Battie Hi again! I know that the last chapter was pretty corny, okay REALLY corny, but I wasn't supposed to send that chapter, I accidently hit send instead of save (slightly embarrassed laugh). Oh well, this one will be better. As I said in that read me thing I wrote, if you liked that story 'The Awakening' i started, write me at and tell me. Otherwise I'm not going to write anymore on it. Anyway, on with the story. The Removal of Tuxedo Kamen chapter 6 ------------------------------------------ a few months after fight with Mamoru ------------------------------------------ In an abandoned building in downtown Tokyo a ball of light appeared floating in the air. When the light disappeared a hunched form was visible on the floor. The form slowly uncurled and stood up to reveal a tall raven haired girl. The girl was dressed in a leather bodysuit, thigh high boots, and leather gloves that reached midway up her arm. Golden eyes flashed in the light as she slowly surveyed the room and bent to punch something in a little black machine strapped to her arm. After conversing with it for a few minutes she snapped it shut and went in search for her quarry. "So Jiro, were did you live before coming to Tokyo University?" Rei asked suspiciously. She had been getting odd vibes from him all day and, to say the least, it was getting slightly irritating. "Oh, I moved around alot, because my father was in the army. Japan just appealed to me ever since first came here, about 10 years ago." Rei jerked in her seat when Makoto lightly tapped her in the ribs with her elbow. "Rei," Makoto whispered, "is that Mamoru-san over there hiding in the bushes?" Well, Makoto had whispered a tad too loud. All the girls turned to stare at a disheveled Mamoru on the ground, next to the bushes, with a sweat drop on his head. Giving a quick look around, and running a hand through his hair, Mamoru practically ran out of the arcade. "Ummmm....that was odd," Usagi said under her breath. She had been seeing Mamoru alot in the past few months, all in the oddest places. Just then a tall girl, about their age, walked in, wearing a strange leather get up (I'm sure i don't need to describe it again folks, if you don't remember look at the beginning of story). "Hey, look at her Mako-chan. She looks even more scary then you used to," Usagi said laughingly at the slightly miffed burnette, "let's go say hi. That is if you don't mind staying here with Rei, Jiro." Jiro at Usagi charming smile while saying he didn't mind at all. "I don't think you should Usagi-chan. I'm getting funny vibes from her." Rei said in a low voice while staring at the raven haired girl. "Oh, don't be so stuffy rei. I'm not as irresponsible as I used to be. I mean, look at me. I brought my average up to a B, which is still rising, I improved my fighting skills a 100%, and I'm hardly ever late. I just like to be friendly, that's all." Usagi said reassuringly. Rei had to admit that Usagi had done a complete 180 from her former self. She was totally different. The only thing that bothered Rei was the occasional moods she caught usagi in, it didn't happen often because Usagi was careful to make sure nobody was paying attention when she lapsed into them. When questioned she just said that she just missed Mamoru sometimes, since he was her first love and all. To top it off Chibi-Usa's hair had turned completely blond and her right eye had followed it's pairs choice of color. Nobody understood why it had happened. She looked so much like usagi that it was scary at times. Chibi-Usa had also hit it off with Jiro at first sight, saying that he reminded her of her daddy. Everyone liked Jiro though. He was like the perfect specimen of a young man. Even Mr. Tsukino liked him, which was odd because he never liked Mamoru. They went out fishing together and everything. Jiro was so perfect that it was frightning. The girl was sitting in her stool trying to think of what to do about finding the person she was sent after when she heard a bubbly hello behind her. Turning around she saw a cheerful blond with the strangest hairdo and a tall burnette standing beside her. The burnette in particular caught her attention because she was tense, almost like she was about to jump her if she made the sligtest move towards the blond. "Hello," she returned warily. "I'm Tsukino Usagi and this is Kino Makoto (that is right, isn't it?)." She smiled politely. "My friend's call me Raven." ------------------------------------------Does Usagi still feel something for Capeboy? Is Capeboy turning into a stalker? Who is the leather clad girl called Raven, and what does she want? all will be revealed in chapter 7, well maybe. --- Battie Get your FREE Email at Get your PERSONALIZED START PAGE at