Indifference: Light Within Shadow Black Beyond --------------------------- Part 4, and it took me long enough! This is named appropiately, and that reason shall manifest itself soon enough, ne? Halite is introduced, Chibi-usa born, and three other factors introduced as well. Certain things ahppen, and it's all holding the usual dose of impossibility. E-mail goes to, as usual. Please title it Indifference if it's about this story, because I've got other fics up and it's confusing if you don't title it Indifference or don't say the title somewhere within the e-mail body. Thanks. That's all, I suppose. Enjoy! --------------------------- "Only your heart can guide you through life." --------------------------- Cassie was almost as beautiful and almost as hard to miss as Kayla, Michael thought, as they sat in the back of the cafe, discussing something in low, serious tones. Almost, because Cassie had a way, sometimes, of making herself blend in the background, where you'd never notice her unless she socked you in the gut. He had no idea how she did it. Her hair reached halfway down her back and was a shimmering black violet, as were her eyes. She was tall, just a bit shorter than Kayla, and, just as Kayla's presence screamed "I AM LIGHT!", Cassie's presnece was darker, colder, and whispered "I am mystery...". And she was *always* with kayla, who was showing more and more, into the second month of the second trimester. Almost like a gaurd dog, and Kayla didn't seem to mind one bit. But now, she seemed agitated, he noticed, as her voice rose slightly "...take care of myself!" Cassie sent a nervous glance around the cafe to see how many people heard. Some were looking at them, as Michael was, but other took no notice. She said something to Kayla, in a very neutral tone, and Kayla seemed to loose all of her fire, but still seemed put out as she nodded. Cassie smiled in what looked like triumph. "Let go." She said, but Kayla shook her head and made a kind of waving motion with her hand, and Cassie looked hurt, but left, the gods be blessed, without Kayla. Michael leapt at his chance. He told Jane to take control of the register as he took off his apron and walked calmly across the cafe and took the seat opposite Kayla. At first, she didn't notice he was there. Her face was in her hands, and she seemed to be running over something in her mind. "Mike?" SHe asked, startled, as she came back to reality. "Hot-- Cassie left?" She asked, looking around. "It's a friggin miracle." She added, dryly. "My watchdog decided it was time for a break." Michael nodded, taking in the anger and disapproval behind her words. Something was up, something big. He could see it in her eyes, and the way she sent glances to the door. "What's up?" He asked. She looked at him. "Nothing. Cass just blackmailed me, but that's okay. perfectly okay. I'm not supposed to leave the house until I have my kids, etc, but everything's perfectly *okay*, because she's the one in charge now, and I *swear*, if they go back to how they were *before*, I'm going to find a way to leave again!" Michael stared at her. He'd never seen her this tired, this angry, or this open before. Never. She was livid about whatever Cassie told her. "What happened?" "Nothing." Kayla sighed, and with a bit of difficulty, stood up. "The Queen must return to her throne to be guarded 24/7. I'll have my servant come down later to chat with you so you won't be lonely." She save him a wink and left. Michael sat, staring at the door where she'd left. What did she mean, 'if things go abck to the way they were before' she'd 'find a way to leave again'. He didn't have time to think about it, for Setsuna took the place across from him. "I need to know," She said softly. For the first time, he saw the color of her eyes, a vivid garnet. "Exactly what Kayla just said." She stared at her for a moment, and Setsuna was afraid he'd refuse to, but then, in a low, confused voice, repeated what Kayla had just told him. Setsuna stared at him for a long second, for an eternity, almost. She sighed heavily, before looking away. "I suppose you have some questions. It's best for them to be answered now, lest you go looking for them yourself." "What did she mean, the way they were before?" He asked, wondering if he'd get an answer. Setsuna sighed. "Kayla grew up in Tokyo, I suppose she told you that?" At his nod, she continued. "She had a circle of friends that were more like sisters. She used to be very clumbsy, and was constantly injuring herself. One day, she almost died. She lived only by the intervention of a girl that you will know shortly. After that, her friends-- took charge, if you will, of her life. They never trusted her, and treated her like a china doll that was more fragile than most. "She had enough of it one day, and got into a fight with a youma-- one of those creatures that have been attcking this city. Only this one was stronger than anything before. It almost one-- but she gave her own life to destroy it, and was taken to a place, well, out of this world. "She rather liked it there. She stayed with a crowd of men, much to the caringment of her fiancee, but they were too kind to try anything." Michael didn't notice the wry smile on her lips. "But they were warriors, rough and strong, at that. She was able to get a fight that challenged her, something she'd not had forever. "I'm surprised she came back at all, but you know, she has a duty. She's not as delicate as she seems." Michael nodded. She hadn't revealed anything to him directly, but now she had a clue onto why she was as she was. Kayla-- fighting? An angel could fight? It was news to him, but he now understood the almost preditory look lurking in the back of her eyes. The look that longed for the unexplained and unexpected. He nodded. "That's all, Setsuna. Thank you." She stood up. "I may have not known her for long, Setsuna, but she needs freedom. if you try to keep her locked up, she'll die." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ His eyes moved over her figure as she twisted in and out of his youma's reach. So much like the most graceful of butterflies, she was never touched by the swinging knifes and daggers of the monster, always missing them by mere millimeters, as her senshi, Saturn, was her name, deflected the attacking weapons deftly with the sharp glaive. The Saturnine Senshi possesed a dark beauty that contrasted with the other's. A team of beauty. But it was the One of Light his attention was focused upon. Her sleek beauty was like none he'd ever seen before. He was a Galaxijourner. One of the best and most Elite. His youma were trained under *his* specification, and only because Celesite was in his favor did he allow her to use them. And to observe Her... Was it his fault She was so beautiful? So utterly gorgeous? That Her movements represented training and control that he could never hope to possess? That Her very presence demanded his every iota of attention? That he had fallen in love with Her? Oh, it had not taken long at all to discover who she was. Only one creature in the galaxy could ever have her power, her grace, her everything. Kayla. If it was her real name, he could not figure out. But he did discover her. Slowly, he would find out everythig about her. Kayla. Such a name could never to grace to what she was. Selene, perhaps, was closer. But Celestite, the silly girl she was, said something truer, something that did justice. When Kayla had confronted Dolomite, she'd said, Kayla became more than Serneity, more than Selene. Of the moon. Those were th only words that could have described Kayla then. Completely and totally of the moon. He knew it was only inevitable for his own confrontation with Eternal Sailor Selene. Celestite would be of no challenge to the senshi. The girl could be nasty when she wanted to be, but lacked any confidense or stamina. "General Halite," He looked down to see one of the lesser youma that were used for massengars. "What is it?" He snapped. "General Celesite wishes to see you. There's been a problem." "WHAT? What happened?" "A new senshi, sir. An unknown." "Damn you all!" After deposing of the youma, he swept off to find Celestite. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sailor Selene stared at the newcomer, her lips an 'o' of surprise. Never... gods... She stumbled a bit, just dodging the knife that came careening her way. "What are you waiting for?" The newcomer snapped. "Get it over with already!" "R-right." She aimed her staff at the unhappy youma. "Concentrated Solar Moon Beam!" The youma howled in anger as it dicenigrated. Selene looked at Saturn incredously. "Saturn, tell me I'm dreaming." "Sorry, Princess. You're awake. And she's most definatly there." Saturn smiled slyly. "So, let's book it, you two. The media are ready to join the party." Sailor Star Fighter nodded, staring at Sailor Selene as they ran. Could this be... but... Finally, they stopped, in a very empty place of what looked like a park. Selene dehenshined and looked at Seiya. Cassie, or rather, Hotaru, burst out laughing at the stange look Seiya was giving Seiya and vise versa. Kayla, or rather, Usagi, was fighting with herself to pretend to be another person or embrace Seiya like an old friend. Seiya, however, was giving her weird stares because of two things: Her appearence and her stomach, which had really begun to show, in her fifth, almost sixth, month. "Okay, okay." She said, choking off her giggles. "Usagi, maybe you'd like to explain a few things to Seiya *before* he passes out. Seiya, I'm Hotaru, if you didn't guess." Seiya's jaw fell. "Usagi?!" His voice was surprised, to say the least. Kayla nodded. "Call me Kayla while I'm in Boston." She said, her voice low. "It's good to see you, Seiya." She smiled and hugged him. Seiya hugged her back, tentavly. "Lovely... hey, didn't Yaten and Taiki come with you?" Seiya nodded. "They went off to explore Boston. I was passing by when I saw you two fighting. I thought I'd lend a hand and confuse your enemy." Kayla smiled ruefully. "You might have confused Celesite, and maybe even Beryl. But I doubt they'll be confused for long. Beryl always gets what she wants." She sat down on a bench. "Chibi-usa will be born into a world of chaos and confusion, as is the destiny of the senshi." "Is that Mamoru's?" Seiya asked. Hotaru giggled and Usagi just grinned. "What do you think?" She asked slyly. Seiya smiled. Only one name came to mind, of course. "Where are you guys staying?" Cassie said quickly, just in case Seiya did say something strange and Kayla got the urge to correct him. "If you don't have a place, Kayla and I share this absolutely huge appartment." Kayla gave Cassie a questioning look as Seiya's eyebrows quirked. "Alright, who are you two and what have you done with my blonde, giggly Odango-chan and the serious, never-laughing Hotaru?" Cassie looked hurt. "I'm not allowed to grow up and have fun?" She said, pouting. "And I'm not allowed to grow up and change my hair color?" Kayla asked, wearing an identicle pout. "NO!" Seiya grinned, and then choked as both women leapt for him at once, pinning him to a tree. "Hotaru-chan," Kayla said wickedly. "Are you thinking..." Cassie smirked as Seiya gulped. "Kayla, let's just see how ticklish our starlight friend is..." "NOOOO!" ~**~ Yaten and Taiki stopped in mid step. Their jaws fell open quite noticibly. The scene before them was not only disturbing, but outragously strange. Seiya was laying on a park bench, his head resting in the lap of a young woman with dark violet hair. A gorgeous woman that might as well haev been a goddess was standing against a tree that had grown directing behind the bench, talking to Seiya. She was obviously pregnant, and looked much too familar. "I'm going to close my eyes, and when I open them, Seiya is going to be there, feeding rice to pigeons, watching them die." Yaten said. Taiki stared at him. "Pigeons?" "Don't ask." "Don't worry. Isn't that girl with the silver hair... well, it kind of looks like.." "Usagi?" Yaten nodded. "And if she wasn't seventeen years old, which is a lot older than we've been gone, I'd say that other girl, the one Seiya's flirting with, was Hotaru." Yaten shook his head. The flash of silver so similar to her own caught Kayla's eyes. She looked up and grinned. "Cass, stars at two o'clock. I'm going into evasive manuvurs and approach at six o'clock." Seiya looked at them both curiously. "Gotcha, Kay." She grinned as Kayla backed up into the line of trees and disappeared from sight altogether. "What's going on?" Seiya asked. "Your brother are staring at us, she's going to scare the pants off of them." Cassie replied simply. "So, anyways, after Galaxia left, what'd you guys do? Kayla told you what she did, and all's I did was sit aroubnd and grow up at a really fast rate." "We went home." "That's *it*?" "Why do you think we came back to earth? We went home. Was bored as hell. Came back. Ran into you guys. Had heart attack. End up with head on beautiful girl's lap. Plan on never going back." Cassie giggled. She grinned. "Turn your head ever so slightly. Kayla's about to start her show." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eternal Sailor Selene grinned sadisticly as she swept throguh the trees with a grace that would have made Super Sailor Uranus flush with shame. She was right behind the two unsuspecting starlights: her prey. She was the goddess of moonlight, and intended on looking just that. Flaring up her aura so that her skin was luminate and her hair, soft and silver, loosened itself from her odangos and began to waft about her slim, desirable figure, that changed with her transformation. The opaque, luminate, butterfly-shaped wings upon her back fluttered with the slightest breeze. She positioned herself behind the two. One hand sassily on one hip, the other held a silverish rose that she'd created and was playing with, running it across her lips, teasingly. She put a soft pout on her lips, and sent a wink to Cassie, who was watching with Seiya out of the corners of their eyes. Seiya had stopped breathing. "Hey, fellas." It was the voice Cassie had dubbed the 'sexiest voice on the planet'. The two spun around so fast for a moment Selene thought they were going to snap their necks. Taiki's jaw dropped. Yaten's eyes bludged. Both stopped breathing. She batted her eyelashes at them. "Hey. I haven't seen you two around here before." She said, with a sultry pout. She plucked a satiny petal and let it drop to the ground. Yaten began to drool. It was too much. Cassie started laughing. She almost fell over, knocking Seiya to the ground. Selene began to giggle. "Man, Cassie, do you have a camera?! I've got to take a picture of this and send it to Ami and Minako!" "No, but don't worry, I'll bet you anything that Pluto's already got them in the mail!" Yaten twitched, and Taiki facefaulted. "So, guys," Selene said, in her normal voice, letting the rose vanish. "Hi! So, you have to call me Kayla, but you can call me Odango-- I guess. It's really nice to see both of you." She dehenshined. "Usagi!?" Yaten yelped. "Of course? Who else? Man, I really shoulda got a picture of that..." Kayla giggled. Taiki simply walked over to the bench were Cassie and Seiya sat and plopped down beside Seiya, who was brushing the dirt off his sleeves, grumbling. Yaten glared at them all. "An explanation would be very nice. As in... NOW!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ He glared quite openly at the man that Kayla was clinging to most possessively. Cassie was also on the arm of silver haired man, with yet another trailing behind them, engrossed in a book. They didn't notice him, of course. No one noticed him. He was the shadows themselves, and he went where he wanted to. No one saw him. He followed them for a good distance. Who were these new men who had waltzed into Her life... Sailor Selene's life... so easily? And why were they so close? Could it have anything to do with the three unknown senshi that had been appearing for the last two months? He had noticed that Kayla stopped transforming to fight, probably for the sake of her unborn child. And her crazings... what a strange woman! He'd noticed the guys, or sometimes Cassie, leaving the appartment at all times of day and night for the strangest combinations possible: Ham and watermelon, Ketchup and Salami, etc. Now in her eigth month, she was more beautiful than any woman could be. He envied the man who had been with such a creature, and envied him even more if she loved him as much as her eyes revealed she did. Was it that man she seemed so close to-- Seiya? He growled softly as she leaned up and gave him a quick peck on the cheek, giggling at some comment he'd made. Cassie playfully slapped Yaten, a look of mock anger on her features. What a group, he thought. It was a wonder they hadn't destroyed themselves yet. But no, he couldn't afford to think with pity. He was Halite, the best of Beryl's army. He had to be cold, ruthless, and unforgiving. Celestite and Beryl were disagreeing more than ever now, and the former would soon be killed or released from command. Then he would take over in full. He had spent so much time learning everything about the senshi as he could. He knew them better than perhaps he'd ever hoped to. It wasn't enough. "I'm such a fool." He cursed softly as he realized he'd stopped walking and had lost them. "Wonderful." He snapped his fingers, and vanished with a flurry of teardrops. He reappeared in an alleyway, composed his face into a charming smile, made sure he changed his clothes from the drab uniform of the Dark Kingdom into the apron of the place where he had taken a job to observe humans closer, and opened the back door. "Hey, Cynthia." He greeted one of the waitresses. "Has it been busy today?" "Sure has!" She grinned. "Man, we really needed you a couple of hours ago, Michael." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kayla sighed as she plopped down onto the very comfortable couch. It seemed stiffling in the air conditioned appartment, and began fanning herself with a piece of paper when Cassie informed her that the tempature would not go any lower. "Usagi-chan.... it's COLD!" Yaten complained, snugling under a huge down comforter. "The water's freezing in my glass!" They all looked towards the glass of water. "Is not." Kayla said indignitly. "Well, the ice isn't melting!" Yaten pointed out, snatching the glass up. "See?!" "Oh, shut up, weakling." Seiya said. "Now shove over and let me under that too!" "No way!" "We'd be warmer." "What are you waiting for? Get under here!" Yaten said, scooting over in the chair. Seiya managed to sit down, pulling the comforter up to his chin. Taiki laughed at them both. "Well, if you'd wear something other than boxers and put on a pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt, you wouldn't be so cold!" "I can not lower myself to afford being seen in such common, undignified garments!" Seiya whimpered. "Ditto." Yaten agreed. "Then freeze." Cassie informed them, smiling slightly. "She's got less than a month to go. You two can suffer for the Supreme Serenity's comfort." Kayla nodded. "Screw Serenity! I'M COLD!" "So glad to know I'm appreciated." Kayla rolled her eyes. "So, minna. How's Celestite going?" Yaten snorted. "If that woman was any more like Seiya, we'll have her beat before Chibi-usa sees daylight." "HEY!" "Celestite isn't exactly what you'd call brave, Odango." Cassie said quickly, before Seiya and Yaten had tie to jump into an argument. "We'll have her beat in no-time." "What about Halite?" "Haven't heard anything about him, or seen him." Taiki confirmed. "Kind of strange." "Not at all. They don't expect us to know about him." Cassie said. "They think they've got a trumpt card." "They don't." Kayla patted her stomach. "When this little one decides it's time to come out, I'm going to be out there with you--" "Like hell you will!" "Seiya, we've been through this before... I need to get this over with. Beryl can't win..." "She won't." A dark light came into Cassie's eyes. "I'll never let her win again. If that bitch hadn't got me in the back, I would have used my glaive--" "And I'm glad she did, sorry, Cassie. Destroying the planet you were on wouldn't have solved anything. She would have teleported out before you could have done a thing." Yaten frowned at them and snuggled under the comforter some more. "Would you two stop going off topic and concentrate on the IMPORTANT matter here?!" Cassie and Kayla both turned to stare at him. "And that would be... "I'M STILL COLD!" The two girls gave each other a long look before Cassie nodded, jumped up, and went into the kitchen. Kayla mouthed something to Seiya, who grinned. "Yaten, I'm gonna get a pair of pants on. Keep the blanket warm." He got up and disappeared into the bedroom. Cassie came out of the kitchen, her hands behind her back, and approached Yaten from behind the chair. She leaned over the back of the chair to look at him. "You want to be warm?" She asked soothingly. Yaten nodded. SPLASH! Yaten's scream startled many people throughout the appartment complex. "THAT'S FREEZING!" "Now your blanket will feel a lot warmer." She replied, scathingly, as Seiya threw Yaten a towel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A shadow of a shadow cackled softly, the insane giggle echoing through the unseen walls of it's domain. It had been watching for ever so long, always waiting for the right chance to strike. Nothing had ever been a secret to it, for it saw everything as it happened. Seeing it all had let it map out the most ingenius of plans, the most absolute masterpiece of it's drab life. It had watched everything, not evil, not good. Pure genius. And it had watched as evil after evil had tried to break the rule of Serenity. Oh, there were a few pauses here and there, but none had never truely finished Serenity off. And it had begun as a pastime at first, trying to guess the faults of their attempts to take the world as their own. Revising their plans to work for the better. Pointing out obvious faults in the senshi that could have been exploited. And then as a challenge. Spending years on plans, bringing forth the dead, and finding out powers it had never known. The Hell in which it lived was ever silent, and he could concentrate without disruption. Finally... he'd found his inspiration, his plan, and Serenity's downfall. Nightmares. Simple, utterly simple. In Serenity's nightmares lurked her worst fears and doubts, and they were seen to him as it realized this. And so his plan began to build. Each fault examined. Each strength played. Each outcome processed and explained, each tactic memorized. It's water creature had served it's purpose well, forcing Serenity to use the power of the ginzuishou in a powered-down state, giving him the time-frame and oppurtunity to add it's own varibles, sending her into a strange world. She had always feared non-acceptance. Giving her temptations that weakened her love in Endymion, that would serve it's intentions later. Of course, it had not expected Serenity to resist Diamond so strongly. Nor had he expected the merger with Selene. But in the end, the calculations proved correct. She still defeated Diamond and still had a saiya-jin child. True, the child would only be a quarter saiya-jin. It had seen the child in action, the pink-haired one, but it proved it's calculation that the child would be strong. And now, Serenity was hiding away from her senshi, with three invaribles and the dark messiah. Ah, it had not counted upon the messiahs fighting alongside one another. Nor the three starlights, who possessed much power, a formible opponet for the outer senshi team. But it was added up. Serenity would still face Beryl. There were three possible outcomes. And the outcome of the Fight of Beryl would decide the next chapter of it's plan... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kayla frowned, staring almost obsessing at the ceiling. The sharp, undenible pain came again. She refused to acknowledge it. A while later, it came again, sharper than before, causing her to cry out. Cassie and the men looked up, alarmed. "Usagi... are you okay..." Cassie said, her voice low and steady. "Does it look like I'm okay, dammit? I'm having contractions!" At this, Yaten and Seiya promptly panicked. While they were running around like chicken with their heads cut off, Taiki and Cassie knelt beside Kayla's chair. "Are you sure? It's about three weeks early, Usagi." Taiki said seriously. "I'm sure." The tone of voice was unmistakenably Selene's, and Cassie knew that the time had come. Maybe the fact that Chibi-usa was partically saiya-jin had effected the time spent in the womb. "Alright." Cassie opened her communicator. "Setsuna?" "Hotaru?" "Yes. It's time. She's having contractions. We're sure it's the real thing." Setsuna looked startled. "It's so early!" She gasped. "Alright, I'm on my way. Keep her calm, alright? I don't want her to panic. There's a certain place we need to take her, just in case there's any strange effects because of the magic she and the child possesses." There was a loud popping sound, and suddenly, Setsuna was beside Cassie. "Setsuna, hey!" kayla said brightly. "Wassup? Hey, could you do something about those two??" She pointed to yaten and Seiya, who were arguing about whether they should take the pink blanket or the blue. Setsuna produced the Time Staff, took careful aim, and... CRACK! The two dropped to the floor unconscious after being hit in the head with the large metal object. Taiki applauded. "Thanks, Sets." Cassie said. "Now, about her..." "Leave it to me. I knew that Chibi-usa would be early (not this early, but still) so I had Ami's mother prepare a room. She won't question if you appear in there suddenly, so..." With a swish of the staff, Setsuna, Taiki, and Usagi were gone. Cassie sent a look to the unconscious duo, shrugged, and headed downstairs for the cafe. She needed something to drink, and they served one mean mocha. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Michael looked confused as Cassie entered the cafe alone and took a seat at the counter. "Hey, Mike. What's up?" She asked cheerfully. "Not much." He replied carefully. "You?" "Well, Kayla went into labor early. She's at the hospital right now." Michael stopped breathing. A thousand thoughts raced through his mind at once. "But it's so early..." "I know," Cassie shrugged. "But Kayla's a bit... strange... as was the father. I'd say it's about right." Michael nodded. This toyed with his plans a little bit, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. But it was so early, what if something happened to the child? He shook his head. "It's really wierd and all, but she's going to have the two best doctors that there are working on her, both friends." Cassie smiled. "Nothing can go wrong unless a youma decides to attack, and even then I doubt anything could happen." Not with the senshi gaurding her. "So I'm really not that worried." "If you're not, I suppose I'm not. What is she going to name the baby?" Cassie grinned. "If it's a girl, the name's Serenity Usagi Chiba, with her fiancee's last name. Believe me, he's probably going crazy right now." Michael frowned. "But her last name is Smith." "In a way." Cassie said dreamily. "But they *are* ingaged, and believe me, Mamoru's last name will be on that birth certificate if he has to murder all the doctors and right it himself. He's very devoted." She giggled. "Mamoru Chiba?" He'd heard that name before. How could he not? With Beryl screeching it at them, about what an incompetant fool he was and if any of them followed his footsteps like Dolomite she'd have their manhood taken out in painful means. "Sounds like a nice guy." He said. "When's the wedding?" "Probably as soon as Kayla through with Boston. You watch, as soon as she's able to sit up, she'll be out skipping around Boston, yelling about how thery changed things." Michael chuckled. "Wghat about those three guys?" The note of jealousy in his voice didn't go undetected. "Oh, they'll hang around." She said, giggling. "Yaten and I seem to be geting along better than ever and Seiya still has that impossible crush on Us-- Kayla." She flushed at her almost slip-up. "Taiki is staying too, he's ot an impossible infatuation with a friend of our's." "You and silver-haired one?" Cassie blushed and nodded. "My mama and papa are going to kill him and me both, but we'll survive." He looked doubtful for a moment. "Okay, scratch that. *I'll* survive. Yaten... well, he might be in the morgue." Michael laughed at the picture. "I take it your parents don't like him?" "Yaten and my mama and papa... let's just say they've got a history." Cassie laughed, thinking about the much grumbled-about time when Healer and Maker had challnged Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto, only to have Seiya bust it up. Uranus was sure she could've kicked ass. "And Seiya?" "Oh, he's had a crush on Kayla forever!" Cassie said, grinning. "Since she was sixteen. But nothing's happened... well, he kissed her once. And then Mamoru came back from overseas and... well, Seiya found that between kissing Kayla again and getting ponded to a pulp, he'd rather not chase after her." "Hot-- Cassie! Hey, girl!" Cassie whirled around, something between shock and amazement on her face. Michael was also shocked. This was a younger, blonde version of Kayla. "Minako!" "No, Santa Claus." Minako gave Cassie a hug and sat down. "I came to tell you Odango Atama's doing fine and she's presently yelling at Mamoru everytime she has a contraction." Cassie and Michael both laughed. "Minako, this is Michael, he's a friend of our's." But Minako had already seen Michael, and was staring at him with a look of curiousity and the look someone gets in their eyes when they're trying to recall a memory just out of their reach. "I've seen you before." She said softly. Michael froze, and studied the blonde more carefully. Long, blonde hair in a red bow. Big blue eyes, and a distinct resemblence to the Moon Princess. Sailor Venus. He went convsiderably pale. Venus had been in charge of the section of galaxy where he passed trhoguh often in the Silver Millenium. If she recognized him, the dark messiah would not hesitate to follow her orders. He didn't know how he'd stand against Venus and Saturn. "Oh my god." The words echoed through his mind. He looked up sharply to see a very memorable person in the doorway, one he recognized and feared only too well. Artemis, in human form. "Artemis! What are you... what's wrong?" Minako exclaimed, forgetting Michael for a split second as she turned to stare in shock,. Cassie frowned. Somehow, the situation went from happy to strange in point three seconds. "Galaxijourner." Artemis spat out the words like the were deadly toxin. Minako gasped. It was exactly what she was trying to think of! Cassie, in a flash, ignoring the customers and waitresses, had the glaive out and at Michaels throat. Her violet eyes, before so cheerful, had gone dark with the good blackness that only the Dark Messiah could possess. He gulped. Minako trembled in silent rage as Artemis glared at him. The galaxijourners weere a breed of humans that traveled space with ease. They used the best ships and the best techniques. All had forsaken the Silver Alliance and joined Beryl to become her spies, scouts, and generals. Kunzite had been a Galaxijourner. "Artemis, go get Seiya and Yaten, NOW." Minako's voice was low and dangerous. "Just get them!" Artemis turned and fled. Many of the customers did also. Cassie glared at him, "Traitor." She pressed the sharp blade of her weapon into his throat, just enough to that it hurt but did not break skin. "Traitor." At that moment, Yaten and Seiya burst in to see the scene, Minako gripping her henshin stick, Cassie holding the glaive, and Michael, with the glaive at his throat and wearing a gray uniform, which he had transformed into. They looked around at the now deserted cafe, and nodded to Minako. "Venus Crystal Power! Make UP!" "Healer Star Power Make up!" "Fighter Star Power Make up!" "Saturn Planet Power Make up!" As soon as the other three were done, Cassie called out her own henshined words. A new phrase surprised them all. "Pluto Planet Power, Make up!" They turned to see a very angry senshi of time. "I should have recognized you, Halite." She said, her soft voice furious. "Thank you, Minako." "No problem." Venus replied. In one hand, she conjured forth a handful of energy and concentrated on it. "Love and Beauty..." She grinned, almost insanely. "SHOCK!" Halite screamed as the blow took him head- on. He shook his head incohertly as the pain faded and he blindly fired a blast. A scream told him it had hit someone. "Healer! Star Serious Laser!" He jumped out of the way of the beam of enegy, letting it slamm into the wall behind him. With a flick of his wrist, Sailor Star Fighter went flying back through the glass of the front window. "Bastard. Silent Glaive Surprise!" The wave of power threw him up into the air. "Venus Love Me Chain!" The whip of hearts arched over him, then under him, wraping around him, yanking him down onto the floor with a sickening thud. "Dead Scream!" The sonic blast was the last thing he saw before black claimed his vision. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" In order to keep history as it should be, labor had to be delayed. And Usagi was not a happy camper. Mamoru dodged the pitcher of ice and looked to Ami and Setsuna. Setsuna looked like she was trying not to laugh as Ami tried to calm Usagi down. "It's over now..." Ami said. "You can come out from behind the chair." Mamoru crept out of his hiding place. "Good work, Usagi." Setsuna said. "I've got to go now... I trust you'll be alright?" "She'll be fine, Setsuna." Ami said quickly. "Before you go, i'd like a word, please." She pulled the senshi of time out into the hall, leaving Mamoru and Usagi alone. "Setsuna, will the baby have any... side effects?" Ami asked. "Like... ki blasts or a tail?" Setsuna looked a little worried. "I'm not sure." She admited. "I never gave it much thought. I've been trying to find out who's behind this new set of attacks." "What happens if Chibi-usa *does* have a tail?" "Cover it up as quickly as possible and carry it out. Claim it needs to be checked out immediatly for defects." Setsuna thought fast. "If she starts throwing ki blasts... well, make sure one hits Mamoru." "HUH?! Why?" "So he'll be knocked out and not remember cohertantly." "You know, I'm beginning to think all those bumps on his head might be adding up..." "I'll take care of it. Make sure Usagi doesn't start screaming about Gohan. We can't have any questions asked. Mamoru's always doubted his memories." "Gotcha." "I've really got to go, Ami. It's about Halite." "Goodbye, Setsuna. Be careful." "Oh yeah. Remember, it's Serenity Usagi Chiba." "Alight." Setsuna took a long look up and down the hallways, and vanished into a portal. Ami grinned as she heard Usagi screaming again and quickly went to help the girl ride through the pain. Poor Mamoru... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Beryl frowned as she sat upon her throne. Her crystal balls was before her, but she paid no attention to the object, instead, she was glaring at Celestite. "Celestite, explain your latest failure. Now." Her voice was the low purr she used whenever she was angry. "My queen, it is Sailor Selene." "Do not make excuses." "I am not, my queen. But this Sailor Selene... there is no record of her. Her power... it is greater than anything I have ever seen." Beryl frowned even more. "Of course there is no record." She snapped. "She is a creation of the Moon Goddess. You will defeat her, and you will stop being a snivveling simp!" "Yes, my queen." "Do you have a plan?" To Beryl's fury, Celestite shrugged. "Plans have never worked before, Queen Beryl. We are simply trying to gather as much energy as possible before the senshi chance upon our youma. When we have enough energy, we'll strike." "That's... interesting." "My queen, if I may speak of those higher ranked than I..." "Go ahead." Beryl said with a sigh. What bone did Celestite have with Halite now? "I belive General Halite is withholding valuable information from you and I, m'queen." "You have proof of this??" "It is only a suspicion." "How so?" "My queen, I already know that the Moon Goddess is with child and in the city posing as Kayla Smith. But I believe Halite knows the identity of Sailor Selene. He associates with this Kayla woman, and as history shows, the Moon Goddess has always been a talktive woman." "I reasonable suspicion, but foolish to follow up upon." Beryl yelled. "Now, get back to your plans!" Celestite bowed, and was about to hurry away, when a youma threw open the doors to the throne room and scrambled inside, looking frightened. "Queen Beryl! General Halite has been captured!" "WHAT?!" "Apparently Artemis and Sailor Venus recognized him as a Galaxijourner!" Beryl went pale. Halite was her best general yet. Cunning, coy, without a temper and with many skills. "Don't just stand there!" She shouted to a dumbfounded Celestite. "DO SOMETHING!" "Yes, m'queen." Celestite ran. Beryl settled back into her throne. What else could go wrong? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kayla smiled as she held the almost one- day old Serenity Usagi CHiba in her arms. Oh, yes. She could see Gohan quite cleary in the small child's face. She could sense his energy, the energy of the saiya-jin melding with the moon. It was beautiful, just like the first time she'd felt it. To her relief, and yet somehow, disappointment, the child had no tail. She hadn't thought it would. Mamoru was also looking at child adoringly. He resembled Gohan enough to that the man didn't see anything strange about it at all. The pink curls were a bit of a shock, but he had been expecting them, after all. Ami smiled at her mother and then at Kayla. "She's perfectly healthy, Usagi, even if it's early by human standards." She knelt beside Kayla to whisper in the girl's ear. "I accessed files on my computer. The term was as it should have been, considering." Kayla nodded happily. She was revelling in flow of energy she felt from the child, that reminded her of Gohan so much. Setsuna suddenly swept into the room. She was disheveled and scratched, looking as through she'd came from a rather tough fight. "We discovered Halite and are holding him captive. My Queen, heal yourself, and come with me. I'm sorry, but we've already been holding with for the last day. He's awakened and... well... it's difficult to hold him without your assistance." "But Chibi-usa!" Mamoru protested. "Shall not be harmed." There was an unearthly glow that settled over mother and daughter. Chibi-usa cooed softly and feel into a soft sleep, the glow staying with her but fading from Kayla. Mamoru took the child from Kayla as she stood up. She gave her fiancee` a long kiss and transformed. Ami looked up questioningly. "Setsuna, I know that Chibi-usa isn't a normal child, but to take her so close to a battle? Can't she stay here with us? Rei would be more than happy to care for her, and you can't steal her away from mamoru so soon." Setsuna looked troubled as she looked towards Eternal Sailor Selene. "It's your choice." Selene wanted nothing more than to cry as she kissed the child's forehead. "The protection of the moon and Vegetasei be with you, Small Lady." She whispered. "I'll leave you with Miko Rei. I'll return for you, I swear." She gave Ami a hug and whisperd into her friend's ear, "Ami, take care of her... if for any reason I don't return." "You will, Usagi. You will. I have faith in you." Ami whispered back. "Do it for Chibi- usa." Selene winked, and a tear slid down her cheek. "Goodbye..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Halite frowned as Saturn began to fire questions at him again. He's answered only two: Who was he and what did he know. General Halite, and more than they wanted to realize. "Stop it, Saturn. He won't answer." Artemis, once more a cat, said. He walked up and down the cafe. Venus yawned again, keeping a tight hold on her Love-Me Chain. If she let go, he'd escape and that was that. "I've got Selene." Pluto threw open the doors and let Sailor Selene enter. Selene came in, smiling slightly. She ignored Halite completely. "Hey, Venus! It's been forever since I've seen you." "I know, Selene. Where's Chibi-usa?" "I left her with Rei and Ami. I can't go fighting the Dark Kingdom with a baby, ne?" The smile slipped a bit. "She's fine, perfectly healthy. Cute little thing." "How's Mamoru?" Artemis asked. "Bruised and battered, but otherwise fine." Pluto answered. Selene blushed. "Well, it hurt so much..." She grinned. "He won't be using his left hand for a long time." Artemis and Fighter laughed. Healer grinned. "Where's Taiki?" "Where else? With Ami. He's going to stay there until they've checked out CHibi-usa completely." Halite was stunned. "Are you okay?" Saturn asked. "Of course. I'm tired, pissed, and exetremely angry. I'm prefectly fine." It was now that she finally turned her attyentions to Halite. "Michael, Michael, Michael." She said, chucking her tongue. "I knew you were a general. The question is, did you know I was Selene?" "Yes." "I thought as much." Selene rolled her eyes. "You could have attacked me at any time. Does a general have morals? The last one I fought did not, but you do seem the expection. Beryl found herself a bunch of honorable simps this time, ne? No matter." "Selene, he won't answer any questons." Saturn said, tentavely. "That's fine, Saturn. I'm not concerned with Beryl anymore." Selene knelt down beside Halite. "Who brought your queen back to life, Halite? Or do you know?" "I won't tell you." "So you don't know. That's okay." She stood back up. "Release him, Venus." "But..." "That was an order." Selene said softly. "We do not need an army of youma in Boston." Venus reluctantly drew back her Love Me Chain. "Thank you." Selene extended her hand to Halite to help him to his feet, which Halite accepted with a small smirk. "You're a fool, Selene." He said. "Yes, I know." Selene answered clearly, her silvery eyes staring into Halite's. "I know." "Selene, what are you going to do..." Healer asked, her eyes narrowing. "Nothing right now." Selene withdrew her hand from Halite's. "You will regret this." Halite vanished. "I already do." She answered the air where he had stood. She turned to face Venus. "You should return to Tokyo, Artemis also. I need all of the inners there, in case Chibi-usa is threatened." Venus and Artemis nodded and left. "Healer and Fighter, dehenshin. You too, Saturn. Pluto, you've got a gate to gaurd, right?" "Right. Goodbye, Usagi." "'Bye, Puu." She dehenshined as the senshi of time disappeared. "Kayla, why did you let him go?" Cassie asked. Kayla turned to stare at Cassie, and Cassie saw all the saddness and sorrow reflected in those eyes. "Hotaru, it's not so simple anymore. He'll return to Beryl, and Celestite shall come out to challenge us. The time has almost come... can't you feel it on the winds? It's the cry of a kingdom. "And finally, for eternal forever, that kingdom shall be avvenged. Come on. We have to be there when Celestite appears. "Too many innocents are lost already." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kayla grinned as she inspected her figure in the mirror. "No offense, but after getting rid of all that wieght and being able to walk normally again, I don't think I'll ever have another baby!" "Usagi, about Chibi-usa..." Kayla frowned slightly, but nodded. "Well, I've got an idea. We'd have to talk it over with Pluto, but Chibi-usa needs to be around you as much as possible, seeing she won't ever know her father. I now you don't want her so close to the battle, but..." "I understand. Continue." "If you did bring her here, you'd need a full-time baby sitter that wasn't exactly part of the normal team of senshi, right?" Kayla nodded. "What about the older Chibi-usa?" Cassie asked, grinning. "You've got an ulterior motive here, Hotaru. You want your friend back." "But it works out for you, too." "You're right." "Gohan wouldn't want his daughter being sperated from both you and him." "Hotaru! Shh! Seiya and the guys are here! You can't risk them--" "I thought Mamoru was Chibi-usa's father." Kayla and Cassie both turned around to see Yaten standing in the doorway, looking at them both suspiciously. "Baka Hotaru..." Kayla mumbled, sitting down. "Ecchi! What were you doing? Spying?" Hotaru glared at the starlight. "Actually, yes." Yaten answered. "Ever since I've been here, I've yet to hear either of you directly name Mamoru as the father. I'm no math mathmetican, but I can count back nine months." The two senshi had paled. "Don't even say it aloud, Yaten, please." Kayla begged. "Dates do not align." Yaten ammended his thoughts. "Yaten, what are you getting at?" Cassie said, her eyes narrowing, a dark light coming into her eyes. "I simply think that something isn't exactly how you two say it is." Yaten said simply. "I can apply the help of Seiya and Taiki or you can tell me." "Threatening little scoundrel, aren't you?" Kayla sounded amused. "Well, since you've already figured it out, I can only confirm your suspicions. But this secret... well, if it gets out, I won't be the only goddess on your back." Kayla smiled. "Mamoru is not Chibi-usa's father." Although he had been expecting it, the news was still a shock. "Who is?" "An incredibly handsome man from another deminsion who's half-human half-alien." Cassie replied. "No need to go into details, Hotaru." All three turned towards the new voice, none other than Setsuna. "Hey, Setsuna, why the lack of visits for the last week?" Kayla asked, sounding miffed. "I'd almost forgotten what you looked like." It was then she saw the wild look in Setsuna's eyes. "What's up?" She asked immediatly. "My princess, I have Chibi-usa waiting at the gates with the baby." "Huh?" "You've got to go to the Z dimension, now." "Why? What for?" Cassie was alarmed, and with good reason. Setsuna, differing from her bidaily visits, had not appeared for a while, worrying the senshi. Kayla kept having nightmares, which kept her from bringing Chibi-usa to live with the lights, herself, and Cassie. And now this? "Beryl is releasing a virus of sorts. It is the cause of the Great Ice that is to take the earth. You must leave it, until you regain all your strength." "What about the other senshi?" "The inner senshi, Mamoru, Luna and Artemis are waiting for us also. Hurry, and transform, all of you!" Seiya and Taiki by now had joined them. They nodded, and called out to their respective powers. When they were done, they looked towards the senshi of time, who had a portal waiting. "Pluto," Selene pulled the senshi of time to the side and spoke in a low tone. "Vegeta can sense saiya-jin energy, so can the others. What if Mamoru finds out?" "He won't, princess." Pluto said, but her voice was not very confident. "Come, let's go." Fighter, Healer, and Maker went through the portal first. Saturn went next, nearing pushing Selene out of the way. Selene caught the hint, though. Saturn was giving her a chance to lightly grill Pluto. "Okay, Pluto. Explain." Pluto smiled softly. "I really do need to get you out of this dimension, Princess. Beryl is planning to freeze the world, and you can't be on it when that happens." "What about the rest of the world?" "Temporary. If released soon enough, most will survive." "How soon is soon enough?" "One week." Selene counted to ten. "You expect me," She said, in a dangerous purr. "To return to the Z diemsion, explain everything to everyone, train my ass off, explain to everyone why I fight as well as I do, keep them all from finding how that Chibi-usa isn't exactly Mamoru's kid, think up a plan, keep Luna and Artemis off my back... ALL IN A WEEK?" "That was the plan." "How the bloody hell do you expect me to do that?!" "Well, to put it lightly, I believe you had a promise to four people who are good at keeping you out of trouble." Pluto not-so-gently shoved Selene into the portal, as the latter grinned happily. Time for Operation: Secrets. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The youma frowned as the readings it had been ordered to keep a close eye on suddenly vanished. To it's great fear, it reluctantly called Celestite in to the control room. All of them knew what happened when a youma angered a general, and that was most usually pain and/or death. Celestite took one look at the readings and was too angry to do anything to the youma. She called in a recooperating Halite too look at them before they both went off grimly to report to Beryl that the senshi had literaly disappeared into thin air. They did not expect a happy queen. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It took Selene a minute to realize that pluto had positioned the portal so that she walked right out into the Z dimension's soft rolling green grass-- And right into a very startled girl "Oh, I'm so sorry!" Selene exclaimed, looking around her in confusion. Where were the others? "Oh, it's okay, miss. After living around here for so long, you expect people to appear out of thin air." The other girl grinned. Selene took a moment to look her over. It was a teenage version of Bulma! A few things were subtly different, things that reminded her of saiya-jin featues... But otherwise, she would have sworn on her mother this was Bulma. To hell with being subtle. "You know, you look an awful lot like a woman I knew for a while. Bulma Briefs?" She asked, sighing. The girl's eyes perked up somewhat. "That's my mother!" "Your..." Selene took a deep breath to challenge the shock that threatened her nerves. "How old are you?" She asked in reply. "Seven." "SEVEN?!" The girl jumped as Selene yelled and slapped herself. "That's it. I'm going to murder Pluto. How dare she... and where are the others?" "Er..." "Oh, I'm sorry. I'm just a little confused." "No kidding. Anyway, I'm Bra. Who're you?" "I'm... ah, heck. Call me Usagi, kid. Can you take me to your mother?" Bra looked Selene up and down. The name was familar, and yet she didn't know why. Perhaps Videl would know? Videl should be there any second... And Videl did come, with a companion. Selene promptly began laughing, as hard as she possibly could. She ended up on her rear, laughing so hard she almost choked. After Videl, the mysterious companion, and Bra had stared at her for a long time, Selene managed to regain her breath. "Gods, Gohan, what the hell are you *wearing*?!" They all jumped at that. "Usagi?" Super Saiya Man asked uncertainly. "No, it's Humpty Dumpty. Answer my question... you look rediculous!" This sent her into a new round of giggles. Super Saiya Man helped her up before replying in a miffed tone, "It's Super Saiya Man, Usagi. I'm a super hero. Meet Videl, my girlfriend." "Super hero my-- hi, Videl. Nice to meet you." Selene looked at Gohan. "You look older... How long have I been gone, Gohan? It's barely been nine months where I was." "Nine months? It's been almost three years!" "It has?" Selene dehenshined in a flash of light and looked angry. "Gohan, something's not right." "What do you mean?" "Setsuna brought me here, but I know she wouldn't have taken me to a strange time. And my senshi were to come with me. In fact, I was walking through the portal to go to the gates, where I could retreive my daughter to come, but I was here." "Out of thin air," Bra confirmed. "Sounds suspicious." Gohan nodded. "You're tellin' me." Usagi sighed, and threw her arms up in the air. "I'm going to look for them, okay? Then I'm going to go to Capsule Corp. You can explain to those two who I am, while I'm gone." She powered up into her goddess form and took off on her wings. Bra and Videl looked at Gohan expectantly. "Well, it's a really funny story, actually... okay, no it's not. But it is sometimes. Okay, well, anyway, she appeared in the ocean..." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Setsuna stepped through her portal and onto the lush, gray grass of the Time Realm. ` She was almost ambushed by Saturn. "Oh, Setsuna-mama! Come lookee at Chibi- chibi-usa, she's so cute and pretty, and she smiled at me!" "Course." Setsuna nodded, and turned to close the portal. "Wait." Saturn looked confused. "Why are you closing the portal? Usagi hasn't came through." Setsuna turned back, startled. "She hasn't? She stepped through almost twenty seconds ago!" "No. I've been standing right here." "But..." Setsuna's mind raced. She had pushed the princess through the portal herself. She knew the portals couldn't shift like that accidently without her notcing-- too much raw energy. "Hotaru, are you sure? This isn't a trick?" "Would I joke about the princess?" Setsuna said something that Hotaru would never repeat under any circumstances, and closed the portal quickly. "Someone is messing with things here," She said, at Saturn's confused and stunned expression. "And they've got temporal power, along with a few other powers. No one I know of could have switched that portal. I have no clue where she is nor no way to find out, short of creating a flux." Saturn went considerably pale and peered through the fog to the shadowy figures before the gates. "What are we going to tell them, and where are we going to put them?" "The truth." Setsuna replied. "And I've got a safehouse on a planet not so far from here. They can stay there. It's not that different from earth. The Z dimension is out of the question without Selene." "We need to find her, Pluto." "I know, Saturn. Damn, who is doing this?" It was the very first time Saturn, Hotaru, or the Messiah had seen Sailor Pluto look hopeless, and quite frankly, it scared her. Pluto was the one with all the answers and the impecible timing... And their new enemy seemed to sense she was, and was doing all they could to shatter even Pluto's nerves, and doing a helluva fine job. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` Usagi decided the best way to enter the city was on foot. She didn't want to attract attention. Within thirty muinutes she'd determined the senshio were no where on the planet. She could sense everyone's ki of the Z dimnsion clearly, a few she knew and a few she didn't. She knew Piccolo, Goku, and Vegeta were in this city, and finding them was number one on her to-do list. They seemed the ones most likely to have sensed anything strange. "It seems I attract more stares as I am than as Sailor Selene." She murmured thoughtfully. She had a suspicion that if she's flown in wearing her fuku and branishing the sword of Apollo, people wouldn't have given her a second-- Her train of though ceased almost instantly at the sight of one of her three targets: Vegeta, arguing with a teenage boy that looked like himself. She grinned. Vegeta had to be arguing with someone. "VEGETA!" She yelled. "Over here!" She caught his eye, smirked as his jaw dropped, and pushed her way through the crowd to him. The boy's jaw follwed suit to Vegeta's as she enveloped the saiya-jin prince in a hug. "Good to see someone hasn't changed!" She said, grinning at Vegeta's choice of blue spandex. "I saw Gohan first, he said it's been three years... just a few months in my world." "Er..." "It's good to see you're speechless, too. I sensed Goku and Piccolo here too, right?" "Er..." "Hi! I haven't seen you before!" "Stop your yapping, Usagi. You talk too much." "Gee, I feel loved." She smiled as Vegeta found his voice box again. "Has it really been three years, Vegeta?" "You bet it has." Vegeta scowled. "And yes, Kakorotto and that green bean are fumbling aorund here somewhere." "Aren't you going to introduce me to Cutie here before he decides I'm your girlfriend?" She would have sworn a slight blush colored Vegeta's face... oerhaps it was the sun? "Tell her who you are, Boy." he barked. "I'm Trunks... miss, how do you know my dad?" It was all Usagi could do not to faint. "First I meet Bulma's kid... and now *your's*, Vegeta? How many mroe fo you have spawned." "You met Bra?" Trunks asked. Usagi nodded. "Well..." vegeta started to say something, but Trunks beat him to it. "Bra's my sister." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Thank you." "Don't grovel, Beryl. I didn't do this for you. The senshi are now seperated from Selene. It's your perfect oppurtunity." "Of course. I will have my best at the task." "If you fail to allinilate her now, Beryl, you never will." The shadow vanished. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Wake up... yoo hooo...." Usagi opened her eyes to stare right up at Goku. "ACK!" She yelped, and jumped up. And then looked around. Bulma, Chichi, Goku, and Gohan were in immediate sight. She recgonized the room as her old bedroom at Capsule Corp. "How did I get here?" She asked. "Oh, hi, Goku. I had the weirdest dream. I met this really cute kid with lavendar hair and he told me that Bulma and Vegeta had two kids..." Bulma blushed. "It wasn't a dream." Chichi said, rushing over to Usagi. "You look great! Wow, if you got any prettier, we'd have to lock our husbands up away from her, ne, Bulma?" Usagi grinned and sat up. "Three years? Okay, name off which ones have how many kids." "Well, Bulma has two, you've met them. Trunks is Goten's age, and Bra's a little younger. You missed seeing Trunks the first time around, he was in the past. Goku and I still just have Goten and Gohan--" "Thank God," Gohan interrupted. "And Gohan's married, to Videl, you've met her? Yes, you have. They've got a little girl, Pan. Krillin--" "*Krillin's* married?" "Oh, you bet. They've got a daughter named Marron. Cute thing, looks just like Krillin." "That's it?" "That's it." Chichi confirmed. Usagi began to laugh. "I'm away for nine moths, come back to findn out it's been three years and there's all sorts of demi-saiya-jin running around. Geesh, have you ever heard of over-population?" This got a blush from all around. "I'm afraid I don't have very good news." Usagi said, in a serious tone of voice, after a few minutes of silence. "When I returned, it turned out Diamond wasn't gone after all... I had to beat him all over again. Nearly died again, yatta yatta." "Died again? But he's dead for sure, right?" Gohan asked. "I hope so." Usagi frowned. "Apparently, Diamond wasn't my biggest threat. There really is an overlord to all this. He'd bringing back old nightmares to life. Queen Beryl's at it this time. I'm afraid he's brought me to this time alone to attack me." "WHy this time?" "Well, it's not so much you guys as it is me. I still haven't completely recovered." "From what?" Usagi grinned. "Oh, well, you know how things go. Fight a few enemies here, etc." "Oh, bull! Spill it, girl!" Bulma shouted. "Chibi-usa decided that it was nice to try to be born three weeks early. I've spent a lot of the past month in the hospital. She'll be... oh, let's see... two weeks old today. In my time. She was born on June 30." "Oh, wow! Usagi, I'm so happy for you!" "Don't be." Usagi said grimly, standing up. "I've only seen her once since then. I had to leave right away to face Halite, Beryl's latest pet general. I left her with Sailro Mars." "Oh, that's terrible." "At least she's safe. She's got a horde of capable senshi around her." Usagi hugged Goku. "I don't remember getting a proper hello from any of you, 'cept Gohan." After hellos, Usagi looked around the room suspiciously. "Where's Vegeta?" She asked Bulma. "Why?" "I'm going to chew him out for letting that Trunks kid drop that bomb on me." She stomped out of the room. A few crashes and bangs were heard. And then really loud yelling. "VEGETA YOU CONCEITED JERK HOW COULD YOU LET HIM TELL ME LIKE THAT?!?! WHAT IF I HAD A HEART ATTACK?! YOU'LL BE SORRY IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO--" "IT WASN'T ME! BLAME THAT BOY!" "Leave me out of this!" Trunks sounded like he was underneath something. The four raced to the stairs tyo check out what was happening. Trunks was behind the couch with Goten, who was wisely advising him not to get in the way. Vegeta was up against the wall, looking scared. Bra and Pan were giggling at the picture while Videl simply looked stunned. Eternal Sailor Selene had the sword of Apollo out and pointed right at Vegeta, her aura ablaze with feiry light. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" "AHHHHH!" Goten shrieked as the couch was thrown away by a particually nasty ki exchanged. "Get behind that statue!" "NOT MY EMPERESS STATUE!" Bulma screeched. CRASH! "THAT'S IT!" Bulma yelled, as Vegeta went to SSJ. "If you two are going to fight-- OUTSIDE!" Selene shok her head as she helped Piccolo move the couch back. "Sorry, Bulma. I got a little excited. I haven't been able to fight for a while. Gods... scrtach thatr statement, I've had three jealous guys and one over-protective woman holding the key to the cage they shoved me in." "Cages can't hold you." "I'll take that as a compliment and leave it so." She gave Vegeta a dirty look. "You're *the* Usagi?" Bra looked doubtful. "You don't look like a god." "Thanks. I don't want to." Selene frowned. "Okay, which one of you said I was a god? 'Fess up." "It was him!" Vegeta, Goku, Piccolo, and Gohan were all pointing at another. Vegeta to Goku, Goku to Piccolo, Piccolo to Gohan, and Gohan to Vegeta. "That answers that." Selene sweatdropped. "Glad to see something else hasn't changed." "Wow, you're so neat! Is Vegeta really scared of you?" Pan asked. Selene gave her a funny look before answering, "Never asked and never want to find out, kid. You're Pan, right? Wow, you look just like your mom." She looked from Pan to Videl. Resemblence? That was an understatement. It took about ten minutes to restore the room, under Bulma's orders and Chichi's frown. Finally, Selene put the last vase back together with a bit of magic and set it on a table. "How's that?" She asked, stretching out of the couch. "I think I did pretty good. You can barely see any cracks." "Very nice." Bulma sat down next to Selene. "So, how are you going to contact your friends this time?" "I guess I can't." Selene dehenshined. "I suppose I'll scout out this planet, see if Beryl can establish a portal to it. If she does, I culd probably... well, it depends..." Usagi groaned. "This is the first time I actually wish I had paid attention to Haruna-sensei. Math... bah!" She made a sour face. Bulma sweatdropped. Gohan stiffled a chuckle, but Goten began laughing loudly, as did Goku. Vegeta kept a perfectly straight face, as Trunks, Pan, and Bra started laughing as well. Videl was too confused to do anything. Chichi looked at them all disapprovingly. "Minna.. do you hear that?" Goku asked suddenly. Usagi strained to hear... Screams. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Eternal Sailor Selene was transformed and out fot eh house before any of the saiya-jin had registered ehat those screams meant. Gohan was next out, and then followed by Goku and Vegeta, Piccolo, and lastly Goten and Trunks. The saiya-jin caught up to Selene easily. "Usagi, what's going on?" Gohan asked. Selene looked over to him, smiling sadly. "I think I was right. The Overlord was the one that got me sent here. I've got to fight, Gohan. I've just got to. This is Beryl." "I'll help." "No. This is my fight. You've got families, you all do. I can't let you risk yourselves." "And what about you?!" "Gohan, things will work out for my family no matter what." "If you die, the universe is caput!" Goten had heard. "I remember what that Pluto chick said, Usagi! You're the center of everything. You have to let us help." "Someone owes me an explanation." Trunks grumbled. "We're going to help you." Vegeta said. "You can't fight alone." "Aw, Vegeta, I should be flattered, ne?" "Shut up." "Guess not." Selene touched down in front of a woman wearing a gray unifrom. "Hello, Celestite. Miss me?" Celestite looked at the men behind the princess. "Not exactly." She said, smirkign slightly. "I'm sorry you're in one peice." "So am I." Celestite's eyes narrowed. She had been informed that Selene's power was at a low, giving her a chance of winning. As if. "I come to challenge you, Kayla Smith." Selene looked a little confused at the name, but then smiled. "Oh, Celestite?" "What is it?" Celestite snapped. "Well, since we're out of Boston and Chibi-usa is safe, I think you need to know who I really am." "Oh really? Who?" "Well, let's see. Tsukino Usagi, Princess Serenity," She began to count off on her gloved fingers. "Sailor Moon, Super Sailor Moon, Eternal Sailor Moon, Sailor Selene, Eternal Sailor Selene, the Goddess Selene... am I leaving something out?" She grinned at Celestite's pale face. "Oh, yeah. Neo-Queen Serenity of the Sun, Moon, and Earth. I think that's about it, unless you want to get technical." "You don't scare me!" "Oh yeah?" Selene grinned, and pulled out her staff. "We'll see about that. Concentrated Solar Moon Beam!!" "Dark Crystallization Blast!" Celestite countered. The two beams met in the center, and for a secdond, it looked like they would cancel each other out. "Shadow! Help me win!" Celestite called, grinning evilly. Almost immediatly, her power doubled... tripled! It blew Selene back into Goku, who caught her. "Damn..." Selene wiped some of the blood from her lip and stood back up. Celestite held a sphere of glowing energy. "I should probably tell you, the Shadow holds more power than you'll ever dream of." Selene shrugged, and powered up some. "Terra Lunar Blast!" She shouted. "Not quite enough, Selene." Celestite threw the ball of ki at the earth-shaped ki blast, glowing with silver and green power. Selene muttered a word that she had sworn never to use in front of children as the general's attack and her own anilated each other. "Kamikaze..." Goten began to power up. "No!" Selene shouted. "Not yet." She pointed her staff at Celestite. "You can't win." Celestite hissed. "I've heard that before." Selene replied. "And guess what, honey? I always loose anyway. Because when you die, you can't call it winning, even if you defeat the enemy." A look of horrible realization appeared on Celestite's face. "You're not going to..." She gasped. "Of course not. Not to you. But well..." She frowned. "It's inevitable, ne?" "Selene, don't you dare." "Be quiet, Goten." Trunks hissed. This was better than a movie. "Ginzuishou, I call upon your light. Lend me strenght to defeat this challenge... strength to fight!" 'If you use the ginzuishou, you'll die...' Eternal Sailor Selene grimly smiled. "I'm not going to die." She whispered. "I can't, remember? Eternal Moon Power!" The ginzuishou shone in all it's brillance as it threw it's power at Celestite, who could only marvel at the loveliness of it all. Death could be most beautiful. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *looks around nervously* Is it done? It is? WOOO HOOO! Part four is dooone! Yeahh!!!!!! -Black Beyond