Transformations of Time A Sailor Moon fanfic by Beholder Standard disclaimers apply. I do not own Sailor Moon, those characters are owned by Naoko Takeuchi. All other characters are owned by me. Thanks go to: DQBunny, Lady Snowbreeze, Lady Amethyst, and many others for editing/critiquing DQBunny, Ajax, Elizabeth Turkwood, Tim Nolan, and John "P-chan" Laughlin for writing some very good stories that inspired me to write this, and some ideas which I borrowed from those stories, changed and incorporated into mine. Notes: I am using the Japanese names. I have modeled the Japanese high school calendar after the USA high school calendar, just because I was more familiar with it and since I based my timelines on it, it's too late to change it now. I also do not know how Japanese high school graduations go, so once again, I modeled it after my own. Please send any comments and criticism to: Prologue: Catching Up With the Senshi Rei looked into the mirror as she finished buttoning the top buttons of her red silk blouse. She looked up at herself, and quickly shrugged, letting the blouse naturally rest on her shoulders, then smiled and quickly sighed. A faint knock came from the door to her bedroom. "Come in!" she shouted. Mamoru pushed the door open, hesitantly at first, then seeing Rei was decent, he pushed the door wide open. Mamoru was dressed in a blue Polo t-shirt and nicely-pressed khaki pants. "The ceremony is gonna start soon. Are you ready?" he asked. "One sec," she replied, then walked to her dresser, opened an ornate jewelry box, dug around for a bit, selected a gold necklace with a small open heart pendant, and put it on. "Ready!" she announced, then walked out of the room. She and Mamoru walked down a hallway, then opened a door that led to the courtyard of the Hikawa Shrine. Outside, Rei's grandfather and Yuuichirou were tending to the grounds. "We're heading out now, grandfather! I'll be out late, so don't wait up!" Rei called to her grandfather. Both he and Yuuichirou looked up briefly to wave and smile at her. Rei and Mamoru walked down the high stone stairs that led to the shrine proper to Mamoru's red Corvette that was parked right along the street in front of the shrine. They climbed into the car and sped off through the streets. A half an hour later, the red Corvette pulled up to the parking lot of Juuban High School. Dozens of people were pouring into the high school gymnasium, all dressed in semi-formal clothing of all kinds. Mamoru climbed out of the car, ran to the other side, and opened the door for Rei. She climbed out with a grin on her face, and watched as Mamoru closed the door behind her, then offered her his arm. "My, aren't we being chivalrous?" she said with a hint of sarcasm. They began to walk into the building. "I wouldn't be a proper escort otherwise," he said with a grin of his own. "Just keep your eyes peeled for Usako." "No problem, Mamoru-san. If she saw me on your arm, she'd probably go into one of her fits." Rei and Mamoru walked into the gymnasium and saw that the seats were all mostly filled. A stage was at one end of the gymnasium with two sets of stairs in front of the stage at each side and a red velvet curtain drawn closed, and along each side were two dozen pull-out bleachers. Most of the bleachers were already filled, except for the ends that were furthest from the stage. On the floor of the gymnasium where the volleyball games were usually held, about forty rows of chairs were set up with an aisle between the chairs and the bleachers as well as an aisle dividing the chairs into two sections. Rei and Mamoru walked down the center aisle, searching for some good seats, when a familiar voice called out. "Mamoru-san! Rei-chan!" Rei and Mamoru looked around for the voice, then saw in the center of the sea of folding chairs Hotaru and Setsuna, smiling and waving. Rei and Mamoru quickly moved to join them and saw that Hotaru and Setsuna had saved two seats for them, right along the center aisle. "Hello, Hotaru-chan and Setsuna-san," Rei said with a smile as she and Mamoru sat. "It was good of you both to come," Mamoru said. "It was our pleasure, especially after Usagi-chan asked us so nicely," Setsuna began. "And persistently," Hotaru added. "Usagi can be very persistent," Rei said, rolling her eyes. Mamoru chuckled, then the others joined him. The other people entering the gymnasium had been making a fairly dull roar, of private conversations and of high heels and shoes tromping along the wooden, lacquered floor. The dull roar was beginning to die down now. "It's starting," Hotaru whispered, filled with anticipation. "This is a very memorable day," Setsuna added, looking over to Rei and Mamoru who returned her glances, then all eyes focused on the stage. The curtains began to slowly open. A podium was first to be revealed with the Juuban High School logo on the front of the podium. As the curtain continued to part, several chairs on one side and behind the podium were revealed, and very important people in suits and dresses were seated in those chairs. On the other side of the podium revealed a young woman with sea-green hair holding a violin on a stool and behind her was a young blonde woman seated at a grand piano. The curtain opened completely and a few seconds later, the women began to play "Pomp and Circumstance". After a few bars of their beautiful rendition of the song, Rei leaned over to Setsuna. "Do you have any idea how Usagi talked Haruka-san and Michiru-chan into playing?" "Hai," Setsuna replied. "It didn't take much. Apparently, Haruka-san and Michiru-chan have many fans at the school. They were overwhelmed with requests and eventually agreed." "I think they're a perfect choice." "Hai, Rei-chan." As Michiru and Haruka continued their duet, a double-door opened in a corner of the gymnasium, adjacent to the stage. A line of young men and women, dressed in robes and with mortarboards on their heads with tassles drooping over the left side. The young men and women walked out and began to fill the first several rows of folding chairs on the floor. "There's Minako-chan!" Hotaru whispered. Minako looked over her shoulder and caught Rei and Mamoru. She flashed a quick "V" then focused back on the event at hand. Rei watched the line coming in, but soon, the view was obstructed by the first people who came in. After a few minutes, Michiru and Haruka concluded their song and the robed men and women sat down. The next fifteen minutes or so seemed like an eternity to Rei, as various school officals welcomed them to the "Class of '98 Graduation Ceremonies at Juuban High School" and gave speeches on why this class was so special. Rei yawned. She'd heard pretty much all the same speeches at the T*A High School Graduation Ceremony yesterday when she was the one in the robe and mortarboard. Her interest perked up again when they began to hand out the diplomas. Several people that Rei didn't know walked up on stage on the right side, walked across to the podium, accepted their diploma from the school headmaster or principal (Rei never knew which term was used here), shook hands, walked across for a photo op, then walked down the steps on the left side and returned to their original seat. "Aino Minako!" Rei began to smile at the mention of her friend's name as Minako walked up the stairs gracefully, then accepted her diploma. As Minako turned to walk down the stairs, her mind began to wander, thinking about her past achievements and when she and the other senshi nearly lost her.