Name: The Winds of Fate: Part 6 Author: Black Gryphon Rating:PG E-Mail: ---------------------------------- The Winds of Fate: Part 6 by Black Gryphon Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters in this story, they are the property of the people at DIC and all other companies involved in the production and distribution of Sailor Moon. Because of the abrupt ending to production of the North American version of Sailor Moon I decided to take matters into my own hands and write a season of my own. This season is frozen in time between the final battle with the Doom Phantom and The opening of Season 4. For the most part, all the previous points apply. Comments are welcome, look at the end for my address. On a separate note, while I am very flattered by some of the fan mail, please note that I am a straight male, thank you. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Episode 6: A Painful Reality "NO!" Luna almost screamed from across Lita's living room, "It wasn't him!" "Luna, please." Lita was trying to comfort the guardian cat, but she wasn't making it easy, Mina was in the other room getting some small wounds patched up by the other girls. It was just as well, no one needed a temper flare-up right now. "We all saw him, he didn't help us and he went through a negaverse gate." Luna turned back to the brunette, her eyes were shimmering with tears. "I-it must have been another, s-somebody else." She was obviously grasping at straws as she stuttered quickly through her speech. "H-he isn't the only one in the world with a black cloak." She said looking hopeful. The other girls came out and they sat in the chairs and sofa, more listening to the conversation than anything else, but, with the exception of Mina who was hurt in the fight, they were trying to be sympathetic. Lita tried again, "Luna, there may be others with a black cloak, but how many of them have magic? How many could open that gate and send a monster after us?" Luna's eyes flared, "My son would never do something so horrible!" The tone in her voice made Lita take a step back and the others to shrink in their seats. "He would not join forces with the monsters who killed his family! He would never willingly go back were I..." Her voice started strong, but it was choked off before she could finish the sentence, everyone knew what she was about the say though. She hung her head and tried, unsuccessfully to hold back tears. Serena slowly stood up and came forward, "Luna," She began gently, "I know you love him, but he's not your son, not your responsibility. You gave him what he needed to survive, but we were in the Negaverse for only an hour or so and, I at least, felt what it was starting to do to me." she was trying to soothe the cat, and she softly repeated, "He's not your son." Luna sighed in a kind of eternal defeat, "I know," She said, barely more than a whisper, "but, I'd still give seven years of my life to hear him call to me as his mother." Serena nodded sadly, she understood because of her time with Reeny. "I know, but please Luna. We need to fight him, please, help us." Luna looked up at the scouts, then to each of their faces in turn, resting longer on Serena's; then out the window at the sky. She turned back to the scouts' leader. "Please, I begging you Serena. Don't make me choose." Her eyes began to glisten again. Serena's heart melted as she looked at the black cat in front of her, "Luna, maybe we can heal him like we did for the Four Sisters. Just tell us how to hold our own. Please, I know this is hard, but we need to be able to protect innocent people." Luna sat in silence for several minutes, her mind was filled with the all the consequences of what she was about to do. As horrible as it might sound, she was at a loss: on one side of the scale lay the lives of everyone on the planet; on the other lay the life of the child she would have died to protect so long ago. With great emotional pain she pushed the answer through clenched teeth. "The Book." She said weakly. "What?" Raye asked from the couch. Luna was not having an easy time, but she did manage to speak, "The Book, its a manual of sorts for the Mystics. I carried a copy as I carried your transformation pens." She took a deep breath before continuing, "It holds the secrets to his weaponry. His spells are in there too, though I don't know if he's a full Mystic yet, he would almost certainly have made a copy or two. With the book you may be able to level the playing field." Luna was doing a fairly good job of holding herself together, and she almost collapsed as she finished. Amy perked a little at that, "Maybe we could make some ourselves and equip ourselves better to fight other threats." She put in, looking forward to a technical challenge. "No." Luna was calm, but very stern. "Making those weapons could kill you if you aren't ready, I'm not going to lose one of you because of some sword." "All right, Luna," Raye said, "Then how do we get that book?" "That's where it gets tricky." ******************** Sailor Mars looked over at the apartment building opposite the one she now stood on. *How did I manage to get myself talked into doing this?* She wondered silently. She sat down over the edge and waited, they were being careful this time. Amy and Luna had spent a fair amount of time planning this, but they'd only get one shot. The minutes passed slowly for the fire scout, she had to wait for the go-ahead. She began to silently brief herself, *Remember what Luna said: "Just keep moving, no matter what you see, ignore it. Find either a photocopied or handwritten version of a book whose title makes no sense and get out." Stay on track and I'll be okay.* She finished and started tapping a beat into the bricks beside where she sat. Her mind continued to wander back to the planning only an hour or two ago. *You're the only one with formal martial arts training. You have the best chance of getting through without getting into trouble.* Amy was trying to make it sound simple, but she wasn't good at sugarcoating things. *Take this, its a key I made of the scan I got last time, I found out it works on the balcony door too.* Mars drew out the key and fingered the jagged edge. She idly wondered what it would be like to be as smart as Amy, but decided it was best not to dwell on it, maybe the young genius wondered the same about being a martial artist. Mars put the key away again and scanned the building across from her. The curtains were drawn and so she couldn't see anything, but soon she'd be inside and the thought both scared and exhilarated her. Finally her communicator beeped, she quickly turned it on and listened. "Mars? Its Serena, I just got the call from Mina, Lita called her to tell us that we're all in place. Amy is the first you'll hear from if something goes wrong. Good luck." "Thanks, see you guys soon." Mars answered through the electronic link, as soon as she was done she turned it off and backed away from the edge of the roof, readying herself to make the long jump. She ran forward and kicked off from the edge, no human could have done it, but as a scout it was relatively easy, a moment later she quietly touched down on the balcony. Mars quickly drew out the small brass key again and took a deep breath, "Okay Mars," She told herself gently, "You have four lookouts watching your back and Wyvern, just get in and out quickly. Just because he's a good fighter and really strong and the fact that you're so worried you're actually talking to yourself, you'll be okay." Before she could start worrying again, she slipped the key in the lock and turned it. Almost before the lock clicked she was inside with the door closed. She looked up slowly and couldn't help but gasp again at the beauty of the weapons around her. She walked over to the bladed staff she'd been looking at the other day, she did not know why it fascinated her the way it did, but it drew her. She shook her head to clear it and physically pushed herself back from the wall, She had a job to do, she couldn't afford to get sidetracked. Mars turned away and walked over to a small table placed against the wall, it was only a meter square with one drawer, but it looked promising. She gently slid the drawer out and looked inside, almost like her own bedside table, it was filled with small stacks of music. Picking a CD up Mars examined it in the dim light, "Celtic Mysteries," Mars said to herself, "So, you like gentle music, do you? I just wish you made more sense." She put the CD back away, closed the drawer and walked into the next room. As Mars walked into what almost had to be the main bedroom she was again bewildered by their new foe's nature. Out on the battlefield he was almost a demon, but here, in the place he spent his time away from all onlookers, was some of the most beautiful stonework Raye had ever seen in her life. Beside the bed was a four foot high sculpture of a small tree, almost alive, but forever young. On top of an armoire a mother wolf cared for her young, not two feet away stood a fawn, gently nuzzled by its mother, somehow obviously aware of the wolves, but unafraid. On the wall was an embossed plaque showing all four of the elements coexisting as one. Even the forge was not forgotten in this room, on a large bookcase lay three small roses, they were wrought of pure steel, but looked so delicate that she dared not touch them. It seemed oddly fitting that all the men in the lives of the Scouts used roses. First red, then black, later white, and now, steel. What really struck a cord with Mars, however, was the fact that there was not a single thing in the room that could be used as a weapon. She wondered briefly if Luna was right, that maybe it wasn't him that had sent the ice monster. Unfortunately, she couldn't hold that thought for long, she'd watched him go through the gate, who else could it have been? Mars quickly scanned the bookcase, there wasn't much to work with: "A book whose title makes no sense." Luna had said. Mars scanned the titles quickly, "The fundamentals..., The basis of...," She murmured to herself as she read the spines, "Exorcism, Summoning of..., Banishment, Banishment of..., Banishment of..., Banishment of..., Banishment of... What is this guy's problem? Here we go, Livre of Zander. It makes no sense and its photocopied with a printed version over there, that's good enough." Mars grabbed the bundle of paper and turned to leave. As she neared the door her communicator went off, "Mars, are you there?" A voice said from her wrist. She answered and the caller continued, "It's Mercury. There's another of those things, its about halfway between us. I'm sorry, but its at a car factory, lots of people, you'll have to forget the book for now. We need your help." "It's okay Mercury." Mars replied to her friend, "I just found it, I'm on my way." After the communicator went dead, Mars added, "This is really going to be a long day." As she reached for the handle she turned to look once more into the living room of their new enemy, it was a room of deadly beauty, it mirrored her own soul somehow, but she could not tell why. Without even a further thought she walked out onto the balcony and darted off to join the waiting battle. ******************** Mars cleared the last rooftop quickly, she was ready to face this new monster. She somehow knew the others would be there soon and decided to wait on the roof for them before rushing in, *Air,* she thought to herself curiously. *What's strong against that? Electricity and water are probably weak, fire burns oxygen so maybe... where's Amy when you need her?* No sooner had she finished the thought, the others came into sight. "What took you?" Mars called to her friends. "Sorry," Venus said, "We would have been here sooner, but Sailor Moon here was at the boat rental shop." Mars shot the leader a look which could have frozen mercury, (the metal, not the scout,) "What were you doing there?" Moon countered the look and replied in an annoyed tone, "I was trying to find out how much it costs to rent a boat. What else 'IS' there to do at a boat rental stand?" Jupiter leaned in and asked something that no one else could hear, however, Sailor Moon answered with, "Three bucks an hour." Jupiter took a step back with a "Thanks." And let the argument continue between the Fire Scout and the Leader. "You too Jupiter?" Mars' anger was partially changed to amazement and was now pointed at Jupiter as well. "What happens to people's brains when they get into a relationship, they melt or something? No, can't say that, Mercury stayed responsible." At that Mercury blushed deep crimson and hung her head. Mars blinked for a minute and continued. "What did you do?" "Well... I kinda." Mercury was tripping her own embarrassment and couldn't string more than two words together, but she tried. "You see, I was sorta... um..." At which point she gave up and Venus took over. "She was actually out of the park because she wanted to get a recipe book for Jupiter as a gift, she just happened to be on this side of it." Venus shrugged after, "At least she made sure someone was watching her place." Mars sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Okay, I guess we'll have to work with this." Then she paused and a look of pure confusion swept over her features. "Why are we here again?" Sailor Moon raised an eyebrow and smiled slightly at her friend, "The monster, remember?" "Oh, Yeah!" Mars said slowly. "Any ideas Mercury?" She asked looking to the still-blushing girl. The blue-haired scout thought for a minute. "Its probably air, so fighting in a closed space is probably a bad idea. We've got to lure it out in the open." "How?" Moon asked, lost for suggestions. "I don't know, I can't think of any good way of making an air elemental come to you." "HEY!" They all turned to see Mars shouting down through a skylight. "Yeah! You with the rock in you! Put down that poor worker and get up here you stupid windbag! Yeah! Come on!" Her eyes became wide for a moment before she let out a weak: "Uh oh." Right before the beast hit her. The scouts watched, unable to help, as their friend flew clear over two rooftops and came down hard on the third. Sailor Moon ran to the edge of the roof. "Mars, are you okay?" Mars' answer was to jump to her feet and wave Moon to the side, as soon as she was clear she cried out: "Mars Celestial Fire, Surround!" The circles of fire shot forward, narrowly missing Sailor Moon, who followed them with her eyes. Just as she turned, The blonde leader got her first glimpse of the monster. It was almost human, however, it seemed to be made of mist, slightly darker at the lines where muscles and limbs should be. Just before the rings would have hit the gem that was where a human heart would be, the Air Beast spun, instantly making itself into a whirlwind to protect its heart. Before she could react, Sailor Moon arm stung and then it was on fire, literally. The whirlwind did not just stop the attack, it deflected them; one of the flame circles had flown and glanced against Sailor Moon's left hand, the glove she wore was on fire and all that was protecting her from the magical flame. Mercury was the first to recover from the shock of seeing her leader's hand burning. Her answer to the problem was quick and efficient. "Shine Aqua Illusion!" She yelled. The ice flew at her leader, the flame from Mars melted most of it before it touched, but enough remained to lightly coat the arm with ice and extinguish the fire. The ice broke away quickly, and though Sailor Moon had had no damage done save loosing a glove, she was too shaken to further help the battle. Mercury tried her ice again, this time aiming for the beast's heart, again it spun and deflected the attack. The ice however, was far more effective than the fire it that its weight prevented a complete reflection, it was just pushed to the side where it froze the base of a large antenna. Jupiter stepped forward and glared at the beast, she looked into the two dark masses of black fog that passed for eyes and continued to do so as she attacked. "Jupiter Thunderclap Zap!" She cried out as she threw the ball at the beast, who again became the whirlwind and protected itself from the blast. Jupiter, however, forgot one very important aspect of her power: Electrical currents flow along air currents. In less time than it took for a balloon to pop, the scouts were looking at a large cyclone of lightning, it would be the second time Jupiter's power would be used against them and no one was looking forward to dodging a lightning bolt. The attack was not what anyone expected though. When the monster stopped spinning, the air currents stopped and the energy was left to find its own path. The four scouts on the roof all dove for cover as a thousand small bolts flew in every direction. Luckily, no one was harmed, but, a dozen or more bricks, some wires and cable and the antenna Mercury, froze fell all about them on the rooftop. The monster first picked up the large, triangular antenna and flung it at Venus, she again dove to the ground as it shattered the low wall behind her. Next a volley of bricks rained down on the other three scouts, Sailor Moon having long since been told to retreat by Mars. The antenna had actually been a blessing in disguise, for from her laying position, Venus saw inspiration, the wires from the wrecked machinery and walls had strewn all over the rooftop; however, as they were being drawn into the swirling mist she saw that they were being wrapped into the center. She decided to take a chance and jumped to her feet. As soon as her feet were planted she cried out, "Venus Love Chain Encircle!" The sickle, however was aimed at Mars, not the beast. Stunned, Mars froze, but Venus had guessed right, for just inches from Mars' face the blade stopped and the entire length of chain began to circle inwards. The razor-sharp blade spun outside of the small tornado so fast that no one could follow it, gaining speed as it got closer to the center. As the blade stuck in, the entire beast stopped suddenly, its entire body twitching in pain before it began to dissolve slowly into shapeless fog. With the body, gone the stone fell to the ground and the chain disappeared. Mercury took a step forward, she remembered that she had to move quickly to get the energy back to the people it belonged. As her fingers wrapped around the smooth surface of the gem, the blue sphere of energy appeared; the Water Scout quickly placed the Heartstone into the energy, however, something odd happened: Instead of half the energy flowing back to the original owners, half of it flowed into the crystal and repaired it, the rest shot through a gate into the Negaverse. Mercury looked at the crystal, confused. "What did you do?" Mars asked. "I don't know. It just happened." Mercury replied, staring at the perfect sphere in her hand. "I'll take that if you don't mind." A voice said behind them. They all turned to see a black figure. As soon as her attention was altered, the gem shot out of Mercury's hand and flew into the Mystics. "You don't know how much easier it made it for me for you to put it in the energy like that." With that he jumped off the roof and when the Scouts reached the edge seconds later he had vanished. "He must have used a gate." Venus reasoned. "By the way, did you get the book?" She asked to Mars. "Yeah, but I can't make sense of it." "Let me try." Mercury said. ********************* A few hours later they were standing at Lita's door, Raye, Mina and Serena were leaving Luna, Lita and Amy there and heading to Raye's temple to help her grandpa. Raye was using a checklist in her head to make sure no one forgot any details, she usually left it up to Amy, but she didn't trust her to think of everything after the late arrival earlier that day. "And lastly," Raye said, "Are you sure there are no problems with your staying here tonight?" "Yes." Amy said, "I called my mother already, she agreed pretty readily, but she sounded smug for some reason." A confused tone crept into her voice. Everyone around her went tongue in cheek for a moment as she made the connection. "You can't mean my mother thought that! I mean..." She realized there was no way out of it and let it slide. "Don't worry Amy. At least it proves she trusts you." Mina put in. "Besides, you have a chaperone. One you can stuff in a bag to boot!" Mina said in her usual cheery voice. "Hey!" A voice called up from the floor. "Deny it." Mina challenged. Luna stared to say something, but hung her head, defeated, "I'll be in the next room until you need me to translate." "We'll leave you to yourselves then, bye." Serena said as they left. *********************** As the last of the girls came up to the temple, Raye's grandpa came up to them, angry for some reason. "Raye," He said, his tone made it clear that it wasn't Raye's fault he was angry. "While you were gone, some guy in a black cloak broke into our private rooms and stole a piece of wood from the Sacred Fire!" "But Grampa, there's plenty of wood in the Fire always, we take some out all the time." Raye asked, this day just seemed to get continually worse. "Maybe so, but this maniac burst through here and even uprooted a tree in his rush. He also knocked down a wall saying something about having 'only this last piece left.'" Serena cut in, "He uprooted a tree and broke a wall?" Her voice was amazed. "Well, the wall was one of those paper ones, and the tree's a dead one I've been meaning to cut down for two decades." His voice was a little low, but it picked up quickly. "But still its impressive, any chance you know who it is so I can hire him!?" "Uh... no." Raye said sternly, and walked off to phone the others as to what had happened. ********************** "All right. Okay. I'll tell them, thanks Raye." Lita hung up the phone and turned to the two faces looking at her. "Well?" Luna asked. "This is going to sound odd." She quickly recapped what had happened at Raye's and as she finished, Luna burst out a window. The two girls looked at the path she'd taken and blinked a few times. "Any idea what that was about?" "None at all." Amy answered just as confused. ********************* Luna ran across rooftops all over Tokyo looking for Alex. Eventually, she found him, and just in time. On a high rooftop he had draw a large Celtic Knot, each loop faces a different cardinal point. In the southern was a stone (It was from Stonehenge, though Luna never learned that.) that was set into a steel rose. To the north was the gem he'd taken from Mercury that same day, west was a chunk of Mercury's ice, Luna realized it was the one that was inside of the Earth Elemental not so long ago. Finally, he was placing the burning piece of wood from the Sacred Fire in the western loop. Luna quoted what she remembered of the Mystic initiation ritual to herself. "The initiate shall for a symbol with no beginning and no end. At the cardinal points he shall place an enchanted item symbolizing each element, but he himself cannot enchant it. Earth, Air, Fire and Water; placed South, North, West and East. In that order, no other. Then he shall begin the ritual." She looked down and could hear his words as he stood in the center of the Knot. "I call upon my ancestors to aid me in my quest, I call upon the powers that are my birthright." He raised his arms into the air, as though he were about to take the sun into them. About him the objects began to glow dimly, changing slightly blue in fire's case. "To the Southern Earth, to the Northern Air, to the Eastern Water and the Western Fire." A narrow beam came from the direction he had called for each element, green for the earth, blue for the water, slightly yellow for air and orangy-red for fire. "From the Earth comes the promise of new life!" The green light diffused through the opaque stone to bath him in a rich glow. Each element flowed suit after their calling. "On the winds our souls are passed! In fire, the darkness is turned light! And from the sea, was the first life born." As he finished, the last light diffused and washed over him. Very little visibly happened, save a beautiful light show, however, internally he was reaching the next stage of power. Luna smiled to herself, she had often prayed that she would not miss this proud day. She was also pleased for the oath he spoke for fire was one symbolizing good, it was shot down however, when she realized that both sides used this oath during the Mystic War so long ago. As she watched the event, she quietly whispered the words, "Please be good." ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please send questions or comments to