the tree sulking. The next day... Usagi: Hey Blue, come down, okay? Blue: Why? I like it up here and you people are mean to me! Usagi: Nani? Blue: You guys aren't very considerate. You ate all the bananas' I worked so hard to find. Makoto: We're sorry. Minako: Yea, we didn't mean to offend you. Blue: It's okay. Sky pops out of no where. Sky: What's going on? Blue: Sky? Is that you? Sky: Who are you people? Blue: It's me Blue, 'member me? Sky: Do I know you? Blue: No, I just enjoy confusing people. Sky gives Blue a strange look. The senshi just stare at the two. Sky: Oh. Blue laughs. Blue: Don't mind me people, I'm just weird. Blue then smiles. Lots of tear drops on the backs of people's heads. Sky: Where are we? Ami: I wish I knew exactly where, but I know kind of where we are. Everyone all excited: Where?! Ami: Well we aren't in out universe, since Earth is the only planet that can support life. Everyone disappointed: Oh. Note: I'm just now thinking how fun it would be to draw this, too bad I don't have a scanner. ^-^ Sky hands Blue a flower: Here's a flower for the lovely lady. Blue: Huh? Blue to herself: Could this be more random? Why is this guy giving me a flower and calling me a lovely lady? Sky smiles. Blue excepts the flower and blushes. Blue: Boy it sure is hot here. Usagi: What?! Are you crazy, it's perfect here. Minako smiles as she sees Blues awkwardness in getting a flower and a compliment. Minako to herself: This looks like a job for the gorgeous matchmaker Sailor V! Minako pulls Usagi and Makoto off to the side and whispers: I have an idea, lets play matchmaker for Blue, since that guy obviously likes her. Makoto: Yea, that guy looks like my old boyfriend. Usagi: This is wicked cool! Minako, Usagi and Makoto grab Ami and drag her away with them. Blue: Where are you guys going? Usagi: Um, we're going to find something to eat. Blue: I'll come with you guys and help. Usagi waving her arms: Oh, no you don't have to do that, you found the food last time, it's our turn now. Sky and Blue just star at each other. To be continued..... Okay people if you think Sky and Blue should have romantic tension between them e-mail me, if you don't also e-mail me. If you don't really care also e-mail me. I'll put my e-mail addy here too bunnyannla@geocities.com --------------3CC470C347 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="fanfic5.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="fanfic5.txt" wypsstHi everyone. This part is basically going to have zero of Blue and Sky, since well, I'm writing this b4 I gave the last one to Luna and Artimis. I tend to do that too much. Anyhow this part hopefully will get interesting. Send any comments to bunnyannla@geocities.com Pretty Soldiers and Sailormoon Usagi: Did you see the look in their eyes? They must be in love! Ami: What are you on? They just meet, there's no way they could be in love so quickly. Minako: That's right, real love takes time. Usagi: Or, it takes an illusive silver crystal. Usagi smiles. Makoto smiles: I don't think that there's going to be an illusive silver crystal coming from Blue. Minako: Yea, and good thing, I'd hate to have to see someone go through what you went through. Ami: Yes that was very hard on all of us. Usagi: Well I think I handled it fairly well. Sweat drops go down the backs of everyone's heads. Usagi: Well, how would have you reacted to that? Ami: I would have studied more. Makoto: I would have cooked more. Rei: I would have beaten the Dark Kingdom a whole lot sooner, if someone I loved was captured and imprisoned there. Note: In the manga, Rei didn't like Mamoru, she didn't hate him either. Minako: I really don't know what I'd do. Usagi: Humph. The senshi scout around for some eatable food source, Makoto found a coconut baring tree and attempted to climb it. Here results were similar to Rei's attempts to get out of the snow ditch in "Ski Bunny Blues" in other words, not successful. Makoto: I'm almost there... She slides back down it. Makoto: Ouch. Usagi walks around. Rei walks around with her. Rei: Why don't I gather some wood? Then I could do a fire reading and help you find Mamoru-san. Usagi: Good idea. Meanwhile... Mamoru floats around space, poking his head in and out of places. His mind was racing, Mamoru to himself: I gotta find Usako and see if she's okay,. Where is she? Is she okay? Is she hurt? Does she need me to save her? Where is she? Mamoru frantically searched around until he fell down into another dimension. Red: Hey, look he disappeared, Chris: I think we better, follow after him; be ready incase he's the enemy. Red: Right Princess, Chris: Red, don't call me princess, please, only Opaque calls me that, so I often use that as an indicator of who I'm talking to. Red: Fine, well, can I call you Crystal then? Since you aren't in your human form, you have white hair. Chris pulls out a mirror and gasps. Chris, shocked: You're right Opal, you aren't in you r human for either, look! Red's hair is curly at the ends, and not black, also it's longer. Red: Fun, so we aren't in Kansas anymore, eh toto? Chris: this is MOST odd. Red: I don't know about you, but I'm going to be ready to fight. Opal Power transform! Red transforms to into Warrior Opal, she wears an outfit, similar to Sailor V's except it doesn't have any jewelry. Note, I refer to characters as their identities, so FYI, Chris is now going to be Crystal, Red, Opal. And if I have any of the Senshi they're going to be referred to by their planet's name. Opal: I am the Warrior of Hope, Opal's my name and fighting evil is what I do! Crystal: Gee, who are you talking to? Opal: I donno, I just like to make speeches, it fun, you should try it sometime. Crystal: I have no real reason to give speeches, so it's pointless for me to. Honestly if you cut out half of the unnecessary things, you wouldn't get so beat up during a fight. Opal: But that would kill all the fun. Crystal: Fighting's not supposed to be fun. Opal: I suppose that you're right, as always. So boss, what should we do now? Crystal: Follow that guy, he apparently has found an exit, otherwise he'd still be here. Opal: Okay, but be careful. Opal walks in front of Crystal. Crystal: Do you think I should transform? Opal: Sure. Crystal: Crystal Power Transform! Crystal transforms into a jewel semi-covered suit, that almost resembles a sailor fuku, except no bows, and more jewels, and it has a cape. Crystal, running: Come on Opal! Opal: Huh? Why do we have to run? It's not like we're going to die if we don't get out of here right now. The exit's not going to disappear in two seconds if we don't get to in. Slow down! Crystal: Opal, we do not know anything here, we are but visitors in this strange land; take nothing for granted. Opal: Fine. Opal speeds up and she and Crystal run into the another dimension. Splash! Mamoru falls into a lake, namely the lake that the senshi were by, amazing how this all works out eh? Usagi: Huh? What was that? Mamoru comes up from the water gasping for air. Usagi: Mamo-chan?! Is that you? Mamoru: Usako?! Mamoru swims out of the water. Usagi runs up to him and gives him a big hug. Mamoru: Usako, how are you doing? Usagi: I'm fine, now that I found you. Mamoru: Where are we? Usagi: I don't know, no one knows, It's a mystery. Rei: Who's that Usagi? Usagi: I found Mamo-chan! Usagi smiles. Mamoru semi smiles. To be continued.......... --------------3CC470C347--