Dada dumm..... chapter 3! Yee haw! okay - not a lot of author's notes, cuz you all have *hopefully* been reading them for the first two chapters. HUGE thanks to Meara - *hugs* HUGE thanks to everyone who mails me *Hugs* you guys are great to me ^_^ Luva! Bethany ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I hadn't seen Usagi enough to know, but you could sense her heartbreak. I personally never knew the man she dated for four years. Some best friend I am, ne? But after she met those girls, we stopped talking. I would see her on the street and we would hug and talk for a minute, but that was as much as I seen her. I continued on with life, dating Umino and all that. I found out through Motoki that Mamoru had died. I tried calling for a few days, for her, but she's like a distance friend now... -Naru. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't Let Me Go: Roses Chapter: 3 By: Bethany ^_^ Edited by: Meara Email: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The afternoon sun rose high in sky, causing red and orange colors to dance around on buildings. Rough hands pulled the curtains together to block out the light show. A man in the corner of the room went un-noticed by the occupant as he picked up the phone. A slightly strangled voice answered after about seven rings. "Are we ready?" The man un-consciously straightened up, "Yeah, just about. What else is there to do?" "Oh... I don't know. Go wax your bald head," the man on the line chuckled before hanging up. A short, stubby hand put the phone on the base and growled angrily. "How do I get myself wrapped up in this bull shit?" "I don't know, but you know it's wrong. Why don't you let me go, and we'll talk about this like normal humans?" "Normal? Normal?! You don't think I wouldn't give up everything I have to be normal?!" the man screamed at his companion. "Why don't you shut the hell up before I do something your damned little girlfriend would really kneel over about?!" The second man in the room cowered back and remained silent. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Soft paws padded down the streets of Tokyo, the sun barely up in the sky to light the path. Under a street lamp the animal stopped to take a deep breath. "Here goes everything...." Behind her was a short girl with ruby red hair and bright violet eyes. "Tell me again, Lynn, why are we here?" The petite girl looked around with obvious disgust. "We have a mission - that's why. Now stop your complaining and let's get going. We still have quite a few blocks to cover and little time to do it in." "Oh goody, how peachy it is..." "I heard that!" The feline turned and stared at her ward. "Just hush it and move it, now!" "To think that I was here - for how long? Ugh, this place is so.... thirtieth century!" "Listen to me," the calico cat turned and hissed lightly. "I've listened to you complain since the moment we left your home. I don't want to hear anymore!" She turned around, when something occurred to her. "And it's the twentieth century, and it was only three years ago you were here." "Nani?! Three years?! How?" Moaning, the cat turned on its heels. "Come on, no time to explain it all now. You've got two days to become good friends with the Senshi." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usagi looked at the vase of red roses on her desk and sighed. Her heart broke to see the lovely flowers, the flower that announced Tuxedo Kamen at a fight, the flower he could conjure up out of nowhere - the flower she had gotten a million of in her four years with Mamoru. "I'd give anything to have him make me another rose..." Luna lifted her tired head up to look at her ward. For endless nights Usagi had been having nightmares and in turn Luna received little sleep. With a yawn, the cat turned over and curled into another black ball to catch up on her z's. "USAGI!!" Luna moaned, there went that idea. "Coming Mama!!" the teenager yelled back, getting up slowly from her bed and running a finger over the soft petals. "I wonder who keeps sending me these Luna?" "I don't know Usagi-chan, maybe a secret admirer?" Usagi dismissed the idea and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ami tried to juggle her stack of books as she walked up the steps to the temple. Slowly but surely she made it to the top and stopped to catch her breath. "Rei-chan?!" she yelled, trying to ring the bell without putting the books down. The door opened, but it wasn't Rei that greeted her. "Yuuichirou-kun, where's Rei-chan?" The tall man looked upset about something as he motioned for her to follow him. Ami deposited the books on a table and followed him down the hall. They entered Rei's bedroom where she was laying on the bed, covers up to her chin and face as red as fire. "What's wrong with her?" Yuuichirou looked past her for a second before responding. "She passed out in the fire room and has been sick ever since. I was hoping you could tell me what was wrong with her." Ami walked over to Rei slowly and took her pulse. Placing a hand on her forehead, she was surprised that Rei's skin was cool to the touch when she looked to be burning up with a fever. "Rei-chan, do you hurt?" Rei moaned and looked glassy eyed at her friend. "Usagi." "What about her?" "She's.... call the girls..." Ami wasted no time in pulling out her communicator, Yuuichirou watched uncertainly at the Mercury symbol on the small compact. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Ah!!!! Get it!! Get it!! Hurry!!!" a female voice shrieked out, waving her hands in front of a flame and in doing this, making the flame higher. "Minako-chan! Stop! You're making it worse!!" Makoto yelled, pulling the hysterical girl away from the stove. Taking a metal lid, Makoto put the flame out and sighed back against the counter. "Remind me never to take up teaching you to cook again." Minako dipped her spoon in the burnt rice. "Well... maybe looks are destroying?" Moaning, Makoto opened her mouth to correct her friend, but in the end decided it useless. "Ugh!" Throwing her hands up in the air, the tall brunette made a sound resembling a dying animal. "I give UP!" Sheepishly Minako bowed her head, hiding a smile while pouring the fourth attempt at rice down the trash dispenser. "I don't know about this. Maybe pizza?" Before Makoto could answer, double beeps sounded from the living room. The girls looked at each other and went for their communicators. Minako stuck her tongue out at Makoto as she opened hers first. "V-babe here!" (Usagi calls her this in the manga... for anyone wondering...and Minako don't like it ^^) Ami chuckled lightly before turning serious. "Minna, I need one or both of you to go over to Usagi's, or have her come over there. Rei is sick, I think she's had a vision and it may be best for one of us be with Usagi at all times." "On it!" Makoto answered, leaving her place behind Minako where she was listening. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The arcade doors slid open and a young girl and her cat strolled in. After looking around for a moment, the two headed to the counter where a young girl had her head buried in her arms. Brown wavy hair fell almost to her waist, and her shoulders were visible shaking. "Doushite no?" the young girl asked, brushing some red hair from her face. Her cat hissed at her, and the girl shoved it down into her purse. The brunette looked up at concerned violet eyes. Wiping her eyes she peered at the girl for a moment. "Who are you?" The girl panicked for a moment before covering it. "Umm, my name is... Mika**. What's yours?" "Reika," the brunette answered. "Pretty name Reika-san. May I ask what's wrong?" Wiping her eyes again, Reika took a deep breath. "Well, it seems that my fiancé ¨as disappeared. I haven't seen him in two days and he hasn't come to work, home or anywhere. I'm very worried about him." Mika furrowed her eyebrows together in deep thought. "I'm sure he's okay. What's his name?" "Motoki... Furuhata Motoki, do you know him?" The red haired girl gasped slightly. "I.. um, have to go!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **Mika means "new moon" Dada dumm.... well, what do ya think? It took me forever to write this chapter, I'm at a loss at how to get to where I want to be in this story - but there it is! Email! Email is goood! Email is my friend! Email me Please!!!!!!!!! ^_^ Luva! Bethany