Miru by Black Beyond ******************** As it turns out, the two guys were Seiya's brothers. Yaten and Taiki. They seemed nice enough, and knew a lot about Old Tokyo. But they were deathly afraid of the Outer Elder Senshi. Haruka and Michiru, more than Setsuna and Hotaru. They said they were from the states, but America is obsessed with Crystal Tokyo. They would have knew a lot more. They didn't even know about King Endymion and Small Lady. That freaked me out. Everyone knows Endymion, if nothing else. He's more or less our peacemaker and embassidor. There's not a country he hasn't been to. Seiya talked about Usagi. And from what I gathered, he wasn't talking about Small Lady. This Usagi was Sailor Moon, and Eternal Sailor Moon at that. But not Serenity. There's two Sailor Moons. Serenity and Small Lady. But Serenity's costume has wings and no bows. Small Lady's is entirely pink, and always has been. We call Serenity ESM and Small Lady NSM when they're transformed, for Eternal Sailor Moon and Neo Sailor Moon. I let it slip that I lived in the palace, but not why, even though Taiki was curious. "Alright, out." I all but pushed them out of the taxi, and told the driver to charge it to the palace. He rolled his eyes but did, and then drove off. "Wow..." Seiya said, looking up at the crystal walls. I suppose it was a sight if you hadn't grown up staring at it. I went to the side doors and put my hand against the lock. It snapped open, and I let them in front of me. "Miru! Miru, where have you been?" Otome yelled as she ran up to me. She was henshined, and I think the fuku freaked out the guys. "Serenity told me I could go into the city for a few hours. I was bored, you know? But anyway," I motioned to Seiya and his brothers. "Serenity has some visitors. They know a lot about THE past, and Endymion won't like it. So I figured to bring them in before they began sprouting off about it." "Good idea. If a CTPF caught them asking about stuff like that, they'd been gunned. Do you want me to get Haruka?" "No. I'll take them right to Serenity. I promised I'd check in with her anyway." "Alright. Neo Neptune and I have been sparring all day. I think after while we'll try teaming on Haruka and Michiru." "Otome..." I pointed warningly at the guys. She just winked at me insanely and ran off screaming at Tenshi, which I think she'd been doing before I walked in. "What does she want Tenshi for?" I mumbled, and dragged them through the palace. We passed Elder Venus talking to Iku, and I seriously thought she was having a heart attack. "YATEN! TAIKI! SEIYA!" Her voice echoed through the hallways. She pounced on them. I jumped back. When Minako is excited, she's a dangerous thing. "Minako!" Yaten exclaimed. His face was full of relief. "Hey, guys! Where've you been? It's been a looooooooooong time. Serenity's going to be really excited! How's Kayuu?" "She's fine..." Seiya said. "Minako, where's Usagi?" "Oh...." Venus giggled. "Don't call her that anymore, guys. She's Neo Queen Serenity now." "You were talking about Serenity!" That cleared up a lot. "You had me confused. Venus, do you want to take them up to Serenity? I'll talk to Iku..." "Sure!" Venus pushed them in front of her, and was chattering the whole way as they disappeared into the elevators. Iku and I said it at the same time. "Ditz." ~**~ I've always wondered why I can't just change into a bird or something and just fly away. That's something I think I forgot to mention eariler. I told you of the feeling I always felt, didn't I? Well, there's something else. My mother told me it was just my over-active imagination when I told her of it when I was six, but I have these dreams... When I'm awake. Not visions... dreams. I'll be looking at a bird --it's usually a bird. I think white, because sometimes I can see feathers- - and I'll get sense that I once too could fly like that, that maybe I once was a bird. SOmetimes it's other animals but usually a bird. Is that strange? It's like I'm actually *in* the animals mind for a few precious seconds. I don't do it anymore... but when I was looking at Luna, I could see inside her mind. I could see her worries, her fears, and how she worried about Diana. It took me a second to figure out that Diana was her daughter, sent to South Africa in her human form for a spirit quest. But I could see other things. The joy of a hunt, and the love she felt for her companion. Strange, how, when you're thinking about one thing you ignore all the others, be it good or bad. Anyway, it's more of what some of those worries were. One of them stuck out at me, big time. Luna thinks that an evil force is rising. She won't say anything, because it will throw the whole world into a panic. And she also knows it could just be paranoia. But if anyone would sense it first, it would be her, and I can feel death. It funny. I never used to know what that slightly dark, yet light feeling was, but now I know. It's death. And I can feel it in the winds. I wonder if Hotaru feels it. "The oceans are troubled, love." I overheard Elder Neptune speaking to Elder Uranus. "I don't know what it could mean." "As is the winds. Should we tell Serenity?" Uranus asked. "I don't know. It could just be my imagination." "It's not. I can feel something dark. And Luna feels it too." I said, before I thought. My face went red. "I didn't mean to eavesdrop... but..." "It's not just us, then." Neptune didn't seem upset. "It could be serious if you can feel it, Miru." Uranus said. "I will ask Rei to consult the fire before we take any actions. In the meantime, Venus and Jupiter are leaving for America to join Endymion. Apparently they're having more trouble than Endymion first assumed." "That means only you two, Mars, Mercury, and ESM will be here of the Elder Senshi. The Neo Senshi aren't ready to fight and I'm not allowed." I argued. "I'm sure it's nothing. Jupiter and Venus are great talkers. And we've got the Starlights here, remember? They're very experienced in battle--" Uranus interrupted, growling. "And besides, it's nothing. Once Minako gets her claws in over there, it will just be a couple days. I'm sure." ~**~ Rei was sick with something that had made her delirious. Ami thought it was a really bad case of the flu, so we had to go straight to the queen. Of course, she did the reasonable, expected responsed. Panic. Soon, the Elder Senshi that were able were monitoring the charts of the continets closer than ever. Venus and Jupiter left as planned. No use, Serenity had said, in letting on something might be wrong until something is. The Neo Senshi were stationed around the palace and city, undercover, inconpiuous, ready to henshin at the slightest note of trouble. The Starlights are flanking Serenity, her bodygaurds because the Elder Senshi are busy. Me? I'm sitting down in a small cafe in the center of town, drinking mocha cappechino, waiting to pick up my communicator helplessly and say, Senshi, I need you guys. "Hello. Mind if I have a seat?" I looked up to see the most gorgeous face on a man I've ever seen. "I'm Fuji." "Feel free." Sorry, people. Looking for romance? Go away. I'm too bored and tired and frustrated to play kiss and tell. "What's a pretty girl like you doing alone on a Friday night?" He asked, pulling up a chair and ordering a coffee from the waitress. "Being bored." "Oh, come on. Surely there's a special boy in your science class or something?" He teased. "I don't go to school. I don't even live around here." "Really? How old are you?" "Sixteen." "Where do you live?" "Why do you ask so many questions?" I mocked, taking a long drink, and ordering a refill. "Seesh. Just curious." "I live..." I pointed out the window to the looming shape of the Crystal Tower in the distance. "There." "In the Palace? Are you putting me on?" He leaned forward. "No, I'm not." "You know, I heard there's a lot of suspicious activity going on. Senshi monitoring the panels. Undercover agents combing the city. Any truth?" "What are you? A reporter?" This guy knows way too much. "Yup. Burnett Fuji, at your service." Yeah, that's the one with the funny American family name. I thought he looked familar. "Well, any truth?" He repeated, giving me a grin. "Why would I know anything. For all you know, I've never even seen the Queen. You don't even know my--" I was interrupted by a loud, obnoxious beeping noise from my 'watch'. Red face, may we say? "It's my beeper." I mumbled, and turned my back on him. I hit the 'recieve' button. "Guys, I don't know what it is, but there's something over here at the Central Park." Yumi's face looked worried. "I'm getting bad vibes. I think I could use someone to help me check it out..." The screen changed to show Elder Mars. "Minna, everyone who's free, and even if you're not, get over to that park!" She exclaime,d her sickly face blazing. "I've got so much bad energy it's not funny. Miru, that includes you!" What? She was directly telling me to disobey orders from *Pluto*? "Alright..." I said. My face was shocked, and I knew it. "She's right," Small Lady's face appeared. "We've got too many Elder Senshi missing. Mars, you're not going either. Miru, get your butt down here." "Right there." I turned it off and stood up. "We're you going?" Fuji asked. "I've got to go. And, if you'll meet me here tomorrow, same time, Burnett-san, I'll tell you what I know about the palace." Which is nothing, you idiot. But now that I got to fight, I was pumped up for some romance. ~**~ I was unsure about Small Lady and Elder Mars, so I remained Miru as I ran through the streets, throwing people out of my way. Death was thick on the breezes, and I got to the park just as most of the Neo Senshi were arrving. We stood at the entrance, waiting for the Elder Senshi. It was five minutes before everyone arrived. We were minus three Elder Inner Senshi, two of the Elder Outers, one Neo Outer(being me), ESM, and King Endymion. In other words, It was Elder Sailor Mercury, Elder Sailor Uranus, Elder Sailor Neptune, Neo-Sailor Moon, and all the Neos expect for me, and I was there just not able to henshin. "Henshin yo!" Ami cried, and they raised their henshin sticks. "Mercury Crystal Power Make up!" "Uranus Planet Power Make up!" "Neptune Planet Power Make up!" "Moon Locket Power Make up!" "Mercury Power Make up!" "Venus Power Make up!" "Mars Power Make up!" "Jupiter Power Make up!" "Uranus Power Make up!" "Neptune Power Make up!" I watched silently as they transformed. It was so easy for them. They could fight. "Come on, Miru. Henshin." Neo-Mercury urged. I shook my head, and held back tears of fury as they rushed into the park. I followed and hid myself. If I couldn't fight, by georgey-o, I'd watch. "Oh, my god." Neo-Venus's gasp was audible throughout the park. A line of awful looking creatures... like the pictures from the Black Moon attack... were standing a line, and behind them were many other lines, full of them. There must have been a thousand. Much more than they could defeat. "Well, let's get to it!" Neo-Neptune's voice was meant to be light and cheery, but came out grim. The Elder Senshi stepped forward to throw the first attacks. "Space Sword Blaster!" "Submarine Reflection!" "Mercury Aqua Rhaspody!" "Moon Princess Halation!" And then it was the Neo Senshi's turn. The two Mercurys stepped from the fight and began analyzing the situation, trying to find a specific weakness, although they had taken over ten of the creatures down. "Fire Soul!" "Supreme Thunder!" "World Shaking!" "Crescent Beam!" "Deep Submerge!" The youma were falling fast, but not as fast as they were advancing. Soon, I knew, they would pour over onto the senshi. And I noticed something. As more and more youma fell, the harder it became to kill them. Instead of one Crescent Beam traveling through many, it took A Supreme Thunder, Fire Soul, and Crescent Beam to take only one down. it was likewise. Sailor Moon had to use her Princess Halation twice before a youma fell. They were losing! "No way, scumbags." I stepped out of my hiding place. Screw Sailor Pluto. There was no way I was going to watch this. "Saturn. Planet. Power. Make. ~UP~!" I ordered the wand in my hand. The world exploded around me. ********************* End Part 3 -Black Beyond