Subject: The Removal of Tuxedo Kamen--chapter 9 The Removal of Tuxedo Kamen chapter 9 by battie ------------------------------------------ "You can call me Raven." Usagi immediatly recognized who it was. And so it seemed, did Raven. "Why, hello Usagi-san, what a pleasent surprise. These other scouts must be your four best friends that are always with you. What was it know? Hmmm....oh yes, Rei, Ami, Makoto, and Minako," Raven said while pointing to each scout. "Now that the weak little monster is gone, I have a question to ask you. Do you know where the Lord Elemental is?" "And why would we tell you if we did?" Rei's feather's were a little ruffled by raven's mastery of the fire element. She was, if she admitted it to herself, a tiny bit jealous of the ease in which she called her fire power. "Be quiet for a second Mars," Usagi said to rei, Usagi had decided to play it safe for a while, after all they didn't know if she was an enemy yet. Turning back to Raven, "We haven't seen him since our last fight. Why?" After a moment of debating with herself Raven decided to tell the scouts of her reasons to come after Lord Elemental. "Do you have a safer place to talk other than this?" All in all it was decided that Hikawa Shrine was the safest. Taking off in that direction they were all silently thinking the same thing. 'Why is she after Lord Elemental?' When they got there they all powered down, so rei's grandpa wouldn't see them on accident, excluding Raven since she was in her everyday clothes already. Settling down in Rei's room Raven started her story. (okay people the story just going to be writen down, no he said/she said) Her race were called the elementals. Each and everyone of her people controlled some kind of power, it was all a matter of how much a person had. It was very rare to have someone who could control all of the elements, some of the rarer people were starting to control different, alien kinds of magic. Things like telepathy, and telekinesis, though it was only the new generation that were getting these. In the cities there were schools to teach the children with bigger amounts of power. Village's were checked every year for new children who showed the extra amount of power. Their whole goverment was run by people with varying degrees of magic. The strongest being the High King, the next level would be the lower Kings, and so on, the lowest being the peasents. I was born to a poor village out quite a ways from a city, so they didn't find me until I was 6 years old. When they did they took me from my family to go train at one of the higher school's, since I showed a great amount of power. When I got there I meet the Lord Elemental, then known as Toshiro Yokiko (heh heh, added a little pun, first= talented; second=boy who walks alone. in first/last order). When we met he was 9 years old. We became fast friend's, despite the age difference. Hiro seemed to be the perfect student, while I always had trouble with the rules. My power soon matched up with hiro's, much to the teacher's amazement. Even though hiro and I competed they remained friend's until he was apprenticed, at the age of 13, to the great Lord Elwain, reputed to deal in the dark magic, though no one could prove anything. Hiro had tried to get out of it, saying that the man was mad, but i knew part of his reasoning was his fear. After all, he was still only a kid. After hiro left he stayed in touch through letters for about 6 months, then he just stopped writing. After about 3 months the rumors started up, Lord Elwain had found an heir. It was said that his heir was learning all of the dark arts from him. I refused to think of the possibility of Hiro being that person. By the time I was finished with my schooling i was considered the best that the school had had in years. I had the powers of telepathy, telekinesis, and controlled all the elements with the skill of a master. I was still, as of yet, not even finished training and discovering all of my talents in magic. This was why I was able to start my apprenticeship at the age of 11, far younger than most. The person I apprenticed with was the Lady Lolvan, an eccentric woman who demanded the best. She also happened to own the castle nearest Lord Elwain. I was estatic when I heard her place of residence. She turned out to be quite nice, although a little odd at times. I had been there for 2 months, learning her trade when we were invited to a social gathering at Lord Elwain's. An hour after our arrival I saw him, his changes in the last few months were so dramatic that even I barely recognized him. That was when it all started really. And to make a long story short, the Lord Elwain had turned Hiro against the good, into the embrace of darkness. Their crimes were subtle at first, but as it always goes, they got bolder. Near the end he started calling himself Samuru (HINT) as in God's name, he thought himself a god, because of the level of his power. I was sent after him because they tried to assasinate the high king and take the throne. We caught Elwain and hung him for a traitor. Now we just have to find Hiro." "Hmmm.....for some reason that name sounds familar," Usagi muttered to herself. She continued out loud "It must be hard to go after your best friend." Raven looked grim. "My best friend died six months after he left. The creature he has turned into is no longer a friend." Usagi and the others departed the shrine, all thinking about Raven's tale. The next day Usagi decided to look up on Jiro at his apartment building. 'Oh man! How could I forget which one?' Spotting a row of mailbox's Usagi looked for Jiro's name. 'YES! Benjiro....SAMURU?!?!?!?' Just then usagi felt a steel like hand grab her from behind. ------------------------------------------ okay see ya later! battie Get your FREE Email at Get your PERSONALIZED START PAGE at