Hi! I'm back with chapter seven here! HUGE THANKS TO MY EDITORS!!! You guys are GREAT!!! **HUGS** hope everyone is enjoying this! Thank you to all the people emailing me on this story! I LUV feedback! *********************** From the Beginning, Round Two ~ Part VII Title: A little too quiet Rated: PG 15 (language) *********************** Chibi-Usa sat in her young fathers lap and watched the sun setting outside the balcony door. Her eyes slowly traveled from the pinkish sky to her mother's still form on the bed. "Mom always liked when the sky turned pink before dark," she said almost silently. Mamoru continued to stare at his wife's still body on the bed. She was breathing, but that was the only movement she made at all. Mamoru felt his heart quiver in his chest and tears threaten him, but he would not cry infront of Chibi-Usa, she needed him to be strong. "How about you go in the kitchen and let Mako-chan make you something to eat? You haven't had anything since breakfast," Mamoru said, desperate to be alone with his unconscience wife. Sensing the tension in her father's body, Chibi-Usa stood up and went out of the room, closing the door softly behind her. Mamoru went to the bed and watched Usagi sleep. She looked so peaceful. Any minute he almost expected her to open her eyes and say something to him. He wished more than anything she would open her eyes, tell him that it was all right... ...that she wasn't dying. Mercury had confirmed it earlier, Usagi, his Usako. . .was ...dying. The mere thought of that now sent him into uncontrollable sobs as he laid down next to her, his face in her hair to spell the sweet scent. The hot burning, pain filled tears rolled down his face as he found her hand and held it to his face. "Usako. . .please wake up Usako. Don't leave me," he begged, wishing for a miracle beyond miracles. But nothing. Still she sleep. The entire apartment was full of depressed senshi. Mamoru had seen Mercury break down for the first time since he had known her. "Dark energy was eating her alive," she had explained. "Without the crystal to fight it off, I'm afraid, I'm afrai..d..." here she had broken down in uncontrollable sobs. But there was something else, something they weren't telling him, he knew that by the glances exchanged. Something that was a threat to Usagi. His tears all but gone, he pulled her limp body into his arms and concentrated on giving her his life force. As soon as he was steadily increasing his energy, a light burned brightly in the room, replaced by a young boy with a horn coming from his head. "Helios." The boy, whose wisdom was far beyond his appearance, bent infront of his prince. "Hai, Prince Endymion." Helios stood and walked quietly over to where Usagi lay. He placed his hand about six inches above her face and closed his eyes. Suddenly he gasped. "No princess, you can't do that. . ." "Do what?!" Mamoru demanded urgently. Helios again closed his eyes. "She is giving her life force to someone else, you are the only thing keeping her alive." Mamoru slid closer to her. "Who is she giving it to?" he asked desperately, trying to find out whose life she holds above her own. Helios stood uncomfortable for a minute before answering. "Your unborn child, my Prince." Mamoru's eyes filled with tears. "She's pregnant?" "Hai, my Lord, she is. But she had no knowledge of that before this happened." "No, she's trying to keep our baby alive instead of herself? Why?" he begged. Helios put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Be strong for her and I will be strong for you. Sayonara, Prince." And with that, Helios disappeared in a ray of light. "Matte! Helios!" Mamoru cried out, but it was too late. He was gone. "Usako. . .our child? You value that more than your life? I will help you, we will survive this, or die together. I can *not* live without you." He placed his body closer to hers and rubbed her stomach gently. "Our child, please Selene, help her. . .help us." ***** Haruka, Setsuna, Michiru and Chibi-Usa were engrossed in a game of Monolpy. Makoto was cooking dinner. Seiya, Taiki, Yaten, Hotaru, Rei and Ami were discussing Usagi's condition, and Minako sat dejectedly by the phone, waiting for. . .something she was sure. Artemis and Diana were downstairs, hunting out a mouse that Artemis had smelled and Luna sat on the balcony, praying to Selene. All and all, it wasn't the happiest of rooms. But everyone was busy, not minding to anyone else's activities for once. Yaten stood adruptly and went to the door. "I need some air." Minako looked up from her thoughts and watched as he left. The air in the apartment was suffocating, filling them all with thoughts of a life without Usagi. "Matte, Yaten-chan. I'm coming with you." Yaten waited patiently while Minako grabbed her jacket and went out the door. Ami stood up from her position on the couch and brought out her computer. "I don't know what could have changed, but I'm going to check on Usagi." No one looked up as Ami left the room. ***** A tall, lone figure stood up slowly and entered the deserted throne room. His hiding place among the back of the room was causing his joints to pop as he walked, and he hoped that it would not cause any unwanted attention. Laying open for view on a blood red pillow, was the ginzuishou. The room remained dark and silent as he made his way toward the stone. The stone that could heal the Princess, and help bring his Prince back from the depression that he himself had seen. He wondered idely how come Beryl would leave such an important piece sitting out like this, for anyone - namely him - to take. Then again, she had no knowledge of his presence. She had no reason to think it would no longer be here when she returned. "What are you doing?" a voice came from behind, and the man jumped. Turning swifly, he came in contact with a man almost as tall as himself, with piercing brown eyes. "Don't do that, you'll scare a man to death." His visitor laughed lowly. "Have you got it?" "No, you scared me before I had the chance," the first man reported. The brown haired man looked uneasily towards the exit. "We best hurry, the Princess is dieing, I myself heard this from Lady Mercury." Worry etched in his brow, he grabbed the locket from the pillow and dissappeared into thin air with it, his visitor following. ***** "I don't understand, why is this happening? We were so peaceful for so long, now this? Will we ever have normal lives?" Minako demanded tearfully. Yaten shook his head and absentmindedly kicked a rock. "Gomen Minako-chan, I don't know what to say. Perhaps we never will, and then again, we might." "Your not yourself, Yaten-chan. You've changed," Minako noted. Yaten let out a half giggle. "Hai, we have all changed. Times make you change, I suppose. I always thought of myself before anything, always thought of my own needs. Life was just a huge game to me. But when I went back home, I stopped thinking of me, and started thinking of someone else..." he trailed off, stopping infront of a brick wall and grabbing Minako's hand. Surprised, but not unpleasently so, Minako searched for Yaten's eyes. After long moments of silence, green eyes meet blue. "Who did you think about?" Yaten paused and brought Minako closer to him. "You..." he sighed, bringing her closer to place his lips on hers. After a few minutes, Minako pulled back in need of air. Her hands remained placed behind Yaten's head, resting on his neck, his hands on her waist. His face flushed a couple of unhealthy shades of red. "Gomen Minako-chan, I..." "Don't," Minako commanded, bringing her finger to rest on his lips. "Just don't. Don't say you regrett it, don't say you didn't mean it." "I did," Yaten assured her, and brought her closer once more. ***** Sailor Pluto walked without destination through the time gate. The land between times went on forever in every direction, nothing but fog and ground visible from where she stood. "Why?" she suddenly whispered. She herself had never seen this coming. She never thought it possible, she was always suppose to be prepared. Usagi's couldn't die. Without her Chibi- Usa would never be born. She had to live, but the danger than now seemed larger than life. The princess was dieing, and without the ginzuishou,they were powerless to stop it. Suddenly a presence, other than herself, was in the time current. Prepared to attack, Pluto raised her timestaff. "Who are you? Only those worthy of addmentace(sp?) are allowed here, you are not worthy!" "Stop!" came the rough male voice. As the fog moved, two figures became visible before her, kneeling. "Please, Pluto, we are here only to help." Putting down her staff, Pluto cleared her throat. "Gomen nasai." They stood and straightened themselves out. "That's understandable. We bring this to you, to help the Princess." His large hand opened to reveal the locket holding the ginzuishou. Pluto silently thanked Selene and Kami as she took the broach from the man's hand. "Domo Arigato, you have no idea what this means to me. What it means to Endymion and the senshi." "We have an idea, our regards to the royal family, Pluto. Also extended from General Korntz." *********** an: do you know who they are yet? huh, huh? do ya? *giggles* *********** "Hai," Pluto answered shortly, already preparing to return to the apartment that held the dying Princess. She reappeared in a flash of light inside the living room. Everyone looked up as she entered. Makoto was the first to notice what she held. "Thank Kami-sama! The ginzuishou! Where did you find it?!" Pluto silenced her with a wave of her hand and the senshi followed her to the bedroom. Mamoru laid closely to Usagi, his eyes closed in concentration. "Mamoru-san," Pluto whispered. He remained unmoved. Slowly Makoto and Haruka removed Mamoru from Usagi's side. His energy spent, he had no choice but to move as they moved him. The only fight he gave was a weak verbal protest that went un-noticed by the senshi. "Small Lady, come forth," Pluto asked. Chibi-Usa left the doorway and slowly made her way towards the senshi of time. Her eyes never left her mother's form as she came up and took the locket Pluto's outstretched hands. Holding it in both hands, she closed her eyes and concentrated on the power locked inside the stone. A blinding white light caused everyone in the room to cover their eyes. Chibi-Usa pushed on, bringing forth more and more power to erase the damage done by the dark energy. Seconds pasted. Then minutes. And still Chibi-Usa poured energy into her task. Dertermined not to fail. Images raided her mind, nights at home in the crystal palace. Her mother coming to have 'girl-talks' with her. Giggling over some cute guy in magizines, rolling their eyes simutainously at her father when he would ask what the big deal was. Dinners together as a family, with all her brothers and sisters gathered at the table, as well as the senshi and their families. Tears poured from her closed eyes as the thought of never having those memories. 'I will NOT fail you mother, I promise.' Ten minutes past and finally Chibi-Usa's small body could hold it no more. She fainted onto the ground, the ginziushou falling to the groud near her with a *thunk*. Rei wiped a single tear off her face and turned to Pluto. "Now what?" Pluto watched as Haruka and Makoto placed Mamoru beside Usagi, then Seiya carry Chibi-Usa in the living room to rest on the sofa. "We wait," she sighed. ***** Somewhere in the darkest corner of Usagi's mind, was a beautiful palace. It's glory and beauty out weighing what it had 1,000 years ago. Fountains and gardens lined every walkway. And inside, just as she remembered her, stood Queen Serenity. Usagi looked down on herself, noting the white princess gown that now accented her figure. "What happened?" "You've come home, dear." A small smile broke out on Usagi's face as she studied the palace around her. Home. She was home. 'But not my rightful home.' "Where is Endymion?" Queen Serenity sighed heavily. She knew it would come to this. That if Usagi died before Endymion that she would not stay. "He is still alive." "No, mother! He can't live without me, he needs me!" "Yes, I know. And I know you will go back to him." Queen Serenity smiled down at her daughter. "Remember I love you, and you can always come back." Usagi smiled also, tears of pain and some of joy washing her face. "I know mother. I love you too. He needs me, I need him." Queen Serenity hugged her daughter and released her slowly, allowing life to seep back into her body. Her figure dissappeared into nothingness and the queen sighed. "Until next time darling, until next time." ***** (Forty two hours, twenty seven minutes later) Mamoru moaned in his sleep. "Usako, don't leave me, I love you. . ." Usagi fluttered her eyes open and blinked before they resisted the light entering, and closed again. Again she opened them, longer this time, allowing her pupils to dilate, growing used to the light of the sun through the open window. Moaning in pain from her stiff joints, she rolled over to see Mamoru's face, contorted in pain from an image only he alone could see. "Usaaako!" he yelled in a whispered, tightening his grip on her. Usagi panicked for a moment, before realizing all she had to do was wake him up and he would be okay. "Mamo-chan. . .sweetie, wake up." One blue eye opened hesitantly, afraid he was still sleeping. Usagi smiled her sweet, soft smile and he opened both, drinking her in like a man in the hot desert who found water, never getting enough. He allowed a smile to tug at the corners of his mouth. "Usako? Are you really okay? I'm not dreaming?" Usagi gently ran her hand down the side of his face lovingly, soothing him. "Yes baby, I'm here. Your not dreaming. . ." She was rewarded by an engulfing hug. He held her tightly, for a moment forgetting how petite she was, and that he was probably starting to hurt her. "Usako, I love you. . .I love you. . .thank goodness your alright. . ." For a while neither moved. Just enjoying the fact that they were there, together, alive. Listening to each others heart beat, feeling each others breath. There was never a time that Mamoru thought he would be so happy just to feel her touch, her fingers lovingly brushing away his tears. He cried, sobbed actually, for a long time. Happy tears, worried tears, tears of relief and finally letting go of his fears. Because SHE was there, there holding him, secure in HER arms, nothing else in the world mattered. Except maybe one thing. . "MOM, DADDY!" was screamed as a bouncing pink haired rabbit ran across the room, onto the bed and in her parents embrace. Ami let out a happy sigh and closed the door to give them their privacy before she checked them over. She beamed as she entered the living room. "They are fine," she said, making everyone in the room cheer. "This, and I think this is not the first time I've said this in the last month, calls for Italian!" Minako squealed, bouncing up and down in delight that the princess and prince were safe at last. "Agreed!" the Lights said, looking for the phone book. Makoto walked into the living room. She had been bruising herself for in doing nothing but cooking, trying to keep her emotions in check and her hands busy. Needless to say, she needed to stop before everything in the house was gone. "Your calling out for food?" she said a little sad, "Is my food not good enough?" Yaten stopped halfway through the phone book. "No, it's better than call in, let's go to the grocery store!" Makoto laughed sincere for the first time in what seemed like forever. "Alright, let me make a list." "YEAHH!!" Minako and Hotaru exclaimed, jumping up and down while holding hands. Ami smiled at the scene they made, then quietly got her bag and medical supplies, heading toward the bedroom. She opened the door and peeked in. Luna, Artemis, Diana and Chibi-Usa were on the bed, all talking excitedly to a very worn out prince and princess. "Ano, but I need everyone to clear the room so I can check Usagi and Mamoru out to be sure they are okay." Reluctantly Chibi-Usa, holding one cat in each arm and one on her head, left the room. Usagi smiled her thanks to Ami, before crashing back against Mamoru's chest, snuggleing deeply. "Arigato Ami-chan, I didn't have the heart to ask them to leave." Ami smiled understandingly, "I know, but you can't get rid of me until I make sure the three of you are alright." "Three?" Usagi asked, *very* confused. "Hai Usagi-chan, three. You, Mamoru-kun and your unborn child." Usagi sat straight up, "Unborn child? I'm pregnant?!?!!" Ami smiled. "One month and," checking her computer, "three weeks to be exact." Usagi fell back against the pillows. "Pregnant? I'm pregnant! Mamo-chan! We're going to have a baby!!" The longer it sunk in, the happier she got. Mamoru wrapped his arms around her, bringing his smiling lips closer to hers. Ami watched in silence as they celebrated the new life inside her. And waited. And waited. And waited some more. "Umm, minna? I need to check you over," she said quietly, not really wanting to disturb them, but knowing she had no choice. Usagi flushed a healthy pink, "Gomen ne, we kinda forgot you were still in the room Ami-chan." "That's quite all right," Ami assured her, then shouted, "Mercury Eternal Make-Up!" Where a few seconds before Ami had been standing, now stood Eternal Sailor Mercury, already her visor was out and computer in hand. Usagi waited patiently, although a little anxious, for Mercury to confirm how she was. After a few unnoticed nods and a smile she moved on to Mamoru. What she saw here did not upset her, but it wasn't the best either. "Mamoru, you have absorbed a trace of dark energy, with rest you should be fine in a couple of days. Usagi as far as I can tell, you and your child are perfectly healthy." She rubbed her stomach tenderly. "Ami-chan?" "Hmm?" "It's not. . ." Ami smiled, knowing her question before she asked it. "No, it is not Chibi-Usa." She sighed. "I thought she was our only child. .?" "The future can be changed," said a new voice in the room. Usagi looked up to see Setsuna smiling at her. "How are you Usagi-chan?" "According to Ami-chan, I'm fine." "But according to you?" she asked amused, knowing what was coming. Usagi smiled widely. "According to me, I'm hungry!" "For once," Ami began, laughing, "you have every right to be." ***** Beryl sat hard on her throne. Pondering on how, or more likely who, took the ginzuishou, or more importantly - how to tell Metallia. "I should just attack them, that's what I'll do. Damn the rest of this nonscence. It's just wasting time, don't you think General Korntz?" "Hai, my queen," he agreed for fear of what would happen if he tried to stall her any longer than he already had. Suddenly another figure emeraged from the group. A youma that Beryl didn't remember having, but not giving it a second thought. "Yes?" "Pardon, your majesty, but aren't we a little weak to attack now? Maybe we should gather more energy first?" "Well, I don't know..." The youma waited impatiently. 'Come on bitch, you have to delay. Just send some energy takers out so the senshi can handle it. The princess needs to give birth before you start attacking again!' Before she could refuse, another youma - again one that Beryl didn't regonize- came forward. "I agree majesty, we need more energy before attacking. Or we may lose." The first youma smiled his thanks to the second and turned back to Beryl. "I've got it!" she announced. "We'll wait until we have more energy so we can defeat them! I'm so glad I thought of that! Sector four, send out troops, now!" The youmas growled under their breath. 'Whatever, as long as she don't attack.'