Atrea Legend of the Moon Elements P.t. 2 Four years after arriving London called a meeting of his friends. "I have a request..I heard most of you wish to help the people of the moon...when I'm King..I could get someone to train you to guard the palace..what do you think? Which of you are with me?" he asked them. At once all the water, earth wind, sun , heart, and fire kinds were standing in agreement. The only one still sitting was Flame. "What about you Flame? The rest are in agreement" London asked the fiery tempered element. "No way..I refuse to work with useless humans who can't watch themselves or their homes!" answered Flame. London was now in his full anger mode. "Why not? Your the worthless one..all you do is tease people...bicker and fight..and act like...what you are..a COWARD!" he shouted at the fire element. "At least I'm nice...unlike you a dirty...old jerkwad of an animal!" Flame growled and suddenly launched himself at London. All the other elements and London gasped in surprise as Flame jumped. London backed up and tripped then landed on his backside. He held his arms crossed in front of him to block whatever Flame did. Suddenly Flame was engulfed by thousands of angry elements. He got free and managed one scratch on London when he was blown back and slammed into a wall. He slide down and landed on the floor with a light thud. All elements turned to see someone they'd never expect to see. Silphe was standing in a doorway nearby with his hand raised. "That is quite enough Flame!" he shouted. He kneeled down and helped London stand up. "You alright?" "Yeah..that guy is nuts.." mumbled London. Only Silphe heard him. The other elements carried Flame off to lock him away in his den. Silphe nodded slowly and turned to leave. " come I hardly see you.." London asked. "I never stay long..I have a...job to do..I'm a three part element..Soul..Life..and death..I am the colony's healer however. So..time to do my job.." Silphe said putting a hand over London's arm. It flashed white and the scratch on London's arm vanished. "There" and with that Silphe vanished. "Wait..oh man..I liked him..." mumbled London. A dark pink element came up behind London and carried him to be checked for any other injuries he might have received from Flame's surprise attack. London fell asleep in the element's arms. ______________________________________________________________________________ Outside a pair of glowing red eyes watched London get carried off. ?I'll follow that kid...he's nice enough'. ______________________________________________________________________________ well...that was an interesting part eh? before.. L and the Moon Elements are ? me. Sailor Moon, London and the moon kingdom are not ? me! Next: the next part takes place when London is 17 and finally goes back to the Moon Kingdom..with Silphe and L to prove his friends aren't fake..and that he is alive and well. He times it so he comes back when his family is there. Till later! E-mail me comments, flames,,etc! ~Atrea