Hey everyone sorry it's been so long since I last wrote but I've been doing stuff and changing my site. Enjoy part 9 ja ne = = = = Part nine = = = = Alison lays on michiru's couch as everyone else in the house is in the kitchen darting about making dinner. Alison can her Setsuna chopping vegetables and Haruka clumsily setting the dinner table as Michiru and Ryoko cook dinner and little Hotaru dash back and forth between Ryoko and Haruka asking many questions. Alison's eyes grew heavy and all the background noise blurred into one; Alison then fell asleep. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Alison's dream The castle is dark and had a blue ora to it. It was cold despite the fact that this castle was mercury. A young girl stood with a large jack navy blue jacket over a light blue dress. Her jacket was old and dusty. It was a military jacket after all so it wasn't supposed to be high fashion, but neither was Alison. "I hope you travel safely." Princess mercury said as she walked up behind her cousin. Alison turned around to see her younger cousin standing behind her smiling and trying to be as pleasant as she could be. "I'll be fine." Alison said in an attempt to make her cousin leave her in peace. Mercury took a step closer to Alison and put her hand on Alison's shoulder, "I know but for mercury to Neptune is a long journey." Mercury paused and then she grew solemn and continued, "especially with what happened a week ago on planet X." "I'll be fine." Alison again reassured her cousin, "besides it doesn't matter. That's why you're ...or your parents are sending me out to Neptune." Mercury looked down at her light blue shoes and softly said, "I know. I hope this ends soon." Mercury then left her cousin to wait for the ship that would take her to Neptune. 'I knew my aunt was posh bitch but I never knew she'd finally show it to me so openly' Alison thought as she watched the small ship pull up to the space dock. When the ship was safe the doors opened and a man came out and welcomed Alison. The ship was small but lavish but only on the inside. Alison sighed and took a window seat and waited for the ship to leave the docking area. Alison stared out the window looking at the millions of stars. 'I wonder how many of those planets are as stupid as mine.' Alison thought, 'I hope it's only my planet that is so lame.' The ship began to pick up speed and the stars became streaks. The trip was long and boring. Alison would have fallen a sleep had it the flight not been so turbulent. Five hours straight boredom with only the occasional interruption from the flight attendant. The ship finally arrived in the docking bay of Neptune's main port. Alison blotted out of the ships door as soon as she could. Alison had the pleasure of having princess Neptune waiting for her. "Neptune-san!" she cried, "I'm SO happy to see you!" Alison ran to her friend and hugged her tightly. "I'm so happy you could come." Neptune remarked. A quiet voice mad the noise, "ahem" Alison turned around to see melody Neptune's younger sister. "Hello." Alison said. "Greetings." Melody replied and extended her dainty hand out. Melody had light aqua hair, which was tied back in one bun. She was short thin and tan, but a sickly tan; a yellowy tan. "I am so happy you can take my place on the battle line." Melody remarked, "I was afraid I would have been only a nuisance to the other senshi." "It's ok." Alison said as she struggled to say something that wouldn't be 'of course you're happy not to be out in battle! You're getting out of it because you're a kiss as to my bitch aunt!' Alison thought that and desperately wanted to say that but she didn't she said, "have a nice time on mercury." Then watched melody board the ship. The ship left the docking area and took off. Alison sighed and then looked up at Neptune. "Finally!" Neptune said, she was finally rid of her sister and it showed how joyous she was, "oh my god! I'd never though this day would come but she's gone." Alison thought Neptune had snapped. Alison raised one eyebrow and asked, "Neptune-san?" Neptune realized that she was making a scene. She blushed and then quietly walked out with Alison. "I take it you don't like melody either." Alison stated. Michiru took a deep breath and said, "no I don't like her I positively despise her." Alison smiled and said, "Well it's good to know. I'm glad you have sense unlike everyone in my family." Michiru let out a laugh. "Well unlike mercurians, except you, we from Neptune are smart." Alison and Neptune began to laugh hysterically. At this time Uranus walked up the two hysterical girls. "Uh..." was the only thing Uranus could get. Neptune saw Uranus and stopped laughing, "Haru-chan." Neptune said and walked over to her love. Michiru looked are and her cheeks grew red. "Uh..." Neptune started, "I know it looks odd but you'd be happy too." "Happy about what?" Haruka inquired. "Melody left for mercury today." Neptune answered. Haruka smiled and said, "well it makes some sense now." Haruka looked over and saw Alison and blinked, "who is she?" Haruka asked. "This is princess Alison. She's Mercury's cousin. She's a zodiac senshi." Neptune explained. "Oh she must be sailor Virgo." Haruka stated. Alison slowly nodded. "So where do we go to from here?" Alison asked. "We got to the palace." Haruka informed Alison before Michiru could even open her mouth. The three senshi headed off for michiru's palace to find the other recruits. In a dark room at the edge of the west wing of the palace all the recruits sat awaiting their instructions. Alison scanned the room to see if any of the other recruits were familiar; most were. Alison did not know one face though. It was a pale face of a tall eerie girl. Alison slowly approached the girl. The girl quickly noticed that Alison was approaching her. The girl quickly lifted her head and glared sharply at her. Alison blinked and then...she saw that it was Ryoko with the same glare...in fact it was the same face. "Ryoko?" Alison wearily asked. "What?" Ryoko whined, "it's time for dinner you know. And you didn't help at all." Alison groggily lifted her self off the couch and shook her head. Ryoko stopped and looked back and asked, "Are you ok?" "Yeah..." Alison sighed, "I'll be fine." Alison finally got up from the couch and went into the kitchen to eat dinner with the rest of the outers. = = = = = = end of part 9 sorry it's so short...but I could really go on...but at least I got another part out all comments go to shinjichan@hotmail.com