Hi!! First off, I'm going to start with my thank yous, move onto my hugs and go from there to my hellos and if there is anything more, it'll be at the bottom ^^ HUGE THANKS to Meara *****HUGS**** without her you all would be emailing me about my bad spelling ^^;;; Luva girl! let's see... HUGE, GIGANTIC thanks to all of our readers and to everyone who emails us!! **HUGS** Usual diclaimer that no one reads inserted here... Shouts out to my friends - Serenity Raye, Adam, Serena, Heather, Lady Rainbow, Sere16, Jupiter, Starsinger, Calisto, Lady Heartfire..... list goes on ^^ Visit mine and Sere's site.. please!! http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/9333 Luva!! Bethany & Patch ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ For a species that changes as much as mankind does, they seem to tolerate it surprisingly poorly. Through the many years of my long life I have watched as they struggle to adapt. So many changes, both wondrous and frightening, both good and evil. Evil. It seems to be on the rise once more. Now it threatens my precious daughter when she is most vulnerable. She is the only hope for Earth, so I have given her back that which keeps hope alive in her. I have given her back her Prince. -Queen Serenity ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't Let Me Go: Apparitions Chapter: 3 Rated: ... good question.. By: Bethany and Patch Edited by: Meara Email us!!!!!!! Please!!! Bethany212@aol.com & Patchkhan1@hotmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Usagi had cracked four ribs, various bruises covering her body and a concussion. They didn't know what damage had been done and couldn't be sure until she woke up. The coma that had held her in it's grasp for two days didn't seem to be wanting to let go any- time soon. The room was very still, filled only with the sounds of various machines and monitors, and it slowly wore on Mamoru's nerves. His mind was in turmoil at this point. He was supposed to be dead? He had no memory of an explosion - nothing but going to school in America. What was he not remembering? Alone, in the dark corner of Usagi's room; Mamoru started wondering if he was going crazy. Sure, he'd been known to have memory lapses from time to time - but nothing this bad. Had he been taken by an enemy? Rei had informed him that there had been no evil forces in Tokyo in quite some time. What had happened? Stretching his arms up, Mamoru walked to Usagi's bedside and bent over her. Carefully he placed a tender kiss on her forehead before going out the door. ~*~ The cool night air filled his lungs as he took slow steps through Tokyo Rose Gardens. The night sky was filled with shining stars, and the full moon lit up the walkway. "What am I not remembering? What is going on?" he asked himself quietly, running a trembling hand through his dark hair. The lake reflected back a beautiful sky; flowers just starting to bloom here and there along the waters edges. With tired movements Mamoru sat down on the slightly damp grass and looked up at the moon. The beautiful moon reflected it's beautiful Princess' face in his mind. "Usako..." A feeling of being watched crept up the Earth Prince's back and he swiftly turned to survey the area around him. There, about ten or so feet from where he sat, was a shimmering light growing larger and larger until it blinded him. When at last he could move his hand from his eyes, an elegant woman with long silver hair tied in buns on either side of her head and a long formal dress stood in its place. Mamoru quickly stood up. He knew this woman and would never forget her face no matter how many times he was reborn. "Queen Serenity." A small smile of greeting formed on her lips. "Prince Endymion," she acknowledged. "I feel you have many questions that perhaps I can help you with." Mamoru carefully approached her, and sat down on a bench. To his surprise, she joined him; a glow still surrounding her form. "How are you here?" he whispered. "What you see is a hologram created by the Moon's main computer. The same computer that allowed me to see my precious daughter years ago when she first came to the moon." Mamoru nodded his understanding before giving her a serious look. "What happened? Rei told me I was dead...?" Queen Serenity took a deep breath and looked to the Moon, as if to look for the answer. After gathering her thoughts, she turned back to him. "Do you remember on the Moon, in the battle that you were killed in while protecting my daughter?" "Hai, I remember," Mamoru replied, still wondering exactly where this was going. "Serenity killed herself with your sword, your blood still fresh on it." She ignored Mamoru snapping his head back to look at her as she continued. "I've never seen a truer love than what you and my daughter share. Nothing in all of time has come close. When you took your last breath, she died. Maybe not in body, but she was dead long before she pushed the sword through her chest. She would have repeated the same actions eventually on Earth had you died in that explosion." "So there was an explosion at Harvard, that I was in?" "Not in; but yes there was. I can only do so much here on Earth, my energy is limited. I could not stop the explosion from happening, but I could take your body and place it in a frozen state." Mamoru looked thoughtfully at the rising sun over the lake. "But why for so long? Why didn't I come back to Usako sooner?" "Two seconds before the actual explosion, I came and placed you in a sleep then took your body out side of time, where you would be safe. But when I came back, you were gone. I know not what happened, but I can tell you that what ever did happen, and who ever done it failed in their task. There very well be evil threatening Serenity right now." Mamoru took a deep breath and tried to make sense of everything she had told him. "I woke up in an apartment in America; no memories what so ever. The first thing I did was come back to Tokyo; to Usako. And when she saw me..." his voice trailed off as he thought of her laying unconscious in the hospital. "I should have held onto her tighter, not let her run out of that club... Kami-sama, what have I done?" When he looked back, he was alone. Never in his life had he been so confused about anything; but one thing was for certain - he had to keep Usagi safe no matter what. He just hoped he wasn't too late. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A young man opened his eyes slowly and tried to focus in on his surroundings. He could feel his pulse pounding in his ears, and he could feel a pain on his face where he had been hit numerous times. A match flickered in the corner of the room and he closed his eyes against the invading light. "I see you?re awake, boy," the voice said. The youth allowed a low growl to form in his chest, his eyes blazing with anger. "What do you want this time, more blood samples? What the hell do you want with me?" "Shut up, boy. You will know what they want with you soon enough, Prince of Earth. And then we will see who calls punches and who doesn't..." the mocking voice worn thin as he left the room. For a few moments he was left in darkness before the man returned. "Eat - I need you alive." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ta-da..... any questions? hehe ^_~ BTW, as if our email isn't in here enough... here it is again (hint here) Bethany212@aol.com and Patchkhan1@hotmail.com Email is good!!!! Email is your friend!!!! Email is my friend as long as you don't threat my life for confusing you ^_~ Luv you minna! Bethany & Patch