Title: Good story with bad title My name: Black Magic Email: blackmagic88@gurlmail.com Rating: PG-13 Part(s): 1-5 Authors Notes: I'll keep it short. This story is about Serena and her lifetime friend Becka Magee. Serena wants to move on with her life, but first she wants to get back at her old friends for years of misery. Becka is there to help her accive just that. She will move away from Juban and she will gte back at her friends. If you don't like how I have written this, please e-mail me. If you like how I have written this, e-mail me. If you want to be my editor, e-mail me. If you want a friend, pen-pal or absolute weirdo to talk to, e-mail me. Thank you. She had been having a horrid day, and it had just been getting worse. At first, she thought it would be good. After all, she had gotten to school on time. But Ms. H's date had fallen through, and she was in a bad mood. She knew what that ment; Detention. She didn't know why she got in trouble, she did her homework, paid attention. but nooo Ms. H was in a bad mood. Then, once detention was out, she went to the arcade to calm her nerves. But, low and behold, Darien was there. She was getting upset. Of course, then the monster came. Sailor Moon was needed yet again. Prisma was doing some evil plot to take over the city/ world. After killing the monster, the scouts yelled at her for not getting there sooner, for falling flat on her face and more. She got VERY upset. Then, Darien came over and yelled at her. Over the line. She lost it. She ran as fast as she could to get away from the battle scene. People turned their heads to see the super heroin running for all she was worth towards a little neighborhood. Once at her house, she didn't even bother to turn into Serena before going into the house, getting a suitcase filled with some clothing, money, and a photo album and running out gain. She continued to run all the way to the airport. Then., she detransformed, took some money, got a plane ticket to Olympia, Washington; the home of her best friend. Becka Magee. Becka was no normal person, she was also Black Magic a.k.a. Princess/goddess Plutemis. As princess Serenity, she had gone to Pluto many times to see her. While she had trained as Sailor Moon, Plutemis had trained as Black Magic. Even in this life they were the best of friends. Hell, Serena had found out who she was long before the scouts knew, only because she and Becka had found out their pasts together. The plane was about to land, Serena got her stuff ready to move. When it came to a complete halt and the seat belt sing went off, she got up and off the plane to her new life. Somehow, Becka had known that Serena would be there and when. For their she was, silver hair and eyes, spaghetti strap gray mini dress and all, waiting for the lone traveler. Slowly, they walked up to each other. "So, still the same old mini dress, huh?" "Same old meatballs, huh?" They both laughed. It felt so good to be with her oldest friend, especially after all these years. It had been 5 years ago that Becka had to move away. Her dad was given a new job in Olympia as a high school teacher for James Miller High School, more commonly known as Oly. as a Tech ed. teacher. "So, how long are you staying?" asked Becka. "Forever. Destiny can take a hike for all I care. It has done nothing but hurt me for too long!" complained Serena. "Soooo, you need a place to stay, a school AND a new hair cut." smiled Becka. "Yeah. Even the hair cut. Do you know how HEAVY these meatballs are?!? I want short hair, or at least the same length as your hair. Hey! I got it! We can go as twins! I can even dye my hair silver. I wear contacts for my eyes, really, they're silver too! Got any extra mini dresses?" asked Serena happily yet serious. "Sure! sounds like fun! lets go to the mall! Or I can cut your hair, I don't think we should dye it though. It looked like we won't need to. Its going to be silver anytime now. Remember back in the Silver Millennium? You had silver hair and you will have it here too! Lets go!" "YEAH! your house! lets go!" smiled Serena back enthusiastically. ________________________________________________________ ________________ Back at the house, Serena had gotten her hair cut to mid back length to match Becka's and had tried on to the dress to find it a perfect fit. Her color contacts were out and except for a little bit of hair color difference, they looked like twins. "What about your parents? Won't they notice a strange girl who looks like their daughter roaming the house? I mean, they will catch on eventually. You have to give then THAT much credit!" spoke Serena. "Yeah, and more! I even had to tell them about me being Black Magic! Do your parents know your Sailor Moon? Hmmm Miss Champion of Justice" "Nope. Their too stupid to realize that the girl with meatballs on her head is me/sailor moon. I guess that the short skit protects me from something after all!!" joked Serena. "Who knows! But I guess it does something besides make the enemy gawk at your legs and not your attacks!" replied Becka. "hehehe.. yeah. Your right. But any ways, how have you managed with your parents knowing and all? And back to the question at hand; how to make them except me." Smiling, Becka replied "We tell the truth. They will understand, but your parents may be finding out where you are. Mine know they would be major-ly upset if their 'little girl' ran away from home and they could never find her." " What about the scouts? I really don't want them to find me.. or Darien...." "But did the ass hole do this time? Doesn't that guy know you can only take so much of his crap? I mean my God!" "He doesn't love me anymore." a single tear ran down her face "He says that he doesn't love me but won't tell me WHY!" spoke Serena suddenly getting angry again. "Poor, Poor little Sere, as ways at the receiving end, never dishing it out. You have chance, my friend, to change all that!" said Becka talking like a con man preacher, "Why, you could dish it out like nobodies business!" "Heh, heh, yeah. but would I be able to go through with it? I doubt it. I love them too much. But I will prove that they are wrong about me! I will get straight A's! Get into Collage! Make lots of money and show them that poor, weak little Sere can kick the asses of those slimy Nega creeps !" spoke Serena empowered by her own will to prove everyone wrong. "That's the spirit girl! And I'm just the one to help you through you hard times! Best friends forever, Crime fighter 'till the end! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS, MY FRIENDS! WE, WILL KEEP....." "OK! ENOUGH! Please, stop the singing! NO offense, but you aren't all that great of singer little miss goddess!" "OK, OK, I get the point. No need to get offensive, geesh." Smile. Big and Bright. "These are the times I am truly glad to be alive, ya know? Its times like this that I'm glad to had something bad happen to me so things could turn out the way they should. Thank you. Now, onward and outward! We have a mission. Mission : Get On With It. Or maybe MISSION: Payback time. I don't know, you got any suggestions?" asked Serena. "Yup. Mission: Back and Forth. Back to kick the past's but, and Forth to get on with life. Sound good?" "Yup! Not all that great sounding, but good!" "Gee, thanks." ________________________________________________________ ________________ On with the plan. When Becka's parents got home, they were told her story and asked if she could stay for a bit. Her parents agreed, but, as expected, told Serena that she had to tell her parents. So she did. "Ring Ring." "Hello? Moshi Moshi?" "Mom...?" "Serena? Is that you!? Where are you?" "Yes mom, its me. Umm, well, I'm in America, mom. I'm at Becka's house..." "How The HELL did you get there?! I thought you spent all your money on video games!" "Nope...well..I just had to call to let you know. Glad you aren't mad..." "Oh, you bet I'm mad! You stay where you are, I'm coming to America...lets see...Becka Magee....3145 Olympia, Washington...9706. I Will Be There as soon as I can! Your father and your brother will stay here, in Tokyo. OK? Good. I will go tell your father and will leave. " Click. "That's mom for you, always the one to keep a handle on her temper..untill she has a good aim at your neck..." ________________________________________________________ ________________ The next day, Serena's mom arrived, but her child had already left for school. Mad as a wasp, she waited for her little girl to come back from school. While she waited, she thought to herself. 'Ilene Tuskino, think about this from you daughters perspective. She doesn't have the easiest life, with school and those strange friends of hers. Sure, I wish she would try harder, but maybe she can only be pushed so much, huh? Maybe she has more stress then me and her father know about. She does have the same hair as..' She didn't finish that thought because at that moment, Serena and Becka calmly came into the house, Serena with her head hanging down and Becka with a unsure expression on her face. "Mom, I'm sorry...I've been under allot of stress lately. You and dad wouldn't understand if I told you. I'm sorry..but I won't go back to Japan." "Serena, dear, sweetheart, I know for a fact that you have been under tons of stress from your friends and school. I understand. If you want to live in America, that's fine, I guess. After all, we just got news from your fathers company that there is a job opportunity for a photographer in this town, Olympia. Right here! It pays better than his old job, and he really wants to take it. But he was worried about you. You seem to have so many friends in Juban that he would hate to uproot you like that. I should tell im to take the job! Becka, may I use your phone?" "Sure Mrs. Tuskino! Its right there, just dial one first." "Thank you, dear. Kenji? Honey, you can take the job. Serena was IN Olympia the whole time." "Really? Ok, Ilene, if your sure. I'll call you right back. I need to call my boss.I'll tell you how soon he wants us to move." "Ok, thank you, Honey." Click. "Well, he'll call back in a few moments." In a few moments, the phone rings. "Ilene, The boss said he wants us to move there in 3 months. You and Serena need to come back and pack, is that all right?" "Yes, fine. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye." "Bye." Click. "Serena, we have to go back and pack, we have 3 months until we move so we need to move quickly. You have to come back, or else we wont have enough time to get all your stuff!" "Mom, can Becka come with us? She can go to school with me, she just got into the foreign exchange program for a couple months. You know, you could come do the 'foreign' thing with us for a while. And that way, she could help me pack! Please?" "Only if her parents say yes." "I'll go ask them!" Becka runs off to the other room, talks with her parents for 10 minutes and comes back with a downcast look. "What did you parents say? Can you come?" "My parents said...YES! They were juts glad they would know who their little girl was going to be living with for the three months in Japan. So, when do we leave?" "As soon as we get to the airport and buy the tickets. Oh yes, you might want to pack." "Ok. Be right back!" In 20 minutes, Becka came down with a huge bag filled to the brim with clothing. Serena had in hand her stuff and all were ready to go. Becka's parents came in to send them off. "Oh, Ilene, take good care of our little girl. Make sure she keeps out of trouble." She took her child off to the side for a moment. "That means no night hunting, little missy! If you got hurt in some strange place, me and your father wouldn't know what to do! So please, honey, no magic tricks in Japan." "No, I can't do that. I might need to help out sailor moon!" "Sailor Moon has her own protectors. No need getting her to depend on you for help when you will only be there for 3 months!" "Fine. But if I see trouble, I will help out. No mater what. Hopefully I won't be needed." "Arg! Fine, but please, be careful. Me and your father worry about you. I would hate to see you hurt." "Yes, Momma." "Good, now, you should leave! I'll see you soon enough. Good bye Ilene, Serena. see you soon! Have a good flight!" And with those good byes, they left. With little hassle, they made it home to Japan. Becka, being Japanese from birth, knew how to talk in the native tongue. They made their way back to the house and got there only to see a van filled with boxes in the driveway. Ilene was surprised, but didn't say anything. Serena was just surprised she was back in Japan. Becka was in good spirits and was humming to herself. Everyone got out of the car and made there way into the house. Kenji and Sammy were busy packing up stuff while eating a pizza. It was only 9 in the morning, on a saturday. "Kenji, dear, why are you two eating pizza so earlyin the mroning?" "I don't know how to cook." "You should have eaten cereal, then." "But we were out of milk!" "Then you go BUY some milk." "But we wanted pizza! Pizzas good!' "Arg! Never mind, lets get packing! Oh yes, and Serena, take Becka up to your room so she can put her stuff away. Oh, and you should put yours away, too." "Yes mom, whatever." And with that, they started packing up the living room. There was, after all, a life time of memories to pack away in boxes. Serena's mom started to look throught the paper she took from the airport for houses avalible. After 2 hours, everyone was tired and was ready to take a break untill that afternoon. Serena took Becka downtown to play some video games. Unfortunatly, the other scouts were there. Fortunatly, they didn't reconize Serena with her new hair cut and dress. No one figured out who she was untill Mokoti came over and asked what they wanted to drink. Serena, busy playing games said "The usual" and confused the hell out of him. Untill, that is, He figured out who she was. "Serena? Is that you?" "Hmm?Oh, yeah. Sure is! Now, can I have my milkshake please?" "Sure! Be right back!" And he left. Serena brought Becka over to a table and they waited for their stuff. When it got there, Mokoti, still in schock, asked Serena who her friends was. "So, Serena, Who's your friend?" "Oh, her? This is Becka Magee, she's staying with me for a while." "Really? How long?" "Three months. OR untill we move. Which ever comes first." "Your Moving?!" "Yes, Mokoti. I am moving. I moving to america." "Can you even speak english?" In english she said "Yes, I have spent alot of time in america. In fact, for the past 2 days I was in Washington. It was really fun. I even got enrolled in a school."She finished in Japense "I can't wait!" "That's great, Serena, have you told the other guys yet? Or am I the first to know?" "Your the first. But please, don't tell them. I don't want them to know. Not untill I leave." "Cruel, but I can see your point. They would be really sad to see you go." "Hey, infact, don't even tell them I'm here..ok? I don't want them to know that either..." "Now that I Can't understand. Why? Are you mad at them?" "No, not really mad, but I want to see if they reconize me with my hair like this. I Had my parents put me and Becka in a diffrent school after Ms.H went nuts on me all the time..they finally saw my side of things." "Wow. Cool. I have to go, see ya Serena, nice to meet you Becka!" "Bye!"She yelled after Mokoti. Then to Becka she said "We should get going. I'll leave some money and we can get back. We have tons of packing to do, but I'm sure we will have plenty of time." She put some money on the table, got their stuff together and left. once they got out of the arcade, Becka decided to eat her burger. Serena just sipped her shake. "So, Serena, when do I get to meet the scouts?" "When we got to school. We will go to T*A* girls school. Raye goes there." "Ah yes, the senshi of Mars. Little witch. Never did like ehr. She picked on you too much. How can you stand her?" "I can't. She's one of the reasons I ran away... look how well that turned out! Can you believe it? I moving down to Olympis, Washington..in the States! Wow! How odd, yet perpetually cool!" "Serena, you just used a big word. Did you know that?" "You have always had the effect on me. I seem to get smarter the longer I'm around you. But when you leave, I lose it. I just sorta go down hill. Its kind of bad, you know? My grades get to the point that they sem to push beyond the limits of the alphbet. I'm almost sure I saw Ms. H debating wheater to but a F or Z on my last paper!" "He He He, Serena, your nuts. But thats the way we like you!" -- On Wed, 26 May 1999 22:25:44 SlrSkuld wrote: >Sorry, wasn't attached. > get your free gURLmAIL at http://www.gURLmAIL.com