Sorry we've been a little lax on getting chapter 2 out. School and stuff.. y'know how it is.. This Chapter is rated pg13 because there is a little bit of sexual content (BS: Here Mishi! It's Finally finished! So don't kill me!) (SN: Serry, talking to your imaginary friends again?) (BS: Mishi are you hearing this? She thinks your imaginary) (SN: I know! She's your imaginary lesbian sex slave) (BS: Don't listen to her Mishi, she's on something) Priestess Mamoru by BabySerry and Serry's Nightmare (A.K.A. CanuckHippieChick) chapter2: Mother Mamoru!? "Ahhhh this is one of my finest achievements." Alberto beamed. Mamoru stood in front of a full length mirror admiring himself. Mamoru was wearing a long white dress and a long black wig bound in ropy braids intertwined with flowers. His legs were bare except for a pair of brown sandals that covered his now baby coloured toe nails. A pale blue satin. hooded cape rested on his shoulders and around his neck lay a silver crescent moon necklace much like the one Mamoru had first seen Serenity wearing. Alberto and Haruka had made him a mask to soften his VERY masculine chin. (BS. Well of course he has a masculine chin......HE'S A MAN!!) (SN. He's also a priestess) (BS. Screw you hippie!) His bushy eyebrows were plucked and tapered to make his eyes sparkle with innocence. "These are the times I love my work." Alberto stood putting the finishing touches on Mamoru's getup. Mamoru could barely recognize himself. Haruka, trying with all her power not to break out in a fit of laughter, patted Alberto approvingly on the shoulder. "Now that's art." Haruka giggled kissing her fingers like a chef who just finished a succulent dish. Mamoru looked himself up and down and smiled. "Now I'm my kind of woman!" "But there's something missing." Alberto said. "What could possibly be missing.....I'm stunning...I turn myself on." Mamoru blushed at his last comment. Suddenly a lightbulb appeared over Haruka's head and she patted Mamoru on the chest. " forgot his breasts." Haruka smiled wickedly as Mamoru paled. "Oh my what a faux pas. We must correct that at once." Alberto went into the back room and rummaged through his makeup drawer. "Oh darnit!" Alberto cursed as he walked out of the back room holding a sympathy belt. Haruka fell to the ground laughing hysterically. "Well...hehehehehehehehe.....Mamoru...hehehehehehe...guess your gonna be a pregnant priestess hahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!" (BS. That was not in the original story line!) (SN. Thats why it's called ?Authors license') (BS. Oh brother!) Mamoru paled "Pregnant? I can't be pregnant! How am I supposed to become a priestess if I'm pregnant? Let alone get close to Serenity, I'll barely be able to walk in that thing?" "It's all we have right now...I forgot there's a Celebrity Transvestite Convention in Kamloops this weekend, we're out of body suits." Said Alberto as he held the rubber flesh coloured device up to Mamoru. "Mamoru, think of it this way" added Haruka "Priestesses are not like Nuns, they think sex and pregnancy are sacred. Tell them your husband died in a tragic car crash and you had a spiritual awakening. They're very sympathetic to new mothers.." That last word dissolved in a fit of barely stifled laughter. "Also if you're expecting they won't make you dance naked" "Dance naked???" Mamoru cried "" "You know...Beltane,...orgiastic fertility dances... Greenwood Marriages. How do you expect to become a Priestess if you don't know their practices." Haruka rolled her eyes to the sky in exasperation. "I didn't...I mean I thought..." Mamoru stammered "You thought all they did was sit around and embroider? They're not Quilters or Nuns Mamoru. They're Pagan women. They are very open about everything including sexuality. They even use the word ?Menstruation'" Haruka dug around in her pocket, finding a card she wrote a phone number on the back of it "This woman is a friend of mine, she trains Priestesses for the Moonkingdom. Tell her you've never done this before but would like to take an apprenticeship course. She's a great teacher. Her name is Maeve" "Thanks," Mamoru said tucking the card in the pocket of his dress. Alberto gathered up some more clothes from around the store, mostly simple things, peasant skirts, cotton blouses and shoes. "You'll need more the one dress if you are going to be keeping this up for awhile. If you need any more just let me know." Mamoru went into the back room and put the sympathy belt on. He emerged, fully endowed and ready to begin his quest. Alberto put his hand on Mamoru's shoulder. "Congratulations cousin!" he said "You're going to be a mother!" The conversation with Maeve didn't go quite as well however, she grilled him for an hour asking about "herself". Mamoru introduced himself as Marianne, an expectant mother whose husband had died in a freak accident. He worked as a conductor for Rocky Mountain Railtours and one of the cars fell over on him and squeezed his intestines through his ears like a tube of toothpaste. (BS. Eeeeeeewwwwwww *must* you be so graphic!) (SN. You want it to be tragic right?) (BS. Tragic but not utterly disgusting) (SN. You don't know what disgusting things lurk in my mind...hoooboy!) (BS. Oh I think I do) He claimed he had always been drawn to the mysticism of the moon and after the tragedy had begun seeking solace in the Goddess of the Moon rather than his Christian upbringing. Maeve listened thoughtfully then gave him the address to the Priestess Training center. Mamoru breathed a sigh of relief, he found her voice very commanding and intimidating. He immediately pictured a drill sargent in sandals and caftan but then shook that thought away. "She's probably just used to talking like that in front of her classes" he said to himself. The next day he got up early and put on his priestess gear making sure to do everything exactly right as not to arouse any suspicion. He drove down to the priestess training center, a retreat east of Kamloops in a beautiful wild desert area. Mamoru walked over to the main wooden building, silently thanking the Goddess that Priestesses wore sandals and not spike heels. He stood on a small gravel walkway surrounded by pines and looked around there was barely anyone there. ?I wonder if I'm early' Mamoru thought, checking his watch. ?Nope I'm right on time.' He heard a light airy laugh and turned to see a group of women coming around the side of the cabin. They were dressed similar to him in simple white cotton and sandals. Their hair was long and worn loose so it swept around their shoulders casually. "Excuse me...I mean Excuse me." Mamoru said trying to make his voice more feminine but failing miserably as he walked up to the group of ladies. They giggled softly. "My your voice is rough." One of the women said, brushing her hair back over her shoulders. Mamoru fidgeted nervously. ?Oh how do I cover this one up' he thought. "So what! Janis Joplin had a rough voice and she was a rock legend! A lot of men find my voice sexually stimulating...better than Viagara even.!!!!" Mamoru blurted out immediately smacking himself over the head. ?Nice one Roo....make them think your sex starved maniac' (BS. Again with the Roo.....he doesn't call himself ROO!) (SN. He could!) (BS. Not my Mamoru!) (SN. No, not your sex crazed cross dressing freak!) (BS. Screw you Hippie!) The women look startled as Mamoru turned five shades of purple...they gathered around him. "Oh honey we didn't mean to hurt your feelings" a tall blonde said putting her arms around him. "We are all sisters here...sisters of the moon" (SN: Sistahhs of the moooooooooon! That's a Stevie Nicks song ) (BS: Could you get your mind off of your lesbian celebrity sex fantasies for one minute please?!) (SN: Engage in centrifugal motion with your person you member of 1960's youth counterculture!!!) (BS: whaaa?) (SN: That's college talk for "Screw You Hippie") "My name is Arianrhod," the blonde said drawing back from him. "And you're very pregnant!" she laughed lightly touching Mamoru's fake abdomen. "Must be a wonderful experience....your a regular earth goddess!" "No I'm not.....I'm a moon goddess!" Mamoru says proudly. (BS. WHAT THE HELL!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!) (SN. YAAA MAMORU! YOU GO GIRL!!!! GODDESSNESS! YOU SPICE PRIESTESS YOU! ) (BS. *groan*) "I like your enthusiasm....but there is only one moon Goddess and you won't get anywhere until you remember why don't you and get your pregnant butt into the class room so I can teach you properly!" Boomed a thunderous voice from behind him. Trembling, Mamoru turned around and yelped slightly as the sight of a very large drill sargent like woman in a Caftan, her arms crossed over her chest. Her hair pulled into such a tight bun that no strand dared to sneak out. She wore a white dress, similar to Mamoru's, that floated around her like a tent. One her fore arm lay a tattoo that read ?Obey or Die' in big red letters. Mamoru slunk back in utter terror and almost ran into the building. The women stuck out her hand. "I am Maeve, your teacher and thug for all I suggest you pay attention...I also have a licence to kill!" (SN. There is no such thing as a licence to kill!!! You've been watching James bond too much!) (BS. Hey I like Sean Connery! And Pierce Brosnan has a tight ass!) (SN. True could see the date on a dime in those pockets) (BS. *drool* no kidding) Mamoru swallowed hard, and managed to squeak out, "I am Marianne... pppppl...pleased to" "DO NOT TRY TO SUCK UP TO ME!!!!!! I detest brown nosers." Maeve groaned, "so kindly remove your lips from my ass and get inside." "Yes ma'am." Mamoru shuddered. She looked at him coldly. "When your in my class you address me as sir......and before you say my name you refer to me as Lady do I make myself clear." Maeve commanded. "Crystal sir.....lady......SIR!" Maeve directed Mamoru and the ladies into a clean wooden hallway. The room smelled faintly of frankincense and flowers. They entered a very large room that looked like it might have been a mess hall for the campground at one time. There was a fireplace at the far back wall with a chimney made of smooth round stones that extended up to the broad beamed ceiling. The room still retained the smell of pine and cedar from the wood paneled floor and walls. Four wide windows cast oblique shadows and reddish gold sunlight all over the room. Maeve walked over to the fireplace and lit a candle, then she moved to each corner of the room lighting each of the four candles that marked the elemental corners. The pillars of white beeswax on long copper stands glowed faintly. "Ladies," Maeve said "I am going to cast the sacred space...everyone of you stand in a large circle around the room." The priestesses joined hands and formed the circle. Mamoru stood next to Arianrhod, his hand growing sweaty in hers. Maeve removed a small dagger from the mantlepiece of the fireplace and proceeded to walk clockwise around the inside of the circle pointing the dagger outward...Mamoru cringed. "I can't believe they let her handle weapons" he whispered to Arianrhod "is she going to kill us?" Arianrhod giggled "She's directing energy outward to create a protective's where priestesses do their rituals." Maeve glared in Arianrhod's direction, silencing her. "I will answer any questions that your little friend wants to ask Arianrhod! Understand!" "Yes Sir! Lady Maeve!" she replied. Mamoru cringed. Maeve returned to the fireplace and drew a small pentagram to close the circle. "The circle is would anyone like to volunteer to call the corners? about our new and so talkative young lady here" Maeve pointed the dagger at Mamoru's throat. Beads of sweat trickled down the back of his wig as he stepped forward. "How do you enter this circle?" she asked. "Uhhh...huh?...." "How do you enter this circle?!" she asked again, louder this time. "Ummm...very well thank you" he squeaked. "Mummy" "This woman wants to be a priestess and she can't even enter a circle!" Maeve cried. Mamoru turned around. His eyes filled with panic met Arianrhod's. She mouthed something to him...he shook his head. "With perfect lust and purple trucks!" he shouted back at her. The other priestesses in the circle giggled aloud. Maeve nearly cracked a smile herself. Arianrhod stepped forward shouting angrily "With perfect love and perfect trust! How is she supposed to know that! This is her first day!" "That's enough Arianrhod!" Maeve cried "I expect my students to want to be here, which is why expect them to have learned enough about our traditions before coming to class that we don't have to cover the mundane aspects and we can get right into the nitty gritty." "But still you could try cutting her a break, she is pregnant after all!" "That is enough! You will be quiet until I tell you to talk. The priestess is going to call the corners...then the circle will begin.!" turning to Mamoru she said "How do you enter the circle?" "With perfect love and perfect trust" Mamoru answered with a little more confidence. Maeve handed him the dagger and said "Start with the north" "North?" he paled..."where's north." "Let me help her" Arianrhod spoke again...then remembering stood back. "Arianrhod you can help her this once," Maeve seemed calmer this time. She pointed the dagger to the younger girl. "How do you enter the circle?" "With perfect love and perfect trust." Arianrhod took the dagger and lead Mamoru over to the candle by the fireplace. "Watch me do this one and you can then do the next one." Arianrhod held her arms up in the air and said "Hail the guardians of the watchtowers of the north, house of earth... guide us in this time of discovery and learning" she took several deep breaths and then put her hands on her stomach. The two then walked over to the next candle by the window. "Say what I said but exchange North with East and Earth with Air...then put your hands out and feel the power of air." "H...Hail.." "Louder please!" Maeve called out "we can't hear you back here" "Hail to the guardians of the watchtowers of the nor...I mean.. EAST!...'s of air. Guide us in this time of journey." "Discovery" "discovery.." Mamoru put his hands out. "I don't feel nothing" he whispered "Exactly...air is the element of space, absence...focus on feeling the spaces between your fingers...then picture a wide deep chasm in the desert." Suddenly Mamoru felt a rush of energy flow between his passed through him and lifted his hair. The other priestesses felt it too and murmured. The candle flickered. Mamoru and Arianrhod moved to the southern quarter and Mamoru said the chant again. This time Arianrhod told him to put his hands up and feel the warmth of the sun for the power of fire. His arms grew warm and he suddenly felt awakened and full of physical energy. "This is better than caffeine" he whispered. After Mamoru and Arianrhod had finished Maeve let the rest of the priestesses into the circle. They all sat down and Maeve introduced Mamoru to all of them. "This is Marianne, she's new to the class. We are going to have to find an appropriate name for you though" "Why?" "All priestesses have a magickal name that is different from their own name, it is used in sacred religious rituals and between yourself, the gods and other priestesses. You don't share it with anyone else. It is usually the name of a character from mythology...have you any in mind" " about Endymion" Mamoru suggested, he knew very little mythology but for some reason that name stuck out for him. Maeve laughed "Endymion!!! that's a man dear...Endymion was the lover of Selene the moon don't want to be named after a man do you?" "Ummm...I guess not." Mamoru blushed "I don't know much mythology though" "Well...any suggestions ladies?" Arianrhod spoke up "How about Rhiannon?" "There's three Rhiannons already...I think we need to get off the Rhiannon boat... my Goddess there's too many Stevie Nicks fans in this group!" "I was only suggesting that because she is a mother...Rhiannon was a mother Goddess in Welsh mythology. She was the sovereign queen of the otherworld" Arianrhod protested. "Arianrhod is an English major and a Celtic scholar...everything with her is Welsh this and Welsh that" Maeve said rolling her eyes. "Well I don't care for Stevie Nicks that much...and I'm not Welsh my family is Japanese" Mamoru offered. (SN Gasp!!! how can anyone not like Stevie Nicks she's a rock legend!!!!! you take that back right now!) (BS I don't and I won' are just obsessed that's all) (SN: and look whose talking Mrs. Sailor Moon Fanatic) (BS: Heyyyyy mannn...don't make fun of Sailor Moon...remember you're writing a SM story!) (SN: oh...uh yeah...I have nothing against SM honest. I just like bugging my sister about it) "Japanese? Eh... I don't know much Japanese mythology.." Maeve said thoughtfully. "I know one...there's a legend about the moon in Japanese mythology...well it's not really mythology but they swear they saw a bunny in the moon." a small redhead spoke up "I took Japanese in high her name can be...let me think....I know! Usagi Tsukino! Bunny on the moon!" (BS: brilliant! Now not only is he a woman, and a priestess but he's the woman he's in love with. That'll be one hell of a honeymoon! I'm being sarcastic here.) (SN: well duh! And anyway it makes things more interesting) Mamoru looked at the small freckled face that had given him his name. He had heard that name somewhere before but it seemed out beyond the reaches of his mind. "I like that" he said. "Thank you Lilith" Maeve said addressing the redhead then turning back to Mamoru. "Alright you are now Usagi Tsukino to us and to the you have any objections?" "No Lady Maeve sir" he replied. "Sister Usagi, take your place in the circle...everyone, introduce yourself to Usagi Tsukino...I am Lady Maeve" Arianrhod spoke up "I am Arianrhod" the rest of the ladies introduced themselves, Lilith, Selene, three Rhiannons, Hecate, Demeter, Morrigan, two Guiniveres, a Nimue and a Persephone. Fifteen in all. "There will only be three of you who will make it to the moonkingdom this season...the high Priests and Priestesses of the moon only wish to take three per season. The rest of you will continue to train under my watchful eye until either you go to the moonkingdom or you become high Priestesses yourselves. Either way please remember you are on a spiritual path and that requires also requires you to release your old perceptions of womanhood." Maeve stood up and circled the group "You are not baby factories, you are not temptresses, you are not second class citizens, you are not sex objects. You are the incarnates of the Goddess. You carry with you Her strength, Her power and Her love. What is between your legs is as sacred as any altar. It is a cave of wonders. It is the fountain of life itself....your monthly blood flow is not disgusting, it is not a curse it is the natural magick of the moon and life itself. I want you all to stand up right now and remove your clothes." Mamoru turned ashen "w...wh...why? I mean I feel pretty embarrassed...being pregnant and all" "Honey, there's nothing to be ashamed of. You body is swollen with life. Be proud Earth Goddess..." Arianrhod interjected slipping out of her dress. "I mean...I mean..."suddenly the room was full of naked women...Mamoru began to feel a swelling of a different kind watching them move about the circle totally skyclad. Breasts and legs everywhere, tanned arms embracing other tanned arms. A sisterhood of nature. Mamoru cried out as the swelling crashed into the tight rubber body suit and was suddenly squeezed...he doubled over in pain. The sisters all surrounded him. "I think she might be having labour pains....we'd better get her to a doctor" "Wow a birth in our circle...what an experience!" "I'm okay...I just need to lie down" Mamoru exclaimed...the sisters lead him to a small sofa on the far side of the room... "Will you be okay?" Lilith asked "I'll be fine...It's not labour...the baby's just real...umm...fussy today" "Well don't exert yourself too can watch the class from here" (SN: Ya know Serry...I betcha he would have loved to spank his monkey right there) (BS: You sick freak!) (SN: *sings to the tune of Peter Gabriel's "Shock the Monkey"* Spank the wanna spank the monkey...spank the monkey tonight. I just love saying that) (BS: Okay) (SN: Spankspankspankspankspankspankspankspank) (BS: Okay Already!) (SN: Thehthethethethethethethethethethethe) (BS: Alright enough!) (SN:MonkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkeymonkeyMONKEY!!!) (BS: WOULD YOU SHUT UP ABOUT THE %$@*^ING MONKEY ALREADY!!!!! LET'S WRITE THE STORY!) (SN: okay...touch-y!...sheesh! Spankthemonkeytonight) (BS: I heard that!) Mamoru spent the rest of the class watching the processions. For the next few weeks he diligently attended each class, eventually he learned all of the Priestesses' practices, their spiritual beliefs and their traditions. He found he enjoyed it very much and began to excel at it. Summer turned into autumn, several moon rituals came and went and Mamoru became good friends with all of the Priestesses, especially Arianrhod. They went out for coffee all the time and talked till the wee hours in the morning. Arianrhod told him her upbringing in California, then the three years she spent studying in England. Mamoru tried to avoid lying to her as much as possible, he felt a strong friendship with her. Meanwhile he kept up the guise of being female and pregnant with the help of Big Gay Al. He gave Mamoru a larger sympathy belt to feign the appearance of an increasing pregnancy. One day, in particular, four days before Mabon, the autumnal equinox festival, Maeve gathered the class in the large wood paneled hallway. Instead of beginning by casting the circle Maeve bid all fourteen priestesses to sit down. "Before we begin, I want to tell you that I got a letter from the Moonkingdom today, we're to send three new priestesses up to the moonkingdom after Mabon. I was asked to send the three most dedicated pupils from my class and I will tell you that task was not easy. You all have done quite well in learning our ways. Nevertheless I have decided. The three priestesses that will go to the moonkingdom are. Arianrhod, Usagi Tsukino and Rhiannon." "Which Rhiannon?" the three of them cried in unison. All three of them were dark haired girls with brown eyes. Two of them were sisters who spent most of their time goofing off. The third, was older, about twenty eight or thirty and shared Maeve's sense of order. "Rhiannon of the Faerie" Maeve said pointing to the tallest woman on the left. "You other two need to stop talking to each other and start paying more attention in class from now for our three ladies who will be journeying to the moonkingdom, you all need to pack well." Maeve turned to Mamoru "Usagi, your baby should be due fairly soon... therefore I'm wondering if you should go or not?" Mamoru stood up "I can have my baby on the moon! I'll raise her there... its safer anyway right?! I mean I want to go really badly..." Maeve thought for a moment, "I think it would be better for your baby on the moon...but will you be able to make the trip?" "Oh yes! Yes!" Mamoru cried, still holding on to the picture of Serenity he kept in his pocket. "Well then, In four days you will be on the moonkingdom." After the festival had come and gone, Mamoru, Arianrhod and Rhiannon gathered in a circle as Maeve gave them final instructions and wished them well. "Before you teleport off to the moon," Maeve said "There is one more thing I'd like to teach you..because you will be trying to teach to a little moon brat like Princess Serenity, I have made up a special prayer for you to say when she pisses you off. Trust me she will. Every Priestess who has returned from the moonkingdom has had to go through severe therapy. Keep this prayer in your mind when she is chewing on your sanity." Maeve and the others joined hands and bowed their heads. "This is the Serenity Prayer...repeat after me. "Great Mother of the moon and the earth grant me the serenity to teach Serenity to the best of our ability to not hold her head under the fountain until she becomes unconscious or to tie her to a tree by her freakin' pigtails and bat her around like a tetherball and the wisdom to know the difference." Mamoru paled and whispered "What have I gotten myself into?" As they were suddenly surrounded by an aura of white energy until they became that energy. Then they were gone. Well finally we're done...this is the great chapter two that took two months to finish! E-mail us (That means both of us!) Any comments, flames or whatever. In the next chapter Mamoru battles the evil Serenity bwahahahahaha (BS: WHAT? She's not Evil!!! you hippie) (SN: ohyeah ooooooohhhhhh she's bad! She's the evil scary meatball spice! Hide your children! And your chocolate cake!) (BS: Screw You hippie!)