Millennial Disaster Amanda Ayr Part 1 Rating: G-PG (for now....*evil grin*) Our story begins about four years after the fifth season of Sailormoon (Sailor Stars)(And BTW, Usagi and Mamoru HAVEN?T gotten married yet). Galaxia?s defeated, the Starlights have gone back to Kinmoku with Kayuuku-hime, and Tsukino Usagi thinks she has her normal life back. She says: "What else could happen now?" Famous last words. *Anything* could happen. Millennial Disaster by Amanda Ayr "A new millennium. Just think?.one thousand years ago the Silver Millennium existed." "And it?s downfall." "Rei-chan! Just ruin everyone?s good mood.," Aino Minako exclaimed. "Haven?t ruined mine. Usako?s with me. Nothing could be better." Tsukino Usagi smiled at her boyfriend, Chiba Mamoru. "Hai. Nothing could make me happier.," Usagi murmured. "Not even if Mamoru-san proposed?" "Mina-chan, he already did." "NANI?!" "Hai. Just before he left to go to America." Kino Makoto took Usagi?s left hand and showed herself, Minako, Rei, and Ami the ring. "Beautiful?." The four girls chorused. Usagi, taking her hand away from them, blushed. They all sat in the park, along with half the population of Tokyo, waiting to ring in the New Year. A new millennium, a new year of change and hope. A new year of peace. At least one can hope. "10?9?8?7?6?5?4?3?2?1?HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!," everyone shouted out. Mamoru kissed Usagi, and the others hugged. Truly a spectacular event. ************************************ "A new year?.another year to try to take over that blasted planet they call Earth." "Patience, master. This year WILL be better." "How so?" "Let?s just say we?re going to attack a different place." "Namely?.?" "Tokyo, Japan. Home of the legendary Sailor Senshi." "Why there? You know if the place has Senshi not to go there!" "Master, let me finish. This place has vast amounts of energy: positive and negative. It seems that the Dark Kingdom was here before us." "Interesting. Send him down." "As you wish, master." ************************************ "Ahh?.the wonderfully cool breeze of a January Saturday morning?.," Usagi sighed as she skipped ahead of Minako, Rei, Ami, and Makoto. Minako looked up from where she was talking with Rei. "Usagi-chan! Matte! Watch out!" Usagi opened her eyes just as she ran into someone. They landed with a thud on the hard cement. "Gomen! Gomen nasai!," Usagi replied, getting up. The stranger looked up, her hair flipping back over her shoulders. "It?s ok. Gomen, I wasn?t watching where I was going either. I was too emersed into my book." Usagi picked up her book as the stranger got up. "Astrology and Astronomy?," Usagi asked. "Hai. I?m really into it." "Ara! Kakkoii. I?m Tsukino Usagi, and these are my friends Mizuno Ami, Aino Minako, Kino Makoto, and Hino Rei." Each waved. "I?m Hoshino Soseiji*. Pleased to meet you. Well, I?ve got to get going. Maybe I?ll see you guys around." Taking her book away from Usagi, Soseiji walked away from the five girls. "She was nice.," Usagi summed up for the others. "She seemed very into her studies. I must talk with her sometime.," Ami mentioned. The others groaned. "C?mon. I thought we were gonna go shopping!," Minako replied. "We are, Mina-chan.," Makoto answered. "Then LET?S GO!!!," she shouted, and ran forward, making the others follow. ************************************ *- Hoshino Soseiji means Star?s twin. ************************************ "I can?t BELIEVE this! He wants me to send that?that?THING down! Doesn?t he know that that thing can kill me?! Ok Hebi?.calm down?you want to get on the master?s good side, so you better do it.," Hebi said to himself as he stopped in front of a huge door. He carefully opened the door and cautiously took a step inside. Once he was inside, he shut the door and sighed gratefully. Lighting the candle in his hand, Hebi surveyed the dank room. There was nothing in it, save for a computer console on the far wall facing him. He walked up to it and flicked a switch on. The console hummed with life. "Ok?.now where?s that button? it is.," Hebi replied to himself as he pushed a fluorescent green button. An image appeared on the screen. It was a man, or an older teenager, to be specific, with dark blue hair, fluorescent blue eyes, and pale skin. "What the HELL do YOU want?," the man on the screen asked, none too kindly. Hebi shook his head. "The Master wants you down on Earth, Tamashii. Now." Tamashii got a look of disgust on his face. Hebi smiled. "Same place?" Hebi smiled again. "Nope." Tamashii?s mouth dropped. "Really? He MUST be in a good mood." "No, you nitwit! It was my idea. I?m sending you the coordinates now." Tamashii scrunched his face. "Japan? Ok?.could you run by me why the Hell I?m going to Japan?" "One: Positive and Negative energy-" "I don?t collect energy." "-and two, the legendary Sailor Senshi are there, so there might be a chance that SHE might be there." Tamashii smiled, and laughed. "Good. I?ll have a report to you in a week. Next time I see you, our master will have more souls to feed on." ************************************ That?s it for part 1. All comments go to my email at (Flames WILL be shoved through a blender and then fed to my dog.) Disclaimer: Thou dost not own Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon. You should know that. So, if you are planning to sue me, think again, buddy. You might as well gut yourself with an olive pick. (do NOT go do that literally!) Hoshino Soseiji, Hebi, Tamashii, and their master belong to me. Any other characters that come through this story (that are not SailorSenshi and co.) belong to me. Thank you and have a nice day. Fanfic returns next week, Same Sailormoon time, same Sailormoon Fanfic site. Amanda