Hidy minna-chan! Okay - chapter 2 coming at you, so you can't kill me or Patch yet ^^;; HUGE thanks to everyone who has emailed us!! **HUGS** And HUGE one million and six thanks to Meara - our editor! We luv ya!! ***HUGS*** Usual Disclaimers: we don't own Sailor Moon or anything like that there, so don't sue us. Have to give a shout out to everyone here- my twin Serenity Raye, Adam my RPG hubby ^^, Serena my onee-chan, Jupiter my enemy when we need a good fight, Starsinger the wandering something or another ^^;;;, Lady Rainbow my guard of Fanfics and Triva, Sere my Royal Advisor, Calisto queen of the sexy men *lol*, OMG, so many other people **HUGS** minna, luv ya! BTW, go visit mine and Serenity Raye's web page! http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/9333 Luva! Bethany and by default Patch ^_~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ What happened? I can't tell you. That boy had been nothing but trouble from the beginning. But I guess I shouldn't think badly of the dead. But even two years after he's gone from her life, he is still ruling her every move. If I had it to do over.. maybe I would have been nicer. Maybe I could accept how much she loves him - as long as he loves her as much. No matter how upset I got at her for dating him, I only want my little girl happy. Can she be happy with out him? -Kenji. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't Let Me Go: Apparitions Chapter: 2 By: Bethany and Patch Edited by: Meara Rated: PG Email us your thoughts, suggestions, Tiggers and cheese cubes at Bethany212@aol.com or Patchkhan1@hotmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A dark figure moved into the room, the hall lights shining off his hair. Slowly his feet padded across the room, making no more noise than a cat on the prowl. A large hand reached out and stroked a young girl's face. "Oh Usako.... what happened?" The sound of heart monitors was his reply. The room reeked of the too clean smell of anticeptics and medicine. All around the white walls looked back at the man, as if waiting for him to reveal another secret to add to their collection. The pitch dark night suited his mood right now, for right now his heart was breaking. The sight on the bed was more than he could stand. Even as frail and bandaged up as she was... she was beautiful; so acheingly beautiful that his heart tightened in his chest until it was too painful to bear any longer. "Oh Kami, Usako... please, wake up." Beep... Beep... Beep... "Usako; love - please wake up," the man begged, his eyes frantically searching hers for any sign of life. Still she slept. Reluctantly he let go of her hand and pulled a chair closer to her bedside. Slowly he straightened the sheets, fluffed her pillows and starting searching the room for something... anything that he could do for her. Beep... Beep... Beep.... The clock on the wall mocked him; showed him how long she had been unconsceince. The longer she stayed asleep, the more worried he became. His mind played tricks on him, making him see her eye lid twitch - when in reality nothing happened. Every time his eyes closed he seen it; her running from him, straight into traffic. Car horns blareing... the impact. He felt tears well up in his eyes as he replayed her being thrown off the car and onto the pavement. His breathing, his heart, his life had stopped when that car hit her. In that one split second he felt true despair - fearing a life without her in it. God, what kind of life would that be? Not one he wished to live through, this much he knew for certain. Ever so slowly he reached up and brushed a strand of hair away from her face, and cupped her chin lightly. "Oh baby, I don't know what happened, but please be alright. Pleas--" His begging came to an abrupt halt when the door slammed open, revealing one pissed off and worried Senshi of Mars. "What the hell?? Is this some joke?!" she demanded, her hands on her hips and her violet eyes blazing. "Joke?" he repeated, looking at Usagi. 'She thinks this is a joke?!', he thought disbelievingly. "Hell no, it's no joke! See her? This is real!" he shouted. Rei wasn't looking at him as much as she was looking through him. Her eyes focused again and she locked gazes with him. "You?re alive?" "What?" That was not what he expected her to say. As if living a dream, Rei came slowly up to the taller man and placed her hand on his shoulder; only to pull it back as if she had been burned. "I... I can't believe this.." "What can't you believe? What is wrong with you?" Mamoru demanded. "I'm... I'm standing here talking to you and-- and it's the last thing I ever imagined myself doing," she whispered, her voice cracking. "Why?" the deep voice inquired, just as quietly. The door once again opened to reveal another girl, her head bent down. "Rei-chan, did you find out who--- OH MY GOD!" Minako shreiked, backing out of the room. "I'm.. I'm seeing things! Holy shit!" "What is going on?!" Mamoru demanded as Minako ran out of the room. Her heels hitting the marble floor in the hospital corridors sounding like gun shots ringing through the building. "What was THAT about? What are you talking about?!" Rei grabbed onto the counter behind her to steady herself and she turned towards Mamoru again. "What happened?" she whispered. "I'll tell you what happened... You are supposed to be dead. Your name came on the television two years ago as dead, Mamoru-san. Do you have any idea what the past two years have been like for Usagi... for us?! What happened?" She laughed bitterly. "You should be telling ME what happened! We were the ones who day in and day out cared for Usagi. Damn it, she tried to kill herself! Over you! And here YOU stand alive and well!!" Mamoru took all of this in silently, staring at Usagi's body laying in the hospital bed. He cursed himself a hundred times for what he had unknowingly done. When she ran out of the club... she thought she was seeing his ghost.... dear God - what had she been going through? His hand found hers and squeezed tightly. "Usako... Is this my fault? I done this to you?" He fell heavily in the near by chair and buried his face in the palm of her hand. "I did this... Oh God, I should have known." Rei watched him with little pity. Why hadn't he written? Where was he? Why was his name on the students killed list? What the hell was he not saying.... and what if she died? ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tsukino Ikuko stared straight ahead with unseeing eyes. As if on auto-pilot, her hand brought the coffee to her lips and she sipped. Nothing could have prepared her for that phone call. Nothing. The last thing she ever imagined was hearing Setsuna's voice telling her that Usagi had been hit by a car. Her heart had stopped in her chest. Her baby girl.... The silence of the I.C.U. lobby was broken by the cries of a young girl. Immediately everyone assumed the worst. Ami gasped and buried her head in her hands. But what she was expecting to hear was not what she did. Minako sucked in her breath and grabbed her chest with one hand, her eyes wild. "He's alive... oh my God, I'm going crazy!" Hotaru thought that she wouldn't live through seeing her Princess thrown off that car, and now Minako's look of pure horror was bringing back all of those feelings of doom. "What?" she whispered as if afraid of the answer. Makoto and Haruka jumped to their feet and helped Minako sit down. Slowly the blonde calmed down enough to take the offered glass of water from Michiru and breathe normally. "What happened?" Haruka asked, her deep voice nothing more than a whisper. "Mamoru-san..... is alive." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Well... there it is - he's alive ^^ Happy now? No more death threats on my life? No more throwing things at me? Please?? ^^ Email minna!!! Please..... help me get through this horrible writer's block that has me and make me get the next four chapters out on time ^^;;; Luva!! Bethany - Bethany212@aol.com (insert hint here) and don't forget my wonderful co-writer-- Patch - Patchkhan1@hotmail.com (insert hint here as well)