Recap: With Rei's Grandfather on a thin thread of life after his nasty spill thanks to Rei's supposedly dead mother, Rei is forced to obey her twisted mother who is threatening what little life does remain within Gramps. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Well my dear daughter now that I have your utmost help and devotion, I have a few tasks that must be accomplished before your Grandfathers life is secure." Rei's mother said twistedly. "First you must know that I am working for a very dark evil that as we speak is ascending upon our world and before he can do this he assigned me a few tasks; One, eliminate the Sailor Warriors, Two gather the three beam stones that will form the triangle of Dark Matter needed to supply the power for his dark empire and finally he needs the power of the Silver Crystal which we already know your dear friend Sailor Moon or should I say Tsukino, Usagi has; That is where you come in Rei-San." she said. Rei said, "If I have no choice in working for you I need to know your name. "Oh of course how absolutly rude of me!" she said in reply. "You may call me Demon Lady" Demon Lady spoke with laugh. "Oh cripes you mean theirs yet another person with lady or mistress in their name!?" Rei said with a sigh. "How Dare you speak to me like that!" Demon Lady said. Demon Lady lifted two fingers and a dark domed column engulfed Rei transforming her into Black Flame Sailor Mars (The Dark Planet of Mars in another demention). "Aww finally I have brought the horror of the fire warrior of Mars to this realm!" Demon Lady laughed. Rei stood now in her Sailor outfit of black gown burning fists of purple haze flames. Moments later they both disappeared from Hikawa Jinja to the Black Nemesis base of the evil incarnate called Madruk. "My lord!" Demon Lady said with a bow on her knees. "I have totally corrputed this girls mind and she is one of us now!" She continued. Pulsing veins filled with horribly evil powers flowed through this dark gaseous cloud as it spoke. "You have succeeded I see in your mission now leave I need this ones power!" Madruk spoke. "Of course my master." Demon Lady replied. Now you Black Flame Sailor Mars are my second in command I need to yield your power on my conquest of Earth; Hmmmm can it really that long since I have seen this vast planet?" Madruk pondered. "1030 years ago the Queen Of the Moon summoned and wielded the Silver Crystal from the core of the Moon which I had searched eons for!" Madruk said. "That crystal would forever have secured my existence as supreme ruler of the galaxy!; But the Queen of the Moon, Serenity, got to it first and banished me to this place as she accused me of purgery and wrongful cruelty to the people of this place!" He continued. "Now my time to regain what I lost has come to pass and this time there is no Queen Serenity to yield my plans to reconquer this vast universe!" Madruk laughed. "Except the one heir to the throne....Princess Serenity; All attempts to stop her were put to rest with the power of the Silver Crystal; Queen of the Negaverse, Master of Time, Queen of the Dead Moon, and even the Queen of the Golden Universe were all foiled by that precious stone! Even I am no match for it's potent power except if I had it in my possesion! Madruk still continued. Mars ponders to herself. Usagi-Chan, Mako-Chan, Minako-Chan, Ami-Chan if this goes out for long I fear you may have to destroy me. The silver crystal will not work on those with royal ancestry to any of the nine planets which means they could never defeat me except to physically take me out." Rei thought as a single tear flowed from her eye. "Whats wrong Black Flame Mars, do you have emotion for this planet? It's laughable that you could care so much for such a small world." Madruk said as he looked her over. "Madruk ripped black lightning at Rei. "AHHHHHHH" Rei screamed. "You'll never remember them or show any emotion in front of me or I will send you screaming to hell and back!" Madruk threatened her. "And if you think of escaping, this collar around your threat with even a thought of deserting me will instantly destroy you!" Madruk sneered. "Now go devise some of your new plans while slowly but surely I will suck this planet dry!" he said with a grim laughter.... To Be Continued..... "A Hearts Undying Wish" part 2 By Artemis~San