Name: The winds of Fate: part 4- Honor Author: Black Gryphon Rating: PG E-Mail: ----------------------------------- The Winds of Fate: Part 4 by Black Gryphon Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story, they are the property of the people at DIC and all other companies involved in the production and distribution of Sailor Moon. I do not own the song that is in this story, and I beg forgiveness from Mercedes Lackey should she ever read this. Because of the abrupt ending to production of the North American version of Sailor Moon I decided to take matters into my own hands and write a season of my own. This season is frozen in time between the final battle with the Doom Phantom and The opening of Season 4. For the most part, all the previous points apply. Comments are welcome, look at the end for my address. On a separate note, while I am very flattered by some of the fan mail, please note that I am a straight male, thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 4: Honor The days ground slowly by after Luna had recounted her story to the scouts. None of them were able to talk to her for a few days and even after it was hard. Artemis was having one of the hardest times, never having even thought that his partner could do such a thing. Serena had a bit of a hard time believing the part about Serenity, yet she realized soon enough that her needing a man in her life brought her closer to her noble mother. The park flourished from the attention received from the sculptures which now included a dog, a dragon and an eagle, in addition to the other two and the now- completed horse. Mr. Baxter was happier than ever, quickly offering Alex a job at Fairview Park as a part-time groundskeeper. And so the days went on, Amy was in constant scholastic battle with the newcomer; Raye and Mina were doing their best to convince the others to confront their dark acquaintance, not knowing who's side he was on. The other three were against anything too forward, even with Darien on their side to raise the number to four they were at a standoff. Serena and Darien were constantly away on dates, taking full advantage of the now two-week lull in Negaverse activity; and all the while Lita was playing quadruple-duty: as an opposing force against Raye and Mina, as Amy's girlfriend, as the old designated meeting place now that Raye's grandfather was back, and her newest role, one of the best students at her school, still far below the honor students, but getting there. So now they all sat, with the usual exception of Darien, in Lita's apartment. Raye was starting to get angry again, "What do you mean, wait!?" She had been at this for quite a while now and everyone's nerves were being draw thin. "We know who he is, we know what he is. I say we at least corner him and find out where he stands." Lita was getting headache as she said, "What will that prove? He could just lie regardless." Mina came in next, "We just need to scare him. Then he'll crack and tell us what we want to know." Serena looked doubtful as she looked at her friends. "Are you even sure we CAN scare him? I mean, we don't even know what he can do." "Give me one good reason why not." Luna jumped down from a chair. "Does a year in the Negaverse ring a bell for anyone?" Mina thought about it. "How do we even know he was down there all that time, or if he even got all those scars that are in his record?" "He has them." Amy said simply and quietly. That one sentence stopped the argument dead. There was an awkward silence as they all looked at her, Lita getting a worried look on her face. Finally Artemis asked the question on all their minds. "How, exactly, do you know?" Amy looked around and finally caught on to what they were thinking. "I ran a scan with my computer," Lita let out a long sigh of relief to her right, "About sixty percent of his back is covered with scar tissue, it looks as though that number used to be about eighty percent though." She looked at a very sheepish Lita and smiled inwardly at how much she must mean to her to get that reaction, despite the fact that it worked vice versa. Raye finally got a new idea and laid it on the table. "How about if you three talk to him about it and leave us out of it. You don't need to worry about us getting overexcited and we get what we want. Deal?" The three thought about it and finally decided it was the best they'd come up with, and so they agreed that the next day would see some type of ending to the loyalty question. ******************** The day quickly passed and noon found the three girls waiting down the hall from Alex's locker. Serena peeked around the corner for the sixth time in half as many minutes. "How did we manage to get talked into this?" The blonde asked. Lita sighed slightly and came in. "At least we don't have to worry about the two with the tempers." "I guess... hey guys! He's there, let's go." Amy caught her friend before she got around the corner. "Serena, wait." She said with a worried tone, "What do we say to him? We know you're the Mystic and we want to know where you stand?" The last sentence was heavy with sarcasm, but Serena considered it anyway. "Sounds good enough to me." And with that she turned the corner and walked towards the young man. When she was close enough and sure no one else would hear her she called out. "Hey, Alex." The two other girls slapped their foreheads and jogged a few steps to catch up, as they pulled even with their leader Alex turned towards them. Serena stuttered for a second, but caught herself quickly, "We know you're the Mystic and we want to know whose side you're on!" He stared at them for a moment only blinking before turning back to his locker chuckling to himself. Not really paying them much attention he said, "Did you figure it out or did your... little black 'friend' tell you?" The sharpness of the last few words weren't missed by the blonde. "Luna told us, she also told us why you hurt her the other day." Serena spoke with sympathy in her voice. "But I think that it might help to talk about it." Alex turned away from the books he was sorting. His eyes narrowed slightly and he spoke with a slightly threatening tone. "You are right, I am the Mystic. What's your point? You are Sailors Moon, Jupiter and Mercury." The girls were taken aback by that, praying no one heard. "The difference is that you had someone from my past to help you; you girls left yourselves open to anyone with any magic sense. You didn't even bother to shield yourselves between forms." Serena stood there blinking for several minutes before finally saying, "Shield?" Alexander shook his head in pity, picked up the books he needed and walked away. Serena turned to her friends and asked, "Did that go well or not?" "Serena," Lita began searching for a way to say it lightly, "We just found out that he knows who we are, we know that he hates Luna and he can switch sides any times he wants." "Despite the fact that we don't know which side he's on currently." Amy said sadly, "Meeting tonight?" Serena nodded sadly and they went to their next class. ******************* The girls found themselves standing outside of Alex's apartment the next day after school. Amy looked around for a minute, then turned to Raye and Mina. "How did you manage talk us into this?" "You're gullible?" Raye offered. "We bugged you for three hours yesterday?" Added Mina. "True," The young genius said, "But, we're breaking into his home! This is the stupidest thing we've ever done!" "Worse than the time we got caught in that doll's spell at the amusement park?" Raye asked seriously. "I didn't get caught, thank you very much," Amy said a little annoyed. "But I see your point. Even so, we know this is a mistake BEFORE we start." Mina came between them, "It's not breaking in, Amy. We just transform, use our powers to get in and get out. Anything incriminating will be in there." "Don't worry, he's working at the park. He won't be for hours." Raye added, hoping to calm her friends. Serena spoke up at that point, "How do you plan to get us in?" "Amy can scan the lock and make a key out of ice." Mina said happily. "I can scan the lock, but there's no way I can make a key. I don't have that kind of control!" Amy said quickly. "Okay then, Lita can cut it with her lightning." Mina continued. Lita stood there blinking for a minute. "Just what do you expect from us!?" Mina started to say something, but Raye cut her off. "Just give it a try. Okay?" The two girls sighed and gave in. And they halfheartedly gave their transformation power-words. "Mercury Star Power." "Jupiter Star Power." The others quickly joined in. "Mars Star Power!" "Venus Star Power!" "Moon Crystal Power!" Now as the Scouts they looked at the lock. Mercury pressed her earring and produced her visor. A moment later she pulled out her computer and transferred the data to it. "This is crazy you know." She said to Mars, then she turned to the wall and figured it was the best place for the ice. "Mercury Icestorm Blast!" She strained as she pulled the stream out slightly to form a thin peak. "Your turn Jupiter." She said lightly, showing her the computer image. "Okay." Jupiter said unsure. "Jupiter Thunder Crash!" The power jumped forward at the ice, melting and evaporating it as it passed, steam filled the hallway. When it cleared they saw that the ice was almost gone, save for the small peak. Mercury took it, unsure. Carefully she placed it in the lock and turned it, amazingly the door opened a moment later. Everyone stared at the melting key after it was removed from the lock. "By all scientific logic, that shouldn't have worked." Mercury put in, stunned. "Score one for sheer dumb luck." Jupiter said beside her. "Come on, we've got work to do." Mars said as she pulled them in. They entered the home quietly and closed the door after themselves. As they turned they were all held in awe; The main room of the apartment was filled, all along the walls, with swords, daggers and all other types of ancient weapons and armor. Mercury took out her computer again to scan the arms. Jupiter walked over and looked over her shoulder, "Well, love, what are they?" "These are a king's ransom in the finest blades I've ever seen." "Stolen?" Mars called from where she stood admiring a bladed staff. "No, none are more than five years old. And they all carry trace amounts of Wyvern's DNA in the metal, some more than others." "So he forged them?" Venus called as she tried to figure out how to get into a suit of armor. "Yes. Any museum in the world would kill to get their hands on even one of these." Mercury said, placing a hand on a jeweled saber. As she finished examining the sword there was a faint click and the room went an odd shade of black. Sailor Moon shrieked slightly. "What was that?" Staring at her friends, their suits seemed to be fluorescent in the new half-light. "Relax, Sailor Moon." Mars called over, "Its just a black-light." Then she chuckled slightly as she realized that both Sailor Moon and Venus' hair seemed to be glow-in-the-dark. "Let's get out of here." Venus, being closest to the door, went over and tried to open said portal. Finding it locked she turned to her friends, "I think we're in trouble." Mercury came over with a worried look on her face, "Look for a latch or something. Maybe a bolt-lock." "It's jammed shut!" Venus cried trying to wrench the lock out of place. "Well, we can't blast our way out. Let's think about this." Jupiter said coming over. The five forms were about all that was visible in the odd-lit room. A moment later they heard a voice starting to sing a slow ballad. If the source was where it seemed to be, then it was climbing the walls and slipping under their feet, or both. "They come creeping out of darkness and to darkness they return. In their wake they leave destruction, Where they go, no one can learn." The song was obviously well chosen. The Scouts backed away from the door and tried to find the source, the only clue they had was the occasional outline passing by in front of them in the black-light. For they leave no trace in passing, As if all who watched were blind. Like a dream of evil sending, Nightblades passing, Nightblades rending. Into darkness once more blending, Leaving only a dead behind. As the verse finished the very darkness seemed to wrap around Sailor Moon's mouth and stomach. "Mmmmm!" Was the only muffled sound she made before the darkness engulfed here completely from the sight of the others. The others started to breathe in short gasps as they backed away from the place where there leader had vanished, still the song continued, adding to the atmosphere. First a threat, and then a death Comes in the darkness of the night. And a dozen would-be allies Have begun to show their fright. When the Nightblades struck unhindered, And can take your life at will. Again as the verse finished they heard a muffled cry, this time from Venus. All they caught as they turned towards her was a glimpse of her now fluorescent hair being pulled into blackness. There's no safety in alliance, And much peril in defiance, It is best to show compliance, And let Nightblades take their fill. The three remaining backed away from the last vanishing point and started to move back to back. The Chief Envoy summons Vanyel For one ally still seems brave. And the treaty may be salvaged, If on here this life can save. Herald Vanyel feigns refusal, Senses one would play him fool. Thinks of treachery in hiding, Lets his instincts be his guiding, His own counsel he is biding, He'll be no one's waiting tool. Mars called over to Mercury, "Level the playing field!" "Right!" She called back, "Mercury Bubbles Blmmmm!" As she was about to unleash the spray, the darkness caught her too. Before she was engulfed she was able to free her mouth and cry out, "Jupiter!" Her hand was outstretched, as the rest of her disappeared Jupiter lunged for it. The arm was being covered with almost liquid darkness, flowing up the arm like a wave, as she reached it the hand seemed to vanish under her fingers. She jumped forward again but hit nothing, she quickly scrambled back next to Mars, both girls were breathing hard with fear. And still the song continued as if nothing had happened. Garbing in black slips, Herald Vanyel To their last known ally's keep. Over wall and into window, Past all gates and guards do creep. Past all gates and guards, no magic Has them wrapped in deadly spell. They are drugged and they are dreaming, Some folks strike in friendly seeming, See a metal dart there gleaming, Vanyel knows the symptoms well. Jupiter was scared, but also angry at this point. "Show yourself!" She called out. "And bring back our friends! Especially Mercury!" She called to the darkness that held the other Scouts. "Do you hear mmmm...!?" Again, like her girlfriend, she never finished the sentence as the darkness washed over her. Mars stood alone, her back against the wall. Now he hears another's footsteps, Softly 'fore him in the dark. And he hastes to lay an ambush, While the Nightblade seeks his mark. Now he waits beside the doorway, Of the ally's very room. And the Nightblade all unknowing, With a single lamping showing, To a confrontation's going, Not to fill another tomb. Out of shadow Vanyel rises, And he bars the Nightblade's way. He has only that slim warning, Vanyel has him soon at bay. When the guards have all awakened, And he bares the Nightblade's face. And all minds but his are reeling, As he tears off but concealing, The Chief Envoy's face revealing, Brings the traitor to disgrace. That was the last thing Mars heard as the cold dark wrapped around her, a pain hit her arm and all thought slipped away. ************************** Raye awoke in the main room of her temple, her Grandfather and Chad were out for the day so there was no noise. She turned her head and saw her friends beginning to wake up around her and clutched her forehead as the quick movement made it hurt. Slowly she moved to a sitting position facing her friends. Gradually all of them woke up, none too pleased with the outcome of their little adventure, but mainly okay. Lita made a quick check on Amy, who ensured her that she was all right, and soon they were sitting in the benches looking at each other trying to figure it all out. Serena looked at her friends and asked, "How long were we out for?" "About two hours." Raye provided. "Anyone know exactly what happened?" Serena continued. "You tried to raid a Mystic's home, didn't you?" They turned to see Luna walk in. "This has got to be the dumbest thing you've ever done. I warned you about him." The Scouts all bowed their heads slightly in shame and Luna's voice softened, "But, I guess it's a learning experience, at least you're all okay." She walked over to Serena and examined her left arm, a little dried blood was on it and the cat sniffed the area. "Sleep water." She said plainly, "You'll be fine, it's relatively mild." Raye sighed and said, "Let's have a vote. All those who will never listen to one of my ideas again?" "Aye." Five arms went up, including Raye's. "All who will?" Nothing. Lita looked at Luna, "Can anything wake us up more?" "A swim might do it, there's that pool a few blocks away." She answered. "You still have those bathing suits we kept here, Raye?" "Yeah, I guess its better than wallowing in our own self-pity. Let's go." ********************* After about an hour at the pool the girls felt much better, Serena and Raye were leaning against the side of pool watching Mina do flips off the diving board. Lita was swimming around the deep end and Amy was constantly disappearing below the water. The pool, while being public, was almost empty today; perhaps ten others were here in the spacious building. Serena floated in the water for a minute before turning to her friend, "Hey Raye, all in all, what do you think of our new friend?" She sighed slightly and leaned back further and replied in a soft voice, "You know Serena, I really don't know. I know that he has an excuse for what he does and I really can't blame him for what he did today." "But?" "Sometimes he's this nice guy, like when we first met him in the park, but other times he seems to have this shell. I mean, we don't even know who's side he's on, if he's on anyone's side." She sighed again and continued, "Sometimes it's like we are kindred spirits, others, I think he would just as happily kill us as breathe." The two friends looked at each other for a minute in silent acceptance that they couldn't find the answer, only to have the tense moment broken when Mina pulled a cannonball and sprayed them. When she came up she was laughing and said, "You two looked too serious, we're here to relax, remember?" The two girls tried to hold straight faces, but started to laugh anyway, a moment later Lita swam over. "Has anyone seen Amy?" They looked around for a minute until Raye spotted a patch of bubbles and pointed to it, soon after the blue-haired girl shot out of the water, grabbed a lung-full of air and dove back in without clearing the surface for more that a second. They watched the little display for a moment and finally Serena laughed, "Face it Lita, you fell in love with a dolphin." "This is a problem because...?" Receiving no answer, save for more giggles, she continued, "Besides, you're dating a fancy florist." "Damn straight, pun intended." She knocked a little water at the brunette. "Oh yeah?" Lita returned fire and swam back a few feet, chuckling. The three girls were about the spray her again, but stopped, only grinning evilly. "What the...? Why are you looking at me like that?" Her eyes shot open with realization and quickly took a breath, just as two hands grabbed her ankles and pulled her down. Beneath the surface Lita opened her eyes to see Amy smiling at her, she was about to try and get back at her. However, Amy proved herself worthy of being called a dolphin by quickly swimming in, giving the brunette a kiss and clearing the area before there was time to think. Lita kicked her way to the surface and gasped for air, a moment later Amy surfaced about ten feet away and came over, but stayed out of reach. The two blondes and the black-haired girl were nearly in hysterics from watching, through her laughter Raye choked out, "Its that moment of dawning realization that I live for." Sending the trio into another bout of laughter. Lita starting spraying Amy, who in turn sprayed her and the others and soon there was an all-out water-war among the girls. Luna and Artemis were off to the side watching happily, "You know Artemis, its not a bad life all things considered." The white cat nodded, "Its good to know that the girls can still have fun." Luna laughed lightly, "Don't say that Artemis, you might jinx..." A loud crash came from the next room and the people in the water got out and ran off as a large firebeast came in, "Nevermind." The girls stopped dead and looked at the thing. Mina looked to her friends and asked, "Can we transform in water?" Serena thought about it and said, "Only one way to find out." They all dove down and said their transformation words into the water, moments later the Scouts emerged, a little wet, but otherwise normal. The submerged transformation had some logical effects on the Scouts, Mercury was stronger for it while Jupiter and Mars were more than slightly disoriented. The fire-scout shook her head and said, "Let's try not to do that again." "Mercury," Sailor Moon asked, "What are we up against?" Mercury put on her visor and quickly scanned the data. "Its like that Earth- Construct, only made of fire. Aim for the eyes, they're the stones that hold it together." Quickly realizing she was best suited to the task, she attacked, "Mercury Icestorm Blast!" As the ice struck the firebeast a huge amount of steam flew off. Sailor Moon turned to her and asked, "Is it dead?" As the steam cleared the monster still stood there, unscathed. "Forget I said anything." The beast spoke, like its brother, it sounded like its element, a low crackling sound in its voice, "Nice try. I am here for energy, but killing you will make my king even more pleased." Catching sight of Luna trying to get out of the way, it laughed, "Barbecue time! We eat good tonight!" A large fireball shot towards the guardian cat, as it was about to hit its mark, a large black shape blocked its path and something along the lines of, "Tzielld." Was heard. Most of the flames were absorbed by a blue sphere surrounding the figure, but enough penetrated to send him flying into the air and backwards. As he fell he resembled a meteorite and splashed into the deep end of the pool. A few seconds later his sword, which had been knocked from his hand, fell clattering to the ground. "Well, that was new." The beast said, a little amazed, but not disappointed. "Back to business." Mars glanced back, she knew her power would be useless here so she called to her friends, "Cover me!" And she turned and ran to the edge of the pool. As she peered into the water, what looked like a giant ink splotch floated around. She was about to dive in when the entire mass shrank and only the figure of Alex was left in the water, a normal cloak on his shoulders. He pushed against the bottom of the pool and broke the surface near Mars. The sounds of the battle filled his ears as he coughed against the side of the water. "Are you okay?" Mars asked the young man. He nodded and said, "I'll be fine, I've had worse." His eyes grew wide and reached out to grab Mars' arm. "Hold your breath!" He shouted, he dove and pulled the Scout with him under the water. Just as they finished getting beneath the water a wave of fire washed over it. Mars was grateful that he had saved her, but he held her back when she tried to resurface. She fought him until he drew a dagger and tossed it out of the pool, another wave of fire came over the surface and a moment later a very disfigured piece of metal fell sizzling into the water. She was very worried as she knew her air supply would run out in seconds, realizing this Alex pried her mouth open and, using something similar to mouth to mouth, put most of the air from his lungs into her's. Above the water things weren't going well either, Jupiter was shouting to Venus after she had tried her attack, "She said shoot the eyes! Listen to the difference, Leg! Eyes! Leg! Eyes!" "It didn't do anything anyway!" Venus shouted back, she looked down and caught sight of the blade that was still on the ground, she ran over and picked it up. "Maybe this will work!" The fire beast laughed at her and sent a very narrow stream of fire at the tip of the blade, before anything else could happen it began to melt until half the blade looked like used candle wax. Still holding the oddly cool hilt Venus said, "He's not going to like this." Under the water Mars and Mystic had swam towards the pool filter, the young man held up a hand to tell the Scout to stop. Both were nearly out of air again and they both knew that surfacing would be suicide. Placing a hand by the pump, Alex said something that was lost in bubbles, but its effect was there just the same. In the palm of his hand a bubble started to form, any air that touched it stayed put and he stayed like this until it was the size of a basketball. He place his hand in the bubble and it was quickly covered with a white substance that he put into the water, Mars realized it was chlorine. He handed her the bubble and started the process over again. The bubbles were odd in that they had no buoyancy, and so the two submerged figures were able to wait out the storm. The group above the water was still trying to find a way to stop the beast. Jupiter quickly tried her power. "Jupiter Thunderclap Zap!" The ball of electricity was absorbed by the beast's eyes, but had no visible effect. She turned to their leader, "Its your turn!" She called to the blonde. "Okay. Moon Scepter Elimination!" The wave of power shot out at the monster, it cringed and turned away in pain, the force of the magic pushing it back several feet, but ultimately it stood before them again, not much weaker for the attack. "That stings!" It shouted in its crackling voice. It began to walk back towards the four Scouts. Mercury finally caught the reason why it was surviving the attacks and called her friends to her. As not to make their enemy realize what they were planning, she made hand motions and soon they were underway. Venus was the first to act, "Venus Love Chain Encircle!" Instead of firing at the monster, she shot it upwards and wrapped it around a beam two stories up. The monster stopping its advance to try and figure out what was going on. "Mercury Icestorm Blast!" The Scout of water sent her attack up to hit the same metal beam about two meters to one side of the chain. "Jupiter Thunderclap Zap!" The ball she threw went and hit the other side of the chain as the ice, the firebeast quickly figured it out, but it was too late to dodge. Jupiter's attack shattered the beam on one side of the chain. With a pull from Venus, the metal snapped where it was frozen by Mercury and fell, again guided by the chain, directly onto the monster. Fire and soot billowed out in all directions, two stones rolled together towards the Sailor Scouts and began to pull the fire back around them. Before it even completed its head Sailor Moon used her scepter again to crack the stones and watched as the fire flickered out. A few moments later the two emerged from the water. Mars sank to her knees near the edge and started coughing out the bad air from the filter and pulling in the fresh. The Mystic on the other hand, while coughing, walked over to where his sword lay, looking it over asked, "Anyone care to explain this?" Venus answer sheepishly, "I'd really rather not." Luna came forward and looked at her savior, "Thank you." She said very sincerely. He just shrugged it off lightly. As Mars was finally able to talk she joined Luna, "Yes, thank you. You saved us." "You're welcome." He said halfheartedly. He walked back to the pool, dove in and retrieved what was left of his dagger. When he surfaced he was face to face with the Scouts. Sailor Moon was standing closest, "Are you all right? That fire must have done something to you, do you want me to heal it?" She was sympathetic and sincere, it reflected in her eyes threefold as well. He looked and saw the same expression in all their eyes, they were worried, concerned for his well-being. He quickly spun and jumped into the pool, resurfacing on the other side in his full-length cloak again and scampered out a window. Mars turned to the black cat, "Why did he help us? Venus stepped up to the cat and asked, "And why did he run?" Luna thought for a minute before answering, "I suppose he lives by the Code of Honor, some of it reads: 'while being careful do not doubt another's ability to change, for it was one who changed who was our eternal mother.'" She quoted, "As for the second part, I don't think he understands compassion." "Then we have a lot of work to do with him." Mars said sadly. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for reading, if there are any comments or questions please send them to