Miru by Black Beyond ****************** Ten minutes later, Neptune returned to the throne room, Otome behind her, looking at her henshin wand in confusion. "She can't transform, my queen." Neptune said, and just as the words left her lips, Uranus entered with the same problem. They stared at each other, before blushing. Neptune gently took the henshin wand from her ward's hands and gave it to Neko, and Urnaus did the same. "Alright. NOW try it." Uranus said, her face still red. "Uranus Power Make up!" Otome yelled. "Neptune Power Make up!" Neko echoed. Their transfomations seemed plain compared to the swirling lights that had danced before me. "Mother, why are their transformations just like the senshi's, and Miru's was different?" Samll lady asked, after the two embarassed senshi traded students and left. "And why did I say Planet Power and they only said Power?" "I can answer that." Saturn said. "The powrer of Saturn is very unstable, and sometimes it all depends on the human's power, not the planet. Because I was so weak, I wasn't given the full power. But Miru is stronger than I. Her aura was strong even before the senshi's strength was added." "I feel so..." I couldn't find a word. There was nothing that justified it. "Right." Serenity suggested. I shook my head. I did feel good, like all my dreams had just came true, but there was another word. What could it be? ~**~ It was in the middle of one of the most thunderstorms Crystal Tokyo, or Tokyo itself, ad ever seen. Sane people were in side, watching TV or yelling bloody murder. Guess where *I* was? In a bathing suit, dancing in the ice cold water. I'd been yelled at by the Elder Senshi, by the Neo Senshi (as we were called) and by every single person in the palace. Except of course for Mako and Hiko, who were out there right beside me. So sue me! I love the thunder, and the lightning. I like the rain, period. It's just so fun. But I was seriously wet. Beyond wet. But we stayed out there, splashing water from the fountains at each other. We'd become friends with the senshi, and with each other. More than friends. Sisters. Haruka still kept her distance from me. We'd met the king, who was just about the most handsome man I've ever seen. Very hot for someone who's over a hundred and fifty years old. And I don't even like guys that much. "I think we should go in now." Hiko murmured. Mako and I both looked at her like she was insane, but reluctantly agreed. As Mako and Hiko both reached for towels, I marched right inside and up to Tenshi. She didn't even see me, but she sure did after I threw my soaking wet body at her in a bear hug. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Her scream echoed through the halls. She spun around to glare at me, but I wasn't there anymore. I was behind a pillar, smothering my laughter. "MIRU, WHEN I FIND YOU!" She yelled, and ran off searching for me. I collapsed into laughter, as did Rei, Neko, and Iku, who she was talking to when I sneaked up on her. "Oh my god..." Iku gasped. "I'd hide if I were you, Miru. She's going to KILL you." We'd soon learned that Tenshi didn't really live up to her name. "Nah. She can't kill me!" I giggled, before grabbing the towel that Mako threw over me. "But I'm going to hide anyway." I headed for my room. Tenshi didn't look like much of a warrior, but let me tell you. Get her mad and you'd better hope you can outrun her. Which reminds me. I'm not allowed to train wih the other senshi. I'm not even allowed to let them see what my senshi fuku looks like. Their's are almost exactly like their senshi's, but with shorter bows and different sleeves and chokers. Mine is unreal, compared to my friends'. "Ughf." I flopped down on my bed. I was the only senshi with a room to myself. Not that it was a bad thing. I loved to be alone. I like the silence, and there isn't much of that around here. The senshi are like teenagers themselves. They even look it. I don't think they ever grew up. Just a bunch of teenagers. But they are fun, and can be absolutely dead serious when it comes to Serenity. I wouldn't doubt for a second that any of them wouldn't think twice about taking a bullet for her. Oh, yeah. This really bugged me, but the King and Saturn left today, for the States. Something about Rebels rising against the Rule. I demanded to go, but Small Lady told me that I would have a visitor. And besides, she had said. It'll be a piece of cake. Just some angry people. And I really wanted to see this person. Yea, right. ~**~ As it always turns out, I was wrong. I did have a visitor. And it was, of course, the last person I would ever expect visiting me. No, not my aunt. No, not my uncle. No, not Beth. Sailor Freaking Pluto. I'd thought she was only a legend. We all had. But no, I waltz in the throne room to pick a bone with the princess, and nearly walk smak into the all powerful senshi of time. SO, here I was, my face red, babbling like an idiot, in front of the princess and Sailor Pluto. Making an idiot of myself. "Hello, Miru. I'd like to talk to you, if that's alright." "Uh... s-s-sure." Alright. Here I am. Babbling like the idiot we all know I am. In front of the most infamous legend ever known. Wonderful! "Alright, this way." I turned around to nearly fall face first into a big protal. I caught myself and walked through it, red faced, but with the little dignity I had left. "Miru," She began, her face absolutely deadpan. "I don't think anyone realizes what you are." "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" "Both. Neither. You are Sailor Saturn, but you are also something else. I can't tell you what yet, but I hope you'll never find that out. But you _must promise_ you will never henshin in front of any of the senshi other than Serenity, Small Lady, and Saturn." "Why?" Majorly confused. "Just promise." "Uh... sure..." She gave me a death flare. "Alright! Promise! But not if they need my help. Then, by golly, I'll henshin. You'll have to take away my henshin wand first." She simply smiled at this. Smiled. I was telling her off and she was smiling. And people said she was sane. I don't think so. "Why can't I henshin?" I asked after a few minutes of silence. She frowned. "Well, actually, I don't know. But something will happen when you do... I don't know if it will be caused by the transformation or you will henshin because of it." "What will happen? Oh, you can't tell me." I remembered. She smiled. "Nope, I can't." "Here's a question. Why don't *you* have a trainee?" I asked her. "Because, *IF* there will be a new Sailor Pluto, which I highly doubt, she will not come for thousands of millions of years. My job, it seems, has not yet quite begun." She seemed troubled about sharing that with me. I just smiled at her. "Let's hope that it's peaceful until then, say?" ~**~ I didn't really know what to do after that. I was bored out of my mind, just *watching* the senshi practice. More than once they wanted to know why I didn't henshin and join in. But Small Lady always refused for me, and I didn't protest it outwards. Even though I wanted to help Sailor Moon and the outers beat the inners. It looked like so much fun. The Elder Senshi knew about my orders. They sypathized, but none of them, I think, knew what it was like. They've always had their magic, but when you're not allowed to henshin it feels like you're out of place, somehow. I don't think any of them have ever felt that. "Serenity," I approached the Queen after watching the Young Senshi practice all day. "Yes, Miru?" "May I go into the city for a little while? I won't get into any trouble, I promise." Please please please please.... "Alright, Miru. I know how hard it's been for you. But try to be back before Sunset, please." She smiled at me. I take it back. Serenity must know. "Thank you!" I ran and threw my jacket on over the jeans and tank top I was wearing, and was out of the courtyards in ten seconds. Thankfully, no one but my parents knew I had been chosen for a senshi. And they were sworn to silence, so I could roam freely without the mobs that always surrounded the Elder Senshi. I wasn't but three miles into Tokyo when I slammed into a young man. We both went down, embarassingly me on top of him. I could hear the snickering of his two friends as I picked myself up and hauled him to his feet. I glared at the one with silver colored hair and apologized to the one I knocked down. He reminded me of someone.... "I'm so sorry... are you alright, sir?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm fine. I thought you were Usagi there for a minute. She was always doing that to me..." He said, wistfully, almost. Usagi?! "The princess?" I asked. It was the only Usagi I knew of... Small Lady. "Princess?" The tallest one asked, his eyes shocked. "She's still alive?" "Of course, sir. Small Lady Usagi is only fifteen years old." Where have they been? "Oh. Wrong person. The Usagi we know would be over a hundred and fifty years old." Usagi. Didn't I hear Rei yelling at the queen... 'Usagi, I swear, you're still as clumbsy as ever...' "You wouldn't mean the queen, would you!?" I exclaimed. "Queen?" Silver Hair asked. "You mean Tokyo has a queen?" "Where have you been?! Only for the last century and a half. Neo Queen Serenity and her senshi. Should I take you to Sailor Uranus? She's the head of Inter-national realtionships." "Sailor Uranus?" Suddenly, the guy I knocked down didn't seem so brave. "Hehe... uh... no thank you..." "Seiya-baka, it can't be Haruka anymore." the tall one scolded. "Stop being such a baby." "Actually, her name *is* Haruka. Tenoh Haruka. Listen, I'm going to take you guys to the Palace. I don't know what rock you've been under but you seem to know a lot about Serenity. Endymion is quite positive no one knows about Serenity's past except the senshi." "Do we have to see Haruka?" Silver Hair asked in a small voice. "No. But if you won't go, I can have her here in a few minutes." "No way!" "Hey, who are you, anyway?" Tall Guy asked. I bit my lip. They were going to find out anyway, if they were going to the palace. But Pluto said... "I'm Miru. It's a long walk. Hold on... I'll have a taxi in a second." ********************* End Part 2 -Black Beyond