From - Tue Sep 02 22:26:05 1997 Return-Path: Received: from ( []) by (8.8.4/8.6.9) with ESMTP id UAA20965 for ; Tue, 2 Sep 1997 20:10:34 -0500 Received: from viper ( []) by (8.8.5/8.8.5) with SMTP id SAA12234 for ; Tue, 2 Sep 1997 18:10:26 -0700 (PDT) Message-ID: <> Date: Tue, 02 Sep 1997 20:11:40 -0500 From: Bunny Annla Reply-To: X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.01Gold (Win95; U) MIME-Version: 1.0 To: Subject: Hi Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="------------5B137FDC4585" X-UIDL: c5bd27678c951071f047e62d1cc659fd X-Mozilla-Status: 2001 This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------5B137FDC4585 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Hello Luna! This is probably all I'm going to get done this week, I have got SO much homework! Well, that and I want to finish up another fanfic I'm in the middle of, it awnsers a question that has been on my mind for a while, what if Mamoru hadn't gotten his memery back, at the end of the first arch of sailor Moon R, would he ever have liked Usagi? Well I have to go study latin. I'll probably have some more fanfic next week. Bunny Annla. --------------5B137FDC4585 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="Livesch2.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Livesch2.txt" Hello! How's everyone? Thanks for all the positive feed back. This story's not going to be like the last one. I've decided to give the Romeo and Juliet thing a rest, you know the parents disapproving. Also this one will be considerably longer, and be split up in to more parts, not for censorship reasons though. This one takes place in Russia, war torn Russia. Why Russia? Well some Russians do have blonde hair, which was one of my major flaws about my first chapter. BTW this chapter has nothing to do with the last one. Send all comments, criticisms, flames, and praises to BTW if I don't respond it's 'cuz the e-mail system at geocities isn't the best. BTW have you ever noticed that Makoto and Mamoru don't get along to well, example when Makoto nearly strangled Mamoru to death in the dubs Too Many Girlfriends, I'm going to make a point of that in this chapter. Sorry this chapter is so short, my teachers love to assign a ton of homework. Names. Sonya- Usagi, I like that name. Mark- Mamoru, BTW Mark was the name he had in the Konish's English translations. Minako- Marta, It's her name in the Italian version. Makoto: Maria, I like that name. Luna, Artimis, Rei, Ami, do not appear. Nor do the outer senshi. Sailor Moon Lives chapter 2 By Bunny Annla Snow falls to the ground, it's winter. Everyone huddles together to stay warm. One young boy stands alone on the street corner, barely noticed by the passer-by-ers. Young Mark: Flower! Get your flowers! Young Sonya and her parents pass by, she is around 3. Young Sonya: Mama, can I buy a flower from the nice boy? Mom: Sorry dear, but we don't have any money, maybe next time sweetie. Young Mark, handing young Sonya a rose: Here ya go, you can have this one for free, it's probably going to wilt before I'll sell it anyway. Young Sonya: Thank you very much. Mom: You're a nice boy, I'm sorry we can't afford to pay you, but would you like to spend the night at our house, I'm sure it's warmer that out here. Young Mark: That's very nice of you, thank you. My name's Mark what's yours? Young Sonya: I'm Sonya, it's nice to meet you. Later in the house Young Sonya: Why'd ya give me the flower without making me pay for it? Young Mark: I don't, 'cuz you're a cute kid. Young Sonya: Thank you. About 11 years later... Sonya runs through the streets along with Marta. Sonya: I can't believe we're late! Marta: Man, I should NOT have had that last bite. Sonya: Stop talking, just run! Marta: We do get in pretty good shape doing this, no? Sonya, painting: My goal isn't to be in shape, it's to be on time! Sonya and Marta accidentally got too close and tripped over each other. Marta: Owie! Sonya: Ditto. Sonya and Marta pick themselves up, and Sonya sees a familiar face! Sonya: Hey Maria, it was an accident. Maria: It's okay, I'm getting used to it. After the girls picked themselves up. Marta: How's it going Maria? Maria: Fine. Sonya starts running again. Sonya: AAA!! Marta! WE ARE LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marta does too. Marta: Darn, bye Maria! Maria: Bye Sonya: We are Dead!! Marta: Sonya! Watch out! Sonya ran right into, guess who, Mark. Mark, as he got back up: Ow, I think you just broke one of my ribs! Sonya, as she ran off: Sorry! Marta and Sonya ran down the rest of that block, and turned the corner. Mark: She's cute, and she seems pretty familiar, I wonder who she is? Sonya ducked behind the corner, and grabbed Marta too. Sonya: Do I know that guy that I just ran over? He seemed familiar, and he was sure cute! Marta: No, I don't think so, we are going to be late Sonya! Lets get going! The two girls scurried off. On the way back, Sonya sees Mark again and decides that she just might want to apologize again, since all she did was shout a quick sorry. Sonya: Hey, I'm sorry I ran in to you, literally, this morning, are you okay? Mark: I'm fine, but next time be more careful. Mark to himself: Where do I know that girl from? Why can't I remember? Sonya: Sure, I'll be more careful next time. What's that you're selling there? Sonya to herself: What kind of flowers are those? There roses! I've seen a rose before, when I was really little........I wanted to buy it... ....but I didn't have enough money........... so the boy selling them gave one to me.............the boy selling them. Mark: These are roses, want one? They're cheap. Mark to himself: this is de ja vu, big time, why is this so familiar? Sonya to herself: Is this the same boy? Could it be? Sonya, looking away, embarrassed: Oh, um no thanks I don't have enough money. Mark to himself: Dang what was that girl's name again, Sonya? Yea that was it. Mark: You're name's Sonya right? Sonya quickly looked at him: H-how did you know my name? Mark: Remember when you were a little girl, around the age of three? Sonya: Yea. Mark: You saw a boy selling flowers by a street corner? Sonya, remembering: Yea, my folks didn't have any money to buy me one, so the boy gave me one. Mark: I was that boy. Sonya: Mark! That's why I thought I knew you! Mark handed her a rose: There you go, you aren't my best customer, but you are my cutest. Sonya just accepted the rose: Want to spend the night over at my house, so you don't have to sleep outside again, for payment. Note: Sonya isn't thinking lemon-like thoughts when she asked that so you shouldn't be either. Mark: Um, I have my own little place, thanks for offering. Sonya: Okay. Mark: Take care, I hope we run into each other again, but not literally. Sonya: Are you going to be around here long? Want to do something, like talk a walk? MArk: Sure, Sonya. To be continued, in more than one part....