Indifference by Black Beyond ~*~*~* ~*~*~* I'm twenty years old. My birthday is June 30. I can tell you that. Lots of people have that birthday. Lots of people are that old. If only I could be one of those 'lots of people'. I don't know what happened. I'm hiding from myself, in a country that I call my own, but has turned against me in my eyes, although no ones knows it. Not even the country. Or maybe not. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Probably. All because I saved someone's life. It wasn't my fault. I saw her. And I saw it. My destiny tells me one thing. That I am to fight. So, I fought it. And I saved her. It's not my fault that woman didn't want to be saved. It's not my fault that she tried to kill me. She did a pretty good job of it. With a blade I didn't know she had. She was very experienced with that blade. If I'd lost any more blood from those cuts, I would have died. One more drop, I'm sure. But I lived. But she didn't. I heard later she committed sucide. I'm not going to tell you her name. It's not that important. Like I said, I didn't even know her. Just some stranger. Some thanks. Anyway, I suppose you can keep my secret. My name is Tsukino Usagi. I was born in Tokyo, Japan, to Tsukino Kenji and Ikuko. I have a little brother: Tsukino Shingo. None of them know what happened. To them, I just feel on some barb-wire. To my closest friends, I was recklessly fighting a dangerous monster-- a youma. To my Mamoru, I was being the little ditzy girl again. If only they knew. My daughter, she knows. Because she was there beside me. My savior. The one who was able to stop the blood in time. She's not really my daughter, yet. She's from a time in the future where I rule as the Neo-Queen Serenity. She knows everything about me. She knows I'm really a super-genius. She knows I'm not who I look. She knows me. I love her for that. She never questions who I am or what I do. I have no secrets from her. She is Sailor Moon. I am Eternal Sailor Moon. It's really ironic how fate can love you one minute and throw a bullet at you the next. I've got scars. But thankfully, with Mamoru's absolute vows of chasity until we're married, I'm able to keep most of them hidden. Hardly any of them are on the lower part of my arms. I'm able to wear short sleeves. And for those on my face and legs, I use make up. it's the putty kind, made to cover up scars. It works wonders, but I can't wear a bathing suit. That's why I'm always 'sick' or 'busy' when we all get together to go swimming. The putty washes off with water. But Chibi-usa insisted I have no scars when I'm Queen. Because I wear bikinis all the time and she has never seen any. I've figured that one out. Magic. I suppose, if I was just a bit more powerful, I could do it. But I'm not that strong.... Yet. ~*~*~* "Mama, where are we going?" I had long since moved out of my parent's house. Chibi-usa, when she came back, about three years after the Final Battle with Galaxia, stayed with me. "Somewhere away from the senshi and your papa, Usagi." I said, using her real name. "Just for the day. get some peace and quiet. If there's a youma, they'll get it. I just need to think." I slowly finished packing my day bag. Just in case things. An extra outfit. Some money. Hairspray, make up. Things like that. I was going to go to my part of the beach. A secret place. Chibi-usa knew about it. That's why she was coming with me. I was wearing a one piece dark blue bathing suit under my shorts and t-shirt. Just to catch some sun. "Go ahead and get your bathing suit and a towel. We're going to the beach." I told her. She grinned and ran to get her things. She loved it when I took her to the beach. She loved the water, while I was deathly afraid of it. It's just the sense of being in something ever so bigger and more powerful than you. I'm just used to being in charge. Ever since the Accident, I've been losing that. Everyone thinks I'm so clumbsy! I can do whatever I want... and believe me, it's a lot harder to be clumbsy than graceful. Don't ask me why I act. It's not something I know. "Alright, mama! Let's go!" Chibi-usa ran back into my bedroom, wearing a pink bikini, pulling on a pair of shorts as she ran. Reminds me of me. ^_^ "Hold your horses. Did you leave a note for papa and the senshi if they drop by?" "Yup!" "Alright, let's go, then." ~**~ I made my way down the beach, back up towards the land so no one would see us. Chibi-usa had ran ahead, to make sure no one was in our spot. I love her so much. Finally, after forever, I came to the spot. One one side, the ocean roared. On another, a river, on the verge of a lush forest. on the remaining sides, high, sheer cliffs kept anyone from discovering the spot. I saw it when I was walking in the water, the cliffs seemed to draw me on, so I walked around... and saw it. It always seems to take away my troubles. Shady, but not that so it's dark, sunny, but not so that you get burned. A perfect mix of the two. And the water adds a humidy that feels absolutely perfect, especially because the wind is always blowing. An undiscovered part of Eden that managed to survive. "I'm going to go swim, mama." Chibi-usa pulled off her shorts and ran for the water. "Alright! Be careful!" I called after her. I , and pulled out one of my favorite books from my bag. An English novel called Little Women. A wonderful story. I've read it a million times. I could probably recite it to you word for word. But I love reading it anyway. Ami would have a heart attack if she saw me reading kanji as easily as I do. Everyone underestimates me... The obnoxious beeping of my communicator interrupted my thoughts, and I could see Chibi=usa swimming franticly towards shore, and then running to me. "What's up?" I asked. "Usagi-chan, there's evil energy at the beach. We're not talking youma, bigger than that." Ami's flushed face met my eyes. Bigger than a youma? Where? "Alright, Ami. I'm on it." I said and closed it before she could say, 'Wait for us.' "Mama, there's something in the water!" Chibi-usa yelled, running up to me, her locket in hand. "Ami just told me." In the water. My day was not going my way. "What is it?" "Like... like..." She took a deep breath. "A man made of water. He's angry." "Made of water?" Perfect. "Alright. Henshin yo!" "Moon Prism Power Make up!" "Moon Eternal Make up!" I ran around to the main part of the beach. Indeed, people were screaming and running from the water like a band of sharks had appeared. And I saw it. It was a man. Very handsome, from what I could tell, anyway. Made completely from the blue green waters, and sorry, I know it's strange, but my first thought was 'Godzilla.' "How are we going to defeat it, Mama?" Chibi- usa asked, her voice shaking. "I don't know. Listen. We'll have to get out there in the water. Do you remember what you were taught about using the water's natural resistane to hold up your own weight so you can walk on it?" "Yes, mama." "Good. Because you can't fight treading water." I took an unsteady step onto the gently rolling waves. It always scared me... but I had to fight. I felt Chibi-Moon following me as I walked steadily to Water-man, as I had just named him. It fit, anyway. He noticed us, just as we were in attacking range. I think we confused him. After all, it's not every day you see Eternal Sailor Moon walking on water. "Now, Chibi!" I hissed. "Crescent Moon Heart Attack!" She yelled, sending something that looked an awful lot like Venus's Love-me Chain at the Water Man from her wand. It cut off one arm, and I noticed that the arm didn't grow back. My Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss was not going to work. "Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss!" I sliced off it's other arm. "We aren't going to have the power to keep this on!" Chibi-Moon yelled what I had just realized. Well, Mr. Water Man was not happy about the loss of both it's arms. Someone, I felt that he was gathering everything he had for a masive attack. "Usagi! Run!" I pushed her in the direction of the shore. "I've got to use the crystal before he blows the world in two!" "But mama..." "GET TO THE SHORE!" I had never used that voice, and I whinced when she recoiled like I'd slapped her. She turned and ran for the shore, tears in her eyes. I knew it'd probably kill me. I still haven't mastered the crystal. But the point was, I didn't have the energy for another Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss. I fumbled with the small stone, and then rasied it above my head. I didn't have time to turn into Serenity. Now I knew it would kill me. Without the duribility of Serenity, I had no chance of surviving. "Goodbye..." I whispered. I closed my eyes. "Ginszuishou! Eternal Cosmic Power!" I ordered, and tried to drift away as the ginzuishou errupted, the sound of it echoing for miles. On the beach, Chibi-Moon watched in horror as Sailor Moon rasied the crystal. There was no way she could survive that... And then Chibi-Moon realized her mother knew that too. "No!! MAMA!" She screamed, trying to run for the water again. A pair of hands grabbed her shoulders. She looked up to see Sailor Jupiter. "Let me goooo!" "No... Sailor Chibi-Moon... what is she doing?" Jupiter asked. "She'll die... the ginzuishou...." Chibi- usa whispered dehenshining. "What?" Mars asked. "But why..." "Because it's too big and too powerful." Chibi-usa sobbed. "She's going to die, and it's all your fault!" Just as she slipped into unconsciousness, she swore she heard Sailor Mars say... "Maybe it's for the best." And then the explosion. ~*~*~* Master Roshi, Goku, and Krillin were sitting inside the Kame House, when the explosion occured. It was on the water, because Goku looked out of the window soon enough to see the water flare up like there was a tsunami. "What's going on?" Krillin yelped. "What in tarhooties what that?" Master Roshi demanded. "I don't know, but I'm going to find out." Goku said. "Are you coming, Krillin?" "Are you crazy? What if it's another Saiyan?" Krillin ducked under the table. ` "Suit yourself." Goku jumped up and walked out of the Hame House, nearly falling over a woman who said on the beach, squeezing the water out of her long, shiny, blonde hair. "Yeah, it had to be in the middle of the damned ocean, didn't it. And it had to drop me here completely damn naked, didn't it?" She was talking, or rather complaining to no one in particular. "I hate water... hey..." She lifted up one perfect cream colored arm. "They're all gone. How did that happen... maybe Chibi-usa wasn't lying..." Goku gulped. This had to be one of the water nymphs that were in the greek myths he'd heard Gohan read aloud. "I'd better do something about clothing. If they're any people here, they may not take kindly to a lady walking around in the nude." She sighed, before standing up. Of course, her hair fluttered down to hide everything. Goku couldn't help but notice how silky her hair was, and how it fell to her calves, with her long and curvy... He smakked himself in the head. He was beginning to think like Master Roshi! Maybe Chichi was right... Master Roshi was a bad influence. "Let's see if I remember how to do this." She murmured. Her aura began to glow slightly, and a simple white dress that was short sleeved and came to mid thigh appeared slowly. "Had to be white." She grumbled, after the glow was gone. "Just had to be white. And on sand, too." She brushed the sand off of her already drying legs, and made sure there was no more sand in her hair. "I lost all my hairpins. Damn." She muttered. "That's perfect. Now my hair will have to stay down. There's another damn." "Hey, Goku! Did you find out what that expolsion was--" Krillin stopped dead in his track at the sight of the drop-dead gorgeous woman. She spun to face them, her hair wrapping around her, only to flutter gently back down into place. Both Goku's and Krillin's hearts stopped beating. She stared at them with unbelievibly blue eyes, sizing both of them up. It took a full minute before their heart started back up again. There was something off about her eyes. Something inside them... something sad... but deadly. "I don't suppose either of you could tell me what planet I'm on." She said, looking at both of them like they were indeed aliens. "Earth!" They both chirped up at the same time. She rolled her eyes, before nodding. "Another planet to get used to." She mumbled. Goku caught it, though. She wasn't a human? Well, that was certainly easy to believe. No human could ever acheive that level of beautiful. "Who are you?" Krillin asked. He was truly surprised he could get the sentense out, his throat was so choked. "My name is Usagi. Yes, it means rabbit. No wisecracks, please." She pushed her hair out of her face, making Krillin's heart leap up into his throat. "Where are you from?" Goku asked. "Another planet. A very long ways away." Usagi chuckled. "It's a lot like this one... only less pretty." She noticed the way they were staring at her. One delicate eyebrow went up. "Are you two alright? Your faces are all red..." "Yeah..." Goku turned around to face Krillin. "We need to get her out of here before Master Roshi sees her." He said in a low voice. "That's for sure!" "Who's Master Roshi?" Goku nearly jumped down feet in the air. He spun around to come face to face with Usagi. Usagi put her hands on her hips. "Who's Master Roshi? Why don't you want him to see me?" "Because, well, Usagi-san, Master Roshi is a very big eechi. As in eechi." Goku explained. "Sorry, but if he took one look at you, it would take both me and Krillin to fend him off." "I can hold my own." Usagi smiled at him. "Yeah, but still..." "I told you my name. What are your's?" "Oh! Gomen, Usagi-san! My name is Krillin, this is Goku." "Goku?" Usagi sized him up again. She sensed his power level was somewhere up around two million. Two million! That was as powerful as Super Sailor Moon... she'd better make friends out of these two fast. "Do you need a place to stay, Usagi-san?" Goku asked. Usagi smiled, and was about to say yes, when he continued. "My friend Bulma-san has lots of room. You could stay with her." "Alright... thank you for your help, Goku. I don't know how to get home... they probably think I'm dead..." Tears welled up in her eyes at the thought of Chibi-usa... "Hey... it's okay. Come on. Krillin, you tell Master Roshi I went to Bulma's. I'll take Usagi-san there." "Okay, Goku. Whatever you say." "Thanks, Krillin." He looked at Usagi. "I don't suppose you can fly..." "I can." Usagi said, surprising him. "But you'll have to hold on a minute..." She closed her eyes, and was lifted into the air a few inches. There was a flash of light, and then Usagi was hovering above the ground, a pair of feathery angel wings extruding from her back. "What are you staring at? Come on, I need you to show me the way..." She grinned at their dumbfounded looks. "Uh... alright." Goku jumped into the air, and was about to take off, when Usagi stopped him. "Wait a sec. How fast do you fly? Because I can't really go very fast... it hurts to go any higher than one hundred kilos an hour." "I can go a lot faster than that." Goku grabbed her wrist. "Come on... it'll be easier like this." He took off, going faster than the eye could follow. Usagi managed to keep herself in the air while he provived speed. Usagi knew at once that Goku was as pure as she. A friend. ~*~*~* "Bulma... Bulma, are you there?" Goku called out, stepping inside Capsule Corp, Usagi more or less hiding behind him, her wings gone. She was nervous about his friends. What if Bulma wasn't nice? She shook her head. Any friend of goku's was certainly a friend of her's... she hoped. "That Woman went shopping to expand her ridiculous wardrobe." An icey voice met her already nervous ears. Usagi ducked behind Goku, before the owner of the voice could see her. "That's too bad, Vegeta. I was hoping she could help me." Goku sighed. "About what? And what are you hiding behind your back, Kakorot?" Vegeta demanded. "Why would you want to know?" Goku asked innocently. "Don't toy with me, Kakorot!" Vegeta growled, shoving Goku out of the way. Usagi gasped. He looked every bit as cruel as he sounded. But... he was handsome. And there was a soft look in his eyes, back behind all the hate. She decided to at least to try not to be afraid of him. But she couldn't help cowering. Vegeta nearly lost his breath at the sight of the girl before him. She was every bit as lovely as the stories of angels he'd once heard of. Never, had he seen anything that beautiful. But she was a human. No human woman would turn his head. "This is Usagi. She's from another planet, and needs a place to stay. I thought Bulma could help her." Goku explained. Not human? That was an interresting development. "W-w-who are you?" Usagi choked out. "I am Prince Vegeta of the Saiya-jin. Where do you come from, girl?" "Why should I tell you, Prince Vegeta?" Usagi found some strength inside herself, and stood up straight. Even Vegeta had to admit the girl had guts. It was probably the only reason he didn't knock her down right then and there. That, and he was surprised. It had been a very long time since anyone called him Prince. "I'm from a moon in another deminsion." She said softly, after a few minutes of silence. "I was sent here because I tried to kill myself to defeat a monster." Her voice was barely above a whisper. Goku was a little stunned. "Why did you try to kill yourself?" He asked. This girl didn't look like the sucidal type. "Well, actually, it's a very long story. Something I don't feel like talking about, if you don't mind." She said, her eyes resigned. "Arg... I'm going to the gravitational room. Don't bother me." Vegeta threw his hands up in the air and marched off to a door marked in big bold red letters 'G ROOM'. "He's a jerk." Usagi said, after the door had closed after Vegeta. "No kidding. But I'm sure Bulma won't mind--" Another voice interrupted him. "Vegeta! I'm back! If you've made a mess, I swear..." A woman with blue-green hair walked in, arms ladden with shopping bags. "Vegeta's in the G-room, Bulma." Goku said. "Goku! What are you doing here... and who's she?" Bulma asked throwing her bags in a room Usagi guessed was a closet, and turned back to them. "Actually, Bulma, I need you to do me a favour. Usagi just got here... she's from another planet, and needs a place to stay. Could you possibly..." "Of course! Hey, Usagi! How old are you?" "I'm twenty." "You don't look twenty... oh, well. Come on. There's a lot of guest rooms. All on the third floor. Oh yeah. There's one thing you should be warned about. Never disturb Vegeta. He'll probably blow you back to wherever you came from." "Oh, I doubt that." Usagi whispered. She was led up to a guest room, and Goku left, saying something about 'rescuing Krillin'. "Oh, this room is perfectly beautiful, Bulma- san!" Usagi exclaimed. "Usagi-chan, I don't know how you did it." Bulma giggled insanely. "Did what?" Usagi asked. "Didn't you notice? The way Goku was goggling at you!" Bulma laughed harder when Usagi shook her head. "Geez, Usagi. That man is so devoted to his wife and kids it's not even funny! You managed to grab his attention... wow." She laughed so hard she thought she was going to pee in her pants. "I've already got a fiancee... but I'm thinking about breaking it off." Usagi fished around in her pocket, and produced a picture of Mamoru in a tuxedo. "Why would you?! That has to be the most drop-dead gorgeous man I've ever seen!" "Well... it's sort of hard to explain. I love him, and everything. But he's so distant. He acts more like a bodyguard than a human being. Which he is human. He just thinks I'm a pretty face. I can't stand that. I would drop it, but I love Chibi-usa too much to hurt her like that. And one of these days, Mamoru will realize I'm smarter than he is." "Who's Chibi-usa?" "That's hard to explain... I don't really feel like talking about it, no offense, Bulma-san. In the end, I'll end up marrying him. It's one of those cosmic fate things." "That's sad, Usagi." "Not really, compared to a few other things." "So, how did you wind up on Earth?" At the expression on Usagi face, she laughed. "Alright, I won't ask." "I'm sorry, Bulma. It's just... I've never really liked my life. It's hard to talk about the past... even two days ago past." "It's alright. Now... you look sleep deprived. Go ahead and get some sleep." Bulma winked at her. "Believe me, you probably won't get much of a chance after Vegeta fails at becoming a Super Saiya- jin again." The last part of her sentense never reached Usagi's ears. She was already fast asleep. ~*~*~* The next day, almost noon, Usagi woke up. She knew that she was very drained yesterday, but was surprised at how quickly her powers came back to her. She was fully energized already, after only a day of sleep. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes, and to her delight found some hairpins in a drawer, and had her hair up in her costumary odnagos in two seconds. She looked at herself in the mirror for a very long time, before slowly removing every pin. She had become used to it hanging down, and besides, these people weren't reacting to the magic feilds she had so painstakingly errected around herself. If she had to henshin, the hair would be a dead giveaway. She missed her odangos. She brushed her hair out, getting the sand she had missed yesterday. She never thought she was very pretty, but now, gazing in the mirror, she realized just how pretty she was. She didn't know if she liked it. She practicly flew down the stairs, wanting someone to talk to now that she wasn't so weak. At the bottem, she ran right into a green man. It took a minute for her to realize she wasn't back in Tokyo, running to make an appointment, bumping into the innocent pedestrian. "Oh, gomen gomen gomen!" She cried. "Are you alright?" She seemed to take no notice of the green scaled skin. "Huh? I'm fine... who are you?" Piccolo's senses where stunned by the emense power concealed inside the girl. Much more than Goku possessed in Super Saiya-jin mode. "I'm Usagi. I'm staying with Bul;ma for a while. You're Piccolo, aren't you? Goku told me about you while he was bringing me here." "That's nice." With a whirl of his white cape, Piccolo had disappeared into the kitchen. "Oh, well. Can't win 'em all." Usgai said brightly. She turned around, and stared at the room Vegeta had gone into the day before. "I wonder what's in there," She said to herself. As if in a trance, she moved slowly to the door, and had her hand on the door knob when a male voice broke her form her revivere. "Are you crazy?" She halfway turned around to see a boy, about twelve years old. "Maybe. I want to see what's in there." She opened the door and stepped inside, as Goten said, "But Vegeta's training!" ~*~*~* Usagi was nearly knocked to the floor by the extremely high gravity in the room. It took a minute before she adjusted to it, and slowly fought her way up. When she was able to breathe again, Usagi turned her curiousity to the room. In the center, Vegeta was standing, fists clenched, a strange golden aura surrounding him. Almost like he was reaching for something. She knew that feeling, but didn't understand why he was reaching for it, and expending so much of his energy doing it. Slowly, after another, minute, the golden aura collapsed. "Almost made it." Vegeta gasped, as he too collapsed to his knees. Usagi gasped in horror and ran to his side, kneeling beside him. "You're more foolish than I thought." She said to Vegeta, checking his power level. Almost down to nothing. "You've completely spent yourself out." "Go away, girl." Vegeta mumbled. "No way. It will take days for you to recoperate from that. Why did you do it?" "I have to become Super Saiya-jin." "Oh, bull." Usagi helped him sit up. "Sit still. I have to see if I remember how to do this. I'm at full power now." She said, and placed her hand on his forehead. Softly, the crescent moon on her forehead manifested, and a streak of power raced down her arm and into Vegeta. He shook like he'd been struck by lightning. She helped him stand up, as he looked at her like her skin was blue. "How did you do that, girl?" "It's just a trick. Nothing else. Why were you trying to kill yourself?" "Nothing." "Alright. You keep your secrets and I'll keep mine." Usagi helped him stand up, and left, her aura still blazing silver, her mind on other things. Mostly on a man that was as cold as he. ~*~*~* Usagi had been with them two months. She had met Gohan, Goten, Chichi, and finally, Master Roshi. She wished she hadn't. The way he stared at her made her want to blast him to Jupiter. And then let Makoto take over. And over and over, she shown that she used magic. Goten said that if she did one more of her little tricks, he'd die. Piccolo alone sensed the great power eminating from her. Vegeta had taken a guess, becasue more than once, she'd walked into the G room, watching him. He always found it harder to concentrate when she was in there. Krillin wondered, with the power of her 'little tricks', how big a 'big trick' was. And he was frightened to think about the answer. One day, a little over two months after her arrival, everyone was at Master Roshi's, talking, a sort of party, if you will. Usagi was standing outside, looking at the spot where she'd appeared. She felt guilty about keeping so much from these people, when a wisp of the conversation floated to her ears. "I wonder who she really is!" Chichi said. "I don't know. But she is concealing a great power." Piccolo said gravely. "I like her. She's nice." Goten defended Usagi. "We all do. Some more than others," a nasty look was shot at Master Roshi. "But she's so mysterious. All I know about her is that she has a fiancee named Mamoru, and that's she not human. Other than that, she's not said a thing." Bulma shrugged her shoulders. "I know. She keeps saying her past is too painful." Krillin said. "I think she's just a woman." Vegeta grumbled. No one paid any attention. He raised his voice. "She's walked into the G room with the g force at 90e. You can't tell me she's just normal." "I'm not." The soft voice said, and they looked up to see Usagi standing in the doorway, her head down. "I'm sorry. I didn't know you wondered about me. I just thought that maybe you forgot." "Oh, I didn't know you were standing there, Usagi!" Chichi exclaimed. "I wasn't. I've got very good hearing." Usagi smiled a sad half smile. "But, I suppose it's only fair. You've taken me in, and kept me for two months, being nicer than any family I've ever had. I can trust you all. I'll..." Her voice trailed away, and she swallowed. "I will tell you who I really am." "It's about time," Vegeta snorted, but once again, no attention was paid to his remark. "My real name, the name I was first given, was Princess Serenity of the Lunarian Kingdom. At the time, my mother, Queen Serenity, was the most powerful person in the world. I grew up happily. It was the best time of any. But, like always, where ever I am, trouble always seems to make my life a living hell." She proceded to tell them about the fall of the moon kingdom, giving details no one else, not even the moon cats, remembered. "I didn't remember any of it when I was reborn. Not a single thought. But then, luck of all lucks, a few months after I turned fourteen, Luna finds me. She told me I was Sailor Moon... and neither of us remember I was the Moon Princess." She went on, as matter of factly as she could, to tell them about her life, edited slightly, just so that she didn't lie, but she didn't tell them about any of her battles, just that youm periodicly showed up... her and the senshi kicked butt, ect. Then, it came the deadly topic of Galaxia. "That was the strangest battle I've ever been in." Usagi grinned ruefully. "But it was the last, or so I thought. I had four years of complete silence, except for the occasional youma. A few weeks ago before I got here, Sailor Chibi-moon came back to visit me. Two days after she got there, there was another youma. Only I was there to stop it, so when I had transformed and got on the scene, it had a woman in it's clutches. I, of course, freed the woman and dusted the youma. I thought the woman would be grateful. I saved her from death, and all. But she pulled a switchblade on me. Before I could do anything, she had sliced me up pretty bad. Sailor Chibi-moon got there to stop her, and was able to stop the bleeding before I died again. One more drop and I'm sure..." Usagi shook her head. "I had scars all over my body. The senshi all but disowned me. If there was a fight, I was there only to finsh it off. I was treated like a child. They never found out it was the woman, not the youma. I tried to tell them, Chibi-usa tried to tell them, but it was stuck in all their minds. "I hated to be out of charge. I was so used to it. But now Venus was handing out orders. I couldn't stand to see the way they looked at me. I started spending more time with Chibi-usa. Not even Mamoru would listen to me. "It was the day I arrived that I decided to go to the beach. Not to swim. It would have taken the stuff I used to hide the scars away. I was having a great time. Reading and thinking. But then Mercury called me to tell me she had evil energy on radar. And then Chibi-usa came splashing from the water... she told me it was a man made of water. "I henshined, and so did she. We went out to fight it, using a certain technique that invloved manipulating the water so we can walk on it. She and I managed to cut it's arms off... but we didn't have enough energy to do it again. "It was gathering massive amounts of energy for an attack. I didn't see any way out of it, so I made her go back to land, and used the crystal without turning into Serenity. It was suicide. ChibiMoon and I both knew it. But when I blasted it... "I ended up here." There was silence. Complete, and total silence. Their faces were stunned at the story they had just heard. And the strange thing was.... they knew it had to be true. No amount of writers with the best imaginations could ever make up a story like that. "And that is who I am. Not a very pretty thing, is it?" She laughed uncomfortably. "Usagi-chan..." Bulma began. There were tears streaming down her face. "I don't see how you can stand it." She leaned over and hugged the princess. "Stand what? According to them, I'm the weakest person alive." her voice wasn't bitter... just sad. Not even Vegeta had a wisecrack. ~*~*~* "Anch decku slmi kui forgk vic. Pala dechu manoa. Seeku de nataa e comat duc sinfu chso moki. Kanaka de aheci shudc ahcic wijdu ckeid cusi. Awja mou cosma ridj moy! Soam, tuy!" Usagi chanted, sitting crosslegged on her bed, trying to calm her nerves. She had been as jumpy as hell since the Accident. "It's not working, is it?" Gohan's voice startled her. She opened her eyes to see him standing there. "No, it's not." She admitted. "What are you trying to do?" "Calm myself. Eternally change into Serenity. Who knows? I just need something to happen!" She . "I miss Chibi-usa," She said in a small voice. It was one thing she didn't tell them. Mamoru and Chibi-usa... just who they were to her. "What was that stuff you were saying?" "An old Lunarian meditation chant. It's supposed to work wonders, but it hasn't done a thing expect tongue-tie me." Usagi stretched her arms out. Gohan laughed. "I know what you mean. Trying to train my brother was about the same way." He said, grinning. "He was able to go SSJ without learning the harder stuff... just with the basics." "What is SSJ?" "Super Saiya-jin." "What is that? When I go in the G room, I know that's what Vegeta is trying to do, but I don't understand what it is!" "You know we're Saiya-jin, right? My father, me, Goten, and Vegeta? Well, there is a powerlevel we can reach... our hair goes blonde and our eyes blue, and we're a thousand times better than what we were before. Used to, you could only get to it by channeling deep rage... but now we can just change back and forth like it's nothing." "Oh... it's sort of like my Sailor Selene mode then." Usagi smiled. "I was fighting a youma by myself, and couldn't get it. I got really angry... I swore, actually, and this wand appeared. So I took it and henshined. I became Sailor Selene, the strongest thing to ever hit the Galaxy. Believe me... the power rush nearly blew me apart. After that, it only appeared in a dire situation, or when I was beyond boiling mad... But I've figured how to access that part of my sub space pocket easily now. I can do it whenever I want. "Now that I think about it, I would have had a better chance against that final youma as Sailor Selene... why was I so idiotic? Maybe if I could have just took the time to turn into Neo-Queen Serenity... I could have got it with the Artemis Wand... without the time it takes for the transformation..." Her voice grew unsteady. Gohan knew he had to change the subject before she burst into tears. "What does Sailor Selene look like?" He asked. Usagi looked up at him and grinned. "Alright, I'll henshin for you. But here's a fair warning... the youma I'm fighting usually stop fighting to stare... I don't know why." She winked at him, and put her hand into the air. A wand, like the other senshi's wands appeared in her grasp, with a silver handle and a golden ball at the top, inside the ball was a bow and arrow, the crescent moon symbol behind it. "Selene Hime Make up!" She cried, flooding the room with light. She exploded with fire, her aura lighting up to it's full extent, blazing white flame. her clothes were burned away by the intensity, and Gohan couldn't help but gawk at the lovely picture she made, it was almost an intricate dance inside the fire, with white magic mixing in with it. A huge flash of light made him turned away, sheilding his eyes. When he turned back... This was what an Olympian Goddess looked like, he was sure of it. Her hair was now up in odangos, white silver orbs in front of them. She was wearing an incredibly short skirt, a dark blue in color. The bow on her chest was silver, the one behind her a rich gold. The bodice was a pure white, and white gloves ending at her elbows in two blue rings were on her hands. For some reason, she was beautiful, and looked ready to fight. Her usual calm, gentle eyes, covering sorrow, seemed as through a new fire was in them, showing no fear. Her lips were in a smile, but he knew he didn't want to be the object of that smile. That smile was pity for whatever she was about to fight. "As protector of this world and carrying on the honor of the ever-living circle of the Moon Kingdom, I am Sailor Selene. Ward of the Goddess Selene and carrier of the ginzuishou. In the name of the moon, accept your punishment, Nega-trash." Her eyes suddenly flicked back to reality. "Gomen... gomen, Gohan. It's instinct. I thought there was a youma in here." She looked away. "I hate this form. Everything is so crystal clear perfect, so easy to do..." "Is that a bad thing?" "Maybe not to you. You love the thrill of the fight, before during and afterwards. I only love it during. Before and after it makes me sick of what I've done or and going to do. I've never liked to fight but it's in my blood and soul too strong to do a thing about it." "Gohan! Gohan, are you in there..." The door was flung open, a wild looking Goten in the frame. "What's up, Goten?" "Dad... there's some kind of thing outside. Dad and Piccolo are fighting it but it keeps blasting them. Dad yelled something about Freeza." "Freeza!" Gohan looked truly alarmed. "That's impossible!" We killed him twice! "Freeza... a cyborg made completely from organic matter, capable of many power transformations and regeneration." A silver melodic voice said, and Sailor Selene blushed. "That was my communicator. It tells me what some things are. It's just now adjusting to your world. Is Freeza good or evil?" "As evil as evil gets." ~*~*~* "What the hell..." Selene asked, running outside, Gohan beside her. "Is that?" She pointed to the white and purple thing trying to kick Goku's and Piccolo's butt at once. It was actually winning. "That is Freeza. We've fought and beat him twice. We actually thought he was gone last time... guess not." Gohan gasped as Piccolo was sent flying, slamming into the brick wall of the building. He didn't get back up. Goku and Freeza broke apart. Goku was Super Saiya-jin, but looked completely tired... after fighting for only ten minutes. "Haha... where Freeza failed I am succeding!" 'Freeza' roared in laughter. "Who are you, if you're not Freeza?" Goku asked. "My name is Icea." "Is he evil?" Selene whispered to Gohan. "You can bet on it." "Good." Selene said, and stepped out so Icea could see her. "Prepare to go down," She said. A sadistic grin was on her face, and she could see Gohan going SSJ out of the corner of her eye. "What? You send a _girl_ after me?" Icea groaned. "I was looking for a fight. I don't feel like clubbing baby seals." "Oh shut up." Selene snapped. "Why does everyone automaticly think because I'm a girl I can't fight? Geez, I'm not _that_ pathetic." Suddenly... an energy blast was flying at her... no... past her... She spun around just in time to see Gohan look up in horror. "No way!" She screamed. "Moon Barrier!" A crackling hiss sounded, like a lit match being dropped into water, and suddenly, not a millimeter from Gohan, the blast stopped. "Reverse!" Selene ordered. The blast backed up hesitatly, before going twice as fast as before... only this time... It hit Icea, blowing him back beside Goku. "Gohan... I can't do anything besides magic..." She reminded the stunned warrior, who understood and went for Icea. "This is rediculous." She heard Piccolo say behind her. "We beat Freeza twice, Coola once... and now we get Icea? What next... Refridgeratora?" "Probably." Selene gave him a quirky grin. "And after that, it'll do an about face, and you'll get Heata." "Funny." Piccolo scowled, and began powering up. Selene crept back against the tree were Goku lay, unconcsious. "Goku... come on. Wake up. They can't fight without you." She urged, propping him against the tree trunk so he as sitting up. She wondered why she wasn't in the middle of the fight. The adreniline was pounding in her heart, and she knew she wanted to be... But this wasn't her fight. She watched silently as Icea pounded Piccolo and then began on Gohan. What was wrong? Icea's power wasn't even that strong! They should have beat him quickly... "Who got the number of that semi?" Goku moaned. "Stay still." Selene snapped at him. She put one fist in the air. "Ami, forgive me." She whispered, and then the Mercury computer appeared in her hands. Quickly, she turned to Icea and beagn scanning the fight going on between him and Gohan. There was somwething strange about the readings. As Gohan's power was steady dropping, Icea's was steadily rising. The two broke apart for a breather, and suddenly, both powers stopped falling and rising, respectivily, and were at a stand still... Where had she seen this before? Youma! Icea was draining the power from Gohan everytime Gohan touched him. Selene let the computer go back to wherever it had been, just as Gohan was moving forward to attack again. "NO! Gohan, don't touch him!" She screamed. Gohan froze. "He's draining your power. Don't touch him." She sternly ordered Goku to stay still... he belonged in a bodycast. She stood up, and walked over to stand in some twenty feet from Icea. "I should have figured it out before." She said, shaking her head. "I didn't think that energy- draining creatures were here. But your power level is very, very low, Icea. Like an ant is to a human. You being the ant and I the human." "Low!" Bulma gasped, from where she stood beside the Capsule Corp. "It's 2,005,000 and rising!" "Like I said, low." She turned around to face Icea. "Now, you can go back to the hell you came from, or I can make you. It doesn't matter to me. You can't drain my energy. If you even tried, the Negative power in your system would react to the ginzuishou and you'd explode. Not even a iota of you wouild remain. You chose." "You lie!" "I don't lie. I'm stating the facts..." She trailed off as a golden blur raced by her, nearly knocking her down. "Vegeta?" Goku asked. "BIG BANG ATTACK!" The blur shouted, and Icea was blown back, like he had been hit with a sledgehammer. The blur stopped, and a SSJ Vegeta could be seen. "I did it!" He crowed triumphantly. "No, Vegeta, don't touch Icea!" Selene and Gohan yelled. "Are you kidding, kid?" Vegeta snorted. "I'm going to kick ass." He turned around to face Icea. Gohan was about to go stop him, but Selene laid a hand on his shoulder, stopping him. "No, let him learn." She said, a mischievious glint in her eyes. "But he'll be drained." "And he won't not listen again." Selene scrunched up her nose. "Go call an ambulence for your father." She cringed as Vegeta was knocked to the ground. "I'll make sure Vegeta doesn't die." "But what if he attacks you?" "I'll be fine." Selene assured him. "Now hurry. And tell Goten to get his sorry butt out here." She giggled as Gohan went off to the house. Goku and Piccolo were out cold. Only Vegeta and Icea to wittness what she would do. "STOP!" Her voice echoed on the wind, and like they had been slapped, Vegeta and Icea stopped in mid-punch. "I've had enough. Icea... go ahead. You're nothing more than a pathetic youma who's strength is increased because you drain energy from others. Say it." "I am." "Vegeta, get away from him." Selene ordered. Vegeta stayed put, until he saw the look in her eyes, Grudgingly, he moved away. "Now, Icea, tell me who you work for." "Never!" "You will." "Or what?" "I will slowly and painstakingly rip you limb from limp with the Sword of Artemis and let me tell you, the toxins on that blade are not Elmer's Glue." "The Overlord." "Who is the Overlord?" "A dark force that is all powerful." "All powerful, eh? Well... how many of you does he have under him?" "I am the only one." "That's good. How many warriors?" "Seven." "That's not good. Alright. Leave. Before I let Vegeta go at you again, only this time with an energy barrier." "But..." "LEAVE!" Icea vanished into thin air, and Selene dehenshined, watching Vegeta with cold eyes. "How did you know..." "I've fought things like him before. I'm surprised he bought my bluffs." Usagi grinned weakly. "I didn't know I could do that." "Kakorot is severly injured." "I noticed. Gohan is calling an ambulance. Piccolo can regenerate himself. Gohan's just tore up a litte. You're a fool. " Usagi frowned. "But I am Super Saiya-jin." Vegeta grinned wickedly. "I'm going back to the G room. If Kakorot dies, interrupt me." He headed back to the building while Usagi seethed. ~*~*~* Who could be the Overlord? That was the question Usagi brooded over for the next three weeks. Every once in a while another one of the 'warriors' Icea spoke of appeared... and they were easier to beat, since they couldn't drain energy. But each one was able to get away before the killing blow. Usagi stayed the side, sometimes 'borrowing' Mercury's computer to take readings. She always remembered to delete them. No traces of her existance for the senshi. She didn't fight anymore. Gohan, Goten, Vegeta, Goku, Piccolo, and Krillin were able to take care of it. She just hoped that Icea didn't return. It would take everything she had to get the sword away from Venus's subspace pocket without her noticing. And even then, Artemis would notice. And somehow, they'd get Mercury or Pluto to figure out how to get them here, and of course she'd be thrown back into the background again. Ruining everything. So she stayed back. If Icea did dare to venture back, she would simply use her power to create a barrier around Gohan and let him fight. Simple... right? Krillin was suspicious of her. Afraid, almost. He had a hunch that Usagi wasn't telling them everything. Like the extent of her power. They knew she could defeat Galaxia... but they weren't told how powerful Galaxia was. Likewise for the other enemies. They wanted to know, but never asked. Piccolo sensed part of it. He knew that she was as strong as SSJ Goku... but he supposed it was the ginzuishou. Gohan and Goten didn't question her. They simply liked her too much to even try to offend her. Vegeta was downright rude. Do I have to explain? Vegeta's always like that... (even if he's a gorgeous hunk... ^_^) Goku just trusted her. He questioned her, but not to her face. Goku was like that. But none of them had a clue to who the Overlord could be. Or why the 'warriors' were targeting Usagi, especially. ~*~*~* There comes a time When the you face the toughest of fights Searching for a sign Lost in the darkest of nights The wind blows so cold Standing alone Before the battle's begun But deep in your soul The future unfolds As bright as the rays of the sun You've got to believe in the power of Love You've got to believe in the power of Love The power of love... Blazing emotion There's a light that falls from your heart It's a chain reaction And nothing will keep us apart Stand by my side There's nothing to hide Together we'll fight to the end Take hold of my hand And build up your stand Of what it truely means to be friends! You've got to believe in the Power of Love You've got to believe in the power of Love The Power of Love It gives meaning to each moment It's what our heart are all made of, You've got to believe... ~*~*~*~*~*~ "I WILL CAPTURE YOU!" For the fifth time, the warrior broke loose from Goku and ran straight at Usagi, only to be stopped by Gohan. This one they had never seen before. It was stronger than the others, and seemed to want to capture Usagi. Duh. She had been dodging for two hours. All six of the guys were on this one, but it kept going for her, staying defensive, only fighting to get through another flesh barrier. "Goddammit, why do you want me!" She screamed over Gohan's shoulder. "My master wants you as his queen!" It knocked Gohan down, and Usagi ran for Piccolo. "Oh... like hell he's going to get her." Goten growled, sending a blast of ki at it. "Kamehameha!" Gohan yelled, just missing Krillin and hitting the warrior right in the gut. "I will be back!" It hissed, as it held it's stomach, groaning as it vanished. "Thank you, Gohan." Usagi said, falling to her knees in exhaustion. "Why are they after you?" Piccolo asked, as Goku helped her stand back up. "I don't know... I wish I did." Usagi moaned. "I don't fell so hot, guys." Goku helped her back into the building and up to her room. "I have a feeling she isn't telling us everything." Goten shot a dirty look at Krillin. "If I had a yen for everytime you said that, I'd be rich." "Well... I think she really doesn't know. If she did, she wouldn't be dodging like that... she'd be fighting." Vegeta said, for once speaking on Usagi's behalf. "You think so?" Piccolo asked. "Well... what do you think, Goku?" Krillin asked, as he just returned. "She doesn't know. It's killing her. Haven't you ever listened to her when she up there in her room? She's trying to put in an interdimension call to Setsuna, whoever that is, to tell her. I've heard her yelling at something about not being able to place it." "Her communicator." Gohan said. "Setsuna is Sailor Pluto, remember? And she uses the communicators to place calls. She told me..." He looked uneasily at the small group. "She told me that the only person that she might be able to get through to it Sailor Pluto..." "So she can't contact anyone from her world," Goten said. "Yup. She says, from what that little blue computer tells her, that everyone thinks she's dead." "What a blow..." "No kidding." ~*~*~* Usagi was desperate. She needed to know who it was. So desperate... She hurriedly grabbed the Mercury Computer. Taking a deep breath, with shaking hands she slowly turned it on and began to type... MERCURY I KNOW YOU THINK USAGI IS DEAD. I'M NOT. I'M A VERY FAR WAY AWAY. BUT I'M IN DANGER. TELL PLUTO TO RUN A CHECK ON DQ2679. SHE'LL KNOW WHAT IT IS. OH, YEAH. TELL CHIBI-USA I'M OKAY. AND PLEASE, AMI, IF YOU WERE EVER MY FRIEND, DON'T TELL ANYONE BUT CHIBI- USA AND PLUTO. PLEASE. IF YOU WANT TO CONTACT ME, JUST LEAVE A MESSAGE ON THIS PROGRAM. I AM ABLE TO ACCESS YOUR COMPUTER AND WILL READ IT. LOVE, USAGI. Very painstakingly, she put an alert so Ami would pick it up the moment it was back in her supspace pocket. She rearranged a few files so this one would come up as soon as the computer was turned on. And let it vanish... hopeing... ~*~*~* "What the?" Ami yelped, as she heard the familar beeping that her computer had found something. Not another youma. She had just sat down, wanting to finish some homework. She had gotten behind, since now they had to take turns checking up on Chibi-usa, who miraculously, was still alive, even Usagi was most assuredly dead. She missed her friend. She grabbed her computer, and turned it on. And gasped, dropping the glass of milk, not even hearing the shatter. She read the message silently, a flush of joy creeping on her face. Usagi wasn't dead! "She can access my computer... strange." Ami said aloud, but picked up her watch communicator and hit the button that signalled Pluto. They had told the outers... did Pluto already know? "Setsuna-san, I'm sorry, I know it's late... but I've got a message from Usagi..." "USAGI!" Setsuna lost her sleepy look at stared sharply through the communicator at Ami. "Yeah... she says to check DQ2679... whatever that is. She said you'd know. And she also said not to tell anyone she's alive... except Chibi-usa, of course." "I'm on it." Suddenly Setsuna was Sailor Pluto. "And be sure not to say a word." "Don't worry." Ami grinned. "Bye, Setsuna- san. "Give the princess my love." Setsuna's face went black as the watch returned. Hurriedly, Ami woke Chibi-usa up over the communicator, and told her what she knew. Chibi-usa went histerical, but was able to choke out she'd be fine, Goodnight. Ami began to type on the computer... Usagi. I can't believe you're alive! I wish I could tell minna, but I know you don't want that. I'm so happy. I told Chibi-usa and Setsuna like you said. Neither of them knew you were alive. Wherever you're at, it must be pretty far away. I hope you've got protection from your danger. We really miss you, Usagi, even Rei-chan. The outer senshi took your disappearence really hard. Pluto and I send our love. I hope you'll come back soon. Ami. She sat back in her chair for a few minutes before putting the computer up. She swept all her books into her bookbag. She was already nine chapters ahead in all her classes. She pulled on her coat. It was past midnight, but there was no way she was going to go to sleep. Time for a walk. ~*~*~* A few days later, Usagi got a message from Pluto. Nothing showed up on the check. Meaning there were no evils residing in the Negaverse. These guys were from somewhere else. "Where are they from?!" Usagi yelled, throwing a pillow at the wall in frustration. Why did someone want her for a queen? Certainly not Mamoru... that was already sealed in blood for him. "This absolutely positively..." She was cut off as she heard yells from outside. Totally against her brain, she followed instincts, and henshined. She was way too mad to dodge today. She lept down the stairs, not hitting a single one. She was outside two seconds after she henshined. The saw four guys: Gohan, Vegeta, Piccolo, and Krillin. But no warrior. "Look out Usagi!" Gohan yelled, and she felt something grab her roughly from behind. Before she could do anything, she had been whirled around to face whatever it was, and a pair of lips were against her's, and she was staring frightenedly into a pair of the strangest silver blue eyes that were ever so familar. She tried to pushed herself away from her captor, or to at least break the embrace he had on her. "KAMEHAMEHA!" The man was blown away from her, and she fell to the ground, somehow particly drained of her power... too weak to fight. "Who..." She asked, and then gasped in utter terror of the man she saw. White-blonde hair, falling to broad shoulders. A black crescent moon, upside down. Those silver blue eyes, with an obsessive glare to them. A pair of smirking lips. A suit of cream colored armor, a cape falling behind him. Diamond. "No... no..." She cried. "Wise Man killed you... leave me be... I don't love you..." She sobbed. Gohan stood in front of her, protecting her from Diamond's eyes. "I'm hurt, my beautiful queen. I had hoped you would be overjoyed to see me." he said, in a slinky voice that sent chills down Usagi's spine. "Keep him away from me... and don't look into his eyes..." She begged Gohan. "KAMEHAME..." Gohan began. "I'll be back for you." Diamond said coldly, and vanished just before the phrase was finished. "Gods... why him... why..." Usagi was shaking. She hated to lose control of herself like that, but she couldn't help it. She felt for the man when he was dying, becasue he had protected her. But she couldn't stand him. He had kidnapped her. Undressed her, and dressed her back in robes she shouldn't have worn until she wore the crown. He took her to a place where she couldn't even use the ginzuishou... She began to sob. Long, shuddering sobs that she couldn't stop. She sobbed long into the night, Chichi and Bulma both trying to comfort her. Goten went up to Krillin. "I don't think she knew." ~*~*~* End of the first half! Hope you like it so far. Black beyond.