Hey minna! Here's chapter five, and I do hope you enjoy it. As you all should know by now (you've glanced at my readme I hope) Always a Price to Pay is in a lot of trouble....cause I get like no positive e-mail about it. I will be starting votes today! If you want me to keep AAPTP going, then e-mail me at Neoqueenserena@hotmail.com. If you do not want me to keep it going then e-mail me at BabySerry@hotmail.com, I will stop excepting votes next Sunday. I will be alternating from First Person to Third person quite frequently, has anyone noticed I've been doing that yet? Just remember that every time I talk in First Person, it's our beloved Darien speaking. Anyway, I appreciate all the mail I got for this story and I am happy to present to you Lover's Prayer Chapter 5: My Angel I stared at her in amazement, has she gotten even more beautiful since the last time I saw her?! I could see the shocked expression on her face, and I've seen it before; the look she gave me when I had to break up with her. Her delicate face was forcing a smile, I could see her trying not to cry, and she held out a shaky hand to me. "Nice to meet you Darien, my names Serena." She stated flatly. Did she just act like she didn't know me?!?!?! to say the least I was confused. "Serena what are you talking about, you know me already." I guess my voice sounded a little too pleading, but what am I supposed to do? The women I love has just come back into my life and she pretends she doesn't even know who I am. Love is stressful. I could see that look in her eyes again; that pained look that always lets me know that I've done something wrong to hurt her. "I'm sorry you must've mistaken me for some one else." I couldn't understand it. I really couldn't. Maybe it's just the way I am. All I know is that if Kayla weren't there I would not be able to keep from holding her whether she liked it or not. I could see the clear confusion on Kayla's face and figured she was just as I was; confused and absolutely speechless. "Must've then." I said, she smiled at her sister again just as Mina and Raye came right up behind Serena. They looked at me in amazement. "Dar.......Darien! Is it really you?!?!?!" Mina nearly screamed and I could see the stars in Raye's eyes, I wish she'd get over me already...... after a while it becomes quite annoying. "So this must have been where you went when you took off Darien!" Raye giggled. Kayla looked at me strangely then she looked at Serena and I think she knew already. "Serena, you do know Darien don't you?" Kayla asks sincerely. Serena looked like she was in a massive panic attack, and that's when the tears gates burst. "YES!!!! I know that inconsiderate JERK! He means NOTHING TO ME NOW! And every time I try to forget all the pain he put me through.....he comes trotting back into my life and expects me to be all happy like I used to!" Serena screamed, tears slowly slid down her now flushed, angery face. I have never heard Serena so mad in my life. Her words hurt me dearly and I could feel a shatter in my soul where her memory once bubbly and happy, now cold and unforgiving......just like me. "Sere....are you ok?" Kayla whispered, putting a hand on Serena's shoulder. Serena just looked at her coldly. "Mina, Raye I think it's time we went back to the others." Mina and Raye just nodded, they too were a little shocked at what had just happened. "This is where were staying Kay, if you need to get a hold of me." She gave her the number of the room she was staying in and Kayla smiled alittle. "Sere guess what.....I'm right next to you." Serena smiled again and hugged Kayla. I just stood there and stared, what else could I do.....I mean, Serena is only two doors away from me but her soul was a million miles away. I wonder why Kayla didn't say anything? "Well that'll be convenient then." Serena sniffed, holding her head down staring at the asphalt. I wanted to run to her, hold her, kiss her, tell her that it was all a big mistake and that I love her more then anything in this world, but no, all I did was stand there, like a cold statue respresenting all the hurt and pain loving me can cause a person. Call it sulking, call it whatever you wish but let it be known that I have never felt so bad about living then I do at this very moment. Kayla looked at me sympathetically and I gave her a weak smile, and then she had a look of mischief in her eyes. ?What are you up to Kayla' I thought staring at her quizzically. "Hey Serena, since you guys are going back to the hotel, why don't we walk with you, and then you Mina and Raye can come over to my room and we can have a sleep over....you know to catch up." Serena smiled and was about to say no when Mina spoke up. "Yeah that would be great!!!" "Yeah I agree with Mina......come on Serena it'll be fun." Raye enthused. Serena sighed in defeat and nodded her still fallen head slowly. "Great! Ok lets go!" "But..." Serena started, "what do we do about Lita and Amy?" "Well I want to meet all of your friends Serena so bring them too." Kayla smiled. How was I supposed to deal with this? I mean honestly, I have no idea how long I'm gonna be staying at that hotel with Serena so close to me, or worse, how long she's gonna be there? I made my decision, I'm gonna make amends now! While I still can. "Onyah what are you doing?" Shane asked, watching as Onyah stopped right in front of their house. She was biting her finger nails, a bad habit she pick up when she lived in Saskatchewan. Onayh looked at Shane and smiled. "I just remembered that I forgot my.........skates in Kayla's room." Shane looked at her quizzically. "Ummm darlin.....your skates are right behind your back." Onyah's eyes shot up and she thought quickly. "Not these ones....my LUCKY skates." She bit her nails again and Shane shrugged off the feeling that something was wrong. He took Onyah's skates from behind her back and gave her a light kiss on the cheek. "Well I'll stay here and you can go get them." "Thanks honey." She waved as he walked back into the house. Onyah turned around and began walking towards the Stockman's Hotel. ?I know something's up.' Onyah thought as she pulled out a cigarette from her pocket. Looking over each shoulder, she held up her index finger and a small flame appeared on the tip. Putting it to her cigarette, she sucked slowly and blew out the flame. I know it's short but I couldn't think of anything else to write:) have I got you utterly confused about Onyah yet? Hehehehehe that's the plan:) well tell me what you think! Thanks a bunch to Mishi Kawaii (sorry I haven't e-mailed you in a while Mishi I had finals and stuff and I can't apologize enough:)) Jade has been a big help in keeping me writing.... thanks Jade:) Sidnei, thanks for your support:) Alicia Blade, Usagi Chiba and all those other wonderful author's :) Love, Peace and Harmony to you all