Author's notes at bottom --->> PLEASE READ THIS <<--- This story is a SERIES. That means there are more chapters before this one and if you start out with these chapters - you WILL be confused ^^;; Please read the others first! They aren't really that long ^_^ Here is the series in order: Don't Let Me Go: Broken Promises Don't Let Me Go: Insanity Don't Let Me Go: Roses Don't Let Me Go: Apparition Don't Let Me Go: Debauchery and these stories are called Don't Let Me Go: Analogous - AND coming next week to a fanfic page near you isssSSssss.... Don't Let Me Go: Barrage ^_^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My life has been kind of, well, unusual. You see I?m the "light of Hope" that was sent away when Galaxia sealed Chaos inside her. For a very long time I was trapped in the body a toddler with an extremely limited vocabulary. (Yeah, Yeah, I know, "chibi-chibi" this and "chibi-chibi" that...). My life started to change the day Sailor Moon defeated Chaos and freed me. In a way, everything I am today, I owe to her. It?s a debt I always I thought I could never repay. But now I have been given a chance to do just that. I hope that I am up to the task, that I can be her "light of hope" just once more. -Mika. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't Let Me Go: Analogous Chapter: 4 By: Bethany and Patch ~~~~~~~~~~~~ "NO!" Usagi screamed once more, her voice betraying her commitment to be calm and collected. Mika stared as the ceiling collapsed, dust and rock pieces covering the air, making it unbreathable. "No..." she whispered, her mind still refusing to believe what her eyes told her was happening. After what seemed like an eternity the debris stopped falling and the dust cleared. Usagi buried her head in her hands and quietly let the tears fall. There was no way they could have survived that.. no way. Mika stood up, warily walking into the room, surveying the damage and hoping against all odds that Hotaru and Michiru would be standing there, alive and well. Maybe the Fates weren't paying attention. Maybe time had stood still. Maybe Queen Serenity was looking out for the children of the Moon Kingdom. Or maybe, Mika mused, it was just pure luck. As the rest of the soot settled, a large black dome came in view. Slowly the young redheaded woman approached it, one hand waving in front of her face to attempt to clear away the remaining dirt from the air. The closer she got, the more became visible. Sailor Saturn let her glaive slip from her hand as she collapsed to one knee. The dome quietly faded away; revealing Hotaru, Michiru and what appeared to be Haruka's corpse. Mika looked over to Michiru, noting she was unconscious, then to Haruka. Her heeled foot sprung back and kicked the clone in the head. "Damn you," she spat and turned towards the door. "Sailor Moon! Come quickly!" ~~~~~~~~~~ In a slow descent down the hall, God Chronos finally reached his destination. "Damn, being an old man is tiresome." A dry chuckle left his throat, sounding more like he was choking. "No mind though, I will have my youth back... soon. That damned son of mine better get the 10th Ring. Without it I can not take over his body and become young once again." He sneered in a disgusted manner and stopped to catch his breath before pushing open a door. A green glow penetrated the room, coming from 4 tanks - each holding the power source of the remaining Senshi and the Prince of Earth. "It is time my daughter, to give up what should have rightfully been Chronos'." He stepped over to the furthest tank and pushed the release button with his foot. The green liquid drained from the tank, allowing Pluto's power clone to emerge. "Now go re-join your master," Chronos demanded, his finger pointed towards a table where the unconscious Setsuna laid. The clone walked unsurely towards the table, like a child learning to walk. After she gained her footing, she brought herself the rest of the way to the table. As she lay, her body merged with that of Setsuna and after a few moments her eyes popped open. God Chronos looked pleased with what he seen in her eyes. The black essence; matching that of his own - was truly one step closer to victory and ruling all the Universes. ~~~~~~~~~ "I don't understand," her soft voice whispered as she encircled the body hanging from the wall. "She looks just like me, who is she?" "That, my dear, is the body you belong in. She needs you to live, you must help her!" the woman said desperately. "If you do not, the Senshi will perish and Chronos will rule all! And no one will ever be free again on any planet in any time!" "What do I do?" the clone of Venus whispered. Her head was full of voices telling her to not listen, to fight with the evil side. But something.. something much warmer was filling her. Feelings that made her want to help this girl out and the Senshi out. "Come," the old lady grabbed one of Minako's arms. "Help me get her down." The two pulled and tugged at the chains until they snapped and Minako fell into their arms. Quickly they placed her on the floor and checked to see if she was breathing. "She is alive, barely. Hurry, you must reunite with her at once!" The woman looked up desperately, sweat forming on her brow. Her long green hair stuck to the side of her face here and there. Venus' clone looked at Minako for a moment before looking up at the woman. "Who are you? Why do you help me?" Tears came to the woman's eyes as she spoke: "My name is Kenbo. I am the Mother of Time, Chronos' wife - as much as it shames me." ~~~~~~~~~~ The throne room was silent and dark, the torches the only source of light, casting eerie shadows. In seconds all that changed. Wind from an unknown source howled in a piercing sound and lightening struck areas of the hard ground. Chronos appeared still laughing, his hands still stretched upwards. "I have done it!" he breathed. "I have done it Father, I have accomplished our mission! The Earth and soon the Galaxies will be ours for the keeping. This long awaited day has finally come!" The God Chronos appeared, his fingers stroking through his beard. "But what of the Golden and Silver Crystals?" he asked. "It does not matter right now." Had Chronos looked in his father?s direction he would have seen the unrestrained anger in his eyes at that remark. "We have the Cattaras Rings and with these, the Crystals will be our second mission." "Well, my son, you certainly have made me proud in many ways..." he began approaching his son slowly. "But in others you have been sorely lacking." Chronos looked up, surprised, his sightless eyes betraying his shock. "What do you mean?" "You have served your purpose. It is time for I, God of Time and Space to take over and complete this mission." The older man walked closer, stretching out his hand. "I will not allow you to do so, *Father*," Chronos sneered and thrust out his hands in an effort to blow his father away. However, his strategy failed as his father still stood there, smiling evilly. "I am the God Chronos, my son, do you think your powers will get rid of me so easily? As they say in America, the great land of freedom, 'think again'!" He placed his hand on his son?s forehead and tilting his head, closed his eyes. Chronos could begin to feel as his body began to change and, in sudden flash of awareness, realized his father was taking over his body. "Why?" he yelled, fighting the entry of his father?s spirit. "I need to be young again to complete my mission, Chronos. You were perfect and you did exactly what I needed you to do. You are no longer of use to me. Do not fight it, Son, it will be less difficult that way." "No!" He fought with his mind, his essence yet it was no match for his father, a God. The power rushed through him in such force he had to bite down from screaming. However, it became too great and he began to howl in pain as he lost control over everything; his body was no longer his. He began to feel himself fade. He had not thought it possible after having survived so long, after paying so many consequences. He had thought himself immortal, powerful - but no longer. Before he could disappear forever into nothingness he allowed himself his last words. "I have been betrayed..." And everything went black. ~~~~~~~~~~ Bright. Even the flames of the torch were too much to bear and she closed her eyes against its glaring harshness. "Get up!" Pluto bellowed, her patience on a thin string. Again Mercury fought to open her eyes. Damn it, Pluto cursed; they are too weak! What does he hope to do with these crybabies? Enraged, Pluto yanked Mercury's clone from the tank and threw her to the floor. "I said get UP!" The clone scrambled to its feet, visibly shaking from outrage at being thrown. However, having just awoken, she had no walking skills and quickly sunk back to the floor. "Damn you," she spat, her black eyes boring into those of Pluto's. "Well at least you can speak," Pluto retorted and walked over to the other tanks, draining them of their green liquid one by one. Slowly the room filled with the energy clones of Sailor Mars, Sailor Jupiter, Sailor Mercury and Tuxedo Mask. Pluto eyed the Prince of Earth, her fist drawing at her side. "His Lordship wants to see *you* immediately, get going." The clone blinked once, obviously confused and then nodded. He left the room, turned to the right and started walking. Pluto went to the door, her face red with anger. "Idiot! It's that way!" she yelled, pointing her finger to the left. The clone turned and rushed past her and to the left. Once he was out of sight, Pluto came back in the room. "Men." ~~~~~~~~~ The urge to vomit lay heavily in the pit of her stomach. She opened her eyes and moaned. "Where am I?" Kenbo looked ecstatic as she rushed to help Minako to her feet. "Are you alright, my child?" she questioned, looking Minako over from head to foot like a worried mother. "Hai.." Minako looked around, confusion evident in her eyes. "Where am I?" "You were captured by Chronos, but I helped you. Come now, the Senshi need you." Kenbo allowed Minako to lean on her for a moment before she made her stand on her own. "You energy should be returning quickly now - you need to transform." Minako didn't think to ask how Kenbo knew she was a Senshi, she simply accepted it and pulled her henshin wand out. "Venus Crystal Power.. Make-UP!" A delighted grin spread across her face as she felt the familiar energy flow through her veins. When the light show ended, Sailor Venus once again diverted her attention to the woman who had saved her life. "Arigato," she breathed, her voice barely a whisper as her memories came back in floods. "Mother of Time.... does that mean you are...?" "Yes child, I am Setsuna's mother. Hurry now, we haven't a moment to lose." Quickly she ushered Sailor Venus from the mall room and down a dark stairwell. "I had to kidnap your body from the room where you were imprisoned," she explained quietly. "The other clones are awake, and by now I'm sure Chronos has figured out that the Earth Prince does not have the Golden Crystal." "What?! Why?" Venus snapped, her eyes wide. They entered a room and Kenbo looked nervously around before entering further and going to a table on the far side. "Hidden in plan view," she whispered - removing a small box from the table next to Chronos' throne. She again turned to Venus, holding the box between them like a peace offering. "This is the Earth Prince's Golden Crystal. Half of the power Chronos seeks is locked inside this box. About two years ago Queen Serenity put Endymion away just beyond the edges of time - to keep him from dying in an explosion set up by Chronos. I found him there and brought him here so that I could extract his Golden Crystal, and in turn keep Chronos from completing his plans. But I was foolish in my actions; I didn't know how long it would take to retrieve the crystal. I returned him as soon as I could, but it was nearly two years in your time." "In our time?" Venus asked, taking the box and holding it tightly against her stomach. "Yes, time moves faster here. In what seems like only hours to you is actually days in Tokyo. Right now you have been missing for weeks." "Weeks...?" Venus closed her eyes, trying hard not to image what her parents are thinking about her being gone without a trace. "Yes. Hurry now, you must help the Senshi to restore the energy clones back to your friend's bodies before they perish." ~~~~~~~~ Michiru stopped; breathing heavily as she gently laid Uranus' clone down. Mika, also holding onto the clone, stopped as well. "Man, this is harder than I expected." "I wonder how Motoki, in his condition, carried her as far as he did," Sailor Moon said, also stopping to take a breather. "This seems endless. Maybe we should start looking in some of these rooms?" Hotaru suggested, leaning on her glaive. "Wait," Michiru whispered, her hand waving out in front of her. "I hear voices." All of them stopped, each with their heads tilted towards the darkness. Just about when Sailor Moon was going to say something, she too heard voices. "Oh no, now what do we do? We have nowhere to hide!" "We fight, that's what," Saturn said, her eyes small and determined. "We are Sailor Senshi, we can take whoever it is." "I'm glad you have so much confidence," Mika noted dryly. Michiru again waved her hand, signaling for them to stop talking and to move further into the shadows. Heavy footsteps grew louder by the second and each Senshi felt their hearts skip a beat as the voices came closer. There were no more voices, just footsteps. They held a collective sigh of relief as the person or youma entered a room further up the hall. "Damn," Mika whispered. "Who the hell are you?!" a voice from behind them bellowed and all of them jumped to fighting stance. _______________ End Chapter 4. **ducks flying objects** Ehh.. yup, the cliff hanger demon has struck again ^^;; ::bows down to Meara:: she is Wonderful!! Great!! etc. etc. etc. Please go read her lastest fic "Fatal Exposure" and then email her about how absolutly wonderful it is! HUGE THANK YOU'S to everyone who emails us!!! **HUGS** I love you all!!! ::gets in a limbo line:: "Email, Email, Emailll! Email, Email, Emaaaiill!!!" *grins* Keep that email coming! **hugs** <3 Bethany and Patch and Also, if ya got a sec - visit Bethany and Serenity Ray's web page - Moon Bunny's Closet