Battie okay, back once again folks. All the usual disclaimers, blah blah blah. okay, i realize that my story has veered alittle off course, but oh well, here goes chapter 11. Oh yeah, some of SM's spells and maybe some of the scouts, will be in latin. Now I'm NOT a fluent latin speaker (i've never even taken the class, it justs sounds pretty cool), so if this is wrong, which it most likely will be, don't flame me excessively. Oh, one other thing, i know i haven't mentioned chibiusa in a while so i'll try in this one. The Removal of Tuxedo Kamen chapter 11 ----------------------------- "I still don't understand why this is happening," Usagi muttered, confused by the explanation. "A great battle is approaching. You've been given these powers so you'll be able to defeat your enemy when the final battle approaches." Darlon said, in way of explanation, "these powers you have received are only given to the heir of the moon kingdom in the most dire situations; being that the luner race is generally a peace loving people. I have come to teach you how to use your newly acquired powers, to cultivate them, so to speak." Darlon had showedup out of no where after the last battle, claiming to be her new mentor. After a heated discussion with the over protective luna, he took over Usagi's training completely, leaving the disgruntled cat to help artemis show the senshi their new powers, since their power level increased right along with Sailor Moon's. All the new transformation sticks looked the same, instead of the planet's sign on top, a small orb floated there, when looked into you could see the planet in question and the stars around it, like a tiny peice of space fited into the shape of child's playing ball. The staff of the stick itself was made of twisted silver and gold, roughly six inches long. Only three things on their uniforms had changed; the planet symbol was placed on their chokers, their frontal bows were black, and nestled on those bows was another small orb, like that of their transformation sticks. Luna and Artemis had their 'paws' full with the senshi's training. SM was by far the most powerful of them all though; usagi didn't even have to transform to use some of her spells. "Okay, first i want you to transform." Standing up Usagi did as she was bid. "MOON...SPIRITUAL...TRANSFORMATION!" Standing there, with the rest of the senshi and Raven (Darlon had taken a special interest in the senshi's new ally) watching, usagi felt kinda foolish. "One thing about your attacks that you need to know Serenity," Darlon insisted on calling her Serenity, "is that in your new form you are able to call upon the power of your senshi's planets." "WHAT!?!?!? I thought that our planets only responded to use?" Rei exclaimed, feeling oddly insecure about someone else being able to use her powers. "That is why this form is seldom achieved, the senshi of some planet's are not always comfortable with others being able to weld their powers." Darlon answered calmly, "Now Serenity, I want you to consentrate and try on of your senshi's planet powers." Closing her eyes and getting a mental image of Mercury calling forth her power, Usagi brought her arm up, yelling, "MERCURY..ARTICUS...NIVIS CASUS!" (mercury artic avalanche..see sounds better in latin) (hmmm....i wonder if i should keep using this?) Opening her eyes to the astonished stares of the senshi, especially Ami, Usagi looked at her target. The tree was totally covered in a ice/snow mixture. Ami, in a state of shock, could only ask on thing, "When did you learn to speak latin?" "Try again Serenity, do them all." Picking three more targets. "JUPITER...TONITRUS..CURRUS! (jupiter thunder chariot) "MARS..VENUSTUS....IGNIS....BLOOM! (mars lovely fire bloosom) "VENUS...AUREUS.....AETHEREUS! (venus golden eternity) Looking at the other three trees; one was lying in chunks around the immediate area, another was burnt to ashes, leaving only cinders, and the last was completely gone, there was no trace of it at all. Addressing the disgruntled senshi, darlon said,"even though Serenity can use your planets powers, the attacks will never be as strong as the are when welded by the planets on represenative. All the girls were getting ready to leave, after a few hours hard training, and a couple of trees, when luna stood up hissing suddenly, "There's been an attack down the road from here, hurry girls there's no time to dwadle around, let's go!" The senshi, followed by Raven, took off down the temple steps, turning to go east at top speed. Usagi was leading the group, all her excercising seemed to have done some good, with Makoto a close second. Arriving in front of a huge shopping center they ran in, to encounter the biggest monster yet. It was huge, at least 8 ft tall, with scales covering it's whole body. Raven decided to stay off to the side and watch the senshi display their new found powers. People were running around frantically, all trying to get out of the doors at the same time. The end result was a quivering mass of arms and legs; still more and more people tried to get through. The old and the weak were being trampled by the terror stricken people, the screaming was deafening. Mars ran in going for a kick for the monsters torso, changing direction right before it swung around and hit her with it's bowling ball sized fist. During the diversion, coutesy of Mars, Jupiter hit it from behind, while Mercury called on her new attack. "MERCURY...FRIGIDUS....CREMATIO! (cold combustion)" The blow, which was aimed at its head, hit the monsters arm, after a quick duck on its part, and froze it all the way to the shoulder. Jupiter swung around with a high kick, hitting the frozen arm, and it burst into tiny shards, leaving a semi-bleeding stump in its place. The scaly creature gave a sadistic grin and looked at its arm, which was even now regenerating (that's right isn't it?). Jumping up in a blur of motion it landed in front of mercury, swung around, a hit her; the force of the blow sent her flying towards jupiter, who was taken down with her after attempting to break her fall. "MARS FLAMMO PHOENIX! (flame phoenix). Mars had taken advantage of its back being turned and attacked. Deciding to fight hand-to-hand, Mars and Venus set to work while their friends were recovering. Looking off to the side, Raven saw Sailor Moon watching the fighting. It was a good thing of her to do, letting the senshi test their powers with out her interupting. At a sudden flash of shadow, raven looked over to see Lord Elemental off to the other side, having just arrived, and watching the battle. Resisting an urge to confront him she stood back in the shadows, deceiding that once the fight was over would be better, less innocent victems got hurt that way. "VENUS...AMATONUS...SERVITUS! (erotic enslavement...don't ask, just read.) Turning her attention back to the senshi she saw the monster surounded by golden rings; two wrapped around its upper body, while the others bound its legs together all the way to the ankles, while flippers in this case. While the monster was immobile jupiter started her own attack. "JUPITER....FULMEN....LAMINA! (lightning blade) A long glowing dagger appeared in Jupiters hand, which she promptly hurled at the monster, imbedding it in it's chest. Sailor Moon decided to join in and finish it off. "ARGENTUM..LUNA..BI PENNIS...OPPUGNATIO! (silver moon battle-axe attack) Hefting the huge axe over her shoulder Usagi took a flying leap towards him; swinging the axe back around she cleanly cut the creatures head from its shoulder's. Green blood spurt out like a fountain, covering her and the floor around her. Looking around she saw that once again Tuxedo Kamen was stuck on the side lines, not able to do much in the way of helping. 'Now he knows what I used to feel like. Not being able to help because your more in the way, than effective.' Usagi thought while scanning the wreakage. 'Now's my chance.' Walking over to where Lord Elemental stood staring at Sailor Moon she thought on what she had been charged to do, they had once been the best of friends, now she had to kill him. He must have sensed her presence because he turned towards her quickly. "Hello Samuru." ----------------------------------------- "There's is going to be a major battle between the pretender and the savior." The cloaked figure was surrounded by strange other-wordly creatures. "Let us only hope she can win. Else the world o' Elementals is doomed. ------------------------------------------ okay hope you like that chapter. I'll start work on the next on right away folks. write me at Get your FREE Email at Get your PERSONALIZED START PAGE at