Konnichi wa minna-chan! As always send all feedback to bunnyannla@geocities.com or to bunnyannla@angelfire.com the geocities addy is the one I actually check. The normally stuff. BTW nani means what. Usa? What ever happened to Usako? Bunny Annla ~Mamoru's thoughts~ Geez where is Usa? I wonder if she's in trouble? Dammit! I can't tell! Normally I can tell when she's in danger! I guess I've just lost my link with her, this must be enemy's doing. Where is she? Why was she upset, this probably has something to do with her disappearance, I wish I knew what it was. Damn. Mamoru searches throughout the Juuban area for Usagi. Chibi Usa, meanwhile, is at home, worried. ~Chibi Usa's thoughts~ Where is mommy? I hope daddy finds her. Why was she crying? I wasn't being a brat or anything. She's getting good grades, Daddy wasn't mean to her, and neither was I. I wish I knew where mommy was. She should be home by now, she didn't pack a lunch and she doesn't have any money on her, so she at least should have come back home to eat. Usagi-mama not eating in four or five hours?! She didn't stop by any one's house to eat either, I hope she's alright. Please, please, Pegasus, if you're out there listening to me, please make sure my mother's alright. Please. Chibi Usa sits down and starts to cry. Pegasus appears in human form, Chibi Usa recognizes him, runs up to him, and cries on his shoulder. Pegasus strokes Chibi Usa's hair and says: Don't worry Small maiden, no harm will come to your mother. Chibi Usa still crying: Are you sure, my mom's never disappeared for this long. Pegasus: I'm sure, I would have seen it if anything had happened to her, I'll tell you if I find anything out. Chibi Usa hugging Pegasus: Thank you Pegasus. Pegasus returning the hug and gets up to leave: It's my pleasure to help you small Chibi Usa: Ja ne. Pegasus: Bye Small maiden. Pegasus leaves. Authors note: You probably would like to know what the heck's going on with Usagi now, wouldn't you? Usagi wearing a long flowing gown and floating through that air, she landed in a meadow. The grass was the most beautiful and elegant green imaginable. She laid down on the ground and looked up at the sky, the sky had no sun in it, yet is was light, you know a soft light. She was about to fall a sleep when a little rabbit came up to her. The rabbit looked at her, and Usagi nearly jumped she was so startled to see such a tame rabbit. Usagi then sat up and the rabbit hopped on Usagi's lap, she smiled. Usagi just sat there petting the rabbit. *~* What really is going on with Usagi *~* Usagi is sitting in the alley asleep, that might seem normal except that she's glowing and is losing energy. She's wearing a necklace with a crystal on it; the crystal's glowing; it's taking her energy! ~Mamoru's thought~ Good lord! Look at the time! It's almost 1 in the morning! Where is Usa? I better go home and check the messages on the answering machine; maybe someone's found her. I hope someone's found her. He walks past the alley going to his apartment, the alley where Usagi is. He does a double take. ~Mamoru's thoughts~ Is that Usa?! Oh please please please let it be Usa. It looks like Usa, it has her color hair, and hairstyle. It is Usa! Why is she glowing? I'd better get her in. Mamoru picks Usagi up and takes her into his apartment. He sets her down on the couch. Then he calls the senshi and tells them that he's found Usagi and that she's glowing and unconscious. Chibi Usa was the first to get the message and arrive. Chibi: Daddy!! Is mommy going to be okay? Mamoru looked at Chibi Usa sadly: I don't know pumpkin, I wish I could say. She seems to be loosing energy. Mamoru picks up Usagi's hand and kisses wishing that she would be well again. He holds her hand. Mamoru: Come on Usa, you can beat whatever's draining your energy. When Mamoru said "Usa," her body buckles, like it's in great pain, and glowed brighter, a tear slides down from her check. *~* In Usagi's weird little dream world *~* *Note this is when Mamoru says "Usa." A loud almost thunder like sound crashes through the peaceful meadow. The little rabbit runs for cover. The sky gets black, Usagi can barely see where she is. A rain storms soaks the meadow, below freezing winds blow. Flying debris tares Usagi's skin and dress up. The rain stings her broken flesh, she tries to yell out, because she's in s much pain, but she can't make a sound. Lighting strikes all around her, she's dodging it as best she can, she's only occasionally not getting far enough away and burnt by it. The meadow gets lighter; slowly it starts to get back to where it was. Usagi' dress and skin mends; her wounds and burns slowly disappear. Usagi has a worried look on her face. Then when it's back to the way it was, she forgot all about what had happened. *~* Back to reality *~* Mamoru sees the crystal glowing and tries to take it off Usagi. It won't budge. He tries again, still no luck. ~Mamoru's thoughts~ The crystal on the necklaces is the problem! Why won't it come off? I have to save Usa; it's draining her energy! Damn, I have to save Usako. I can't lose her, she's my life, my family, my love. Please, please let her be alright, kill me I don't care, I just want her to be alright. Mamoru bends over and kisses Usagi very softly and whispers into her ear: Usako if you can hear me, please don't die, please, I'd miss you too much; you are my life, my future, my past, and my love. Usagi stops glowing and blinks. Usagi sits up and says: Nani? Where am I? Mamoru hug Usagi and says to her: Usa, I'm so glad that you're awake again! Usagi winces in pain: Um, can we talk Mamo-chan? Mamoru: Sure, hey Chibi Usa; could you please leave, Usa has something important to talk to me about. Chibi Usa: Sure. She leaves. Mamoru sits down on the couch and wraps his arms around Usagi. Mamoru: What do you want to talk to me about Usa? Usagi buckles in pain. Usagi: Don't call me Usa, please, it hurts me too much. Mamoru: Huh? Usagi: Why don't you ever call me Usako anymore? Mamoru: I don't know...I guess Usa is just easier to say, since it's shorter. Usagi winces in pain again. Mamoru's eyes get bigger: You weren't kidding when you said that it hurt you. I'm sorry Usako. Usagi: I'm sorry too, this entire thing is kind of my fault. Mamoru: Nani?! Usagi: Well, since you've stopped calling me Usako and stuff, I kind of began to feel like you didn't really love me anymore. And well the crystal tried to cheer me up, but it created it fantasy world to do that. It needed a lot of energy to do that so I guess it drained some of mine. I guess I'm just silly, and selfish. Mamoru smiles and kisses her deeply. Mamoru: No, you're right to think that Usako, I've just been taking you for granted lately. I'm sorry. Can you ever forgive me? Usagi kisses him and says: I love you too much to hold a grudge. Mamoru kisses Usagi hugging her tightly and says: Usako, if I ever do anything that hurts you or bothers you, just tell me okay? Usagi: Sure, I was just afraid... Mamoru stopping hugging Usagi: Afraid of what? Usagi blushes: I was afaid that you didn't like me or that you would be mad at me for saying that. Mamoru deeply kisses Usagi: I love you so much; I couldn't ever stop loving you. Usagi wrapping her arms around Mamoru: I love you more than anythin in the world. The scene fads out with Usagi and Mamoru kissing. The end... --------------42263852520B--