Hello minna-chan! Well this part probably won't be as long as the last. Send all comments to bunnyannla@geocities.com. I really should use this time on homework. But anyway..... Here goes. What if you didn't remember? Part 2 Bunny Annla A blast of light! A cascade of multi colored hearts and stars filled the area. Then total darkness. Then the world starts back up again. Usagi to herself: Wow! Cool, hey I can still remember. I guess that the illusive silver crystal knew if I forgot then there wouldn't be any hope if anyone attacked. Usagi, after spotting Mamoru: Hi Mamoru! Usagi didn't know the last time she called anything besides "Mamo-chan." Mamoru: Hey Odango Amata. Usagi: Please don't call me that. Mamoru: Why not Odango Amata? Usagi: Because I don't want you to. Mamoru: Well, I'd love to say and chat Odango, but I really have to go. Usagi: If you have to go then bye. Usagi to herself: Ah, ignorance is bliss. I forgotten how big of a pain Mamoru can be. Usagi decides to go home, and ask Luna about something. Usagi to herself: I wonder if Luna-chan still has her memory. Yea, probably, 'cuz the entire senshi would fall apart with out her. Usagi got home and walks up to her room. Usagi: Hey Luna-kitty! Luna: I am not a kitten, for the last time I am a cat. Usagi: sorry, I was just checking to see if you still had your memory. Luna: If just asking out the question? Honestly Usagi, if you spent actually time considering what you would say then you might actually get along with other people, like Rei-san. Usagi: Huh, I thought that me and Rei-chan were friends. Luna: What?! You two have practically started world war three on several occasions! Usagi: Oh.... Ha ha guess I was wrong. Luna: Oh Usagi! Why does life just have to be all fun and games for you? Usagi: Because, Luna I look on the bright side. Unlike you, I am not just a grouchy kitty cat! Luna: For the last time Usagi-san, I am not a kitten! Usagi: Well, if you're going to be like that, I'm leaving! Usagi storms out of her room. Luna: Is it almost time for her "friend" to visit? No, that was last week. Oh well, I wonder what's gotten into her. Usagi: This is going to be way weird. And wicked cool! I can't wait to see my friends! Usagi's brother: Oh great Usagi's flipped again. Usagi: I heard that! But today I will just ignore it. Usagi walks out the door. She sees Ami. Usagi: Hey Ami-chan! Ami, looks up from her book: Hi Usagi-san. She puts her head down and continues walking. Usagi to herself: I wonder why Ami-chan called me Usagi-san. Oh yea, she doesn't have her memory. I am a baka usagi amata. Usagi went down the road. Nura: Hi Usagi-chan! Usagi: Hi Nura-chan! Nura: Come on Usagi-chan we're going to be late for the movie! Usagi: Oh Naru-chan yea! Lets get going! Nura: Usagi-chan! Come on! Usagi: Coming! Usagi and Nura ran all the way to the multiplex They went to see EYES of Mars. Usagi to herself: So this is what life would be like if no one had his or her memory, interesting. I wonder about he other senshi. Usagi said bye to Naru and started to walk home. She caught sight of Mamoru. Usagi: Hey Mamoru-san! Those words were totally alien to her lips, the only things she'd ever called him was Mamo-chan and baka. Mamoru: Well if it isn't Odango Amata. Usagi walked up to him. Mamoru: I'm impressed Odango. Usagi happy: You are? Mamoru: Yea, I didn't get hit with a shoe. Usagi: Why do you have to be so mean?! Mamoru: Because you're an Odango Amata. Usagi: I'm not mean to you thought, if I ever hurt you it's always by accident. Mamoru: Tell that to the bumps on my head. Usagi, jokingly: Sorry bumps on Mamoru-san's head. Mamoru just gives Usagi an I-think you-are crazy look. Usagi: I am not crazy! Mamoru: I never said you were. Usagi: I know, but your face did. Mamoru: Well, what am I supposed to think about some one who apologizes to bumps on my head. Usagi: Well, you told me to. Mamoru: If I told you to jump off a bridge would you? Usagi thinks for a second. Usagi: Yea, I probably would. Mamoru: What? You would? Usagi: Yes I would. Mamoru: Um Usagi-san are you feeling okay? Usagi: Yea, I'm fine. Mamoru: If anyone told me to jump off a bridge, I wouldn't. Usagi: Well, you never gave me bad advice, so I'd trust you. Mamoru: You really trust me that much? Usagi: Yes. Mamoru: You trust someone who calls you names and makes fun of you? Usagi: Why shouldn't I? Mamoru: Well, I don't know, I'm trustworthy, but there are people who aren't. Usagi: Yea, I know that! I just trust you for some odd reason. Mamoru: Okay then, go jump off a bridge. Usagi: WWWAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!! Mamoru is in pain now from Usagi's wailing. Mamoru: Stop it Usagi. PLEASE! Usagi: Okay, just don't tell me to jump off a bridge. Mamoru: I only told you that to show you that always doing what other people tell you isn't always good. Usagi: Really, and it has nothing to do with the fact that you hate me? Mamoru: I don't HATE you, I just dislike being hit with tests and shoes, that's all. Usagi: Oh, I never meant to. Mamoru: That's believable for the first few times, but after how many times it's happened...... Usagi: Oh..... Mamoru: well, I have to get going. Usagi: Where ya going? Mamoru: Um, to meet someone. Why? Usagi: Who ya going to meet? Mamoru: Rei. Usagi: What?! Rei-chan?! Mamoru, laughting: "Rei-chan"? I thought that you two HATED each other! Usagi: No, I don't hate her. Mamoru: Really? Usagi: yes really. And what are you meeting her for? Mamoru: She's one of my friends. Usagi: Only one of your friends? Mamoru: What business of yours is this Usagi?! Note: Contrary to popular opinion English is my first language. Usagi: Well!...... I guess none. Mamoru: Are you feeling all right Usagi? Usagi I'm feeling better since you stopped calling me Odango Amata. Mamoru: Just making sure. Usagi: Huh? Mamoru: Didn't you hear what I said? Usagi laughs ditzily : You said something? Hahahahahaha Mamoru: Why can't you be more serious? Usagi: Really I thought that you liked me being always happy Mamoru: what gave you that idea? Usagi: Never mind. Anyway, why do you want me to be serious? Mamoru: Because I like serious people. Usagi: So you would like me if I were serious? Mamoru: Well, yes. Usagi: So you like me, but wish I was serious? Mamoru: I do *not* like you! I HAVE to go, bye Usagi. Usagi: Bye. Usagi, eyes filling with tears, says to herself: He doesn't love me. To be concluded Note: No I am NOT going to keep them split up, I just want to get peoples' attention at the end of it so I actually get some feed back. --------------102E1821758 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; name="Qu3.txt" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Disposition: inline; filename="Qu3.txt" Hi all! Well, this is part 3, hopefully the last part. I'm under a lot of emotional stress to get this done. I really hate having Usagi and Mamoru broken up. Send all feedback to bunnyannla@geocities.com btw I love getting feedback. BTW I used the name Chad from the dub, since it's a nice short name. What if you didn't remember? -Bunny Annla Mamoru glanced back over his shoulders as he left. He saw Usagi on the brink of tears. Not her normal wailing tears but miserable tears. He regretted the glance instantly. Mamoru to himself: Why does Usagi look so sad? I wasn't mean to her, I didn't call her any names. I really don't understand that girl. Man, I don't know why I even bother to try to understand her. She is a ditz, an idiot, a crybaby, and a wimp. Yet, I can't seem but like to pay attention to her. I mean, she's the one I most enjoy talking to, or exchanging insults. I really don't understand why I seem to be sort of attracted to her. Not attracted to her in a ecchi way, but in a strong caring way. She was crying after I told her that I didn't like her. Weird, does that mean that I'm supposed to like her? Does she like me? I feel as though I've know her before and understood her, I wish I can understand her again. Mamoru meet up with Rei. Mamoru: Hi Rei. Rei: You're late. Mamoru: Sorry, I was talking to some one. Rei: Who? Mamoru: Usagi. Rei: Who? Mamoru: You know Odango Amata. Rei: Oh her. What'd she hit you on the head this time? Mamoru: Surprisingly nothing. Rei: Wow that's amazing! Mamoru: Rei, can I ask you a question? Rei: Sure anything. Mamoru: Does a girl being upset when you say that you don't like her, mean that she likes you? Rei: WHAT?! Mamoru: If I said to a girl that I didn't like her and she got all upset, would that mean that she likes me? Rei: Who was this girl?! I'll show here a thing or two about liking my guy! Mamoru: Um, Rei, I am not your guy. We are friends. Rei: Friends?! Mamoru: Friends. Rei: Tell me who this girl is! Mamoru: Usagi. What's up with you anyway. Rei: USAGI??!! Odango Amata?! Mamoru: Rei, are you feeling okay? Rei: Yea, I feeling fine. Rei, leaves with a frown on her face looking angry Rei to herself: Who does Tsukino Usagi think she is, stealing my boyfriend. Oh, wait he said that we were only "friends" I despise that word. Well, no I don't. I use that word frequently around Chad. Chad sees Rei pouting from behind the bushes. Note, Chad has no life, apart from liking Rei that is. Rei walks for about another block. Suddenly Chad pops Chad, smiling holding out some wild flowers: Here ya go Rei, some flowers to cheer you up!!! Rei: How did you know I was in a bad mood??!! Chad: Well, um. Rei: You weren't spying on me were you?! Chad: Here, have some flowers I picked for you. Chad runs off as he sees an agrey gardener waving a pitchfork at him. Rei giggles. Rei to herself: Well, I may not have Darien for a boyfriend, but Chad's always good for a laugh. A laugh at best. Now back to the main story. Note I just stuck that in 'cuz I like Rei, and I don't want her to be dumped by Mamoru and left all alone. That and I don't want any Mars fans sending me hate mail. Mamoru sees Usagi, he ducks behind a wall. Mamoru to himself: Why Usagi? If it was any other girl that liked me I could handle it, but Usagi? I can't hurt her feelings, but do I like her? I can't hurt Usagi, like I did before, that just ate my conscience. Telling Rei that I didn't like her romantically didn't bother me, but hurting Usagi really is painful. Do I like Usagi? Usagi the gal that is always hitting me on the head with things, the gal that calls me baka. Why do I sort of like some one like Usagi, and not really care about anyone else. What, do I like Usagi? Well, I don't really know, but making her happy seems to be important to me. I guess I do. She is nice and pretty, so why shouldn't I like her? Usagi sees Mamoru and says: Hey Mamoru-san. Mamoru: Hey Usako. Usagi: Usako?! Mamoru: Oh, I'm sorry Usagi, I didn't mean to offend you. Usagi: Oh, I'm not offended, just surprised. I thought that you didn't like me. Mamoru: So did I Usagi. Usagi: Yea! You were right! Mamoru: What?! Usagi: Just a sec and you'll remember. Usagi took out the Illusive Silver Crystal. She waved her had over it and POOF! Every thing was back to normal. Mamoru: Usako do you want to go for a boat ride in the park? Usagi: Sure I'd love to. The End....... --------------102E1821758--