-->PLEASE READ THIS<-- This story is a SERIES. That means there are more chapters that come before this one. You can start with these chapters, but I will promise you will be confused. The series in order goes as follows; Don't Let Me Go: Broken Promises Don't Let Me Go: Insanity Don't Let Me Go: Roses Don't Let Me Go: Apparition Don't Let Me Go: Debauchery Don't Let Me Go: Analogous Don't Let Me Go: Barrage Next set of chapters are; Don't Let Me Go: Crystallization ^_^ I hope this doesn't make everyone go screaming and not read my fic ::sniff:: I promise the first couple of Main titles are not that long ^^ _________________________ I?ve listened for years to tales Galaxia would tell me about Sailor Moon, the Senshi and their glorious battles against the forces of evil. It all sounded so very grand. A beautiful Princess, her dashing Prince and their stalwart companions - it was every fairy tale ever told and more. I couldn?t wait until I was old enough to get there and do swashbuckling of my own. Now I am old enough and I am sickened by it all. The tales never tell about the friends who bleed and the hearts shattered by sights no one should ever have to see. No told me that people would die. War isn?t a game and battle is never glorious. -Mika. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't Let Me Go: Barrage Chapter: 3 By: Bethany and Patch Editor: Meara Rated: R for graphic content Comments? Suggestions? Eh.. cheese cubes? ;) send them to the authors at TLUsak0@aol.com and Patchkhan1@hotmail.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quietly Sailor Saturn walked up behind Sailor Pluto and laying her hand on the older woman's shoulder, squeezed gently. Setsuna turned around and hugged Hotaru for a brief moment before straightening up. In all of Hotaru's years, she had never seen such pure, undaunted hate on Setsuna's face as the Senshi of Pluto turned to face the man who had helped bring about her existence in the world. Her voice was raspy, and filled with loathing when she spoke. "Kisama*... Damn you!" The large white flames that filled the ceiling slowly became slowly diminished until it was no more than a small blaze surrounding Chronos' form. He let out a howling laugh that echoed down the endless corridors of the castle. Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask, Sailor Mars and Sailor Mercury were just coming around the bend when the insane shriek of laughter sounded. Instantly Mika covered her ears and screamed over to Venus. "That sounds like the laugh of an anime evil villain!" At the same moment, Venus pinched her nose. "His breath smells like dead fish!" Mars skidded to a halt and surveyed the scene quickly. "No time like the present, ne?" she whispered to Mercury and jumped up. "Rin--" "MATTE!" Mercury screamed. "It won't work!" Quickly she began typing on her palm top device; her fingers beginning to look like white blurs to anyone watching. "Remember your Newtonian theory, Rei! For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. If you get close enough to him to pin him with the charm, the fire surrounding him is going to blow you backwards." "So how do we attack him?" Mars questioned, glaring at the man that had brought them all so much pain. "According to my calculations, we have to hit him at 45 degree angles with exactly sixty seconds between each attack - or our attacks will defuse each other and be essentially useless. And we can not come within four feet of him because the fire surrounding him is --" "AHHH!" Chronos screamed, sending a stream of energy towards the Senshi standing in front of him. Skillfully; Venus, Cosmos, Uranus and Neptune dodged the attack and watched as it blasted the wall behind them into a cloud of dust. "-- is acting as a force field to reflect or absorb any energy in it's direct path," Mercury continued. "Okay.. okay," Jupiter breathed while cracking her knuckles. "So in Japanese, that means what?" Sighing, Mercury closed her palm top and slid her visor across her eyes. "Just attack every 60 seconds." "Gotcha!" Immediately, with a look of fierce glee on her face, Jupiter jumped in the air, her electrical rod extending from her tiara. "SUPREME THUNDER!!" Lightening crashed across the room and hit Chronos dead in the chest. He faltered only for a second before regaining his balance. "YOU'LL PAY FOR THAT!" The white flames burst into the air, engulfing the ceiling once more. The vile energy resolved into the shape of a large hand and came towards Jupiter. "... 51, 52, 53..." Mercury glanced at her computer once more. "... 54 ..." Jupiter ran past her and towards the other Senshi, causing them all to scatter like mice. The edge of the finger was flying after Jupiter and opened to pick her up when from the side Mercury put her computer away. "No you don't," she whispered. "SHINE AQUA ILLUSION!" Chronos screamed in pain, and grabbed his own arm as the water doused the flaming hand; nothing but smoke remaining. "My turn!" Uranus screamed, raising her hand to the air. "WORLD SHAKING!" Usagi pulled Mika over to where Mercury was standing and glanced at her now open computer. "If we attack only every 60 seconds, at this rate he will never die!" Mika screamed above the howls of pain Chronos bit out when hit by Uranus's attack. "Can't we *all* attack every 60 seconds?" Usagi asked, peering at Mercury while also watching the battle. The Princess of Mercury bit her lip in concentration as she took what Usagi said into consideration. "If.. well, it's worth a try, right?" "Un!" Mika and Usagi agreed. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Artemis surveyed the scene with a careful eye. "Tsukino-san!! Luna!! Lynn!! Minna?!" He walked with a slight limp over the ashes and broken glass that had once been the Tsukino home. Here and there red blotted his white fur, spreading across the area of the wound. A piece of glass stuck in the bottom of his paw; but he wasn't concerned with it at the moment. Upper most in his mind was finding the others. The Youma that had destroyed every house on the block now continued on in the direction of down town Tokyo. With tears glistening in his eyes, Artemis continued to push through the rubble. Exhausted, the feline sat down and painfully removed the glass from his paw. "Usagi-chan... Gomen nasai." He let one tear fall when a movement caught his eye. Trying to avoid the sense of relief washing through him - after all, it could only be falling rubble - he moved towards area. Ignoring the pain in his paw, Artemis pushed aside the pieces of brick, searching for a survivor. What he found shocked him. There, laying on his back, a large shard of glass sticking from his back; was Usagi's father. Artemis stifled a gasp and stepped backwards, only to run into something warm. He turned quickly, getting in what was supposed to be a fighting stance, back arched and teeth bared. "Luna?!" The black cat was drenched in liquid, making her fur matt together here and there. Blood dripped from various wounds and the bright yellow crescent moon on her forehead no long glowed with brilliance. "Artemis..." she cried, moving forward and nuzzling into his fur. "You're bleeding." "As are you. Are you okay? Is anything broken?" Luna took a few steps forward and shook her head. "I don't believe anything is broken - but I do have many sore places." Her eyes looked around, not believing what she seen. Fires burned everywhere, and the once sun filled sky was black and forbidden. "Oh Kami... Artemis, this is horrible." "Hai," Artemis whispered. "Look." Luna stepped up beside Artemis and almost screamed as she moved back. "That's.. that is.. Usagi's father! Is he.. is he??" Artemis nodded and comforted Luna by nuzzling her fur and licking her face. "Come, we must find the others." The black cat wept silently as they moved back and searched the area for the rest of the Tsukino family and Lynn. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Chronos smirked as his enemy surrounded him. "Pathetic fools, you can't beat me," he mumbled, the red in his eyes reflecting the white flames that surrounded him. "So many have said the same, yet they are not here today to tell you about it," Mamoru retorted. Chronos shot out a beam of energy and the Senshi dodged it. Again and again beams of deadly energy lanced from his hands, one after the other. "Stay still! Damn you!" The Senshi skillfully avoided contact with the beam; flipping, running and jumping from it's path. A stray ball of energy came dangerously close to Saturn before she raised her glaive and knocked it back - making a direct hit on Chronos. "NOW!" Tuxedo Kamen screamed, preparing to launch his own attack energy attack. Every Senshi stopped where they were and gathered their power. "VENUS! Love and Beauty... SHOCK!" "Mercury.. Aqua Rhapsody!" "Mars.. Flame Sniper!" "JUPITER! Oak.. Evolution!" "WORLD SHAKING!" "DEEP SUBMERGE!" "Dead Scream." "SILENCE GLAIVE SURPRISE!" "Tuxedo La Smoking BOMBER!" "STAR BUST!"** As the attacks flew forth and combined, a large white light pierced the room as the impact with Chronos came. The sound that came from the mad "god" of time was one of utter surprise - as if the possibility of failure had never truly occurred to him. As he screamed and died the walls of the castle shook in sympathy with their Master?s pain. All the Senshi ducked down, protecting their head with their hands as debris few past them. Tuxedo Kamen waited until pieces of wood and stone had stopped hitting his cape to lower it. Sailor Moon looked out from behind the protection of his cape, her eyes scanning the room anxiously. One by one, the Senshi stood, searching for the dead body of Chronos. That was not what they found. "I.. told you.. you can't beat me!" A raspy voice said in triumphant. Out of the ashes and soot, a man walked forward. His face was burned, his cape on fire. One of his eyes was gone and blood ran down his cheek from the empty socket and dripped off his chin. His toothless smile of pure evil was one Usagi was sure she would see in her nightmares for many years to come. With a slight limp he came within ten feet of Tuxedo Kamen, Sailor Moon and Sailor Jupiter. He raised his hand slowly to blow them away, and all stood, frozen, in complete horror. Transfixed by the idea of him living through their combined forces; not moving to save themselves or the Princess and Prince. Except one. Wiping a small trickle of blood from her mouth, Sailor Jupiter looked up through her lashes - her stare shooting daggers at Chronos. "You..." "Are..." ...Through." She snapped her head back and balled her fists at her sides. "I am SO sick and tired of you!" Above the castle the heavens opened and a large beam of electricity shot down and connected with the rod on Jupiter's tiara. "SUPREME THUNDER!!" The electricity shot forth and knocked Chronos back slightly. He fought it, and began walking forward when Jupiter pushed a little more of herself into the beam and he skidded... ....straight into a puddle of water from Mercury's attack. His entire body convulsed, jerking back and forth. This lasted only for a few moments before a stench started coming from him. Jupiter flew back as he jerked to the side once more. Small patches of skin were burning from the inside out - pockets of skin breaking and spewing blood forth. His hair caught fire and his skin turned black until his skull and bones were visible. Sailor Moon stood, transfixed at the sight before her. Chronos let out a painful howl and fell to his knees, still holding on to the last thread of life. Though by this point he was little more than bones. His remaining eye shot out and exploded; the rest of his body following suit. The smell of burning flesh and cloth filled the room. The Senshi covered their face and watched as the rest of him burned to ashes. The small red flame danced in Usagi's eyes before she let out a loud sob and buried her face in Mamoru's chest; seeking comfort from the harsh world around her. He wrapped his arms around her, holding to her tightly and rubbing her back. "The God of Time's time.. is up," Mika whispered and covered her mouth as her last meal threatened to come up. Michiru wrapped her arms around Hotaru and together with the rest of the Senshi walked through the time portal provided by Setsuna. The Senshi of Pluto looked around the empty room once more, to the place where her father - in her brother's body - had burnt to dust and to the place where her mother had spoken her last words; and let a tear fall down her face. "It is time. Goodbye." -End Chapter 3. Well, what did you think? Did Chronos get his? ^^ you all will not believe where we came up with the idea to eletrocute(sp?) him at ^^;; Myself and Patch were talking on IM one night and she said that it was storming and she hoped lightening didn't get her and I got hit with a brain storm ;) I was like "HEY! That is how we kill him!!" hehe - inspiration in the weirdest forms, ne? * - Kisama translates to "YOU!" in the bad sence.. like bastard, bitch etc. ** - we had no idea what to do for Cosmos' attack - so thank you Meara for your help and for the Mika quote at the beginning ^_^ Next chapter is looking good so far, we should have it, and maybe the first chapter of Crystallization out by next week ^^ A million thank yous to everyone who emails us **hugs** and Celia - as always ^_^ HUGE thanks to our editor, Meara! **HUGS** bow down and kiss thy feet! hehe ;) She rules! Are you all wondering yet if this story will ever end? ^^; I belive Meara said this best when she said that stories seem to come to life sometimes. This is so true! This series was suppose to top 4 main titles which came out to 16 chapters.. and chapter 28 will be out next week ^^;; But, not to worry - the next main titles are called Don't Let Me Go: Crystalliztion and after that is Don't Let Me Go: Eternity which will end this series for myself and Patch, so keep with us! we have 8 chapters to go ^^ Email! Email is good! Email is our friend!! =) Ja! Peace, love, Sailor Moon and cheese cubes! <3 Bethany and Patch http://anime.at/bethsere <-- come here for information about how to get all 3 Sailor Moon movies in English subtitles for $10.00!