Indifference Black Beyond ~*~*~*~*~*~ The second half.... ~*~*~*~*~*~ Beep Beep Beep. Beep Beep Beep. Usagi looked up from Bulma's shoulder, her tears stopped in pure shock at the sound. Through blurred eyes she took her communicator from her subspace pocket, wondering how anyone could have made a connection. "Moon here..." She said weakly. Ami's face showed up, a bit static, but the voice was clear, and Usagi could see her face well enough. "Ami?" She gasped, and her sobbing stopped. "Usagi... you look awful." "Ami... how did you make the connection?" "With some adjustments and a few pointers from Pluto. I wanted to talk to you. What happened... you've been crying!" "Yeah... Ami..." New tears began to flow, but Usagi managed to keep her voice somewhat steady. "Diamond's here, Ami... I don't know how. But he's back... and he still wants me to be his queen." "But he's dead! Usagi, I'm so sorry. Please, let me come there. I may be the weakest senshi, but please, Usagi, please. Pluto can find a way. You shouldn't have to face him. Let me help!" "Can you get here?" Usagi choked out. "Pluto will find me a way!" "Just don't tell anyone where you're coming... wait, hold on." Usagi looked up at Bulma. "Can Ami stay here?" "S-s-sure..." Bulma said. "Usagi..." Ami's voice lowered. "Chibi-usa told me everything. I hope you don't mind. But I haven't told the senshi. They wouldn't listen, anyway. But... I'll be there as soon as I can. Oh, that creep will be under ice." "Bye, Ami." "Bye, Usagi. Tell them I appreciate it." "Alright." Usagi slowly put her communicator up. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about Diamond before. But it's..." She shuddered. "Just evil, what he is." She wiped the tears away from her face. "Shh... it's alright, Usagi. We understand. We're glad your friend can come here. Maybe she can be of assistance..." "I'm sure." Chichi finished. "But about Diamond. Why is he after you, Usagi?" Chichi carefully ignored the "That's only obvious," comment from her son, Gohan. Usagi told them about the Black Moon Family, the conflict of which they were in, and then who Diamond was. "Well... Diamond is... was, the leader of the Black Moon family. After we travelled to the future to free the Neo-Queen, he kidnapped me and took me to his palace." Usagi whinced. "I was unconscious before he knocked me... or something, but when I woke up, I was in one of the Neo-Queen's gowns, on a bed somewhere very close to the dark crystal. I know he didn't touch me... like that, anyway." She shot a dirty look at Vegeta. "When I woke up, Diamond tried to kiss me again, and after I got away from him, I tried to transform. But because I was so close to such a concentration of dark power, it wouldn't work. I couldn't even use the ginzuishou properly. Tuxedo Kamen saved me... before anything happened. We went back to the palace of Crystal Tokyo, where the Neo- King made sure I was alright." "Did he give up?" Goten asked. "No. After we were told to go back to present, Tuxedo Kamen went into the Dark Crystal after Chibi-usa. You remember that. We followed him... and I was seperated from the others. Diamond has a brainwashing technique... he tried to brainwash me. But the scouts came just in time..." She began to cry again. "I didn't ask for any of this..." She sobbed. Jumping up, she fled the Capsule Corp. "Should we follow her?" Piccolo asked. "Yup. What if that Diamond guy tries to nab her again? I don't think she has the emotional strength to fight him." Gohan started out the door. ~*~*~* Usagi was deep in the forest, she knew that much. She knew it was stupid to run out the way she did. But she couldn't stand the way they were looking at her... Especially the way Vegeta was. She didn't like the subject of Diamond. She didn't like the idea of a man that she didn't love so deeply in love with her that he would kidnap her. It was.... it was just wrong, and she knew it. But yet, he wouldn't give up. She knew she loved Endymion. She could love no other than Endymion. But Diamond couldn't accept that it was Endymion she was soul mated to... not him. She sobbed again, and collapsed under the shade of a tree. So many memories. The senshi didn't know how stressful it was. No. Ami and Chibi-usa and Setsuna. They knew. Haruka, Michiru, and Hotaru understood it. Mamoru was completely oblivious. And the rest of the inner senshi... Venus, Jupiter, and Mars... just wouldn't even try to think about understanding. Why? "I can be strong... why is it only on the brink of death...?" Usagi put her back against the tree, and her exhaustion finally claimed her, sending her into a fitful sleep. ~*~*~* Gohan raced through the forests, following Usagi's ki. He didn't know what to do if Diamond found her first. He just didn't want to loose his temper on Diamond. You had to have pity if that ever happened to anyone. Even a scumbag like Diamond, who had so boldly kissed Usagi. "Usagi, I outta kill you for this..." He muttered, and almost tripped over the sleeping blonde, not seeing her until it was too late. There you are! "Excuse me?" He nearly wet his pants when a gloved hand tapped his shoulder. He spun around to see a beautiful girl about Usagi's age, with short aqua-marine colored hair and wearing a blue and white sailor fuku. "Ami?" he asked. "Oh... are you Gohan or Goten?" she asked. "And it's Sailor Mercury, in this form." "I'm Gohan." "Okay. Is she alright... she's just sleeping, right?" Her voice was worried as she motioned to Usagi. "I hope so." Gohan murmured. "She ran out, after she told us who Diamond was and everything. "Oh," Sailor Mercury glanced down at Usagi. "Diamond has always been a touchy subject for Usagi. I didn't know how hard she took it until Chibi-usa told me." Mercury sighed a long shuddering sigh. "No matter what she acts like, Usagi has been very in touch, but very out of touch, at the same time, with her feelings. Some things we cringe to hear, she can hear it over and over, and things we think nothing about..." Mercury made a sweeping motion at Usagi. "Yeah. She told us." Gohan said. "Come on. We really need to get back before Diamond finds her. No offense, Sailor Mercury, but it took four of us to hold Diamond off Usagi." Gohan carefully picked Usagi up with both arms, as to not wake her. "Hey... how did you know where Usagi was?" "I got here a few hundred yards away, so I got a reading on my visor and followed Usagi's signature. You and I arrived at the same time." "Oh." ~*~*~* "Usagi, I don't understand. Diamond was easily defeated by Wise Man. It wasn't even a challege. His readings were lower than any of our's. But yet, to withstand an attack like the one you described... it would have had to have gone up..." "To four million and some. Yes, I know." Usagi said, wiping her eyes again and she and Ami poured over the data Usagi had wrote down. "Usagi... what is your best reading?" Ami asked. Usagi bit her lip. "As Eternal Sailor Moon, the best I can hit might be a little over two million. As Sailor Selene, I might get to three million and some. As Neo-Queen Serenity, I really don't know. I haven't had much time to figure that out." "Meaning you couldn't damage Diamond that badly." Ami groaned. "There's always the ginzuishou..." "As a last resort, Usagi. We still don't know how much you can use without killing yourself." Ami reminded her. "We thought we'd lost you, and it nearly killed Chibi-usa... from grief. Please, don't make me go back and tell your daughter you really are gone." "That reminds me, Ami. Chibi-usa was still in existance. Didn't that give you a clue I was alive?" Usagi asked. Ami blushed. "Actually.... Artemis had a theory about that." She said, unsure of how to explain. "Artemis said... that maybe it was Minako... that... you know..." "Oh, really. Artemis and I will have a little talk when I get home. But then, we met the queen and Sailor Venus in the future. How can you explain that?" "That's what I asked. Which shut Artemis up about his theory. Besides, I don't think Mamoru would have... you know... anyway." Ami's face was red. "It's alright, Ami. Even I don't know how I survived. I mean, I wasn't limiting the ginzuishou. I just told it to defeat Water-dude It probably went up to full power in order to blast me all the way here. It's Earth... but a different Earth, in a different time." "Uh-huh." Ami leaned in toward Usagi. "I'd tell you something, Usagi. If it wasn't for your complete faith in Mamoru..." She took a glance towards the door. "I'd tell you to go for Gohan." They both collapsed into histerical giggles. ~*~*~* "She seems a lot better now that she's got a friend here." Bulma told Goten. "I noticed. And it's been two days since that Diamond guy came back. Do you think he's afraid of Ami?" "Doubt it. She looks more like a brain than a fighter." Vegeta grumbled, walking in, grabbing something off the counter, and walking back out. "What did he just take?" Bulma asked. "I think..." Goten frowned. "I think it was your scouter." Bulma looked back to the counter where she had laid the green machine. "Dammit, you're right. What could he want that for?" "It couldn't be to scan himself. He's been all ego since he went SSJ, but..." "Sometimes I really wonder about that man..." Bulam glanced at the direction Vegeta exited the house. Wasn't that the same side as Usagi's window? Naw.... coinsidense, right? Right? ~*~*~* Chibi-usa skipped down the street, skillfully avoiding the noon-day foot traffic. She felt better than she had in a long time. Ami had left with Puu that morning to sift through the time streams to find an easy way into the deminsion where Usagi was. She was so happy to know her mother was alive. She thought for sure... "Chibi-usa-chan! Chibi-usa-chan!" A breathless Makoto and a pale-faced Rei ran through the crowd, knocking people down to get to the pink- haired teenager. "What is it, Mako-chan, Rei-chan? What's wrong?" "It's Ami-chan! We can't find her at all. Not even a trace! We thought maybe you knew... she did take Usagi's death really hard." Oh, they've noticed Ami left. Chibi-usa swallowed, and used all of the acting skills she had learned watching her mother and Venus to look distressed. "No... I haven't seen her." She tried to maike her voice wobbly. "Not Ami-chan too!" She began to cry. Perfect, she thought to herself in satisfaction. "You don't think..." Rei looked at Makoto. "No... Ami was too logical... she wouldn't have done anything like that." "We've got to find minna." Rei said. "Chibi- usa... will you be alright? We've got to go find Minako, and then we have to go to Haruka-san and tell her." Oh, no! Ruka-chan and Michi-chan would do something drastic. Chibi-usa went pale. "I'm going home." She announced. "Are you sure, Chibi-usa-chan?" Makoto asked. "Yes!" Chibi-usa took off, her Luna-P trailing behind her. The two senshi watched her run before trying Minako's communicator again. ~* Haruka and Michiru both jumped up, thoroughly alarmed as a breathless Sailor Chibi-Moon burst through their door. "What's wrong?!" Haurka demanded, reaching for her heshin wand. "Nothing..." Chibi-Moon gasped, and then waited a minute to regain her breath. "I ran the whole way. I'm just out of breath. Gomen if I startled you, Haruka-san, Michiru-san." "What's up, Chibi-usa?" Michiru asked, knowing the girl had something important to tell them. "Well... I know you'd do something bad, so I can just tell you two things. They come from Pluto... I don't know anything more than this." Chibi-Moon lied. "But she says that Mama is safe and that Ami is helping her locate the princess and see if they can bring her back." Perfect. "Do the inner senshi know this?" "No! That's part of it. You must not tell the other senshi that you know that! Not even that Ami's with Puu. Let them think what they will." "Isn't that... a bit cruel?" Michiru asked. "Perhaps, but that's what I was told. Now... I have to go back before I'm missed... please, don't tell..." Chibi-Moon knew that those two could ruin everything. And just when things were starting to look good. ~*~*~* Vegeta stood right below Usagi's window. He wanted to know how strong she was... in her natural, unchanged form. And asking her was no good. She played dumb, though Vegeta could tell she was lying through her teeth. He didn't like people who lied to him. He put the scouter on. Bulma had screwed with it, changing the characters to that stupid kanji of their's, but Vegeta had learned, grudgingly, to read it, since he was probably going to be stuck there for a while. He nearly yelled out loud at the readings. One, obviously Ami, was around 40,000. Not a very good offensive, but what he had seen of her attacks, she was the more defensive-based of the two. The other, reading at just over 1,000,000, was most assuredly Usagi. That was good.... especially for a girl. She could probably kick ass... Why didn't she spar with the others? "Vegeta! What are you doing!" Bulma asked, or rather, yelled, as usual, running out of the building. "Scouting those two girls." Vegeta rolled his eyes. "What else?" "That's wrong!" Bulma grabbed the scouter away from him, and put it on. And gasped. Vegeta chuckled. Somehow... this woman wasn't that different from him... No! She was a human. He was the prince of the Saiya-jin. "I told you. She has a very high ki. Now... when she transforms, it probably doubles. She could probably kick our asses. Why doesn't she fight?" "She can't do anything but magic." "Oh, that's shit. With a ki like that, she could hold her own." Vegeta scowled. "Why does everyone automaticly assume everything I say is a crock?" He flew off in anger. Bulma realized the logic of his words, though. She was going to do some research. ~*~*~* "It *is* Diamond!" Ami gasped, as he appeared, hovering over them as they stepped outside. Usagi gasped and shrank behind her gaurdian. "Back off, nega-sleeze! Mercury Crystal Power, Make up!" Faster than she had ever, Mercury transformed. At the lights outside, Goten and Bulma ran outside. "Damn Damn Damn!" Bulma cursed. "I told them not to go to Master Roshi's!" "I can fend them off until you get a hold of them." Goten went SSJ and flew over to Dimaond, while Mercury stood bravely in front of her Queen. Bulma ran back inside to try and contact Earth's Forces. "Kamehameha!" He shouted, making Diamond step back a few steps in the air. He laughed, an evil cackle that sent chills down their spines. "You can't harm me with that pathetic attack. I see you have one of your senshi. It's a pity she can only do that pathetic Aqua Illusion... I might have actually been afraid if it was Mars or Jupiter. Mercury relaized he was going on the information of their Star Power and Usagi's Crystal Power... no, because his youma knew about her Queen's defensive skills... Who cared? "Mercury Aqua..." She began, gathering the blast of ice. Diamond laughed, thinking it was the attack he just mentioned. "I told you..." he started. "RHASPODY!" The harp of icey water washed over him, creating a case of ice that stod for about four seconds before he blasted out of it. "That was a nice trick." he said, shoving the blue senshi out of his way, and talking a bold step at Usagi, who whimpered. "Mercury Aqua Mirage!" Mercury had only sued it once... but she would do it again, she thought feircly, sending the blast that knocked Diamond away from Usagi. "Rah!" Goten sent the biggest blast he could at Diamond, knocking him further away. "Keep sending them!" Mercury yelled. "Maybe we can keep him bnack for a while. Usagi, henshin yo!" "Rah!" "Selene..." Usagi began, but stopped. Could she make the eternal Sailor Selene and Eternal Sailor Moon combine? It would give her power... "Selene Eternal Moon Make UP!" She cried. There was a flash of light that travelled from the brooch down her arm... And was gone just as quickly as it appeared. "No... you must work..." She begged the brooch. "Selene Eternal Moon Make up!" Diamond was slowly pushing against the continuous Mercury Aqua Mirage and Goten's ki atack. "Ginzuishou, give me the pwoer for this transformation!" She begged her crystal, which began to glow brightly. "*Selene Eternal Moon Make up!*" Nothing. "Fine... damn you." Usagi cursed at her ginzuishou. She gasped as Diamond overthrew Mercury, sending the senshi of water back, landing at unnaturla angle. Goten was slowly weakening, and Diamond did the same to him. Then he turned to Usagi, a threatening, crazed look on his face. "Gods... no..." She whispered. And quite suddenly, black thunder filled her vision. ~*~*~* "Now I understand What you tried to say, to me And how you suffered for your sanity And how you tried to set them free: They would not listen; they did not know how- - Perhaps they'll listen now. For they could not love you But still, your love was true And when no hope was left inside On that starry, starry night But I could've told you, Serenity: This world was never meant For one as beautiful as you." ~*~*~* "So... we'll get her back... Ami-san, calm down." Chichi said, trying to calm the hysterical senshi of ice. "No!" Mercury whirled on the older woman. "Don't any of you get it? Didn't she tell you!" She looked at every single member of Earth's Forces, who shook their heads. "If Diamond can brainwash Serenity... we're all doomed. The power in that ginzuishou is beyond anything you've experienced... it's beyond your wildest dreams! That crystal could kill us all with one _thought_ from Serenity! It could destroy this whole reality! We have to get her back!" "You're not serious..." Piccolo began. "I'm serious! It's done it before! It has the powers of the unverse..." Ami sobbed. "She's not lying." A soft voice said, and they turned to see a woman in a senshi fuku, with gorgeous black hair with green highlights and red eyes. "The Silver Crystal of the Moon can do anything the holder wishes... provided the holder has the power. And Usagi-san has the power. Nothing could stop her if she used it against us. Not even I." "Setsuna... you saw this... why couldn't y7ou stop it?" Mercury begged. "No, I didn't see this. Any of this. I only have certain sight, Mercury." "Who knows what Diamond will do to her," Bulma agreed, her eyes on the newcomer. "We need to find Diamond." Gohan proclaimed. Setsuna nodded. "Yes, that would be very wise. Usagi has very little emotional control around him. This could scar here for the rest of her life... which is very long for an immortal." "Wait. She's immortal?" Vegeta demanded. "More or less. The only way she can die is to take her own life. Or... she can choose when her duty to Earth is done." "Wait a sec... her *duty* to Earth? She has a *duty* to Earth?" Krillin asked incrediously, looking at the others, who were just as surprised as he. "Of course. She didn't tell you?" Pluto asked. "The Earth's survival is on her shoulders. If she dies, you might as well start digging your own graves," "But she's from a different planet!" Goten exclaimed. "Not really. Originally, she was from a satalite of Earth... the Moon, as you know it. But after the destruction of the Moon Kingdom brought on by the evil force known as Beryl, she was reborn to Human parents. Techincly she has regained her Lunar Blood, but to the systems, she is a human. And since her home was destroye, her loyalty is with this planet. She is it's main protector and Gaurdian. Her life is intertwined with it's and if she dies, the rest of the senshi will not be able to hold up without her. Not even *you* will be able to face the evil that would overcome Earth. It would die." Ami explained simply. Pluto nodded. "Even if we could find a way to keep Chibi- usa alive, her light is not yet near that of her mother's." Pluto added. "Why would Chibi-usa have the same light... you're not saying..." Bulma's face contorted with shock. "Yes. Chibi-usa is the Neo-Princess Serenity, future daughter of Usagi and Endymion." No one caught the added, "Whoever that may be," "This just keeps getting better and better." Vegeta growled irratibly. "Now, instead of a little problem, we have a really big crisis." Gohan said. It had been a crisis to him anyway. "Yes. There is no telling what Usagi might do... we must hurry. I will continue to try and get through the Gates, Ami. Henshin yo and help Earth's Special Forces." Sailor Pluto vanished into her portals. ~*~*~* Usagi woke up, and noticed immediatly that she couldn't move. Her wrists were tied way too tightly against a rough, splintery surface... her arms ached. Like they had been through a bicep-al marathon. It couldn't be a good thing. What had happened to her... Diamond. The answer hit her like a bolt of.. well, lightning. She opened her eyes. She was tied down to a... Of course. That hormone driven bastard, she thought sourly as she looked at her wrists tied to the bedposts of a double bed sheeted in black satin. Not this time. "No chances, is that what you said to yourself, you sick twisted bastard." She muttered, glaring at her wrists. She noticed she was in the same clothes she had been in during the battle, and felt a note of relief. And just then, Diamond, the bastard, walked it, like he was all that. "My sweet, did you have a nice nap? You've been out for a few days." he smiled at her. "Get away from me!" she yelled, as he took a seat on the edge of the bed. "Oh, now, is that any way to talk to me, your one and only love?" She shuddered. His eyes had something in them that defied sanity. He was a crazed madman, and she was going to reak havoc on whoever brought him back to life. He leaned over and kissed her, forcing her lips apart with his and his tongue ventured forth. She tried to make him stop, but she was tied down. His hands began to touch her in places that not even Mamoru had dared to explore. "Stop!" "Master Diamond." A low, nervous voice said, and Usagi began to thank every single god she could think of as Diamond cursed and moved away from her. "How dare you interrupt!" "Sorry, but something is forcing through the main barriers. She says she is Sailor Pluto." "Goddammit!" but Diamond followed the youma out of the room. Usagi shut her eyes, and her aura flared up, burning through the ropes and transforming her into Neo-Queen Serenity. She'd be damned before he touched her again. She rubbed her sore wrists as she tried to think of a way out. The best she could was to directly teleport herself out and to the Capsule Corperation... but it would take a lot of her energy. No doubt he had her somewhere in his strongholds, meaning she was near a concentration of dark energy. It would take more of her power than usual. She walked out of the room, but only after setting the bed on fire. Just in case Diamond got the wrong idea. She wandered around, avoiding youma for almost an hour. She hadn't seen a single exit. "Looks like I'm gonna hafta after all." Usagi muttered. Gradually, her arua grew. "Where do you think you're going?!" Usagi turned around to see Diamond bounding around the corner, two of the warriors behind him. "Out of this hell hole!" Usagi said, but began backing up... had he been watching her the whole time... wondering what she was looking for... Could she fight him? He advanced towards her. Usagi prayed that she could build up the power to teleport before he got any closer, as she backed up. "What's the matter, my lovely queen?" he leered. "I'm not your queen." She took another step back, and felt some of her power drift away... she must be getting closer to their source of power. "I wouldn't take another step back if I were you." Diamond laughed. "You'll fall right into the Dark Crystal." Usagi looked back to see an endless fall, right into a giant floating black pearl. At least, that's what it looked like. "Shit," she murmured. Slowly, against her will, she began to draw from the ginzuishou. "No you don't! Macula, get her!" one of the warriors threw his arms around her, trying to drag her forward, but let go like he had been stung. "She's on fire." he gasped. "LUNAR..." Usagi began. "Do something, you fools! Don't let her get away... hit her with the Ray!" Diamond shouted. "TELEPOR..." "You fool!" "TATION!" Usagi flickered in and out of existance. Her strength was battling the black. "SELENE ETERNAL POWER!" She yelled, and then... She was gone. Diamond cursed, and had Mecula and the other warrior sent to be killed. He'd lost her for the last time. ~*~*~* "Is she awake yet? Mommy, is she awake yet?" Hori whined. "Not yet!" Kuno rolled her eyes at her son, and sent him back out to play. "Now, I'll tell you when she wakes up, Hori." "Okay mommy." Hori grinned and went back outside to play with Kaze, his great dane. Kuno went bakc into the bedroom and kneeled at the beside, where the woman they had found two days ago slept, tossing at some nightmare. Kuno pressed a cold wet cloth to her forehead, and jumped back as the sleeping woman lashed out at her. This had to be some dream. They'd found her unconscious, on the edge of the forest right behind their house. They were miles away form any doctor, and she had woken up for a few seconds when Kuno had picked her up, with the help of Kaze, and took her into the house. She wanted to know if Diamond was gone. And then fell back to sleep. She seemed to be having nightmares. Whenever there was noise, or when they touched her for any reason, she lashed out, sometimes yelling at the same man she had asked about. It was obvious she didn't like Diamond. "I wonder when you'll wake up, Otome." Otome was the name they had given her, for lack of her own. "Mamoru... Mamoru..." Otome called. "Don't ... Mamoru... Diamond... blast... MAMORU!!!!!" Otome shot straight up in the bed, her azure eyes not seeing the room before them but some vision of horror. Kuno shook her gently. "Wake up... please..." Ever so slowly, Otome's eyes focused on the room, and then Kuno. "Are you alright?" Kuno asked. "Yes... where am I?" she asked softly, shaking the fear from her mind. "You're on the east side of the Black Forest." Kuno answered. "And if you don't mind, what is your name? We've been calling you Otome, but I'm quite sure you've one of your own." "I do, miss. My name is Tsukino Usagi. Could you tell me how long I've been recuperating?" She asked, her words flowing but her eyes were confused. "Recuperating? Oh, you mean unconscious. Two days, a little over." Kuno cocked her head to one side. "You've been having some nightmares, Usagi." "Sorry," Usagi blushed. "By any chance... you wouldn't happen to know where Capsule Corp is... would you?" "Everyone does!" Kuno exclaimed. "Why?" "I'm staying... or I was, anyway, with Bulma- san, and I was wondering if you had any way to contact her.. she's probably worried half to death." "Not really. Are you related to her?" "Nope... hmm, maybe the communicator..." without thinkong, she reached down and hit the light blue button on her 'watch'. "Huh? Ami here... who's this?" "Ami-chan!" "Usagi! WHERE ARE YOU!?" Ami shrieked. "On the... what was it, Kuno-san?" "East of the Black Forest." Kuno was looking at Usagi's communicator like it was an alien. "I could give you the address..." "It won't do any good. Gohan is already out the door." Ami grinned. "He'll find it. Usagi-chan, don't get kidnapped again, alright? The guys already have a list a mile long what they're going to do to Diamond. Don't give them an oppurtunity to add to it." "You can just tell the that they aren't going to lay a finger on Diamond." "Wha..." "He's mine. I'm going to make him suffer like he's never hurt before." Usagi cringed at the memory of his touch. "He's gonna pay, Ami. Moon-style." "What did he do to you, Usagi-chan?" "He breathes, Ami. That's my problem. He breathes. He's alive." "Whoa... I do not envy him... I've got to go convince Bulma and Chichi you're alive." Ami grinned, and the face of Usagi's watch went back to being a watch. "Who are you?" Kuno asked. "One very pissed off little goddess, that's who I am." Usagi clutched her brooch. "Goddess?" "Nevermind. Uh... do you know Son Gohan?" "He's Son Goku's son... right?" "Yup." "Why?" "Cuz he should be here in... 10... 9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1..." A knocks sounded on the door, before opening. A little boy walked in leading Gohan who didn't look very humorous. "Hori, this is Usagi..." Kuno said. "Usagi!" Gohan hugged Usagi so tight she thought she was going to die of stranglization. "And this is Gohan." Kuno finished. "Did he touch you? We're going to kill him. Are you alright? Where you attacked? You look tired." He began to fire questions. "Stop. Stop that." Usagi yelled. "I'm fine. Alright? Now... did you bring anyone with you?" "Nope. I was out the door the second she said your name." "Okay. Kuno, Hori, you have no idea how thankful I am to both of you." "Won't you stay for tea?" "We will." Usagi gave Gohan The Look. It was then that Gohan took in her white- silver hair and grey blue eyes. She looked different in other ways, too. He decided to say nothing. If she wanted to tell him, she'd do it. ~*~*~*~*~ "Usagi... you look awful..." Chichi more or less forced Usagi up the stairs and into bed. Her efforts were rewarded when the girl fell into the deepest sleep the second her body hit the mattress. When she went back downstairs, Bulma was handing Ami her scouter. "What's going on?" Chichi asked, as Ami henshined and took out her palmtop. "I'm checking Usagi out." Mercury said, with everyone looking over her shoulder anxiously, waiting for any news. "Why?" "Because she might have snapped and this could be a droid, etc." Vegeta said, like Chichi was the stupidest thing alive. "Okay..." Ami flicked on her visor, and began typing, aiming at Usagi's room. Her face pale, she quickly turned it off and took up the scouter. "This is impossible." She muttered, typing into the computer. "What? What's wrong?" Goten asked. "Well... my visor didn't tell me anything. The computer says yup, it's our Usagi. But it tells me that Usagi has no power. None. Not even enough for a ki blast. The scouter says she's at power level 30... wait, 35." "But..." Bulma looked dumbfounded, as Gohan stalked over to the couch. "Wait..." Ami opened a new file on her palm top. "Bulma..." she handed the older woman a purple vial, that was made of something that looked like plastic but felt like metal, with a needle. "Go get some of Usagi's blood without waking her. You know how." She began to type, setting the file up. "What is that for?" Goku asked. "I'm going to analyze her blood. See if the human parts of it have taken it over, to lower her ki that much." Ami answered distantly. "It is possible." "And if it did happen?" Krillin asked. "She will have lost all access to any power she had." Ami answered. After a few minutes that seemed like forever, Bulma headed back, the vial clutched in one hand, the oddest expression on her face. Ami ignored it, snatching the vial. She let the palmtop analyze the contents befre reading the results out loud. "Human Blood Trace: 0.0%." She looked over the results again. "That's not possible. All of us are about fifty percent human." "Ami... what color is your blood?" Bulma asked, her voice shakey. "Red. Of course." "And that applies to all senshi?" "Yes." "Well... look in the vial." "It's blue." Vegeta said, surprised, as Ami ripped off a Kleenex and dabbed some of the blood onto it. "Is Usagi's blood supposed to be blue?" Krillin asked. "N-n-no..." "Is there a *reason* her blood is blue?" Gohan demanded. "Yes." "Not that Pluto chick again." Krillin was promptly thrown behind the couch by Goten. "Well?" Ami asked. "Why is her power so low and her blood blue, Sailor Pluto." "Usagi did something very foolish." Pluto related the events, not very detailed but enough to where Gohan's blood was past the boiling point and to where even the gentle Ami was thinking not-so- gentle thoughts. She didn't tell them about what happened after Usagi woke up. She was serious wondering if Gohan was going to jump up and try to find Diamond. "When she called for the power of Selene, it was from the heart, out of true fear and desperation. Selene took pity and granted it to her. But that power comes at a price. Usagi doesn't know how long she was in that place. Meaning that when she is told that she has been missing for two weeks, she won't be that surprised. But actually, she was in Diamond's palace for two days. She woke up, had some unfriendly events, and left. And she woke up, to her only two days later." "But actually nine days. Where was she, Pluto?" Ami asked. "In the Ni Plane. Where everything that is real here is not there, and where everything real is impossible and the impossible is possible there." "Okay... whatever..." "Usagi is dead." Pluto said, glaring at Vegeta. "WHAT?!" "Her body was decentigrated at the sheer amount of power that went through it as she called for the power. In the Ni PLane her truest form became reality, and using the ginzuishou, Usagi unconsciously reformed that body here, so that it is real. The woman who exists now is not Tsukino Usagi. She is the purest of pure. She is the one foretold to purify the world of the Dark. She is not human, nor lunarian, nor any other mortal being. She has done what even I thought impossible, by joining with the one once looked upon as the goddess Selene to create Imperial Serenity." "Does she know this?" "In some ways. She knows she has changed." "What about her power." "It is concealed, even to those who sense it. She can let it be seen, but it would probably make your scouter explode." Pluto grinned faintly. "Chibi-usa is going crazy. She says that when Rei hears about all this that she's going to croak, literaly, and Rei's supposed to be in charge of security, and there's no way Rei can be head of security if she croaks." They all looked towards the stairs to see Usagi sitting on the bottom one. "Pluto, please go. I must tell them this in my own way." "I will, My Queen." Pluto smiled. "I understand." She opened her portal and stepped into it. "Pluto was wrong. I did know I wasn't Usagi anymore. I didn't know how, though. I should thank her sometime for her explanation. She has always been so good to me." "Usagi-chan, if you knew... why?" "You heard what that bastard did to me. I knew it would kill me... in a way. But I couldn't stand being so close to that darkness. It makes me sick... really." "I'm going to absolutely murder than son of a --" "No, no you're not, Gohan. That will be my sick pleasure for the millenium. I'm going to make him pay. But first, I need some time to figure something out." She turned ever so slowly, ever so painfully, and walked back up the stairs. She seemed ever so much older than her twenty some years at the moment. Perhaps she was. ~**********~ I have never spoken against them. I have always seen the good side. I've never chanced a look at the bad. It was habit. But now I see the what if. I did not voice the pain I felt when he turned against me so many times. I would never turn against him. I never spoke of the true angish when Rei voiced her comtempt with my leadership. I can save their world. I can save my own. I can destroy Diamond. But what good will come of it? Evil always finds a stronghold. Always finds the simple human to feed off of. And then it grows. And fills the world once more. And it will be up to Mother and I to destroy it again. It is just a never-ending cycle that can only be slowed down. Dispair? No. I do not dispair. I know I can do it all. I just want to know... Why was this given to me? ~********~ "Come on, girl." "Bulma, I need to think." "No, you're not going to think anymore. We're going shopping." "But Bulma..." "Usagi, do you realize that for the incredible length of time you have been here, you have not seen our fabulous shops? Come on. No ifs ands or buts. Ami's coming too." "Alright.." Usagi stood up, thorwing on a t- shirt and skrit, noticing with distaste that the t- shirt was way too small for her new, older, more developed body. "See?" Bulma giggled as she dodged the flying pillow. ~*******~ "Bulma, I am so glad you forced me to come! This completely took my mind off everything!" Usagi exclaimed as she took another bite of her hamburger. "Yes, it has been fun!" Ami agreed. "Wait, we've still got tewn thousand shops to hit! We're not nearly through." Bulma motioned to the food court and the stores surrounding it. "We've only touched a forth of this mall." "Alright!" Usagi giggled, finished the other half of her burger in one bite. "This is fabulous. I wish we had one of these food places back home." "Bulma-san--" "Bulma." "Bulma, why didn't Chichi come." "Chichi wanted to come, but Gohan is way behind on his schoolwork. She had to play teacher, or rather, warden." "Poor Gohan. Such a cute boy. I wonder why he's so unpopular in school." "He studies all the time. Chichi pushes him far more than Goten because Gohan is first born." "Ami... do you think I could pass for a seventeen year old?" "Of course, Usagi. But why-- no way! I won't let you." "What?" "Is it possible for you to find a way for me to get in the school systems here?" "Sure--" Bulma was interrupted by the sound of gunfire. A man in a black mask began to go through the food court, demanding jewelry while two others emptied the cash registers. "Give me your purse." he yelled at Usagi. Ami and Bu;lma shrank back from them, as the man pointed to gun at Usagi. "I wouldn't point that at me if I were you." She said, standing up. "Ami, tell him he shouldn't point a gun at a lady." "Technicly Usagi..." Ami began, but then she caught the look in her friend's eye. "No, Usagi! Serenity... he's *not* Diamond! Wake up! Usagi!" She shouted, and lunged over the table to stand beside her friend. "Snap out of it!" She jumped back instinctivly as the gun fired. Usagi looked down at her arm, which was oozing silvery blue liquid. "You did not just shoot me." The focus had returned. She shook her head. "I don't appreciate that." The blood stopped, and the wound was gone." "Now, you will give all these nice people their money and possessions back." "Do what she says." Ami was now holding a harp made of water, and Bulma had a hand laser, one of her prototypes, pointed at Mr. Mask. "Man, I just wanted the money! This is too much!" Mask threw the bag down and marched over to the mall cops, hands up. His partners did the same. "I think that we'll go to Gadzooks next, Bulma." Usagi shook the scene from her memory and grinned at her companions. ~**~**~ That very night, the light of the full moon streamed in through a young woman's window. She turned around quickly, shocked, as her door opened and shut quietly. She didn't know whether to smile or frown at the familar shape as it moved towards her, but found her answer as he moved forward quickly, pressing his lips to hers with urgency and passion. She pushed him away. "This isn't right..." She gasped. "It's as right as anything." He replied, bring her back into his embrace. She didn't resist this time, not even when they fell into her bed, moving with the moonlight. ~**~**~ "She was just... gone! Not even there. She was seeing Diamond, I know it. I'm glad Ami stopped her before she blew the whole building up." "Bulma... You think she would?" "Probably. Man... didn't you see the fire in her eyes whenever we talk about him? Like she's going to explode right then and there." "She really does hate him." "No. I don't think... well, yeah." "huh?" "Nevermind. Chichi, Usagi wants to go back to senior year of high school." "Whyever would she want to do that?" "My guess is that it was just a joke. But knowing them... she probably will. She's very nervous, Chichi. I've never seen anyone so nervous. She's always looking over her shoulder. My guess is Diamond did a lot more than tie her up and then she escaped. Pluto and Usagi both are leaving something out." "You don't think--" "Not that bad. Maybe he tortured her with mind control, telling her stuff about her family. Or maybe he did go so far. But Usagi would be in a lot worse mental shape if he had. I don't know." "Bulma, that would be horrible. I'd like to get my hands on him for two minutes, you watch me!" "Chichi, she said it herself-- she will be the one to kick Diamond's butt. And I can't blame her. That guy has royally but her through hell." "I sure don't envy him, that's for sure!" ~*~*~* Usagi stood in the middle of a clearing, unaware of the two shadowy figures in the trees that watched her intently. Silently, she lifted her arms to the sky, her gaze on the moon and never shifting from that. She eyes slowly lost their focus, and she began to chant in a very accented voice. "Dead is alive and dead is dead. Ghosts are beckoned and spirits condemned. By the Moon I call to you. Trainers of the Great Endymion. Awaken. You are alive once again." This she repeated once more as a light grew in front of her a ways, and began to grow. Four men appeared. One of the figures gasped. The Dark Kingdom generals!? "Jedite!" Usagi's eyes returned to normal and she threw herself into the arms of the blonde man. "I've missed you guys!" "We've missed you too, Usagi. It's been forever since you called us." Zoisite said. "Sorry about that. I've been kind of busy. Diamond's returned, and he's back to his little 'Oh, you're going to be my queen Usagi' self again." "Why didn't you call us before? We could locate him and then you guys could go down and wreak havoc..." Nephrite began, but Usagi shook her head. "I only have one senshi with me, guys. Sailor Mercury. Pluto pops in here and there but that's all. I'm in another dimension. But don't look at me like that, there are people here that have great power. They help me." "You promised you wouldn't go anywhere without at least TWO bodygaurds." Kunzite said, pouting. "Guys, don't give me this. I wasn't expecting to travel. I just wanted to talk to someone, but not about bodygaurds!" "Sorry, Ren. But we've been bored up there with your mother and Pegasus and all those other people that aren't any fun. The only thing to do was to worry about you or think of ways to con that stupid crystal ball out of Peg. And since he's so stubborn, we decided to worry about you. And the senshi." Zoisite grinned, sitting down on a log, Nephrite taking a seat beside him. "You guys are impossible. I told you pacificly not to worry about me. And besides, I've got something to tell you. I died! No... shut up, let me finish. I got a little paniced, and called on to much power, and it more or less decenigrated me. BUT-- I sent a little time in the Ni Plane. And I got the body of my former self and the goddess Selene, melded. So I'm better than ever. Meaning you didn't have to worry." "You died. And you got a new body. And we're not supposed to worry?" Jedite asked, as he quite visibly tried to hold his temper in. "Nope." Jedite stomped off and began hitting his head against a tree. "He's worried about you more than we have, Ren." Kunzite explained. "Yea, but here's the good thing. I can bring you guys back! Because I've got Selene's power now. And if you guys really want to, after I get rid of Diamond, I will." "Ren, are you joking?" "Would I joke about something like this?" "I'd get to see Mako again?" "Yup." Usagi grinned as Nephrite hugged her. "Ren, that was a horrible risk you took." Zositie said quietly. "I know. I'm sorry. But Diamond makes me nervous." "With good cause. If we'd been alive the first time he came around I would have diced him-- and then let my V take over." Kunzite grined as Usagi play-slapped him on the shoulder. "Hey, guys, off the morbid topics. Do you think I could pass for a teenager?" "You? Teenager?" Nephrite roared with laughter and even Jedite had to laugh. "What? I don't look *that* old, do I?!" Usagi exclaimed. "I know my hair's turning white but still...." "No... not that old." Nephrite gasped. "Nephrite means--" Jedite chuckled. "Is that you couldn't pass for a teenager because... well... does anyone have a mirror?" he laughed again. "Renity, your problem is that you don't look like a kid anymore." Kunzite said, with a deadpan face that only made Nephrite laugh more. "You're a gorgeous woman. Student? I think not." Zoisite stopped laughing, an question and an idea popping into his mind. "Ren, Why would you want to go to school for the third time?" "To help Gohan." "Well-- what about a teacher? You could get Pluto to scam your way in, and then you'd just have to make up tests and tell the kids to read so and so chapters. A lot easier--" Zoisite was cut off when Usagi hugged him. "That's a perfect idea, Zoi." She exclaimed. "I can always count on you and Ami-chan for a good idea." "And you can always count on Minako and Jedite to trash them." Kunzite muttered. "What was that, my dear friend?" Jedite growled. "Hey-- don't get started. I can send you right back and tell Styx to lock you in seperate cells." "You wouldn't!" "Watch me." "She means business, guys." Nephrite finally stopped laughing and stood up. He lookee over to the tree-line in curiousity. "Hey, Ren, we've got company." He said softly. "Who?" Usagi turned to the direction he was looking, and said a bit louder, "Yeah, I think that's the big dipper, Nephy." Jedite cracked up. "Mercury." Zoisite whispered. "And an unknown power. Really close to her." He said in jealousy. "It's probably Gohan or Goku, maybe Vegeta. Not Piccolo-- though I wouldn't doubt it." "You just make it clear that Ami is mine." "Yeah-- after you convince her you're not a dark kingdom general!" "Guys, I think you should go now so I can chew them out for following me. See you later, k?" "Sure thing, Sere." Kunzite said. "And remember-- we'll be worrying!" "Bye!" She called, as they disappeared. Looking nonchantantly at the place where she sensed Mercury, she laid down on the soft grass and loooked up at the starry sky. So vast... "So... you guys can come out of the trees now... if it wouldn't be too much trouble." She said, never taking her eyes from the sky. Sheepshly, two figures made their way across the clearing. "Ami, I don't like being followed. You know that." She said softly. "I made her come with me. I didn't know how to find you." A new voice, one that she hadn't heard in this world before, but was very familar, said. Usagi sat up faster than a shot. "Can it be..." she whispered. "Chibi-usa- chan! You shouldn't be here-- it's too dangerous! I'm gonna kill Pluto..." She hugged her daughter. "Don't hurt Puu. I pulled rank on her." Chibi-usa admited. "Now, I know I've told you not to do that. Sometime or another..." "You have." "Then why..." "Because it's fun worrying the senshi, Usagi- baka." "Try cruel." Mercury said. "Come on. We've really got to get back." *********************** It took a while for everyone to understand who Chibi-usa was. And to get used to the spore herself. Vegeta had a grudge because a fourteen-year old could kick his butt, SSJ or no SSJ. Goten and Chibi-usa hit it off well. They sparred together, Chichi and Usagi looking on. Usagi began watching the spars between the SSJs, Piccolo, and Krillin. One day, Goku and Vegeta, who were closest in power levels, were sparring, and it looked like it would gone on until forever. After Piccolo broke it up and the two had rested, unexpectedly, a voice was heard. "Selene Hime Make up!" Usagi cried, letting the fire take over her body to form Sailor Selene. "So," she said, casually, ignoring their gawking stares. "Who wants to spar with me?" "Are you serious?" Gohan asked. "Sadly, yes. I'm out of practice." Selene sighed. "I don't like fighting but it seems to be the only way, this time." A flashback to Galaxia made her shudder. "I will." Vegeta said, standing up. "No way." Goku began, but Selene nodded. "Alright. Vegeta." Selene said, going into a fighting stance. "Let's go!" Vegeta ran at her. His fist connected with her stomach, but she acted like nothing had happening and quickly kicked his feet out from under him. After that, they began going at each other so fast it was hard for even Goku to follow them. There was a sickening smakking sound, and Vegeta was suddenly thrown half way across the courtyard. "He's good." A slightly disheveled Sailor Selene admitted, as Vegeta stood up and went for her with a yell. "She's good." Goku said in amazement, as she was pinned against a tree before blowing the tree up. "Vegeta's hard to fight because when he's fighting, he thinks about nohting but the fight. Concentration is at a peak." "Look at her go..." Piccolo whispered to himself, as he watched Selene best Vegeta. "I've never seen such skill." "I was trained by the best of the best." Selene said. She dehenshined. "Thanks, Vegeta. That was fun." Even Piccolo's jaw dropped. "FUN?!" Vegeta roared, and stomped back into the house. "Fun?!" Goku echoed, laughing. Gohan just looked stunned, as did Krillin and Piccolo. "You call that fun? Geez-- you just kicked his ass! That's not fun-- that's hard!" Goten exclaimed. "Hard? Not quite." Usagi looked at their increduous faces. "Well-- wasn't it supposed to be easy?" At this, Krillin nearly passed out. "Not quite." Piccolo mumbled. "Mama! Henshin!" Came Chibi-usa'a frightened voice as a warrior came into view. "Gotcha! Selene Eternal Moon Make up!" "Mercury Crystal Power Make up!" "Moon Prism Power Make up!" the three senshi fell back as Earth's Special Forces moved forward. "Kamehameha!" Goten and Goku shouted, as the others threw ki, Krillin with a destructo disk. The warrior merely laughed and deflected both attacks away, back at the two stunned fighters. "No way! Moon Barrier!" Selene stopped them before they could hit. "Mercury Aqua Rhaspody!" "Cresent Moon Heart Attack!" "Fight, Usagi." Chibi-moon looked at her mother, who had bit her lip as she stared at the warrior. "I... Chibi-usa-chan..." "Mama, there's nothing to be afraid of anymore. You *are* better than Diamond. Please, fight." "Yes, Usagi. Your fighting skills were never the best, they are now. Yuo must use them if you ever want to win-- can't you see that? You've got to prove them all wrong." "If you can kick Vegteta's butt and call it easy, this guy isn't even a match for you." Krillin added. It's not that, Eternal Sailor Selene thought. I know I can beat them. That's not the problem. My problem is Diamond. "If you want someone to pick on, you piece of dirt, here I am." She said, wishing she was as indimidating as Haruka could be. Her eyes suddenly went blank. Completely blank. Chibi-Moon pulled Mercury back, a cry of despair in her throat that refused to surface. That only happened when Usagi surrendered to the warrior inside of her and fought. Usagi was gone for those few minutes. Only a battle-hungry senshi existed, one out for blood and revenge. "Back off, everyone." Chibi-Moon warned. "She'll kill you too if you get in the way." "But---" "Gohan, she's not who you think right now." "Fine." The pair went for each other. The warrior roared, but Selene remained silent, her eyes catching every movement, her lips in a frown as she threw punches and kicks with a grace that only she could have. The warrior was countering feircly, but it was losing. "Moon Concentrated Sun Attack!" The warrior vanished. "What happened?" Bulma asked. "A concentrated laser beam travelling at frecencies unimaginable, which burned every last atom of the warrior." Mercury said, her voice unsteady. She had no idea that Usagi could be like this. There was a deadly silence that seemed to last forever until it was broken by Selene. "Mercury, I would like to speak with Sailor Pluto." "Here, my Queen." Pluto appeared behind a trembling-back-to-her-senses Selene. "We need to talk." ~*~*~*~*~ No one had any idea, not even Chibi-usa, what Usagi wanted to talk to the senshi of time about. But when Usagi came back, she was dressed in a white, toga-ish robe. She bid goodnight to all, even though the sun was just beginning to set. She all but ran up the staircase to her room, where she locked the door and reinforced it with her magic, which Gohan discovered the hard way when he tried to break it down. Inside, Usagi could be heard chanting, and occasonally there would be a bright flash of light. Even Vegeta was concerned about her. "I don't know what she could be doing." Chibi-usa said. "But whatever it is, she's not even touching the ginzuishou. I'd be able to tell." "Do you think she finally snapped?" Goten asked. "Doubt it. It would take a lot more-- well. No, I don;t know anymore." Ami sighed. "I used to be able to tell what she'd do anytime anywhere-- but I don't know anymore. She could have very well snapped. But the readings she is giving off shows that she is control of her power-- a good thing." Goku opened his mouth to say something, but a banshee scream made him freeze. "Mama!" Chibi-usa murmured, as she instantly tansformed, without any will of her own. Ami also henshined without her wand or words. "This can't be good!" ~*~*~* "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?!" Diamond screamed, as a crack appearedin the Dark Crystal. "An attack, sir." His new second in command told him nervously. "Where?" "We-- we don't know." "WHHHHHAAAAAAAAAT?!" "It appeared to be a concentrated burst of energy. We're fighting it to the best of our ability, but we cannot see the attacker, sir. It's like they're not here, but their energy is." Diamond's eyes narrowed. "Serenity." "What was that, sir?" "I want those defenses up to maxium!" Diamond snapped. "But an overload like that could cause the dark crystal to explode." "NOOOOOW!" "Yes sir." Diamond sat back in his throne, seething, not even noticing the sense of deja vu that lurked in the back of his mind. No, Serenity was resisting him again. She and her senshi were much more powerful now. She had escaped him, right beside his dark surce of power. And now she was fighting back. "So, my darling kitten has sprung claws. That's fine." Diamond smirked. "She'll be mine." ~*~*~*~*~*~ The two senshi ran up to the door, only to be blasted back by whatever power Serenity had placed upo it to keep them from entering. Chibi-Moon growled in frustration. "Crescent Moon Heart Attack!" She screamed, blowing the door into splinters. And then, all of Earth's Special Forces, the two senshi, saw what had been hidden. Serenity was hovering in the center of the room, glowing with some unseen power, a faint chant whispering in the breezes. A pair of the clearest, faintly colored butterfly wings were keeping her in the air, her dress that of the Neo-Queen, the ginzuishou above her head, her arms to her sides. Her eyes snapped open, unseeing. "Diamond, this will be our last fight!" She screamed, and the room, if possible, was alightened more my the sheer light that she gave off. "It's her soul." Chibi-moon gasped, backing up until she hit the wall, and then slid down it until she knelt on her knees. "All these years... how could I have not seen it?" She moaned. "What?" Gohan asked. "It's her soul. She's fighting for her soul, her spirit, her will to live! He stole them from her, and until now, she's never had the strength to fight for them... oh, Mother, how could I have not..." a tear made it's way down her check. "You mean that..." Mercury softly cursed. She looked at her princess, the fallen angel battling for her heart, her purity. "Kick his ass, Usagi. Do it for that innocent girl we all love." "I will defeat you!" As if in reply, the crescent moon on her forehead manifested, and then ginzuishou poured forth it's power... The sky blazed silver, and the wind echoed the sound for miles... ~*~*~*~ There was a cracking sound, and then a shattering. Dark energy suddenly gave in to the Light energy, and Diamond had once last word before his body was destroyed and his soul sent to the eternal damnation that was his destiny. "Serenity..." ~*~*~*~ Usagi looked at the men who had been her sanity for the long time she had been on Their earth. She hugged Bulma and Chichi, and said a tearful goodbye to them all. "I do not want go..." She said softly. "But I must. My fate awaits, and a confrontation my senshi will never forget must be undertaken." "I'll miss you, Usagi." Gohan said. His eyes held something that Chichi couldn't decipher as he stared at Usagi. Almost a longingness. "We all will." Goku echoed. Even Vegeta and Piccolo nodded, and were the target of many strange looks. "Thank you for taking care of Mama." Chibi- usa hugged Bulma. Sailor Pluto cleared her throat. "The time is right. We must go now, My Queen, if you wish to go home at all." "Alright... Puu." She said, grinning. "I promise I'll try to find some way to visit-- this time without wreaking havoc on your lives." She began to waver, and then, quite suddenly, she vanished, along with the other three senshi. "Goodbye, Usagi." Goten called after her vanishing figure. "Goodbye, Odango..." Gohan whispered. ~*~*~*~ The four reappeared... where else? In a secluded area of the park. "Of course. Everything always happens in the park." Usagi murmured. She looked down at her cut off denim shorts and her white tank top. "Time to make a debut. The new, improved Usagi meets Tokyo." "Ami, you'd better go home and tell your mother you're alright. At the moment, you can tell her the truth or whatever you want to explain." Pluto said softly. "And Usagi, head over to the temple. It's empty right now, giving you time to set up a 'I'm back' scenerio. I must return to the Gates." "Goodbye, Pluto. Thank you for everything." Usagi said. "This goodbye, unlike the others, will not be for long." Sailor Pluto gave Usagi and all-knowing wink before stepping into one of her portals. "I wonder what that meant." Ami murmured. Chibi-usa only giggled, and Usagi bit her lip in concentration. "I think I know, but why spoil a surprise?" she asked. "Now, Ami, you'd do as Pluto said. Chibi- usa, you go and tell Mamo-chan-- seomthing. I'm going to the temple." As she spoke, Usagi took out her odangos, letting her silvery hair fall to brush the back of her calves, and her quiet silver blue eyes twinkled at them. "There. I don't think they'll recognize me now, say you?" She asked, in a broad scotch accent. Chibi-usa and Ami laughed. "No, Usagi, I don't think they will." Ami whispered. ~*~*~*~*~*~ Got up this mornin' On the right side of my bed. With all these crazy thoughts Screamin' through my head I can't wait to see What this world holds for me Oh, it's a new day And when I see you, Anytime or anyplace. You are the reason for The smile on my face. Cuz you make me feel All my dreams can be real Oh, it's a new day Feels so good to be alive Even if a little rain should fall Cuz every moment brings a New surprise to my soul.. Oh, it's a new day Here in you I've found a friend You'll be with me to the end. Oh, it's a new day. ~*~*~*~*~*~ "Maybe I'm being a bit harsh..." Usagi couldn't help but wonder, as she climbed up the many steps of the Hiwaka Shrine. Her hair blew back with the summer breeze, and her cheeks were tanned with the stronger sun of Gohan's world. She knew she was very pretty, and her theory was only justified when she reach the top step. Quietly, she stepped up to Yuichiro, who was at the charm selling booth, reading a magizine. "Excuse me, sir." She said. "Huh?" Yuichiro looked up at her and gulped. "Yes?" "Is Rei-chan here?" "Uh--no." "Oh, what a pity!" Usagi smiled. "I have something very important to tell her." "Well, she'll be back in a few minutes, she went off with that blonde friend of her's." "Minako?" "Yeah, her." "Oh... well, if you don't mind, Yuichiro, I'll go to her room and wait for her. When she gets back, please tell her that Hime is waiting for her." "Hime? Sure thing!" Yuichiro grinned. "Thank you!" Usagi disappeared around the corner of the shrine, finding Rei's room quickly. 'Hime-- hoo, boy, will Rei be confused!' Usagi thought, as she stepped to the middle of the room and outstretched her arms in front of her. A light, flowly aura appeared over her, and she became the creature of purity, Queen Selene, with the ever so faintly tinted butterfly wings and the dress and crown of Serenity. She took out her communicator. "Ami," She said, hiting the sky blue button. "I'm here, Usagi." "Good. Get everyone over to the temple-- but don't tell them why." "The outers?" "No. Chibi-usa told them I'm alive. Just those three girls, one guy, and two cats." "Sure thing, Usagi." "One thing down." Usagi said, putting her communicator up, and sitting down in one of FRei's chairs, a Sailor V manga in her hands. Her aura still glowed faintly around her, making her glow like a spirit. "One to go." She was halfway into the maga and at the good part, where Sailor V tells Justin that she's in love with him, when she heard soemthing that made her fling away the manga and stand up. It was Rei's voice. "YUICHIRO, YOU HAVEN'T SOLD A THING I OUTTA-- " "Whoa, Rei, Babe, chill! You've got a visitor." Usagi could almost see the surprise on Rei's face. "I do?" "Yeah, she said her name was Hime-- and that she'd wait for you in your room." "Hime? I don't know anyone... Hime..." Usagi laughed. Rei's face, and the face of whoever was with her must be dead white. "You don't think--" Makoto's voice sounded strangled. "You're being rediculous, guys. Usagi's been gone for a long time. She must be-- you know." Ami's voice was clipped, matter of fact, like she was angry. 'Oh, no.' Usagi thought, frowning. 'The totally grilled her out. Ami hates that.' "Come on. let's go meet this Hime." Minako's voice was forcedly cheery. 'Good.' Usagi lifted herself off the ground a few inches, her wings fluttering every few seconds as she listened to the footsteps in anticipation. The door creaked open. Four girls stepped in, heads down, and Ami, the only one who saw Usagi, closed the door behind her. ~*~*~*~*~ "Hello, Sailor Senshi." Usagi said, in her new, soft, regal voice. A frown was on her face. "Wha?!" Three heads snapped up. Three jaws fell open, and three pairs of eyes bugged out. Usagi lowered herself to the ground, and sat back down in her chair. "I suppose you might recognize me." She said, after long questioning silence. "But it has been a long time, Sailor Senshi. Have you forgotten me? Have you forgotten your oaths to Pricness Serenity? I must demand an answer." She said, in a soft, but angry voice. Three senshi hung their heads in guilt. "Queen Serenity?" Makoto asked. "I'm flattered." Usagi wanted to giggle, but her forwn never slipped. "No. Queen Serenity is dead, as is Princess Serenity. Neither of them will walk the Earth again. Would you like to know who I am?" "If you don't mind, yes!" Rei said, her violet eyes flaring. "I am the Goddess Selene, the Imperial Serenity." She looked at them all. "Have you forgotten your oath? I demand an answer." Her voice never raised. it just remained that angry, but sad tone, above a whisper but just barely. "No, Selene-sama. But Usagi was a clutz-- her death was of her own doing!" Rei protested. "Wrong!" Selene's voice was like a slap. "She used the ginzuishou to save you all! That monster she was fighting was a thousand times stronger than any of you think. She sacrificed herself, as she has done before, to save all of you. Even though you shunned her! You took away her diginity when you took over the leadership of the senshi, Sailor Venus. And you didn't help any, Sailor Mars, scolding her. And Jupiter... you just let it happen." "But it wasn't my fault! She couldn't lead anymore, not after the way she lost to that youma!" Minako exclaimed. Selene's eyes flashed. "No." The sadness was gone from her voice. "If you'd listened to her, if you'd listened to her daughter, you would have found different. No, Eternal Sailor Moon and Super Sailor Chibi-moon defeated that youma with ease!" "But then how did she almost die?" Makoto demanded. "The victim of the youma was angry that she didn't die. She wanted to die. But Sailor Moon prevented that, and in anger, she lashed out with a dagger. None of you would listen when she tried to tell you that. None of you would listen!" "We're... we're sorry..." Minako whispered. "Ami, did you tell them where you were?" "Nope!" Ami grinned at Selene. "And I think you're doing a pretty good job, Lene. But you're being a bit harsh, don't you think?" The other three turned to face Ami. "You think so?" Selene asked, smiling faintly. "Gee, I guess you're right. I was angry. So, what did you tell your mom, Ami?" "The truth. Pluto did say I could, after all." "How did she take it?" "She'll be awake in a few hours." Ami and Selene both laughed. "What... is going on here?" Rei asked. "Where's Luna and Artemis, Ami?" "Couldn't find them." Ami answered. "But I figured letting Eternal Sailor Selene show up in battle would be better." "I should have thouhgt of that." Selene smakked herself on the forehead. "What a great idea." "I know. So, how do you think you know who will take it you've been with a bunch of guys all this time?" "Not well, probably." Selene let her wings vanish, the glow disapate, and her normal clothes reappear. The other senshi were looking from a now normal looking woman to a grinning Ami as they chatted. "How are you going to explain it?" "Actually, I was planning on just... well, appearing." "Uh-uh, he'll find out sometime." "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" Rei, Minako, and Makoto all screeched at once. "Oh." Selene looked at them, and laughed. "Opps. Kind of forgot about you guys." She frowned again. "So, Ami, should we tell them or make them suffer." "Tell them. I'm kind of mad at them, for grilling me the way they did, but I suppose this is enough." "Good." Selene pulled out a small, heart shaped brooch. "Moon Eternal, Make up!" It was instantanious, unlike all the other times. "Do you guys recognize me now? Or do I have to do the Crisis transformation?" "U-Usagi?" Rei asked. "No no no no!" Eternal Sailor Moon said, clucking her tongue. "I told you the truth, Rei. Princess Serenity is dead-- and so is Usagi." "Then who are you?!" "Well, Makoto, it's like this. After I used the ginzuishou, I somehow ended up in an Alternate dimension..." Four hours later... "... And then I said goodbye and Pluto brought us all back home. We arrived in the park, and I took down my hair and told Chibi-usa to go see Mamo-chan and then Puu told Ami to go explain to her mother where she was." "Diamond..." "Selene..." "Goku..." The last comment, from Minako, earned her several, 'How could you be daydreaming at a time like this?!' looks. "Yeah. So you see, I've been a busy little goddess." "I've got a question." "What, Mako-chan?" "Girl, you're absolutely drop-dead gorgeous, you look like you're twenty-five, you've got a body any person would dream of--" "Yeah..." "What's Mamoru going to say?" ~*~*~*~*~*~ Ah! The end! Thank you, Kami-sama! The third part is in progress. AKA, DO NOT HOLD BREATH. CAUTION, DO NOT HOLD BREATH. FACE WILL TURN BLUE AND LACK OF OXYGEN WILL CAUSE DEATH. CAUTION. DO NOT HOLD BREATH. My message clear? ^_^ (No flames about the mysterious *ahem* scene. I won't tell you who they were. You'll find out in the third part.)