Author's Notes at Bottom - Enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What Dreams May Come Chapter: 1 By: Bethany Editor: Meara Rated: PG ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The sweat rolled from Chibi-Usa's face as she sat up, her eyes wildly searching in the darkness of the room. Slowly, everything came back into focus and the frantic pounding of her heart slowed. She couldn't remember when "the dreams" started. Perhaps they been with her since she was little and she was just now remembering them. Either way, every night they become more real. The nagging sensation that they were more than just dreams grew until finally the feeling that she was had actually lived the events in her mind was overwhelming. The full moon sparkled in the clear night sky. A lone beam of moonlight filling the room with a soft glow. Tonight was a beautiful night, a night for lovers. The yeaning in her heart once more made itself known as she thought back over her dream. His face was so real, so beautiful, so handsome? and a million other words that she couldn't think of for the frantic beating of her heart. How she wished he could be here with her. But he's not, nor will he be. It is forbidden for him to leave the Land of Dreams. Leaving the young Princess with nothing but her dreams - of him. Finally she eased her head back onto the pillow. Tomorrow was another Day. Another day to try and forget her love for Helios and at the same moment try and remember his kiss when it was fresh on her lips. Maybe I should let my mother set me up with one of the Princes, Chibi-Usa thought almost bitterly, perhaps then I can move on with my life. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beyond the moon, deep into the darkness of space, a man walked slowly towards the command room. The alarm had gone off not long ago and he knew it was time. A small comet would hit Earth tonight and in the chaos and confusion that would follow - he would make his move. If it was planned perfectly; Earth would soon be his. Of course, there was the problem of that damned crystal that Neo-Queen Serenity used to protect Earth. But that was of no great importance to him at the moment. He would cross that bridge when he came to it; right now it was time. His pace quickened as he finally reached the center of his ship. "Coordinates?" he demanded. A swivel chair turned, the haunted green eyes boring out from the man sitting in it. "We are on direct course with the comet. When it penetrates the Earth's atmosphere at exactly twenty-three hundred hours, we can safely move in behind it." "What is the chance of damage to the ship?" "As of now we have heat shields up, so we should be undetected and unaffected." The man brought his hands up in front of him, barely touching the tips of his fingers together. "It won't be long now until we have Earth on her knees." "Good, very good." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Damn it..." "Mamo-chan?" Both the King and Queen sat straight up in their beds, the sound of the alarm growing more frantic and louder by each second. Neo-Queen Serenity groped through the darkness for her communicator. Finally finding it, she switched it on to see the upside down face of Ami. Quickly she turned it right side up. "Doushite no?" "Comet. Coming into Earth's atmosphere at a very fast rate, it is likely to hit the southern region of France in about six minutes and forty seconds. It could cause a lot of damage, and loss of life." "Why didn?t we didn't detect it before?" the King asked, already pulling clothes on. Serenity sat up on the side of the bed, her mind frantically trying to find ways to save the people. "Is there anyway-" Ami cut her off abruptly, shaking her head, "I have already transported Saturn there to try and make a dome big enough to hold all the people in the area." "Wake all the Senshi and transport them there to help gather people. I'll be down in a minute." Serenity quickly turned her communicator off and stood. "Those people..." she breathed. "Don't worry, Love," Endymion said reassuringly. "We can handle this. I'll wake Small Lady and the asteroid Senshi. Go on with the others." In a flash of light, Serenity disappeared. Endymion opened his communicator and pushed the all-alert button. Within seconds the lights indicating the asteroid Senshi and Chibi-Usa were listening, flashed. "There is a comet coming in Earth's atmosphere, hurry!" "Hai!" came four sleepy voices, and one oddly alert voice of the princess. ~~~~~~~~~ "Mommy? Mommy?!" The hall light flickered on and the soft sound of footsteps filled the quiet night. With a small creak of irritation, the bedroom door opened and Calley saw the familiar figure of her mother coming into her room. Within seconds, her warm embrace was chasing away the lingering nightmare. "It's okay sweetie. Everything is fine," her mother reassured her over and over, slowly rocking her back and forth. Within seconds the frightened child calmed, her heart taking on the slow, steady rhythm that would place her back in dreamland. But that was not to be. Only seconds before Calley was to shut her eyes, a light flashed across the window, followed by a large explosion. In the seconds that the woman had to react, she threw her body over her child and tightly closed her eyes against the pain as the toy shelf covering the opposite wall fell onto her back. She never knew what hit her. As soon as the explosion started, it stopped; leaving destruction and death in its path. Fires lit up the night, sirens and car alarms shrieking adding to the chaotic cacophony. Nearly an hour later, Calley slowly pushed her way from her mother's embrace and shook the woman gently. "Mommy?" When she received no response, she shook her again; more roughly. "Mommy?!" "She's gone." The small child gasped and spun around to see who was speaking. On the opposite side of the room, a yellow light shone brightly, then disappeared, revealing a young lady in a sailor suit. Calley studied the figure, rubbed her eyes, and studied it once more. She had only seen the sailor Senshi on the view screen, on the news and such. So she recognized the girl in her room as Sailor Ceres. Her mom had always told her the Senshi were good, but Calley had never known how impressive they could be in real life. The girl across from her walked with cat like movements, as if she was prepared for anything life might throw at her. When finally she reached the five-year old, Calley was sure the room was clear of danger. "Come on sweetheart, I'll take you some place safe," Sailor Ceres said, offering her hand to the small child. "But my Mommy," she whispered, her eyes looking longingly at the woman lying face down on the floor. Ceres bent down and placed her fingers on the woman's wrist. After a moment, she took a deep breath and looked at the girl with sad eyes. "I'm sorry sweetie, your Mommy didn't make it." Calley stared at Ceres like she was dreaming again. Any second her mother would turn the light on in the room and everything would be okay. Her mother would whisper it was alright, and it would always be alright. Tightly she squeezed her eyes shut and began whispering. "Mommy.. Mommy.." Ceres waited until the small child reopened her eyes, and saw the knowledge of brutal reality in them. With a strangled cry, the girl flung her arms around Ceres' neck and began sobbing. Whispering in her ear that all would be well, Ceres transported to the crystal palace once more. ~~~~~~~~~~ It was, once more, another perfect day. The sun brightly shining down on the River of Dreams and the endless rows of red roses that lined its banks. The temple was, as always, a sight to behold in its glory. The white steeples soaring towards the sky and the clear water in the fountains sparking. The peaceful silence was broken by soft footsteps echoing as they clicked on the marble floors. A flock of birds drifted lazily across the sky, un-noticed by the man as he crossed the field and entered the temple. Slowly he went to his knees and tucked his hands beneath his chin, head bowed as he spoke. Please, Elysian, watch over the dreams of those on Earth." It was the same prayer he spoke daily, but today he felt an over-powering need to say one more thing. "Especially Chibi-Usa's." It wasn't something he done often, include her specifically in his prayers, but today he had a bad feeling. Something would happen and it would involve her. He hoped it wasn't something horrible, for that was a thought he couldn't stand. If something happened to her... he didn't want to think about it. The thumping of his heart became almost painful at the thought of the pink-haired princess that had long ago captured his heart. But she was as forbidden as entering a dream. He would loose his priesthood, Elysian and everything he had if he pursued that wish. He often thought it would be worth it. He shook his head, as if to remove the memory of her lips against his own. "Become mortal? I could see it now..." he mumbled, leaving the temple. "But if I thought she would love me in return.. I would do most anything for her. Even give up priesthood." With a sigh, he entered the gates of the garden. Tat is when he saw it. The eastern sky had turned an off white color; growing darker as he watched it. Within minutes of first spotting the dark cloud, the heavens opened, revealing a ship of some sort. Before his unbelieving eyes--it shot out and burned a hole in the land large enough to land in. Helios gasped and crouched further into the bushes. "Oh Mother Earth.." he breathed. Then a thought came to him. "Chibi-Usa, I may see you sooner than I believed." ~~~~~~~~~~ The same moment, on the surface of Earth; Chibi-Usa was practically drenched in sweat. She gritted her teeth and gathered all the strength she could muster and pushed on the stone. Together, with the combined forces of herself and the Outer Senshi, the stone moved, allowing them to see inside the basement of a destroyed building. Inside lay a litter of kittens. "Diana? Take them to your parents," Chibi-Usa ordered and sank back against the ground. "All of that for cats.. lucky I like cats so." Haruka raised an eyebrow and looked at Michiru. "We spent how lon--" She was effectively cut off by the Senshi of Neptune's finger placed against her lips. "Nonsense, Haruka. We want to save all lives, not just human. Besides, there could have been human life down there," she insisted. Ami blushed heavily when Hotaru turned to her and her mini-lap top. "I didn't say it was human readings..." her voice trailed off. "Either way, let's move on and see what Mom and Dad have found," Chibi-Usa ordered, once more standing on her feet. As she turned around though, a white light penetrated the dark sky. The sound of a horse?s calls filling her ears. She looked around, the it was if she was the only one who could hear it. The other Senshi were busy talking amongst themselves. She looked heavenward once more, and in a flash of light she saw something enter her chest. A small smile broke out on her face. He was back. --End Chapter 1. *cracks knuckles* sooo, whatja think? I so love Chibi-Usa and Helios ^_^ HUGE thanks to Meara, my wonderful editor **HUGS** and everyone who emails me about this and many of my other stories, thanks!! This story is only going to be about 5 or 6 chapters total, I'm not looking to make this extremely long because I have another story in the works... Infact, if you are still reading this - here's ya a preview ^_^ But there's a catch, if you read the preview, ya gotta email me and tell me what you think, k? I haven't really wrote a dark fic before and this being my first, I'm edgy about doing it - so tell me what you think and if you think I should continue it, ne? ^_^ ____________________ Preview: Mind Games The night air was filled with black and red raging clouds, lightening striking the city. Usagi looked in awe at the dress that had appaeared on her body. "What's this?" Suddenly a sword appeared next to her in the air, a voice instucting her as to what to do. "Destory her! Destory Galaxia! Take it!" Usagi caught a glimse of a figure in the air. "Who are you?" "I have been waiting for someone who could accept me. Now, take this sword and destroy Galaxia. Do it! Destory her with this sword!" Usagi looked at the sword being offered to her, back at the figure of Galaxia and at the sword again. "Demo.." "You have to!" the voice repeated. "Demo.." "Don't think! Just do it!" Usagi closed her eyes, her hand wrapping around the sword and bringing her close to her. Her mind screamed no, not to do it, but the world was at sake; and that voice. The commanding voice was telling her it was the only way..... ...Chaos looked at the scene with laughter in it's empty eyes. "I'm free," he whispered, then screamed; "I'M FREE!" Below him, Usagi still held onto Galaxia's hand tightly, refusing to admitt she was dieing. "No, you can't die. I..." Galaxia turned to the side, blood running from her mouth. "S...Sailor Moon. No.. Princess Serenity. It's not your fault." Her eyes watered and became unfocused, but she held fast to the small amount of life within her body. "Promise'll take care of the.. the Light of Hope. T..take care of.. Chibi..Chibi. Promise me....." --twelve years later-- "I don't care! You're not my father and you can't tell me what to do!" Mamoru closed his eyes, slowly trying to regain some control in the situation at hand. Raising a hand to his head, he rubbed his temples gently; trying to rid of the headache that had begun there. "Listen, you can not go out at all hours of the night. You are fourteen years old, and father or not, you will listen to me! If only for the reason that I give you a place to live!" "No," Chibi-Chibi, now called Miako because in her eyes "Chibi-Chibi" was too childish, whispered slowly to Mamoru, her eyes boring into his almost as if to challenge him. "You don't give me a place to live, Usagi does. And she only does it because she promised Gaxalia she would. And you know it." "Miako, that is not the reason. Usagi loved you and took you in long before Gaxalia's death," Mamoru insisted. "Yeah right," Miako spat, her eyes still staring at him as she gathered her stuff together. "You just keep telling yourself that cape boy." Mamoru knew any moment he would explode on her, for the third time this week. He stood in the center of Miako's room and watched her throw clothing into a bag. "Where do you think you're going?" "Away." ----end preview I left a bunch out, but that is just some scenes in it. Let me know what your thoughts are, onegai? *smiles sweetly* Luvs -n- hugs minna! Contact me with comments, Tiggers, and sun flower border for my kitchen and/or early wedding presents (I'm getting married to the most wonderful man in the world next August *hugs* Love you Adam ^_^) to me at ja! Bethany