Hey minna! Here's the epilogue! I was going to stop with chapter 3, but I soooo love *really* happy endings ^_^ **HUGS** and HUGE thanks to Meara, my wonderful editor! HUGE thanks to everyone who has emailed me! You all are soooo great!! **HUGS** Guess what?! You'll never believe me!! I don't own Sailor Moon! What? You don't believe me?! Well... I don't ^_~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Mistakes - A Usagi and Mamoru Romance Chapter: 4 - Epilogue Rated: geeeeeeeeee! Author: Bethany ^_^ Edited by: Meara *hugs* All comments, suggestions, and Tiggers come my direction! Bethany212@aol.com ^_^ All cows go to my ittsui-chan, Sere! ^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~ ~*~ Usagi's P.O.V. ~*~ The night air causes the ruffles of my bed to move. Then something occurs to me. My window shouldn't be open. Panicing slightly, I open my eyes and see a shadowed figure in my room, waiting patiently for me to wake up. "Mamo-chan?" "Hai, Love." His hand reaches out for mine and I unravel myself from our daughter's grasp to walk from the bed to him. "What are you doing here?" I whisper. He takes me in his arms, and I lay my head on his shoulder. Suddenly the sweet embrace is changed, and he is carrying me. "Where are we going?" I asked as he jumps from the window ledge. I trust him and hold on tighter. But it is strange, what he's doing. "You'll see," he informs, while leaping from rooftop to rooftop. I bury my face in his chest and let him take me where he will. Finally we stop and I open my eyes as he puts me down. From the top of Tokyo Towers, I can see the entire city and it is unbelievably beautiful. Arms come around my shoulders and I lean back. "It's beautiful - the moon," I note, looking up at my home. "But not nearly as beautiful as it's Princess," he tells me, his voice sincere. I blush and look up at him. "What are we doing here?" Suddenly his arms drop from my shoulders and I can feel his nervousness. "What?" "Usako... I'm not sure how to say this." Oh no.... please, not again. My hands start shaking and tears form in my eyes. "Mamo-chan, please-" I'm cut off as he abrptly moves forward and kisses me. "I love you, stop worrying." Feeling better, I look back up at him. "Then what are we doing?" "Usako," he pauses, putting his hand in a pocket that I didn't know was in his tuxedo. "I don't know what to say, or how to say this, or if your even ready..." My eyes widen when he opens a black velvet box, a crescent moon shaped diamond with a gold heart crossing over it laying softly within. "I love you, with everything in me.... marry me?" He drops to his knees in front of me. "Please? I swear if you say yes, I'll burst with happiness." Tears cloud my vision and my hand rests on my mouth, trying to hold in my sobs. As I silently watch him, he gets more nervous. I see the worry and fear in his eyes. Finally I trust my voice enough to speak. "Yes," I whisper, then louder, "Yes! A thousand times YES!!!" ~*~ Pluto's P.O.V. ~*~ A long time ago, a couple of millenniums ago I suppose, a regal woman came to me and confided something of great importance to her. Now I look at the place where the Prince of Earth and Princess of the Moon are holding each other and kissing like they are the only ones on Earth, and remember Queen Serenity's words. "They love each other. And they always will. No matter what happens to them, love always prevails." For their sake, I'm happy it does. --the next day-- My time staff glitters knowingly and I tap Keiko on the shoulder. "It is time, child." She nodds and clears her throat. Each of the girls turn to look at the silver-haired beauty that came into their lives so unexpectedly. "I must be going," she informs, watching Minako with a child like wistfullness. Suddenly Keiko grabbs Minako and hugs her. ~*~ Keiko's P.O.V. ~*~ I can't help but feel sad about going home, where my mother will be so sad. I hope I can help. I hope Pluto doesn't kill me for this. While hugging my mother, I whisper in her ear. "I love you Mama, please remember this; don't let him go to the planet Treh." She looks at me oddly, but nodds her head and I dissappear into the time portal with Pluto. @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- The time gate closes behind me and I look around at the city. Crystal Tokyo, what a beautiful place. My home. The beautiful city twinkles back at me in responce. The scent of freshly baked foods hit my nose as I walk slowly through the city. Everyone stops to wave, and I wave back. Everyone is so nice and so happy. Everyone that is, except my mother. I silently hope she is doing better - for her own sake. I'm afraid she will die of sorrow soon, if something does not change her outlook at a life without my father by her side. I walk slowly though the halls to my mother's suite and knock on the door. "Come in!" rings a voice alot happier than I remember my mother being the last time I seen her. I push on the door and glance inside. Tears fill my eyes and a sob comes to my throat as memories start scrabbling in my head. A man strides forward and hugs me. "Welcome back sweetheart!" "D-- dad.. daddy?" "Yes princess, who else?" @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- @-->--- ~*~ Pluto's P.O.V. ~*~ I smile as I close the time portal. She did what was needed to be done. And now her mother is again the happy Minako we all know and love, and Kunzite never died. Her memories of him being dead will leave her in time, and all she will remember is helping the younger queen in the past. My work, for now, is done. ~~~~~~~~~~~ End! Sooooo.. how did everyone like it? Or did you hate it? *shivers* Email me PLEASE!!! **HUGS** to everyone who has emailed me, you really help me get through writer's block and keep me going to get this chapters out as fast as I can ^_^ luvs -n- hugz minna! <3 Bethany Bethany212@aol.com